Animal Fantasy Adams Richard, Watership Down, 1972. The Plague Dogs, 1977. Arkin Alan, The Lemming Condition, 1976. The Clearing, 1986. Avi, Poppy, 1995. Poppy and the Rye, 1997. Ragweed, 1999. Ereth’s Birthday, 2000. Poppy’s Return, 2005. Poppy and Ereth, 2009. Bach Richard, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. A Story, 1970. Baldry Cherith, The Emerald Throne, 2001. The Lake of Darkness, 2004. The Silver Horn, 2011. Barklem Jill, Brambly Hedge, Spring Story, 1980. Summer Story, 1980. Autumn Story, 1980. Winter Story, 1980. The Secret Staircase, 1983. The High Hills, 1986. Sea Story, 1990. Poppy’s Babies, 1994. Beagle Peter S., The Last Unicorn, 1968. Bell Clare, Ratha’s Creature, 1983. Clan Ground, 1984. Ratha and Thistle-Chaser, 1990. Ratha’s Challenge, 1994. Ratha’s Courage, 2008. Berenstain Stan & Jan, The Berenstain Bears, 1962- Burnford Sheila, The Incredible Journey, 1961. Buzzati Dino, La fameuse invasion de la Sicile par les ours, 1965. Caroll Lewis, Les aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles, 1865. De l’autre côté du miroir, 1872. Clement-Davies David, The Sight, 2007. Fell, 2009. Fire Bringer, 2007. Conly Jane Leslie, Rasco and the Rats of NIMH, 1986. R-T., Margaret and the Rats of NIMH, 1990. Corbett William Jesse, The Song of Pentecost, 1982. Pentecost and the Chosen One, 1984. Pentecost of Lickey Top, 1987. Dahl Roald, Fantastic Mr. Fox,1970. Dann Colin, The Animals of Farthing Wood, 1979. In the Grip of Winter, 1981. Fox’s Feud, 1982. The Fox Cub Bold, 1983. The Siege of White Deer Park, 1985. In the Path of the Storm, 1989. Battle for the Park, 1992. Adventure Begins, 1994. Di Camillo Kate, The Tale of Despereaux, 2003. Epstein Adam Jay, The Familiars, 2010. Secret of the Crowns, 2011. Circle of Heroes, 2012. Palace of Dreams, 2013. Fiedler Lisa, Mouseheart, 2014. Hopper’s Destiny, 2015. Return of the Forgotten, 2015. Freddi Cris, Pork, 1981. Grahame Kenneth, The Wind in the Willows, 1908. Greene Ward, Lady and the Tramp. The Story of Two Dogs, 1953. Helps Racey, Footprints in the Snow, 1946. The Upside-Down Medicine, 1946. Barnaby Camps Out, 1947. My Friend Wilberforce, 1948. Barnaby in Search of a House, 1948. Littlemouse Crusoe, 1948. Tippetty’s Treasure, 1949. Nobody Loves Me. The story of a Dutch doll, 1950. Many Happy Returns, 1951. Barnaby and the Scare-Crow, 1953. Little Tommy Purr, 1954. Two from a Tea-Pot, 1954. Two’s Company, 1955. Barnaby’s Spring Clean, 1956. Prickly Pie, 1957. The Tail of Hunky Dory, 1958. Kingcup Cottage, 1962. Diggy Takes His Pick, 1964. Mr. Roley to the Rescue, 1966. The Blow-Away Balloon, 1967. The Clean Sweep, 1967. Pinny Takes a Bath, 1967. Selina the Circus Seal, 1967. Mr. Flopears, 1969. Just Wilberforce, 1970. Pinny’s Holiday, 1970. Guinea-pig Podge, 1971. Racey Helps’ Picture Book, 1984. Hocke Martin, The Ancient Solitary Reign, 1989. Hoeye Michael, Time Stops for no Mouse, 2002. Sands of Time, 2002. No Time Like Show Time, 2004. Time to Smell the Roses, 2007. Horwood William, The Duncton Chronicles,Duncton Wood, 1980. Duncton Quest, 1988. Duncton Found, 1989. The Book of Silence,Duncton Tales, 1991. Duncton Rising, 1992. Duncton Stone, 1993. The Willows in Winter, 1993. Toad Triumphant, 1995. The Willows and Beyond, 1996. The Willows at Christmas, 1999. Hunter Erin, Warriors, The Prophecies Begins,Into the Wild, 2003. Fire and Ice, 2003. Forest of Secrets, 2003. Rising Storm, 2004. A Dangerous Path, 2004. The Darkest Hour, 2004. Warriors : The New Prophecy,Midnight , 2005. Moonrise, 2005. Dawn, 2005. Starlight, 2006. Twilight, 2006. Sunset, 2007. Warriors : Power of Three,The Sight, 2007. Dark River, 2007. Outcast, 2008. Eclipse, 2008. Long Shadows, 2008. Sunrise, 2009. Warriors : Omen of the Stars, The Fourth Apprentice, 2009. Fading Echoes, 2010. Night Whispers, 2010. Sign of the Moon, 2011. The Forgotten Warrior, 2011. The Last Hope, 2012. Warriors : Dawn of the Clan, The Sun Trail, 2014. Thunder Rising, 2014. The First Battle, 2016. The Blazing Star, 2016. A Forest Divided, 2016. Path of Stars, 2016. Warriors : A Vision of Shadows, The Apprentice’s Quest, 2016. Thunder and Shadow, 2016. The Shattered Sky, 2017. Warriors Super Editions, Firestar’s Quest, 2008. Bluestar’s Prophecy, 2010. SkyClan’s Destiny, 2010. Crookedstar’s Promise, 2011. Yellowfang’s Secret, 2014. Tallstar’s Revenge, 2014. Moth Flight’s Vision, 2015. Bramblestar’s Storm, 2016. Seekers, Original Series, The Quest Begins, 2008. Great Bear Lake, 2009. Smoke Mountain, 2009. The Last Wilderness, 2010. Fire in the Sky, 2010. Spirits in the Stars, 2011. Seekers : Return to the Wild, Island of Shadows, 2012. The Melting Sea, 2012. Rivers of Lost Bears, 2013. Forest of Wolves, 2014. The Burning Horizon, 2015. The Longest Day, 2016. Survivors, Original Series, The Empty City, 2012. A Hidden Enemy, 2013. Darkness Falls, 2013. The Broken Path, 2014. The Endless Lake, 2014. Storm of Dogs, 2015. Survivors : The Gathering Darkness,A Pack Divided, 2015. Dead of Night, 2016. Into the Shadows, 2017. Huriet Geneviève, La Famille Passiflore,Le premier bal d’Agaric Passiflore, 1987. Le jardin de Dentdelion Passiflore, 1988. Mistouflet Passiflore et le baobab, 1989. La Danse de Romarin Passiflore, 1989. Tante Zinia et l’ogre Kazoar, 1990. Le Défi de Pirouette Passiflore, 1991. La famille Passiflore déménage, 1992. Le défi de Pirouette Passiflore, 1993. Les beignets flambés, 1995. En Ballon, les Passiflore !, 1997. Vive la glisse !, 1998. Les Passiflore mènent l’enquête, 1999. Carnaval chez les Passiflore, 2000. La leçon de peinture, 2000. En avant la musique, 2001. Les Passiflore et la maison hantée, 2002. Le Noël des Passiflore, 2002. L’invention d’Onésime Passiflore, 2003. L’exploit de tante Zinia, 2003. Bravo, les Passiflore !, 2004. Les Passiflore à la mer, 2005. Iserles Inbali, The Tygrine Cat, 2008. Foxcraft,The Taken, 2015. The Elders, 2016. Jacques Brian, Redwall, 1986. Mossflower, 1988. Mattimeo, 1989. Mariel of Redwall, 1991. Salamandastron, 1992. Martin the Warrior, 1993. The Bellmaker, 1994. Outcast of Redwall, 1995. The Pearls of Lutra, 1996. The Long Patrol, 1997. Marlfox, 1998. The Legend of Luc, 1999. Lord Brocktree, 2000. The Taggerung, 2001. Triss, 2002. Loamhedge, 2003. Rakkety Tam, 2004. High Rhulain, 2005. Eulalia !, 2007. Doomwyte, 2008. The Sable Queen, 2010. The Rogue Crew, 2011. Jones Allan Frewin, The Six Crowns,Trundle’s Quest, 2010. Fair Wind to Widderskins, 2010. Sundered Lands, Fire over Swallowhaven, 2011. The Icegate of Spyre, 2011. Sargasso Skies, 2011. Full Circle, 2012. Kästner Erich, La conférence des animaux, 1949. Kemal Yachar, Le roi des éléphants et Barbe-Rouge la fourmi boiteuse, 1979. Kilworth Garry, The Foxes of First Dark, 1989. Midnight’s Suns, 1990. Frost Dancers. A Story of Hares, 1992. House of Tribes, 1995. Welkin Weasels, Thunder Oak, 1997. Castle Storm, 1998. Windjammer Run, 1999. Gaslight Geezers, 2001. Vampires Voles, 2002. Heastward Ho !, 2003. King Gabriel, The Wild Road,1997. The Golden Cat,1998. The Knot Garden, 2000. Nonesuch, 2002. King Smith Dick, The Sheep-Pig, 1983. Kipling Rudyard, Le livre de la jungle, 1894. Le second livre de la jungle, 1895. Histoires comme ça, 1902. Kotzwinkle William, Trouble in Bugland, 1983. Krings Antoon, Drôles de petites bêtes, Mireille l’abeille, 1994. Belle la coccinelle, 1994. Siméon le papillon, 1994. Chloé l’araignée, 1994. Camille la chenille, 1994. Marie la fourmi, 1994. Léon le bourdon, 1995. Margot l’escargot, 1995. Barnabé le scarabée, 1995. Patouch la mouche, 1995. Carole la luciole, 1995. Ursule la libellule, 1995. Loulou le pou, 1995. Frédéric le moustique, 1996. Benjamin le lutin, 1996. Adèle la sauterelle, 1996. Oscar le cafard, 1996. Luce la puce, 1996. Pat le mille-pattes, 1997. Pascale la cigale, 1997. Huguette la guêpe, 1997. Hugo l’asticot, 1998. Adrien le lapin, 1998. Grâce la limace, 1998. César le lézard, 1998. Lulu la tortue, 1999. Solange la mésange, 1999. Georges le rouge-gorge, 1999. Lorette la pâquerette, 1999. Maud la taupe, 2000. Antonin le poussin, 2000. Amélie la souris, 2001. Juliette la rainette, 2001. Samson le hérisson, 2002. Valérie la chauve-souris, 2002. Le Père Noël du jardin, 2002. Pierrot le moineau, 2003. Zabeth la chouette, 2003. Le roi des abeilles, 2004. Odilon le grillon, 2004. Luna la petite ourse, 2005. Blaise et Thérèse les punaises, 2006. Léonard le têtard, 2006. Édouard le loir, 2008. Marion et Simon les chatons, 2008. Victor le castor, 2009. Merlin le merle, 2010. Romain le lapin magicien, 2010. Prosper le hamster, 2010. Louis le papillon de nuit, 2011. Noémie princesse fourmi, 2011. Théo le mulot, 2012. Gaston le caneton, 2012. Roméo le Crapaud, 2013. Gabriel le Lutin de Noël, 2013. Henri le Canari, 2014. Bob le Bonhomme de neige, 2014. Robin l’écureuil du jardin, 2015. Cyprien le Chien, 2015. Léo le Lérot, 2016. Nora petit rat de l’opéra, 2016. Apollon le grillon, 2017. Lagerlöf Selma, Le merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède, 1907. Lasky Kathryn, Guardians of Ga’Hoole, The Capture, 2003. The Journey, 2003. The Rescue, 2004. The Siege, 2004. The Shattering, 2004. The Burning, 2004. The Hatchling, 2005. The Outcast, 2005. The First Collier, 2005. The Coming of Hoole, 2005. To Be a King, 2005. The Golden Tree, 2007. The River of Wind, 2007. The Bannish, 2011. The War of the Ember, 2011. The Rise of a Legend, 2013. Wolves of the Beyond, Lone Wolf, 2010. Shadow Wolf, 2010. Watch Wolf, 2011. Frost Wolf, 2011. Spirit Wolf, 2012. Star Wolf, 2013. Léourier Christian, Le chemin de Rungis, 1990. Lowry Lois, Sacrées souris !, 2014. Mannix Daniel P., The Fox and the Hound, 1967. McAllister Margaret I., The Mistmantle Chronicles,Book 1 : Urchin of the Riding Stars, 2005. Book 2 : Urchin and the Heartstone, 2006. Book 3 : The Heir of Mistmantle, 2007. Book 4 : Urchin and the Raven War, 2008.
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