-FEATURES- -SPORTS- Marist students spend their Men's soccer heads into to. summer interning at the the 1998-99 season look­ Magic Kingdom, pg. 4 ing to rebound from last year, pg. 12 _ the student newspaper of j^arist College VOLUME #52 ISSUE # 1 WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!!! SEPTEMBER 17,1998 Steel Mill provides new home Library offers added services to ease stress of temp location byBENAGOES sands of periodicals for free. News Editor "This is the kind of things a lot of libraries are doing," he Half a million dollars later, said of Marist's push for an all- Marist has turned an old steel digital library. He said since plant mill into the new library. adopting the new program, the The total,costs of renovating library has been able to expand the old mill came to $545,000, but • its list of periodicals from 1,200 not all that money went to paint to4,800. and building supplies. The col­ Access to all periodicals via lege pumped some into making ProQuest Direct will be offered reference materials and research at least during the library tran­ easier for students. sition period, and there will be For instance, in the past, stu­ no more copying fees, but only dents had to pay 25 cents a for on-campus students using page to print off the library's, Marist.'s Internet connection, digital periodical program, Benamati said. ProQuest, but since moving Commuters with the Internet across to the steel plant mill, the in their homes will not be able Clltk' pIlollt/Ji'IL'lll} Slll'll library now offers ProQuest Di­ to use the new program. The library makes the best of the shortage of space by stacking books and rect. • The library has also created a periodicals eight shelves high. Dennis Benamati, assistant li­ hosting program to ease the Thursday 3 to 9 p.m. and is a and they don't know where need help. brary director, said ProQuest transition. chance for students to become things are anymore," she said. "The student is supposed to Direct gives students who have Elena Filchatina, library pub­ aquatinted with the library's The backbone of the program show the library user where the the Internet in their rooms the lic services coordinator, said the temporary facilities. is student workers who act as collections are located," capability of accessing thou- program runs Sunday through "Students come to the library guides to anyone who may ... please see LIBRARY, pg. 3 Crossing Praise, problems for solution West Cedar housing by CHRIS GROGAN "We were given a date at the Staff Writer beginning of the summer by the sought contractor for when the project First reactions to the new was to be done, and that was byTHEAOMMINO West Cedar townhouses are Aug. 3," she said. Staff Writer being heard from students liv­ That projection had to be ing there, and not all are posi­ modified, and by the middle of After weeks of speeding traf­ tive. fic, congested intersections and Circle Photo/Jeremy Smith August, the contractors guar­ an estimated 500 students Students are encouraged to use the crosswalks at Many students did not expect anteed all buildings except for crossing Route 9 everyday, the the Intersections at Marist's Main and South gates. to move into buildings that were the "Q" block would be com­ still under construction. pleted by Aug. 30. Department of Transportation according Tim Massie, Marist's located. has agreed there is a problem. Senior Mike Milby said he ex­ ""•' "We were concerned that the chief relations officer, because "Students have many things pected that at least the apart­ "O" building wouldn't be ready, Marist President Dennis they would be too costly. going on," she said. "One of ments would be cleaned before Murray, Dean of Student Affairs According to the DOT, a them is getting places on time. everyone arrived, Gerard Cox and Student Body crossing signal between the It's human nature to take the "There was dust, plaster, and President Colleen McCulIoch, temporary library and the West quickest, path. That quickest . please see HOUSES, pg. 3 met with representatives from even clothing materials left be­ Cedar apartments would slow path can be made safe by the hind by the construction work­ the state Department of Trans­ traffic. addition of a crosswalk and a portation (DOT) last Friday. ers," he said. 'They didn't Regional Traffic Engineer, Bill light between West Cedar and do a good job cleaning up be­ The DOT toured the area and, FitzPatrick, said the DOT is not the library." fore the residents moved in." INSIDE according to Murray, is willing endorsing the mid-point cross­ The SGA will be promoting a to cooperate with the college. Junior Jen Armstrong, another ing signal option. safety campaign for students resident of West Cedar had the "They acknowledge that there TODAY: "The students are not utiliz­ which will urge people to use same complaint. is a problem," he said. "They ing the pedestrian crossing ar­ ,,~~ ~ Partly Cloudy the crosswalks, be aware of traf­ "There was a lot of dust from 'r~^P hi: 76 agreed that in the next month eas now," FitzPatrick said. fic and adhere to the crossing we will work on solutions." all the dirt being moved around ^ lo:54 The Student Government As­ signals. and the rooms smelled like Some solutions include con­ sociation passed a bill Sept. 9 Massie, said the administra­ paint," she said. Community. 2 structing a tunnel beneath supporting the crosswalk solu­ tion and staff support the SGA's Sarah English, director of the Route 9, joining the two sides tion. safety campaign. Housing and Residential Life Features 5 of campus with an overpass, or Student Body President, Col­ "We're asking the students to office, said^she expected the A&E 7 creating another traffic light and leen McCulIoch said students please be careful and cross at project would be completed by Opinion..... 9 crosswalk. The tunnel and over­ do not use the crosswalks be­ the crosswalks," he said. the time students arrived. Sports 12 pass options are not feasible cause they are not conveniently THEOFOE THEOR3E SEPTEMBER 17,1998 News PAGE3 WORLD BRIEFS LIBRAE: Requirements SEPTEMBER 17.1998. Community PAGE 2 Students added to intern byJILLGIOCONDO IN YOUR OPINIO^ Global Soap Opera I query safety StaffWriter !ommunit The frenzy surrounding the Communication students will elease of special prosecutoi ... continued from pg. I have more work to do before News Kenneth Starr's report to Con­ Filchatina said. applying for an internship next What solution do you think would stop gress and on the World Wide The hosting program will be fall. Web has raised another ques- offered.for one semester, and Students will be required to :ion: How far should a person's then it will be determined if there take Employment Practicum, jrivate life be dissected?" ' is enough need to continue it. CRDV 100N, before interning in September 18-20- Hellenic people from dangerously crossing Route 9? In Britian, some individuals To offset the inconvenience of the Fall of 1999 and beyond. In Festival (914-452-5990) Hel­ seem sympathetic toward the students having to cross the the past it was only a recom­ lenic Center Grounds, 24 Park Clinton-Lewinsky matter. One street, new services are being mended class. Place, Poughkeepsie. Greek female television viewer stated offered in Donnelly Hall. Gerald McNulty, communica­ food and pastries, music and en­ 'T ;_; 'He's only a man after all. He is] tion internship director, said few tertainment, crafts, children's A reference librarian will.be in ;ntitied to make his mistakes the DN lab Monday through students who came to his office events, games of chance, DJ, Courtesy ofJorgen Wouters had the basic knowledge dancing. Thursday from 3 to 6 p.m: The XBCNEWS.com , . purpose, according to Benamati, needed before applying for an Fri. & Sat. llam-llpm. Sun. is to cut down the number of internship. llam-8pm. Russia's Primakov hqldij student trips across the street "The majority had not taken Irst Cabinet session by doing half their research elec­ career development classes and Monday marked the first meet- tronically in the lab. This diagram shows where the temporary library is they had little knowledge of job September 19-20- Hudson located. titles, major companies, organi­ River Arts Fetival. Waryas ng between Russia's new Prime Marist has also hired an out­ "It's pretty tightly packed, but it is transitional, so that can be zations and resumes," he said. Park, waterfront, Minister Primakov and his stil side security agency, Personal we got everything in," Pollard expected," he said: "I know a "This was mainly because these Poughkeepsie and Riverfront jrowing Cabinet. Parliamen Security Service of said. "Having a courier service lot of people are fearful of cross­ things get set aside in classes Park, Beacon. Two days of :onfirmed' Primakov as Prime Poughkeepsie, to help guard the was an option, but then we real­ ing the street. I don't like the because fundamental skills are entertainment, various types of Minister last Friday. temporary library. Benamati ized we could get everything in location." more important." food, arts/crafts and kid's Upon meeting with his Cabi said the purpose is to make sure and that made life a lot easier." He suggested the college set The school of communication shows. Programs include Latin, let, Primakov promised to con-j students feel safe using the li­ Jackie Fitzpatrick Jessica Duggan Aaron Frechette Pollard said she is happy with up a shuttle bus system that ran and the arts and career services Irish, Klezmer and gospel mu­ inue market reforms in order tq brary which in many respects is the temporary location.
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