/01 14 2011 / 12 volume 66 AA listlist ofof youngyoung ManitobansManitobans youyou needneed toto readread aboutabout rightright nownow special feature pages 8-15 Something that is awesome: Eggnog Something that Cheer up, is not awesome: Scrooge-face! Transit fare increases The holidays aren't so bad comments page 6 culture page 16 Ten things to do in Winnipeg this December arts page 17 YP10x16_nov.11e2_Layout 1 26/11/11 10:19 AM Page 1 new toyogapublic? trytry22weeksforweeksfor$$3535 IncludesIncludes unlimitedunlimited yogayoga++TRXTRX withmat,withmat, toweltowel andand spaspa amenitiesamenities Drop by our open house December12th -23rd, from10 am to 6pm to meet our team. Student member- ships and drop in rates are available... a great gift for the holidays! CanaDa’S largeSt yoga playgrounD with more than 110 classes a week. Classes start on January 9th. Downtown winnipeg at 280 Fort St.. www.www.yogayogapublicpublic..comcom News 03 www.UniTer.ca December 1, 2011 The UniTer News Location, location, location Occupiers discuss the importance of selecting an ideal location to camp Chris hunter “We track all arrests that have taken place Beat reporter in relation to the movement,” she said. “And we keep a list of criminal defence lawyers to provide for the occupiers.” As Occupy encampments across Canada face Though Toronto has park bylaws, it does eviction, protesters are questioning the best not have bylaw offences. Finding a way to means of reorganizing themselves without characterize the movement as an offence becoming victims of legal loopholes. is the reason eviction took 41 days, Daniel According to an analysis done by The noted. Uniter, Occupy movements in Alberta, Brit- “The issue is that they don’t have park ish Columbia, Ontario and Manitoba that bylaw offences,” she said. “So, you have to are encamped on provincial land seem to face classify them as breaching the peace or com- fewer obstacles than those on city property. mitting some sort of criminal offence.” As a result, movements like Occupy Vancou- Evictions do seem to be taking place largely ver have begun transferring their camps from under mayoral and city authority, adds Dan- city property to provincial spaces. iel. Louise Willow May, a member of Occupy “It seems like the correlated crack-downs Winnipeg, explained the movement chose happen on a mayoral level,” she said. to camp at Memorial Park partly because it’s Daniel contends one alternative for the under provincial jurisdiction. Occupy movement would be to apply for “It is provincial land and we are dealing permits. with provincial authorities instead of the “I’m not sure if it’s politically consistent Winnipeg police department,” she said. “It’s with the movement, but I suppose Occupy central and very visible, making it a good could have requested permits for what they’re rally point.” DyLan HewLett doing,” she said. “However, I think they will Occupy Winnipeg’s disputes with the Members of Occupy winnipeg say choosing to set up camp in Memorial Park was deliberate. “it is provincial land always have to negotiate, no matter where or province have been limited so far, May said. and we are dealing with provincial authorities instead of the winnipeg police department,” says protester Louise how they organize.” “The province has made requests of us, May. When the Occupy Toronto camp was still but none of them are concerns we were not situated in St. James Park, Daniel spent a few already actively dealing with on our own,” nights camping with occupiers. she said. Though no decisive plans can be disclosed, do anything,” she said. “You can’t use profan- “I spent a number of nights in St. James Antonin Smith, who was in charge of the Smith said the movement is considering rees- ity, you can’t light a fire, you can’t have tents Park in Toronto and I don’t think I’ve ever food tent at Occupy Toronto before it was tablishing itself on provincial lands. and you can’t be there between midnight and felt that kind of energy in a movement shut down, believes the eviction took place “There are a number of locations being 5:30 a.m.” before,” she said. because St. James Park is city property. discussed,” he said. “There is also an Occupy Movement Defence Committee is an orga- The city of Toronto's demands were unre- “The mayor’s office and the police gave us North Toronto, situated on provincial nization dedicated to supplying legal support alistic, Daniel added. some problems,” he said. “Part of me under- grounds. I think going there would be the to progressive movements in Toronto. Dan- “The city wanted our demands right away, stands because we were basically trespass- best idea.” iel first became involved with the group dur- they didn’t want us to move slowly to create ing.” Meaghan Daniel, a lawyer from Move- ing the G20 protests, where the group offered careful detailed demands,” she said. “I’m not Smith, though, welcomes the break from ment Defence Committee legal support, said legal support for various activists. sure a government bureaucracy could make sitting out in the cold. Occupy Toronto was evicted under the city’s Presently, Daniel is involved in offering a decision in four weeks and I don’t know “It’s actually a little bit refreshing,” he said. park bylaws. legal support to those involved in the Occupy why they expected Occupy Toronto to do “I’ve been there for 41 days.” “Under the park bylaws you basically can’t movement. the same.” ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday, December 5, 2011 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 1L11 (Lockhart) Public Service Alliance of Canada LOCAL 55600 Representing Teaching Assistants, Markers, Lab Demonstrators and Tutors employed at the University of Winnipeg Come to the First Annual General Meeting of your Local to elect your Executive Officers MARKER — LAB DEMONSTRATOR — TA — TUTOR We expect to see you ! It’s now time to get involved with your Local. 04 News The UniTer December 1, 2011 www.UniTer.ca looking for listingS? this is the last issue of Cover image CAMPUS & COMMUNITY LISTINGS AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES page 4 the Uniter for 2011. we'll PHOtO ILLUStRATIOn by MUSIC page 16 be back with a new issue Dylan Hewlett FILM & LIT page 16 GALLERIES & MUSEUMS page 16 on stands Jan. 12, 2012. See special feature starting on page 8 THEATRE, DANCE & COMEDY page 16 AWARDS & FINANCIAL AID page 18 Happy holidays! Letters To simply dismiss this scholarship Have you ever thought of becoming a as a “conspiracy theory” and say that RADIATION THERAPIST? UNITER STAFF it “doesn't matter anyway” is contrary Re: “What do you call it?” (Nov. 17, to the purpose of institutions of higher PROGRAM OVERVIEW: CancerCare Manitoba, invites qualified ManaGinG eDitor education and research, as well as to the page 8) individuals to apply to its 28 month Diploma program in Radiation aaron epp [email protected] spirit of free inquiry. » Jon Kornelson makes the statement Therapy beginning August, 2012. In affiliation with Red River that the “rhetoric surrounding a ‘wom- BUSiness ManaGer Michael Dudley College, this program is delivered at the School of Radiation an’s right to choose’ tends to act as more Geoffrey brown » [email protected] Senior Research Associate Therapy, CancerCare Manitoba. Graduates are eligible to write of a smokescreen which redirects atten- and Library Coordinator, the certification examinations set by the Canadian Association of PrODUcTiOn ManaGer tion from the real issue: the humanity, Institute of Urban Studies Medical Radiation Technologists. Successful candidates are ayame Ulrich » [email protected] or lack thereof, of the fetus.” designated as Registered Radiation Therapists. His attempt to use a women’s issue – cOPy anD styLe eDitor Re: “Brave in a new world” (Nov. 24, britt embry [email protected] yes, abortion is a women’s issue – for a THE FIELD OF RADIATION THERAPY: Radiation Therapy » little bit of intellectual masturbation is page 10) involves treatment of cancer patients by use of radiation. Photo eDitor actually quite offensive, especially con- I have been attending the University Typically, Radiation Therapists work in cancer centers in planning Dylan Hewlett [email protected] of Winnipeg as an international student » sidering he addresses abortion as an and delivery of treatment. The Radiation Therapist is an important for just over two years, and in those two abstract issue while completely disre- member of a skilled team whose goal is to provide the best newS assiGnMenT eDitor garding the human aspect. years, I’ve been an avid reader of The ethan Cabel [email protected] possible care to people with cancer. In addition to strong scientific » Abortion is latent with many issues, Uniter. Never have I read an article that and technical skills, Radiation Therapists must demonstrate skills including gender and income inequal- bleeds such ignorance as the special fea- newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor in interacting with people. This includes compassion, sensitivity, Matt Preprost [email protected] ity to say the least. These are not issues ture “Brave in a new world,” which » understanding, and problem solving skills. Radiation Therapy that can be understood by sitting in gives a supposed insight into the life of services in Manitoba are provided at CancerCare Manitoba in arts anD culture eDitor your armchair and playing intellectual, an international student. nicholas Friesen [email protected] Winnipeg, and the Western Manitoba Cancer Centre in Brandon. » but by speaking to people who have It depicts international students as struggled and trying to understand socially awkward and financially unsta- cOMMents eDitor APPLICATION PROCESS: Minimum prerequisites are 24 credits trevor Graumann [email protected] their lives. ble, who have trouble speaking English » of post secondary education including: 6 credits of Anatomy and Women do not choose abortion on and integrating with society.
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