Tfi^n A J O U R N A L F O R O L I M F R O M SOUTHERN TELFED AFRICA VOL IV NO. 3. — MAY 1978 The South African Zionist Federation extend bdst wishes to the President, the Government and the People of Israel on the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the State's independence and pray that peace with our neighbours will be attained In our time. Project, merits emulation by official and semi-of ficial bodies concerned with the welfare of the populace. THIRTY YEARS When the office was opened in 1948 the num ber of settlers from Southern Africa living in the new-born state did not exceed more than a few hundred. Concomitant with Israel's development Like Israel, which is celebrating three decades during these thirty years, there has been a substan tia! increase in aliyah from Southern Africa which of independent statehood, this year also marks the reached record levels last year — a practical man 30th anniversary of the South African Zionist Fed ifestation of S. African Jewry's Zionist aspirations. eration Office in Israel The progress of the office in many respects The multifarious activiities of the office have reflects the country's development. The office has (cont. pg. 14) had its ups and downs and has overcome many setbacks, mainly financial, in its checkered career. Regrettably. South Africa's Zionist leadership, often deservedly praised for its initiative and pio Ex South Africans neering spirit In so many spheres, did not always (Raymond) and Barry display the necessary vision to afford the office the invite you requisite financial facilities to ensure its operation to enjoy top quality fast foods at optimum level. This myopia persists and con tinues to bedevil the operation of the office and Pure Beef Burgers, Steaks & Shishlik inhibits the expansion of services. char broiled, Rumpsteak as good as any in, The Federation was the first territorial Zionist South Africa, Fish 'n Chips, toast treats. Waffles, soft servs. organization to open an office in Israel against opposition from the official Zionist establishment Open 7 days a week till 10.30 p.m. and has since been emulated by many other organ (Friday till 3 p.m.) isations which have followed suit. With commendable vigour and foresight, the Federation has pioneered in many spheres : its iniitiative led to the introduction of the Overseas Leadership Course, better known as the Madrichei Hutz La'aretz ; to the innovation of the first hostel for immigrants built in Tel Aviv ; to the innovation of the first family hostel or merkaz klitah, as it is now known; to the launching of the first housing scheme for immigrants in the early fifties in Tel Aviv and Haifa, not to mention the much more am- biitions ventures culminating in the establishment of the city of Ashkelon — a community project launched by S. African Jewry soon after the es tablishment of the state. It is gratifying that the Zionist Federation in Israei is still motivated by creative and pioneering impulses and imaginative planning in so many di rections. Its newest scheme, the Rental Housing LT D . T O U R S & T R AV E L Israel's leading operator to and from South Africa Give us a call for all your travel arrangements. Phone ; 52140 and ask for Sue who is at the disposal of all our English speaking clients. We cordially invite all our friends to visit us at o u r n e w o f f i c e : — 21 Ben Yehuda St. (next to Burger Ranch] NEW FLIGHT SCHEDULES TO SOUTH AFRICA Once again DIESENHAUS is first with the news!! D E P A R T T E L A V I V A R R I V E J H B Wednesday 09.00 EL—AL 511 17,00 Tuesday 17.00 S.A.A. 267 11.00 (Wednesday) D E P A R T J H B A R R I V E T E L A V I V Thursday 11.05 EL—AL 512 21.35 Monday 21.00 S.A.A. 266 14.15 (Tuesday) HOW ABOUT TRAVELLING VIA NAIROBI (Israeli Passport Holders Only)? SATURDAY Depart JHB 20.00 British Airways 054 SUNDAY Arrive Nairobi 00.45 Depart Nairobi 15.15 EL—AL 532 Arrive Tel Aviv 19.15 SUNDAY Depart Tel Aviv 08.00 EL—AL 531 Arrive Nairobi 14.00 MONDAY Depart Nairobi 09.00 British Airways 051 Arrive JHB 11.45 R A T E S T O S . A . Normal Fare 31260.00 (Payable in SA) 19/75 Fare S 912.00 (Payable in S.A.) 14/45 Fare S 815.00 Plus S190. Land Arrangements Payable in Israel only. Youth Fare Up To 24 Years 8670.00 (Payable in SA) Group Fare S773.00 Plus S230. NUihM O T : cFor a smalln difference. you can returnr r throughA r Europe r a n g e on m e19 n 75 t s Fare CALL US FOR DETAILS ' GROUP DEPARTURE DATES TO SOUTH AFRICA 1978 14.6.78 — 20.7.78 26.7.78 — 28.8.78 28.6.78 — 31.7.78 9.8.78 — 14.9.78 12.7.78 ^ 17.8.78 23.8.78 — 21.9.78 V Published by the Israel office of the South African Zionist Federation,P.O.B.H556.Tel Aviv,5th Floor, Beit Clal, 5 Druyanov St..Tel. 290131 ;Jerusalem office;9, Alkalei St.,Talbieh.Tel. 34822;Haifa office: Room 26, 5. Bank St., Tel. 521908.Editor; Ethel Schwartz; Publication Committee:S. Liebgott (chair man). H. Blumberg, L. Frank, H. Katz, M. Miodiownik. The views and opinions expressed in this journal are not necessarily the opinions of the Publication Committee nor of the Israel Executive Committee. HOMEWARD BOUND ^ However, with the outbreak of the Arab Riots in 1936 and the Arabs" closure of Jaffa port to DESTINATION ISRAEL the Jews, the need for a Jewish harbour became imperative and. with the authorities still maintaining March 1978 — late afternoon at Tel Aviv har their negative attitude, the Jews of the Yishuv bour. A sharp, cold wind whips up the spume. decided to go it alone. Thus. Jews who for cen Waves dash against the breakwater wall rpraying turies had been divorced from the sea built and the few fisherman casting their lines. The sea is operated this port and again became a maritime empty except for some small fishing smacks tied community quickly learning the art of maritime to the wharf. The port and surrounding area look trades. In his foreword to a special publication drab and neglected, for time has not been gfantle — issued to mark the 10th Anniversary of the opening but then, the port was born in an ungentle time. .)f the Tel Aviv port. Herzl Zuckerman writes : "....unaided, inexperienced, the community after The old Levant Fairground next door, once bub being denied the use of Jaffa port, declared its bling with activity, is a labyrinth of criss-crossiiici determination no longer to be dependent on the paths leading to garages and small workshops. favours of other nations but to build and operate The old Maccabi Stadium, once thronging with its own port..." sports competitors and brass bands and bunting is crumbling and deserted, big holes gaping in In the meantime work on the port progressed i t s w a l l s . apace and even before unloading facilities were This large area is earmarked for development complete the first ship arrived- The date. May as part of a master plan for the whole sea front 19. 1936. By 1938. the port had become sufficiently from Nahariya to Ashkelon. Until then. Tel Aviv developed to build strong lighters in its own boat port will lie almost unused, its rows of warehouses yard. The outbreak of World War II brought the brooding in silence, remembering the days when port's activities to a halt for 5 years. However, the first Jewish port in the Mediterranean pointed in 1940. after Italy entered the war. the British the way to an independent Jewish State. Admiralty asked tlie company to build mineswee pers. Part of the wood used in the construction of these ships came from the eucalyptus trees planted by the Bilu'im. In 1934. Herzl Zuckerman. a young Capetonian and leader of the Zionist Youth Organization there, gave up his legal practice, came on aliyah (there In 1945 the port reopened and normal ac were about 200 8. Africans living in Eretz Israel tivities continued. In 1948. the situation of the at the time) and joined the staff of the Anglo- stateless Jews from Europe was desperate and Palestine Bank (now Bank Leumi Leisrael). These the setting up of a Jewish State was coming to were restless times, a prelude to the start of the a head. Already before May ships were bringing Arab riots in 1936 which continued until the out arms to the Palestinian Jews and the first olim b r e a k o f W o r l d W a r I I i n 1 9 3 9 . sailed home on a ship proudly flying the Jewish Flag, in May 1948. with the Declaration of the "One day," recalls Herzl. "Mr. Hoofien. the State of Israel and the outbreak of the War of then manager of the bank, told me that a port was independence, almost twelve years to the day that to be constructed in Tel Aviv and asked me to the first shovelful of sand was dug to start the be the secretary of the public company to be Jewish port, it was bombed by the enemy.
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