TempJ,e Beth El \.. 70 O.rcna:rd Ave. Provldenoe, R• x. Levy Named General Campaign Chairman of GJC 1957 Drive Joseph K . Levy, treasurer and general manager of Senak: Cor­ poration o.f America, has been named general chairman ·for the 1957 campaign of the General Jewish Committee, it was an­ VOL. XLI, No. 11 FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1957 PROVIDENCE, R . I. nounced today by Henry J . Has­ senfeld, GJC president. Long associated with GJC ac­ tivities in its annual campaigns, BIG Day Chairmen Fear Poland Predict Major Levy · has for several years served as chairman of D-Day-the con­ May Halt All cehtrated one-day house-to-house Urge Cooperation _Jewish Changes canvas for funds-and also has Jewish Emigration served as co-chairman of the On the eve of the Jewish com­ WASHINGTON-Major changes Trades and Industry Division. munity's ·most intensive effort to WARSAW-Fears of a revision in the Jewish community of the In accepting the chairmanship support the State of Israel's strug­ in the new, liberal policy of al­ United States and transformation of the annual fund-raising drive, gle for economic independence, lowing Polish Jews to emigraw of its religious and cultural values Levy said: Julius C. Michaelson and Mrs. are being felt in Poland, according were forecast here last weekend by "When I was asked by Mr. Has­ Beryl Segal, BIG Day co-chairmen to 'a report by Sydney Gruson in two well known historians of the senfeld to assume this great re­ today appealed to all Jewish fam­ the New York Times last week. American Jewish scene. sponsibility, I felt it incumbent ilies in Greater Providence to st,iy Gruson said that Polish author­ In separate articles in the cur­ upon myself to-accept this role in at home on this coming Sunday. rent National Jewish Monthly, ities are investigating the passport our cam1>aign in view of the criti­ Joseph K. Levy "Preparations for BIG Day have office of the Ministry of Internal publication of B'nai B'rith, Profs. cal situation in· Israel and the now been completed," Mrs. Segal Affairs, which instituted the re­ Oscar Handlin of Harvard and Middle-East and also in view of ber. He added that the organiza­ and Mr. Michaelson announced in laxed policy, and that this, plus Jacob R. Marcus of Hebrew the exemplary work being done by a joint statement. "Throughout tion oi the campaign is expected another article on anti-Semitism Union College-Jewish ..Institute of Mr. Hassenfeld. I feel the same to be completed during June. Greater Providence, hundreds of in the newspaper, Trybuna Ludu, Religion, predicted that under the about anyone else who is asked to volunteer Israel Bond salesmen There will be two phases to this is creating apprehension among impact of suburban life, choking do his part in the campaign. year's fund-raising drive. A Spe­ will be ringing doorbells, telling Polish Jews. off of immigration, decreasing their friends and neighbors the "Also I am mindful of the great cial Emergency Rescue Fund drive The Trybunu Ludu, Communist anti-Semitism, intermarriage and latest news of Israel's economic responsibilities in this job and look will be conducted simultaneously Party organ, warned that the pressures to conform to a non­ situation and of her serious need forward to the full cooperation of with the regular campaign and mass departure of Jews could Jewish homogeneity, the Ameri­ everyone," Levy added. all contributions · to the special of immediate American invest­ can Jewry which survives in the m ent participation in her program be used by Poland's enemies to Levy said that he would soon fund will be above and over those discredit the state. It did admit, year 2,000 will be substantially announce the key personnel of the to the regular fund-drive for the of building and reconstruction." different from what it is today. Mr. Michaelson and Mrs. Segal however, that Jews who feel forthcoming campaign which will GJC's 52 beneficiary Israel, na­ urged all those who will be unable stronger links to Israel than they Pulitzer Prize winner Dr. Hand­ start in the early part of Septem- tional and local agencies. to be at home all day on Sunday do to Poland "have the right to lin asserted that "the danger is to phone BIG Day headquarters emigrate." The paper also re­ not so much that the Jewish at JAckson 1-8914 notifying them ported that the problem of anti­ community wi:J disa;,pear, but Israeli Athletes of the most. convenient time for a Semitism has become particularly that its culture will become a Co\'ernors Help I, volunteer to· call. acute in Poland. museum piece, preserved out of Present Bible To They pointed out that all of the In the passport office investiga­ curiosity and ancestral piety, but I ladies who purchase an Israel tion, the director of the agency devoid of meaning." Library in Israel Bond or sell three hundred dollars has been dismissed, and a com­ Cardinal Spellman Dr. Marcus, one-time president NEW YORK - Forty-eight of in Bonds will be eligible to attend mission set up under Roman Zam­ of the Central Conference of the nation's Governors are joining NEW YORK - A silver-bound the Israeli Fashion Show, featur­ browski, the only Jewish member American Rabbis, said, "A tight of the Communist Party's Polit­ to make an unparalleled gift to Bible made in Israel .was presented ing the "Sabra Look," to be held Jewish community will have to here to Francis Cardinal Spellman in the Grand Ballroom of the buro, and Jerzy Albrecht, a secre­ come into being <and) a new the Jewish National and Unfver­ tary of the central_-committee. sity Library of the Hebrew Uni­ by members of a visiting Israel Sheraton-Biltmore on Thursday, fusion type of religion may well soccer team. June 13th. Gruson reports that party offi­ be in the making.'' He believes that versity of Jerusalem, it was an­ The Show, the first to be held cials are upset because no effort distinctions among the Orthodox, nounced this week by the Very Itzhak Pinsk, an official of the in Providence, features a com­ was made to dissuade Jewish Conservative and Reform wings of Reverend James A. Pike, president Israel Athletic Association, speak­ plete line of fashions direct from professionals and skilled techni­ Jewry will be erased by amalga­ of the New York chapter of the ing in Hebrew, told the Cardinal the haute couture salons in Israel. cians from leaving Poland. mation. America-Israel Society, the or­ that he was an ·•' inspiring symbol ganization which advocates close of a great faith" and invited him cultural ties between the United to visit Israel. Cardinal Spellman, States and Israel~ who has visited Israel previously, Rev. Pike, who is Dean of New said he hoped to go back for an­ York City's Cathedral of St. John other visit soon. I the Divine, revealed that each of the Governors had contributed volumes of their state's history to Sponsors Bill the America-Israel Society for Ii forwarding to the Jewish National To Admit Jews and University Library of the WASHINGTON-A bill amend­ Jerusalem University. ing the Administration's refugee 1;_ :am with a view to making possible the admission on parole Israel May Get of 5,000 Jews from Egypt was introduced in the Senate by Sena­ More British Arms tor Clifford P. Case, New Jersey liberal Republican. LONDO!'. - Britain, which has Under the bill, the 5,000 would been sending comparatively large be deducted from the 60 ,000 pro­ shipments of arms to Arab states, posed by the Administration for is now considering the possibility admission from Communist areas. of increasing arms shipments to Senator Case said his bill had the Israel so as to balance the weapons approval of the State Dep't. scales in the Middle East. This proposal is one of many being studied, including a sug­ gestion that all arms shipments NEWS be baITed to the Middle East. Mr. J. Harvey, a Junior minister DEADLINE Fred K elmrn' Photo in the British government, told All copy for next week's Her­ Attend Inter-Sc hool Festival - Above are shown some of the close to one thousand thild­ reporters. "We are keeping this ren who attended the annual inter-schoo l festivol sponsored by the School Council and the mutter very closely before us, but. ald must be In these offices by Bureau of Jewish Education. The program was dedicated to the ninth anniversary celebra­ I cannot give you any definite Monday at noon. tion of Israel's Independence. answers today." THE JEWISH HERALD N Sharon To Hold The Jewish Home Newspaper <>f JI.bode Rabbi Decries Island. Published Every Week In tbe Year by the Jewish Presa Publlshlnf ... Sp~ial Services CLASSIFIED I Company, 1117 Douclas Avenue, Te ... OPPORTUNITIES UN!on 1-3709• ~ Special services will be held at Worship Bar·· 1:;;=============;;!J Subscription Rates: Ten Cents the Copy •• By Mail, $4.00 Per Annum; Outaide • the Chapel-in-the-Woods at Shar­ Classified Advertising Rates: le per New England, $5.00 Per Annum. word: $1.50 minimum for 11 words. HARRY GOLDMAN :; on Memorial Park at 11 A.M. on .JOHANNFSBURG - Dr. Louis Bulk subscription rates on request. 25c discount If paid before Inser­ Walter Rutman, Managing Editor; Syd ;i,i Memorial Day, May 30. In case of tion. Call UNlon 1-3709. Dudline Rabinowitz, Chief Rabbi of 'the Funeral services for Harry Gold­ Cohen, News Editor. < rain, services will be transferred Wednesday noon.
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