Downloaded from http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ on September 24, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Outer Hair Cells and Electromotility Jonathan Ashmore University College London Ear Institute, London WC1X8EE, United Kingdom Correspondence: [email protected] Outer hair cells (OHCs) of the mammalian cochlea behave like actuators: they feed energy into the cochlear partition and determine the overall mechanics of hearing. They do this by generating voltage-dependent axial forces. The resulting change in the cell length, observed by microscopy, has been termed “electromotility.” The mechanism of force generation OHCs can be traced to a specific protein, prestin, a member of a superfamily SLC26 of transporters. This short review will identify some of the more recent findings on prestin. Although the tertiary structure of prestin has yet to be determined, results from the presence of its homologs in nonmammalian species suggest a possible conformation in mammalian OHCs, how it can act like a transport protein, and how it may have evolved. he outer hair cells (OHCs) of the mammali- frequency hearing. Although several extensive Tan cochlea are an identifiable group of cells reviews have been published (Ashmore 2008; of the inner ear, which are responsible for many He et al. 2014; Corey et al. 2017; Santos-Sacchi of the distinct features of our hearing (Fig. 1). et al. 2017), the emphasis here will be on a num- These features include absolute sensitivity to ber of outstanding issues. low sound pressure levels, selectivity to frequen- cies over many octaves, and the dependence ELECTROMOTILITY of cochlear performance on physiological status. These properties have collectively defined a The OHCs of the organ of Corti, the neurosen- process known as “cochlear amplification.” sory epithelium of the mammalian cochlea, are Although other orders of terrestrial animals organized in three (and sometimes four) rows also have cells homologous to the mammalian along the full length of the cochlear partition. www.perspectivesinmedicine.org OHCs, it seems that the evolution of hearing Viewing the cochlear partition in cross section organs has taken slightly different routes in dif- suggests that OHCs are placed in a position to ferent species. This review will focus specifically have the maximal mechanical influence on the on mammalian OHCs, their loss or functional flexure of the basilar membrane. failure being a major cause of hearing deficiency, The original observation that OHCs were including that caused by age. Thus, although cells that were “motile” was made by Brow- hair cells in all vertebrate species share com- nell and his coworkers in Geneva (Brownell et mon molecular features (see Köppl and Manley al. 1985). They showed, using intracellular re- 2018), there have been particular specializations cording electrodes, that the cells could be driven in mammalian hearing to enable and favor high- to change length when the membrane potential Editors: Guy P. Richardson and Christine Petit Additional Perspectives on Function and Dysfunction of the Cochlea available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright © 2019 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a033522 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9:a033522 1 Downloaded from http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ on September 24, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press J. Ashmore AB K+ Apical transducer Prestin/ Transport SLC26A5 Basal synapses and K channels 10 µm Figure 1. The elements of the mammalian outer hair cell (OHC). (A) An isolated OHC from turn 2 (∼5–10 kHz region) of the guinea pig cochlea. The apical stereocilia are apparent at the apical surface. (B) Schematic OHC showing the location of prestin/SLC26A5 down the basolateral surface, generating longitudinal forces. Transport + to regulate pHi is presumed to be collocated as a parallel property of prestin. K ions from scala media enter through the mechanoelectric transducer channels at the apex and exit through the basally located K+ channels. Both afferent (red) and efferent (blue) terminals are located at the base of the cell. was changed. The term “electromotility” was from energy sources within the cell. A back-of- used as shorthand to describe this behavior the envelope calculation using the stiffness of and has stuck, even though it might imply that the cell shows that the maintenance of the cell “motile” means that the cells are migrating membrane potential at −50 mV allows suffi- somewhere. It required the widest electrical cient extraction of energy from the electric field www.perspectivesinmedicine.org bandwidth possible with patch clamp recording to explain the work done by the OHC against the to show that such length changes were rapid and mechanical constraints of the tissue in which certainly fast enough to claim that OHCs could they are embedded (Dallos 1991). be force-generating elements and are involved in Mammalian OHCs possess a very character- shaping cochlear mechanics at acoustic frequen- istic V-shaped bundle of stereocilia, serving cies (Ashmore 1987). Since then, a variety of to inject current into the cells when deflected. different biophysical techniques have shown As sensors of the movement of the basilar that the electromotile mechanism can be driven membrane, OHCs thus form part of a local me- over the full range of frequencies known to be chanical-electrical-mechanical feedback loop to encoded by most mammalian hearing organs, control basilar membrane tuning. The intimate and certainly up to 80 kHz (Frank et al. 1999). role of OHCs in such feedback has meant that It is strictly more accurate to describe the their function in the in vivo cochlea often has OHC as an “actuator” as the source of the energy to be interpreted by appeal to cochlear models. because the force generation derives from the When studied in isolation a property such as potential across the mechanoelectrical trans- electromotility gives an exaggerated impression ducer channels: it is not produced seemingly of the length change that an OHC may exhibit in 2 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9:a033522 Downloaded from http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ on September 24, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Outer Hair Cells and Electromotility a fully functioning cochlea. In vivo, when cells IDENTIFICATION OF THE MECHANISM are constrained by their surrounding cells, they operate more like force-generating elements. A number of hypotheses could explain the phe- A number of other features of OHCs should nomenon of OHC electromotility. There are also be considered when discussing electromo- several constraining observations: (1) the lateral tility. First, although they are neuroepithelial membrane of the OHC is packed with a particle cells specialized so that the apical surface facing about 8 nm in diameter; (2) a change in the scala media is mechanosensitive and the basal OHC membrane potential is accompanied by surface contains synaptic machinery, OHCs are a gating charge movement, or equivalently the relatively sparsely innervated by afferent fibers cell membrane capacitance is voltage dependent; in comparison to inner hair cells. It is clear that (3) the charge movement is blocked by the am- OHCs can generate activity in the type II audi- phiphilic anion salicylate (aspirin, with an addi- tory nerve fibers (Weisz et al. 2009), but this tional methyl group has the same effect); and information may be used in a very different (4) OHCs only acquire motile properties pro- way from the major sensory pathways from the gressively during a short period of development. sharply tuned type I fibers forming the majority The identification of prestin (Zheng et al. of the auditory nerve. Second, OHCs are the 2000) by using a subtracted complementary target of a descending pathway, the fibers of DNA (cDNA) library prepared from the mes- the medial olivocochlear bundle. These fibers, senger RNA (mRNA) of isolated hair cells in releasing acetylcholine (ACh), activate hetero- principle solves most of these problems. Mam- meric α9/10 AChRs on OHCs and serve to malian prestin is a 744 amino-acid protein with control the membrane conductance of the cell a predicted molecular mass of 81 kDa, and when (to K+). The net effect is to both hyperpola- it is expressed in heterologous cells they exhibit rize the cells and to reduce the amplitude of voltage-dependent movements and a nonlinear the receptor potentials in the cell and thus capacitance (NLC), which are indicative of pro- to reduce the mechanical OHC loop gain and tein rearrangements when under the influence overall cochlear sensitivity. The role of the effer- of the membrane potential. The surprise is that ent system is contentious but its effect on me- prestin is member of a superfamily of membrane chanical tuning (Murugasu and Russell 1996) transporters SLC26A5, a family whose other and distortion product emissions (e.g., Maison members are chloride-bicarbonate exchangers et al. 2007) is clear. There is also the suggestion, (Fig. 2) (Lohi et al. 2000). from studies in a mouse where the efferent cho- There are some differences in the behavior linergic receptor had been deleted, that the ef- of the NLC when it is studied in heterologous www.perspectivesinmedicine.org ferent system activity might even slow auditory cells (e.g., HEK293, TSA201, or CHO cells) and aging (Liberman et al. 2014). in isolated OHCs ex vivo. The difference seems ABChloride Bicarbonate Compact Extended 14 TM helices in cell membrane STAS domain in cytoplasm Figure 2. Models for prestin. (A) Organization of prestin/SLC26A5 in the membrane as a monomer. Two mobile components of the protein are placed in the membrane (Gorbunov et al. 2014; Geertsma et al. 2015), whereas the carboxy-terminal region, containing the sulfate transporter and anti-sigma factor antagonist (STAS) domain is cytoplasmic (Mio et al. 2008). (B) Hypothetical model for coassembly into a tetramer. The carboxy-terminal region (red) forms a base against which the oligomer can deform, rapidly shifting between a compact (cell depolarized) and an extended configuration (cell hyperpolarized).
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