Foil Lyons OFFICIAL JOURNAL Franklin Mack Total - 100 OF THE The Speaker announced that there were 100 members present HOUSE OF and a quorum. REPRESENTATIVES Prayer OF THE Prayer was offered by Rep. Armes. STATE OF LOUISIANA Pledge of Allegiance Rep. Schexnayder led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. FORTY-FIFTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Mary Harris sang "The National Anthem". Forty-fourth Regular Session of the Legislature Reading of the Journal Under the Adoption of the On motion of Rep. Hill, the reading of the Journal was Constitution of 1974 dispensed with. On motion of Rep. Hill, the Journal of May 17, 2018, was House of Representatives adopted. State Capitol Petitions, Memorials, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana Communications Friday, May 18, 2018 The following petitions, memorials, and communications were received and read: The House of Representatives was called to order at 9:29 A.M., by the Honorable Taylor Barras, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Message from the Senate RECONSIDERED THE Morning Hour DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE BILL ROLL CALL May 17, 2018 The roll being called, the following members answered to their To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of names: Representatives: PRESENT I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has reconsidered the rejection of the proposed House Amendments to Mr. Speaker Gaines Magee Senate Bill No. 525 by Sen. LaFleur. Abraham Garofalo Marcelle Abramson Gisclair Marino Respectfully submitted, Amedee Glover McFarland Anders Guinn Miguez GLENN A. KOEPP Armes Hall Miller, D. Secretary of the Senate Bacala Harris, J. Miller, G. Bagley Harris, L. Morris, Jay Bagneris Havard Morris, Jim Message from the Senate Berthelot Hazel Muscarello Billiot Henry Norton DISCHARGED OF THE Bishop Hensgens Pearson CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Bouie Hilferty Pierre Brass Hill Pope May 18, 2018 Brown, C. Hodges Pugh Brown, T. Horton Pylant To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Carmody Howard Reynolds Representatives: Carpenter Hunter Richard Carter, G. Huval Schexnayder I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Carter, S. Ivey Seabaugh discharged the Conference Committee on the disagreement to Senate Chaney Jackson Shadoin Bill No. 544. Connick James Simon Coussan Jefferson Smith Respectfully submitted, Cox Jenkins Stagni Crews Johnson Stefanski GLENN A. KOEPP Davis Jones Stokes Secretary of the Senate DeVillier Jordan Talbot Duplessis Landry, N. Thibaut Senate Concurrent Resolutions Dwight Landry, T. Thomas Lying Over Edmonds LeBas White Emerson Leger Wright The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions lying over were Falconer Leopold Zeringue taken up and acted upon as follows: 1753 Page 2 HOUSE 45th Day's Proceedings - May 18, 2018 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 121— Motion BY SENATOR CLAITOR A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To express the sincere condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana On motion of Rep. Miguez, the bill was returned to the calendar. upon the passing of Paul Whitfield Murrill, PhD, the second HOUSE BILL NO. 609— chancellor of Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, and to BY REPRESENTATIVE SEABAUGH recognize his lifetime of achievement. AN ACT To enact R.S. 22:2013.1, relative to the administration of large Read by title. deductible policies and collateral; to provide for applicability; to provide for definitions; to provide for the right of the receiver On motion of Rep. Foil, and under a suspension of the rules, the or a guaranty association to pursue collateral; to limit the resolution was concurred in. defenses of the insured; to provide for the treatment of the collateral; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 122— related matters. BY SENATOR BARROW A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Read by title. To continue and provide with respect to the task force to study health services delivery and financing in the Baton Rouge region Motion created by House Concurrent Resolution No. 129 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature and continued by Senate On motion of Rep. Miguez, the bill was returned to the calendar. Concurrent Resolution No. 4 of the 2016 Regular Session of the Legislature. House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Read by title. Third Reading for Final Consideration The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions on On motion of Rep. Marcelle, and under a suspension of the third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as rules, the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading. follows: SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 123— HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 221— BY SENATOR BOUDREAUX BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION To designate June 11-15, 2018, as Meningitis B Awareness Week. To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to take such actions as are necessary to establish a pilot program for drinking Read by title. water testing at elementary schools and to report findings and outcomes of the program to the legislative committees on health On motion of Rep. Pierre, and under a suspension of the rules, and welfare. the resolution was concurred in. Read by title. Reconsideration of Vetoed Bills Motion The following vetoed bills were taken up, reconsidered, and acted upon as follows: On motion of Rep. Duplessis, the resolution was returned to the calendar. HOUSE BILL NO. 169— BY REPRESENTATIVE TALBOT HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 226— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE MARCELLE To amend and reenact R.S. 22:1266(D)(1) and (3)(b)(ii), relative to A RESOLUTION the cancellation of an insurance policy; to authorize notice of To urge and request the office of public health of the Louisiana cancellation to be sent by first class mail using a tracking Department of Health to study cancer incidence in the Colfax, method; and to provide for related matters. Louisiana area and to report findings of the study to the legislative committees on health and welfare. Read by title. Read by title. Motion Rep. Marcelle sent up floor amendments which were read as On motion of Rep. Talbot, the bill was returned to the calendar. follows: HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS HOUSE BILL NO. 607— BY REPRESENTATIVE SEABAUGH AN ACT Amendments proposed by Representative Marcelle to Original House To amend and reenact R.S. 22:1983(E)(introductory paragraph) and Resolution No. 226 by Representative Marcelle (2), (G), and (H), 1984(G), and 2191(A)(2) and to enact R.S. 22:1983(E)(3), relative to examinations and investigations by AMENDMENT NO. 1 the commissioner of insurance; to authorize an investigatory hearing for the purposes of obtaining additional information; to On page 1, line 5, after "with the" and before "issuance" insert provide for appellate review of examination reports; to provide "recent" for appellate review of certain fines; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 1, line 6, delete "facility" and insert in lieu thereof Read by title. "operation in the Colfax, Louisiana area" 1754 Page 3 HOUSE 45th Day's Proceedings - May 18, 2018 AMENDMENT NO. 3 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 238— BY REPRESENTATIVES COUSSAN AND BISHOP On page 1, line 7, delete "the Camp Minden Louisiana National A RESOLUTION Guard" and insert in lieu thereof "a military" To urge and request that the Louisiana State Law Institute study the classification of a production payment under Louisiana law, and AMENDMENT NO. 4 to submit a written report of its findings with any recommendations. On page 1, delete lines 10 and 11 in their entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following: Read by title. "WHEREAS, an open burn of munitions and other hazardous Rep. Jim Morris moved the adoption of the resolution. waste is ongoing at the disposal facility near Colfax, which holds the nation's only federal permit to conduct open burning and open By a vote of 91 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. detonation in this manner; and HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 239— WHEREAS, this permit subjects the disposal facility to BY REPRESENTATIVE TALBOT regulation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency A RESOLUTION pursuant to the authority of Resource Conservation and Recovery To urge and request the Department of Insurance to create a task Act; and" force to study the statutory provisions providing for penalties AMENDMENT NO. 5 and attorney fees in the Louisiana Insurance Code, comprising Title 22 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, and to make On page 2, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following: recommendations for the simplification and clarification of those provisions. "(7) The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry." Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 6 Rep. Talbot moved the adoption of the resolution. On page 3, at the end of line 2, insert "the director of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry," By a vote of 44 yeas and 45 nays, the resolution was rejected. On motion of Rep. Marcelle, the amendments were adopted. Senate Concurrent Resolutions on Third Reading for Final Consideration Rep. Marcelle moved the adoption of the resolution, as amended. The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions on third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as follows: By a vote of 49 yeas and 37 nays, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 101— BY SENATOR DONAHUE HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 203— A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE EDMONDS To present a budget plan that reflects the reduction of Louisiana's A RESOLUTION sales taxes, includes the impact of federal tax policy, and To urge and request the House Committee on House and provides funding established by a standstill budget and includes Governmental Affairs to meet to study moving all school board priority programs. elections to either the gubernatorial election date or the presidential election date.
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