ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHU RCH November 1, 2009 ALL Saints ―We believe in…the communion of saints.‖ Those words roll off our tongues, practically on auto-play, as Sunday after Sunday we recite the Creed. From time to time in the restatement of those words in the re- newal of baptismal promises, I will stop and ask people if they are part of that communion of saints. ―Yes,‖ many respond rather sheepishly, New staff at St. Dominic School (l-r): Juan Diego knowing that such is the answer I am seeking but not quite comfortable Ruiz, Spanish teacher; Cara Norby, food service di- claiming personal sainthood, being mindful of their own sins and imper- rector; Erin Nohava-Hall, preschool teacher; Kelly fections. Lynn Stanton-Nutt, art teacher; Matt Knutson, physi- cal education, computer and health teacher; Oskar ―We believe in…the communion of saints.‖ The only perfect members of Sanchez, Spanish teacher. the group are in heaven, past the ups and downs, challenges and temp- tations of this earthly life. Next are the souls who have crossed the threshold of physical death, destined for heaven after purgatory, the purification from any residual attraction to whatever in this life pulled them away from God. You and I are part of the third group, the imperfect ones still in this world struggling with attractions and impulses contrary to God while, in the depth of our hearts, seeking to be one with God and follow his divine will. Such is the communion to which we belong. With ―All Saints‖ we honor the heaven side members of this communion named to the Church’s Hall of Fame, outstanding examples of sainthood named Saints with a capital ―S‖. People were already naming Saints in the 1st century, beginning with the apostles (minus Judas Iscariot for obvious reasons) and martyrs for the faith. People drew inspiration from their favorite Saints and had a sense of pride being associated with one or another of them. Every town or group wanted their own Saint with whom they could identify…a commendable idea except when it led to excessive creativity in ascribing saint- hood to some hometown favorite. In the 10th century the Church adopted ―quality control standards‖ to verify the holiness of a candidate for sainthood. Today the process of canonization (being named to the official list) passes through stages of ven- eration and beatification prior to conferring the title Saint on an individual. Monday we celebrate ―All Souls‖, honoring all those members of our communion in heaven and purgatory. In our traditional bilingual celebration we will place candles before the altar for those who have passed from this life since last year’s celebra- tion. Their names will be recorded in a book placed alongside the candles. Another book will list all our deceased loved ones whom we commend to God’s mercy for all eternity. Come join us in remembrance and prayer as members of the communion of saints. If you are unable to do so, please enter the names of those you would like remembered in the book. Parish Center • 216 N. Spring Street • Northfield, MN 55057 St. Dominic School • 216 N. Spring St. • Northfield, MN 55057 Phone ................................................................................................................................... 507-645-8816 Phone ................................................................................................................................................ 645-8136 Pastor, Fr. Dennis Dempsey ............................................................................................... ext. 202 Principal .................................................................................................................... Vicki Kalina Marvin Secretary, Marlys Harris ......................................................................................................... ext. 201 Bookkeeper, Shari Erickson ............................................................................................... ext. 204 St. Dominic Church • 104 N. Linden St. Youth Ministry, Matt Blumkin ............................................................................................ ext. 209 Phone ................................................................................................................................................ 645-6392 Music Ministry, Scott Lehrke.............................................................................................. ext. 208 Parish Nurse, Nancy Ludescher ...................................................................................... ext. 203 Mass Schedule Faith Formation, Mara Mangan ....................................................................................... ext. 205 Saturday .......................................................................................................................................... 5:00 p.m. Deacon, Len Gruber Sunday ..................................................................................................... 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Fax ........................................................................................................................................... 507-645-8818 Misa en Español todos los Domingos a las 12:30 p.m. Email ....................................................................................... [email protected] Parish Website .............................................................................. www.churchofstdominic.org 2 PARISH NOTES MASS OF REMEMBRANCE GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP A Mass of Remembrance for all the faithful de- The Northfield Grief Support Coalition is sponsoring a series parted will be celebrated at 7 PM on Monday, Nov. of grief support groups. All groups and events are open to 2. We will remember all the members of our parish the public; church affiliation is not required. Groups are family who have died during the past year with a held at various locations in the community and you do not candlelight procession. All members of St. Dominic are welcome to need to pre-register. Participants will learn about the griev- attend and remember their loved ones at this Mass. Refreshments ing process, and, if they wish, share their personal stories will be served following Mass in the O’Gara Social Hall. Join us to of loss during each 6-week series. The groups are facili- minister to our grieving parishioners. Call Nancy Ludescher, Parish tated by individuals who understand the grieving process. Nurse, with questions, 645-8816 ext. 203. Upcoming groups are as follows: Nov. 9-Dec. 14, St. Domi- nic, Knights of Columbus Room (church lower level), 6:30-8 THANKSGIVING MEAL SIGN UP PM. Questions: Nancy Ludescher, 645-8816 ext. 203. Jan. The Thanksgiving Meal Project is being organ- 18-Feb. 22, Three Links/Northfield Retirement Community, ized by our Social Ministries Committee and 1:30-2:30 PM at Three Links. Questions: Pastor Diane Goul- the Northfield CAC. The goal is to provide the supplies needed son, 664-3478 or Tana Kelly, 664-8821. to make a Thanksgiving meal for a family in need. Participants purchase the supplies and deliver them to the church. No Wilbur and Marilyn Sherwin. Additions to the prayer cooking involved! Details will be provided at sign up, which will list published in the bulletin will be for 2 weeks and be held Nov. 7/8 and 14/15 after all Masses. added to the complete list available in the Chapel. SCHEDULE FOR LITURGICAL MINISTERS MENTOR NEEDED All lectors, ushers, greeters, Eucharistic ministers, and A fourth grade girl, who loves painting and sports, is waiting for altar servers: please pick up a copy of the November and a mentor through the Connected Kids Mentor Program. Com- December schedule from your boxes in the Narthex. The mitment is approximately one hour per week. Contact Ann Jer- schedule is also posted on the Liturgical Ministers page of dee, St. Dominic School, 645-8136. our website, churchofstdominic.org MOM’S IN TOUCH EVENT RCIA All women are invited to attend ―Arise! Cry Out!‖ on Satur- For non-Catholics interested in joining the Catholic day, Nov. 14, 9 AM-1 PM here at St. Dominic. This day of Church, Catholic adults (over 16 years old) not yet prayer for our children and schools is sponsored by confirmed, anyone interested in learning more about the Church. Mom’s In Touch International and hosted by local women Meetings for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) are held involved in this prayer ministry. For information contact on Mondays in the Devney-Hughes Room (lower level of the rec- Kiwi, 507-645-7625 or [email protected], or Mara tory) at 7 P.M. Mangan, 645-8816 ext 205 or [email protected]. Upcoming topics, open to the parish, are: (no class Nov. 2); Nov. 9: Personal faith stories; Nov. 16, Living as a Christian Community. PLEASE LET US KNOW . Questions: call the parish office, 645-8816, Dave Doneux, 645 If you or a loved one are hospitalized and would like to be added to -7284, or Dale Fredrickson, 645-2395. the prayer list, have a visit, receive Holy Communion or the Sacra- ment of Anointing, please call the Parish Office. Due to confidenti- PRAYER CHAIN ality issues, hospitals no longer notify us when parishioners are “Pray one for another that you may be healed,” James 5:16. admitted. We will make every effort to honor your request. A prayer chain has been started here at St. Dominic so that anytime you have a prayer request you can call one of the Be a greeter…we hope to develop teams of numbers below. Intentions will be lifted to God and held in young people (i.e., you and a few
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