i . 's -T’ » V..w' Vr; f TAGE TWENTY-FOUr WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1»57 Average Daily Net Preen Run lKan(I|(Bt?r lEnratng 9|?raUi Tha Weather TT- Far the Weak Ended raowaaaler V. •. W w l^ OaNUa , Sept. 1, 1857 ' ■ '■>1 company, where Miss Benson is tara of Marey managa tha hofna, a In MMH Po8t Two Showew Held employed, attended the party and Farniture Needed St. A ^es Guild haven for unwad mothers and their Fair, aolM toalglit, fag la*a 9a- About Town shower^ her with miscellaneous infanta, regardlesa of race, creed or 12,456 alght. Law 8046. Friday w m m . group and individual gifts. She un­ First , For Carol Btenson The Town Welfare' Depiart- To Close Drive color. hoamld; $4mnee of alkomewa Omw- Wwmrd Moriarty, chairman, of wrapped them while seated be­ Member of the Audit ment has requested a "helping SL Bridget'i, St. Jamea’ and the Bureau of Qrenlatlon en.'Hlgli M arid 8*0. ; tha Khifhta of Columbua Mthack neath a watering can decorated In hand" from Manchester resi­ Church of the Assumption all have Showing Iao|ua committao, announcM them Mias Carol L. Benson of 7S the wedding colors of peaoh and The annual membership drive by Manche»ter— A City of Villftge Charm Princeton St. was honored recently dents. The department needs a. St. Agnea Guild, for the benefit of committees which solicit member- ar* aUll openinCB for teams con- green. kitchch set, a living room set, Bhips. Members are Mrs. Williams, slatlnf of four plaj'ers. The league with two bridal showers. Mrs. Clifford Risley, mother of St. Agnes Horne, 211' Steele Rd., and any badrooni furniture that West Hartford, started Sept. 1, Mrs. William Finnegan and Mrs. DODGE 1957 will start on Friday, Sept.Sepf 27, and Mies Benson, daughter ,of Mr. the bridegroom-eleCt, gave a show­ is available. Geno Andreinl from St. Bridget’s VOL. LXXVI, NO. 292 (TW BNTY-FO«« PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1957 (OlaeOms AdvartMag aa Pago M) PRICE FIVE CENTS srtll play every f^diy at the er at her home. Miss Benson re- will culniinate in the annual mem^ and Mrs. Arthur W. Benson, will Anyone who may have any .of bership tea and ."open house," Church; Mrs. Raymond Hag^orn, Knights of Columbus Home 'on ceivpd many gifts, from mofe than Mrs. Thomaa Shea and Mrs: John POWER Main St. Any group interested ill be married Sept. 81 at South Methr these pieces is requested to scheduled for Pet. 6, from 3 to 5 29 relatives and friends present. H. Lappen from St. Jamies’ Church; forming a team may call EMwara odist Church to John H. Risley, eon phone the welfare office. p.m. Moriarty or the K of C Honve. ■ Mrs. George H. Williams, 105 Ox­ Mrs. Foster Wllllama and Mrs. Turks ReportjJury _ Convicts of Hr. and Mrs. Clifford Risley, 210 Francis Breen, Church of the As­ WAGON Eldridge St. „ ford St., served as president of the Guild which draws its. members sumption. Mias Joanne U Barry, daughter Mia. Daniel J. C arey,'74 Bran­ Lutheran Women Lydia Wogman will have charge of 4 Wheel Drir* Groi^yko Held of Mr. and M n. John L, Barry, ford St., who Is to be one of the devotions and Mias Joyce Wogman from the Hartford area. Since she 1^000 Dead m; Jurors’ Chairs U t N. Main St., wUI leave Sunday brtdeamaidli. ehtenained for Miss To Meet Friday Win give piano selections. retired in Jamrary 1955, in compli­ Pickup Trucks to enter the Joseph Lawrence Benson. 1110 party was held at the ance with a riile of the guild, she Drought Aid Subsidy Refreshments will be aerved by ttehool of Nursing in New Lond<m. has aerved as third vice president. Ankara Flood Winslon-SSlem, N. C., Sept. home of Mrs. Carey's mother, Mrs. Tire Women's Missionary Society the following cotnmlttee: 12 (>P) —. A Superior Court She is a graduate of Manchester William Porter of Milford. Mrs. Mrs. John H. Lappen, 44 Cone ,St., CHORCHES (\Vm S) of Emanuel Lutheran Mrs. Irena Johnson, chairman; has been closely associated for ; COSMETIC DEPT. Peril to Peace Jury which yesterday convict­ H l^ Scho^ in thti class of 1M7. Rudolph Cspello, sister of the Church will meet on Friday a^ 7:80 Mrs. Svea Carlson, Mrs. Sue How­ years With Mrs. Williams in this ^ ALL LEADING LINES Ankara. Turkey, Sept. 12 (flh— ed a man of drunken driving, bride-elect, who will be matron of p.m. In Luther Hall. The gueet ard, Mrs. Theodore Anderson and work, and both have attended MOTORS Turkish nawapapera said tbday returned a second verdict: Oerald Rial^y of Tunnel Rd.. Ver­ honor, assisted Miw. Carey,' More Oakland St.—Manchsator 1.000 persons died In flash floods non. returned home Saturday epeaker will be Mre. G. Jullue Gue- Mrs. Carl Matson. monthly meetings,, of the guild Washington, Sept. 12 {/P)— ♦oUtement made by Soviet Foreign The Jurora’ chairs are too after sfiending- five days at New than 40 relatives, friends and fel­ tafson of Meridan, president qf the All the women of the church are which was organised by the- late ^J^ur Drag Storei The United States today Minister Gromyko on Sept. 10. which swept through the crooked hard. low employes from the telephone Hartford Dietrict WMS. Mrs. Invited to attend. Bishop McAuliffe of Hartford. Sis- "Its falsifications and its Intem­ streets of seven villages on the "It'a torture. Just plain tor- York State Fair at Syractue. The bluntly accused’ Soviet For­ outskirts of this capital yester­ Vernon cattle dealef wae.'accom- perance seemed deliberately calcu­ tofe," said Jury Foreman eign Minister Andrei Gro­ lated to break tho.se bridges of un­ day. But the olTlcial death toll re­ Henry E, Ivester. "They get panled by his daughter and son- mained at 14 the number of Itt-law. Miaa Rosamund WUsaii myko of deliberatel.v trying derstanding which still sustain our you across your back and Just tOi destroy tlie “ bridges of un­ hopes for peace. It totally distorts bodies which rescue workers have about cut you in two." recovered and reported to the gov­ Presiding Judge L. Richard­ Tire Manchester Association for Manchester Memorial Hospital derstanding” whicli sustain the pdlicies and ^objectives of the the Help of Retarded Children. will have a new aaslatant operat­ free world. ernment. son P r e y e r examined the Inc., wiU meet tomorrow night at ing room supervisor. hopes of world peace. t "Mr. Gromyko's statement fol­ In some areas the flood wave chairs himself and . took Judi­ Misi Rosamund Wilson. 23 ■ In a ' ataternent, the Stale D ^ reached 90 feet as water from cial notice that "they do feel Tax Relief 8 o'clock at the Bunce Center. Ol- lows faithfully the old Molotov line cloudbursts rushed down narrow oott St. Ail interested persons are Lill^y St., will taka over her new partment denounced Soylet lead- which the Soviets themselves so quite uncomfortable across responsibtlity Sept. 21. A gradu­ H A LE'S Is Your One Stop Shopping Center For All Your Needs ere aa "In all respects confirmed valle.va from barren. treeless the bark." Invited to attend. recently condemned as hampering mountain slopes. Rescue teams ate o f St. Elizabeth Hospital reactionaries." the pi emotion of world peace. His The Judge promised to pass Considered School of Nursing In Boston. Miaa The statement said the men In groped through the muddy rains, along the complaint to county AadreevT. Suhic, son of Mr, and blustering attack on the Eisen­ seeking victims of the floodwatets Mrs. Andrew Sulde, 8S Holl St., Wilson wraa apptnntad to the staff the Kremlin have demonstrated hower Doctrine is similar to past authorities. — ■ of MMH in Mdrch 1949. In June they "ran only replay the old which swept into Ankara Itself, has entered Upsaia Ooliege, East attempts to frighten the free na­ covering low-l>-ing areas and stal- Orange, N. J., as a freehman. 1950 she took charge of the oh- Op en Tues. thru Sat. ,9:00 •5:30; Thurs. till 9 (Closed Mondays) wearisome tunes of which the tions from taking action to rein­ At Hearing stetriee flo^. She wae traneferrad world has grown tired." and add­ littg traflic In waves of mud. They force their freedom. estimated that 500 to 1.000 homes Mias Beth H^ftoan, s o c i a l to tha (grating room in May ed; ' 1954. / „ ■We had hoped for better "This language recalls that had been destroyed and more than Cuban Wants Hartford, Sept. 12 (fP)— A worker in the ioeal school system, which was used by the Soviets 2.000 flooded. will bo tbs guest speaker at the Miaa Wilson ia replacing M iu things. ’ $1.6 million appropriation to Lorraine Coutu of South Coven­ Here's An Extra Special! The statement was In comment in regard to the Marshall Plan, Premier Adrian Menderes has­ proidde atato subsidy for Con- meeting of the Klwanls Chib to- on Gromyko’s attacks Tue.sday on the Truman Doctrine, foreign aid U.N. Sanctions . morrow noon at 12:15 at the Man­ try who la leaving for a position tened to the stricken villages to­ ntecticut drought-hit fanners with Robert Walah, D J).S. Miaa Anbther Shipment! western policy lor Europe, the to Greece and Turkej’, the North’ day, and himself became stranded chester Country Club. -------- - - - - The Atlantic Treaty Organization, the was proposed today at a joint Coutu has bean with the hospital REGULAR $9.95 Middle East and Far East.
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