Office/Tech: 641-623-5401

Office/Tech: 641-623-5401

LISLE GARTHWAITE BROWNING HI-POWER C.B. GIORNESTO BERETTA/SIG/TAURUS SHOTGUN BARREL HONE TOOLS FOR SIG HANDGUNS ARMORER’S TOOLS VISE BLOCK No. 2-S The Right Tools Secure, Hands-Free The Tools You For Proper Support Of Pistol For Need To Fix SIGs 20 Disassembly & Cleaning & Maintenance Correctly Brings Bores & Chokes Back to Assembly New-Or-Better Polish High-strength polymer Selected by magazine well insert fits double-stack Beretta, SIG, and Taurus pis- Ample range for 28 ga. to 12 ga. Flex-drive eliminates chatter, noted pistolsmith tols. Slides into the mag well and locks tight using the factory latch, 1 gouging. For /4" or larger electric drill. Included in choke set. ab Jim Garthwaite, these are the right tools for complete disassembly so the other end of the block can be clamped in a vise. Supports the 1 1 19 SPECS: /4" (6.3mm) shaft, 8 /2" (21.6cm) long. 18 11 and reassembly of your Hi-Power. Jim’s innovative Hammer/Sear pistol for cleaning, maintenance, and other servicing, while it keeps #531-108-002AS No. 2 Barrel Hone, 1C14P99� � � � � � � � � �$ 14.99 12 Installation Tool is part of the Kit and is also available separately. both hands free to do the work. Durable, injection-molded polymer #531-107-602AS No. 2-S Stones, only, 1C3H99 � � � � � � � � 3.99 Machined out of solid aluminum, it’s designed to compress and re- composite construction won’t mar or scratch gun and resists most 10 tain the mainspring to help make sear installation easy and fast. The common cleaning solvents. To ensure a snug fit in your pistol, the BARREL HONE EXTENSION SHAFT - Piloted shaft attaches to aluminum construction ensures it won’t scrape or gouge the frame. ridge on the back of the stem may need to be filed down. ab 16 14 5 your electric hand drill motor and accepts Brownells Barrel Hones. 15 Complete Armorer's Kit includes the Hammer/Sear tool, plus four SPECS: Polymer, black. Stem – 4 /16" (11cm) long. Fits Beretta 92/96, SIG GENERAL GUNSMITH TOOLS SPECIALTY SHOTGUN TOOLS SHOTGUN SPECIALTY 13 17 pin punches, aluminum frame spacer, correct-size miniscrewdriver P226/228/229, and Taurus PT-99/-101. Keeps the hone in the center of the bore; prevents expensive dam- 8 9 age; lets the hone do all the work for faster, better looking results. 7 for magazine catch-lock, and complete disassembly/ assembly in- #100-005-890AS Beretta/SIG/Taurus Vise Block, 1 Includes abrasive paper holder and a threaded adapter that ac- 2 structions that explain how to use the tools. ab 6B34M06 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 39.99 6 5 5 cepts all /16"-27 tpi shotgun brushes and mops. 3 4 SPECS: Kit includes Hammer/Sear Installation Tool; small screwdriver; 1 5 3 3 #080-915-000AS Barrel Hone Extension Shaft, /16", /64", and /32" roll pin punches, /32" flat pin punch, aluminum frame 8K66D46 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 78.99 One convenient kit with the most needed tools for SIG mainte- spacer, and instructions. nance. Designed for the police armorer and professional gunsmith, #100-007-006AS Browning Hi-Power Armorer’s Tool each tool in the kit has been thoroughly field tested. ab Kit, 6C73E94 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 79.95 APEX TACTICAL POLYMER #080-220-100AS SIG Kit Tools, w/Tool Box, #100-007-008AS Hammer/Sear Installation Tool, ARMORER’S BLOCK & TRAY 8K273C91 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 296.99 6C22A93 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 24.95 LYMAN PISTOL PUNCH SET #080-220-101AS SIG Kit Tools, No Tool Box, 8K258A52 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 281.99 Most Common Sizes Used On Pistol Projects ① #3 ROLL PIN PUNCH - For P220, P225, P226, P228 slide. Five, precision-machined gunsmith punches UNIVERSAL equip you to handle a wide variety of any pistol #230-100-003AS #3 Roll Pin Punch, 8K4A21 � � � � � � � � � � � $ 4.99 disassembly and reassembly jobs. Nontapered, PISTOL Armorer'S Block with a flat tip for removing solid pins—excellent for ② #4 ROLL PIN PUNCH - Removes Firing pin retainer. drifting sight pins in and out. Kit includes four, steel #230-100-004AS #4 Roll Pin Punch, 8K4D21 � � � � � � � � � � $ 4.99 Solid Working Surface For Block (Gun Not Included) punches through-hardened for maximum strength A Variety Of Pistols and a non-marring brass drift punch for jobs where ③ 3MM CUP TIP PUNCH - For firing pin positioning pin. We designed this block especially for hand- Supports Polymer-Framed Pistols For the gun’s finish must be protected. Knurled handles #080-620-300AS Long 3mm Cup Tip Punch, gun work, so it's just the right size to give you a Armory Work & Disassembly ensure a firm grip to prevent slippage and protect 8K10Q80 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 11.99 solid, stable working surface for almost any pis- your gun’s finish from scratches and scuffs. ab High-density polymer block supports S&W M&P and Glock 1 3 1 5 tol and revolver. Special cutouts fit the slides of today’s most popular 16 32 8 32 ④ SHORT 3MM CUP TIP PUNCH - Starter punch for firing pin SPECS: Pin punches - 4140 chrome-moly steel. / ", / ", / ", / " diam- ® ® ® polymer-framed pistols without marring and helps with armory 1 1 1 3 semi-autos, including the Colt 1911 and clones, S&W M&P , Glock , eters. 3 /2" to 4 /2" OAL. Drift punch - Brass. 3 /4" (8.3cm) long x /16" (4.8cm) positioning pin. work and disassembly. Special design relieves pressure from critical and Springfield XD. Opposite side has deep “V” notches for holding diameter. #080-620-301AS Shrt 3mm Cup Tip Punch, 8K11M32 � � �$ 12.99 function surfaces and gives easy access to all pins. Moveable bosses barrels, plus different-sized holes and cutouts to aid you in driving #539-000-019AS Pistol Punch Set, 5K15M39 � � � � � � � � � � �$ 16.99 quickly adjust to hold different size frames. Holes and slots accom- 1 out pins and other small parts, including dedicated holes/cutouts for ⑤ STARRETT /16" PUNCH - Remove hammer stop pin, sear modate thumb safety and magazine disconnect. Fixed bosses — one striker disassembly on Glock/M&P, M&P extractor pin removal, and spring pin. for .45 and the other for 9mm/.40/.357 — hold striker to ease striker 1 for removal of 1911 hammer strut, barrel link pin, ejector pin, maga- #827-525-780AS /16" Punch, 7B6I99 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �$ 6.99 spring removal and installation. Special trigger bar block makes it zine catch, and grip bushing. All that - in one tool! Made of tough, easy to swap triggers. Armorer’s Tray attaches to the underside of 1 scrape-resistant, non-marring PVC that can be drilled or modified to ⑥ STARRETT /8" PUNCH - Use as a slave pin. the block, elevating the work surface nearly an inch, while the in- meet your specific needs. So handy, you'll want several - one for the #827-525-800AS Starrett Pin Punch, 8K5K99 � � � � � � � � � � �$ 5.99 terior and embedded magnet keep pins and small steel parts from bench, another for the field tool kit, range bag, etc. ab GRIP SCREW BITS 1 rolling away. Raised edges in the center support the muzzle when 3 SPECS: Machined PVC, black. 4" (10cm) dia. 1 /2" (3.8cm) high. 1 ⑦ STARRETT /32" PIN PUNCH - Use as sear shaft slave pin. taking off slide back plates. Comes with a /16" Allen wrench for the ® ® #080-001-261AS Univ. Pistol Armorer's Block , 8K33L29 � �$ 39.99 1 Allen , TORX & Slotted #827-525-790AS #3 Roll Pin Punch, 7B6B29 � � � � � � � � � � �$ 6.49 rear sight screw and a /8" roll pin punch that seats into coil roll pins Bits Fit Right in M&P frames and drives the pins far enough to be out of the way 5 ⑧ BROWNELLS /64" PIN HOLDER - Holds the breech pin. but not ejected. Storage slots in the tray for punch and wrench. ab ® 5 Here are the three Magna -Tip bits you’ll need to install and #080-685-078AS /64" Roll Pin Holder, 8K13Q14 � � � � � � � �$ 14.99 SPECS: Polymer, red. Block - 7" (17.7cm) long, 4" (10cm) wide, 1½" (3.8cm) remove our custom grip screws. Although we picked them to match #080-451-017AS #17 Screwdriver, 8K10B78 � � � � � � � � � � � $ 11.99 high. Tray - 7" long, 4" wide, .9" (2.3cm) high. our screws, they’ll fit other brands too. ab ⑨ BROWNELLS 3.5MM PIN HOLDER - Holds various pins. #100-011-660AS Polymer Armorer’s Block, 7F27C00 � � $ 29.99 3 SPECS: Steel, heat treated. Allen: /32" hex. Slotted: 240-5. TORX: T-15. Fit ⑮ SIG SIGHT MOVER - Easy, no-mar, rear sight adjustment. #080-685-130AS 3.5mm Roll Pin Holder, 8K12D84 � � � � �$ 14.99 #100-014-075AS Polymer Armorer's Tray, 7F22Q37 � � � 24.99 Brownells 1911 Auto and Ruger MkI/MkII grip screws. #584-045-220AS SIG Sight Mover, 4H117N88 � � � � � � � � �$ 129.99 3 SPECIALTY HANDGUN TOOLS SPECIALTY #080-185-100AS /32" Allen Bit, 8K2I66 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �$ 2.99 ⑩ 3 NYLON DRIFT PUNCHES - Install P229 extractor. ANGLE POINT TWEEZERS - Puts pins in tight places. #080-240-540AS #240-5 Slotted Bit, 8K2B66 � � � � � � � � � � � 2.99 #080-478-000AS Set of 3 Nylon Front Sight Punches, ⑯ #345-415-634AS Angle-point Tweezers, 5D6N89 � � � � � � $ 6.89 #080-435-015AS T15 Torx Bit, 8K2I66 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2.99 8K4C43 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 4.99 ⑪ PISTOL BENCH BLOCK - No-mar nylon provides a solid sur- ⑰ COTTON APPLICATORS - Clean nooks and crannies. face, with large through holes, for driving pins, polishing. #885-861-500AS 500 Cotton-Tipped Applicators, MAGAZINE TOOL FOR GLOCK® #080-000-493AS Pistol Bench Block - Blue, 8D19E99 � �$ 19.99 8K7M49 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 8.99 Removes Base Pads Fast, ⑫ 1" NYLON/BRASS HAMMER - Brass head for driving various ⑱ CLP-16 BREAK-FREE - For cleaning and lubrication. Without Damage 2 MAGNA-TIP® MILLET REAR SIGHT BIT pins. No-Mar nylon head is ideal for “tapping”. #102-100-023AS Break-Free CLP, /3 fl. oz. Bottle, #818-600-100AS 1" Nylon/Brass Hammer Combo, 6K3B92 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $ 4.99 Specialized pliers allow Glock Fits Perfectly; Won’t Blemish The Sight 8A19B99 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �$ 19.99 owners to remove the base pad ⑲ SIG COMBO TOOL - For grip screws, plus remove and install from factory magazines without gouging or cracking the plastic.

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