' ITSTOW f n o o i L ia r (VIMPSOR-HIGHTS HERALD i a i " .1 \ ^ ■' . __________________________ _ ____________________________________ V O L. 5, f HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1969 Newsstand 10c per copy Public Views Final Forum Set Friday On Consolidation A slew of residents and officials Windsor and Hightstown choose to from East Windsor Township and consolidate. Hightstown Borough are expected The tentative plan also shows to file into the Hightstown High the Consolidation Committee School Auditorium at 8 p.m. F ri­ members approve of a nine - mem­ day, Feb. 28, to attend the second ber council, manager governing and final slated public hearing tin body. Under this arrangement, proposed consolidation of both there would be no voting wards, municipalities. and councilmen would be cho­ The first public forum on con­ sen by an at-large vote. solidation was held Wednesday, The Council - Manager Plan Feb. 26, at the high school as this D form of government provides newspaper went to press. for the establishment of wards un­ A tentative plan on consolidating der New Jersey's Optional Muni­ East Windsor and Hightstown was cipal Charter Law. presented to the press last week by Mr. Wright explained the com­ the six - member Joint Consoli­ mittee has decided the Council- dation Committee, which Is delving Manager Plan E type would best OPENING REMARKS Edwin Rosskam, Roosevelt writer and photographer, kicks-off public jetport into the feasibility of such amove. suit one consolidated community Fashion Show Is Coming The tentative arrangement, the with a projected population of about meeting Monday night, Feb. 24, in Roosevelt Elementary School, by making keynote address to over committee said, is strictly set up 25,OCX). Also, councilmen elect­ 100 concerned citizens. as a base from which to operate Tired of all that heavy win­ door prizes, a fabric display, John Miles, Mrs. Alan Sandell, ed on an at-large basis would ter clothing? Spring and Mrs. Edward Weihenmayer, during public forums. give the people a better type offi­ and favors provided byGretch- Robert E. Wright, Committee summer fashions are com­ en’s, Applegarth'sand Leona's. Mrs. Bruce Chase, Mrs. Don­ cial, and spread the government chairman, pointed out th$l workload out evenly, Mr. Wright Concerned Citizens Attend ing to the Old Yorke Inn Plaza Tickets are priced at $2.50, ald Cooke, Mrs. Donald Mock- Room, Route 130, Wednesday, certain changes could be made, added. and will be sold at the door. ler, Mrs. Philip Domer, Mrs. pending what ideas citizens Persons interested in obtain­ Joseph Kopec, and Miss Pat A professional administrator March 5, at 8 p.m. in the form express on the tentative plan dur­ (manager) would be hired by the of a "Fabric and Fashion Show" ing tickets may contact Mrs. Haynes. ing public sessions. "It is im­ David. Fourteen of the models will merged communities to run Roosevelt Jetport Meeting sponsored by OFFER (Older be young girls from the OFFER perative that we get as many peo­ the united town on a fulltime basis. Friends for Encouraging Read­ Altogether, some 15 adult ple as possible to attend these models, all women from program. The clothes they will The manager would have the ing), one of the programs of hearings," Mr. Wright added. power to hire and fire municipal ROOSEVELT - Over a hundred velt Borough Council over a month day meeting. A blown - up por­ the Hightstown Human Rela­ Hightstown and East Windsor, display were made by persons concerned citizens gathered at ago. As a result, the Council has tion of a map showing the proxim­ will help display about 60 spring throughout the community. The The completed consolidation employees based on merit tions Council. Another duty the manager would the Roosevelt school building Mon­ appropriated $1,000 to be used ity of Just two of the runways to and summer outfits. All the youngsters slated to model are plan -- the one which East Wind­ day night, Feb. 24, to plot a future In the community's proposed re­ the small town of Roosevelt had Kicking - off local interest women have sewn the fashions Donna Parrish, Cynthia Single- sor and Hightstown voters will cast have is to set up the yearly mu­ nicipal budget, and make recom­ course of action in regard to the sistance to the Jetport. There an electrifying and unifying effect in the upcoming show are (left they will model. ton, Patricia and Jill Reeves, ballots on Thursday, April 17, -- proposed Jetport which could pose was also a citizen's committee on those assembled. to right) Mrs. Jacqueline Dav­ Adult models, besides Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, Lillian and will consist of 20-pages, and be mendations to councilmen. Under the Council - Manag­ a monumental threat to peace and formed at the suggestion of May­ With the problem defined, Mr. id, show co-ordinator, Mrs. David, Mrs. MacRae, and Mrs. Barbara Muse, Glenda Law- presented about March 17. property in this area if located or Ted Mart on to look into the Rosskam delivered his opening re­ Dennis MacRae, and Mrs. Rich­ Miller, include Mrs. James son, Blanche Gunnell, Darla Recommended In the tentative er Plan E government, the manag­ er, however, would not have final at the Roosevelt site. matter and start some positive marks. He immediately ques­ ard Miller, both models. Hughes, Mrs. Oscar Bosley, Picott, Stacey Chew, Cheryl plan presented by the Consolidation Edwin Rosskam, Roosevelt course of action. tioned the validity and objectivity There will be refreshments, Mrs. Robert Langmacher, Mrs. Williams, and Gwen Thurston. Committee is the Council-Manag­ say or approval of the budget, or final determination of the muni­ writer and photographer, ex­ Mr. Rosskam spearheaded this of the Blomquist report on possible er Plan E form of govern­ pressed his concern to the Roose- effort which resulted In the Mon- Jetport sites since it was financed ment which East Windsor voters cipal tax rate. The manager would be hired by by 41 of the state's largest firms, approved by a 117-vote margin last including Allied Chemical, Bell year. This type of government is council depending upon his profes­ Amended Budget Gets Okay sional experience and training, and Telephone, New Jersey Power and slated to go Into effect In East Light, and Johnson and Johnson Windsor January 1, 1970. could be removed from office Tax Breather For whose chief executive lives in the The committee also has desig­ upon a majority rote from council. Ofte of the difficulties within Solberg area, one of the proposed nated January 1, 1970 as the date sites. Mr. Rosskam doubts the From Cranbury Committee the Council - Manager government the Council - Manager Plan E validity of a report which has the setup would begin If both East (See FORUM, Page 10) Township Citizens? opinions erf no plain citizen's By BETTIE WITHERSPOON mission's request for $13,000 had had requested the longer hours. groups represented. been slashed to $10,000. "For several years, the Com­ uation to a person who owned a Mr. Rosskam refuted many of An amended budget of $369,610 "This means," Mrs. Gilbert de­ mittee has stated that the library East Windsor Township taxpay­ the arguments made in favor of with $130,694 to be raised by local clared, "that we will not be able appropriation was not as large as ers may see a 30 point drop in $20,000 home. Citizens Accepting their tax rate for 1969 - not an Although the East Windsor the Jetport by the Blomquist re­ taxes, was approved by the C ran-'| to increase our library hours. We it would wish, because the facil­ port. The vision of Mr. Blomquist bury Township Committee Monday’ had hoped to have this be a place ities were crowded. Now we have increase as originally predicted. Township Consolidated School Dis­ the space but we won't have addi­ trict has not been able to disclose is that of the Jetport acting as night, Feb. 24. Because of the for our youngsters to gather, to East Windsor Mayor Donald a huge magnet Inviting industrial amendment, the budget will, as re ­ keep them off the street. Nor will tional books" added another mem­ what the district's tax rate will be Schultz happily announced this since voters adopted the $3.7 mil­ and residential development quired, be re-submitted to the State we be able to add periodicals and ber of the audience. "There are Invitations From week that taxpayers who possess some of us who spend $20 a year lion school budget, Mayor Schultz around it spreading like ripples Division of Local Finance for ap­ paperbacks or records, as we had $20,000 homes, right now, can ex­ in a pond outward Into the heart proval prior to the Township Com­ hoped, which would appeal to these for membership in the Princeton said he sees a "reduction in school pect a total tax bill of $7.22 per taxes to a bill of $4.68 per $100 of New Jersey. mittee's final approval. youngsters. For many of them, Library because of the larger se­ $100 of assessed valuation. Mr. Rosskam stated he had spent lection," she added, "and would of assessed valuation." TTie school Members of the Committee indi­ regular books are too formidable Area Organizations The mayor said this package some hours In a home in Puerto while paperbacks are more attrac­ like to see the extra money spent tax rate last year was $4.73 per cated that they will probably meet represents a 30 cent decrease per $100 of assessed valuation.
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