VOL.J03__. ISSUE 6 FOGHORN.USFCA.EDU OCTOBER 26,2006 Public Safety Answers Political Lecture Series Students' Questions Invites Former Mayor Willie Brown MARIA DINZEO . To improve services, PubUc Safety StaffWriter has hired two new officers to patrol from Wednesday to Saturday, increasing the ver the past three years, USF total number of Public Safety officers to has not seen a drastic increase 16. "With the hiring of these officers, Oin on-campus crime, accord­ we should be in full strength with at least ing to Public Safety Director Dan Law- two officers to patrol 24/7," said Lawson. son. Lawson spoke at last week's senate In addition, Public Safety is accepting meeting to address student concerns over bids from three safety assessment compa­ what he referred to as a perceived increase nies to perform extensive assessments of in crime. "Perception of crime may be USF. "They will look at the whole cam­ high, but in reality it isn't. What's hap­ pus—trees, fighting, locks, — and start a pening is that more people are starting plan over the next three years to improve to report crimes, so that leads to a high­ safety," said Lawson. Public Safety is also er perception of crime," said Lawson. looking at the feasibility of installing secu­ Lawson also responded to allegations of rity cameras around parking areas to pre­ Public Safety's fadings to keep students safe. vent vehicle break-ins. "Security cameras "We have had issues with the shuttle and are quite expensive, however, and we can­ we're trying to work on that," said Lawson, not have someone watching every camera referring to the recent harassment incident every time. We have caught several break- on a Public Safety shuttle that resulted in ins through surveillance, but in terms of car minor injuries to one student. According boosts, the best thing to do is don't leave to Lawson, Public Safety officers were un­ items visible in your cars," said Lawson. able to respond to the shuttle driver's radio for help because they were handling other Ultimately, improvement in Public incidents. "On busy nights, we won't be Safety's services to students must be a col­ visible because we'll be at St. Mary's Hos­ laborative effort. According to Lawson, pital or Hayes or Gilson," said Lawson. students should take advantage of self- Since 2003, the number of crimes at defense classes offered by Public Safety USF has fluctuated. According to Public at Koret Health and Recreation Center. Safety crime statistics, two incidents of ag­ Students should also be aware of their sur­ gravated assault occurred in 2004, but none roundings at all times, and should make in 2005. There were three incidents of smart decisions about their safety, such as forced sexual assault in 2004, two in 2005, locking their doors and valuables, walking but only one in 2003. "So far this semester, at night in groups, and staying in well- the statistics look like they might be even fit areas. Lawson also said that Public lower," said Lawson. "We did have that one Safety in turn will try to be more visible on campus by widely publicizing their ser­ sexual assault unfortunately this semester RICK PAN/FOGHORN by Golden Gate Avenue, but we have since vices. "Public Safety is more than willing Former San Francisco Mayor Willy Brown spoke to room filled to capacity at the University of San Francisco in the McLaren Complex on the trimmed the bushes in that area to ensure to cooperate with students," said Lawson. evening of Thursday October 19. safety." According to Lawson, nothing "We will put on a prevention program any else can be done to prevent such crimes. time that's convenient for them, be it mid­ SARAH MIMMS landslide and went on to become one ofthe nines, however, none could out-style Willie StaffWriter \ "Attempted rape is a completely random night or 2 a.m. The students are our main most beloved mayors in the city's history. Brown; he arrived in his characteristic fine act. We can't ensure it won't happen again concern. What we have seen is a break­ Among his accomplishments during his suifSvith a purple tie and black bowler hat. simply by having more officers patrol­ down in communication, and our goal is illie Brown, Jr., was born and two terms as mayor, Brown renovated the Since the end of his second term as ling, and we can't guarantee an officer can to improve communication between Pub­ raised in the rural segregated Mosconi Center and developed the project, mayor, Brown has been working as a polit­ be everywhere, every time," said Lawson. lic Safety and the students," said Lawson. Wcommunity of Mineola, Texas. which recently finished building the West- ical analyst on television and radio and had In 1964 he was elected as a Democrat to field Shopping Center on Market Street. his own radio show in San Francisco with the California State Assembly and served Former Mayor Brown visited cam­ comedian Will Durst, which was recently on it untU 1994, eventually attaining the pus on Thursday, Oct. 19 as a part of the canceled. His involvement in the show, position of Speaker, which he held for . President's Forum on Politics and Eth­ however, was due to his reputation for Fire On Eighth Floor Gilson fifteen years. It was a common joke that ics put on by the McCarthy Center for honest and often biting commentary. Last Brown would serve on the Assembly for­ Public Service and the Common Good week Phil Angelides declined an invitation ever. In 1988, he recalls a young man ask­ and by the American Institute of Ethics. to Brown's annual political breakfast (in­ ing him who he thought might replace Brown was the third of five former mayors terestingly attended by Schwarzenegger) him. Brown answered, "I anticipate some­ of San Francisco invited to participate in due to a negative comment Brown made one being conceived tonight who will re­ the lecture series and made his appearance about him on television earlier this month. place me." However due to newly estab­ in the McClaren Complex to an audience As for ethics in politics, the subject ofthe lished term limits, Brown left the assembly of several hundred members of the USF forum, Brown commented on the disparity and in 1995 he ran against the incumbent community and San Francisco at large. A between traditional and modern views of Frank Jordan for the position of the 41st majority ofthe audience was dressed to the politicalofficials. Modernlyhesaid,"Politi- Mayor of San Francisco. He won by a BROWN Continued on Page 3 October Goes Pink to Fund raise for Cancer ELIZABETH BUCKLEY Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Founda­ mercialization of pink was a San Fran­ News Editor tion, the Breast Cancer Research Foun­ cisco Advocacy group called Breast Can­ dation, or the Avon Breast Cancer Cru­ cer Action. Members of the group do t used to be that orange was sade, to list a few of the big names in not wear pink ribbons, but instead pins the color of October, now it the business of breast cancer awareness. that read, "Cancer Sucks" in red and Iis pink. Breast cancer pink. There is no doubt that cause-related black. "That message starts a conversa­ This October is the 26th Breast Can­ marketing is an extremely successful way tion that pink ribbons don't anymore," cer Awareness month and the man­ to raise money for research and aware­ said Executive Director Barbara Brenner. tra of the hour is to buy pink. The buy ness; In 2005 alone, buying pink gener­ Groups like Breast Cancer Action wish pink and pink ribbon crusade has been ated more than $30 million for research to stress that there is more to it than buy­ around for decades but it seems that in and community programs for the Su­ ing pink, and that consumers need to be recent years being aware has become san G. Komen Breast Cancer Founda­ cognizant of where their money is actually synonymous with being a consumer. tion. And the Avon Breast Cancer Cru­ going when they buy a breast cancer pink From pink Oscar De La Renta shirts and sade has raised more than S400 million product. In 2001, Breast Cancer Action be­ Ralph Lauren pink polo player's at SAKS worldwide over the life of its campaign, gan their "Think Before You Pink," a cam- I to breast cancer pink lip gloss at nearly ev­ according to the foundations' website. paign that encourages consumers to follow ery makeup counter, to pink vacuums, wal­ However, some consumers and where the money is going. For example, lets, shoes, candles - to just about anything breast cancer awareness advocates worry many companies that market pink prod­ you can buy, the idea is to think pink for that the shopping for the cure situa­ ucts put a cap on their monetary donation, the cause, Delta Airlines is even flying a AVERY HAYES/FOGHORN tion is getting out of hand, that people Brenner explained. "Once a cap on sales pink plane to raise breast cancer awareness. are losing sight of what is important. Reportedly started by a magnifying mirror, for the full scoop on the fire in is reached, $250,000, for example, further When a consumer buys a breast can­ Critics fear that pink has become just profits go directly to the company,"she said. Gilson Room 824 that occured Wednesday Oct. 18, see page 2. cer pink product, a percentage of the sales another marketing tool.
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