FORM 2 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Cabinet Report Report of: The Chief Executive and Executive Director, Resources ________________________________________________________________ Report to: Cabinet ________________________________________________________________ Date: 17 February 2016 ________________________________________________________________ Subject: Revenue Budget for 2016/17 ________________________________________________________________ Author of Report: Eugene Walker, Acting Executive Director of Resources ________________________________________________________________ Key Decision: YES ________________________________________________________________ Reason Key Decision: Expenditure/savings over £500,000 Affects 2 or more wards ________________________________________________________________ Summary: The City Council on 4 March 2016 meets to consider the Revenue Budget for 2016/17 and to determine the Council Tax for that year The report provides information to enable the Council to set a budget and determine the Council Tax. The proposals set out in this report provide for a balanced budget to be recommended to Council. ________________________________________________________________ Reasons for Recommendations: Please see above Form 2 – Executive Report Page 105 January 2014 _____________________________________________________________ Recommendations: The report contains recommendations to Council on 4 March 2016 _____________________________________________________________ Background Papers: Category of Report: OPEN If CLOSED add ‘Not for publication because it contains exempt information under Paragraph (insert relevant paragraph number) of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).’ Page 106 Page 2 of 3 Statutory and Council Policy Checklist Financial Implications YES Cleared by: Mike Thomas Legal Implications YES: see Legal Advice section of report Equality of Opportunity Implications YES Tackling Health Inequalities Implications NO Human Rights Implications NO Environmental and Sustainability implications NO Economic Impact NO Community Safety Implications NO Human Resources Implications NO Property Implications NO Area(s) Affected NO Relevant Cabinet Portfolio Lead Cllr Ben Curran Relevant Scrutiny Committee Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Is the item a matter which is reserved for approval by the City Council? YES Press Release YES Page 107 Page 3 of 3 BUDGET REPORT 2016/17 Contents List of Appendices ........................................................................................................ 2 Purpose of the Report .................................................................................................. 3 Budget Consultation ..................................................................................................... 3 Medium Term Financial Strategy ................................................................................. 7 Autumn Statement 2015 .............................................................................................. 9 Local Government Finance Settlement ...................................................................... 11 Business Rates income .............................................................................................. 16 Council Tax income .................................................................................................... 20 Business Planning for 2016/17 .................................................................................. 23 Formulation of the budget for 2016/17 ....................................................................... 23 Savings proposals for 2016/17 ................................................................................... 28 Revenue Budget position for 2015/16 ........................................................................ 28 Balances and Reserves ............................................................................................. 29 Risk Management ...................................................................................................... 29 Levies ......................................................................................................................... 29 Portfolio Revenue Spending Plans for 2016/17 ......................................................... 30 Financing the 2016/17 Budget Requirement .............................................................. 45 Precepts ..................................................................................................................... 48 Legal Advice .............................................................................................................. 49 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget ................................................................. 50 The Outlook for 2017/18 ............................................................................................ 51 Treasury Management Strategy ................................................................................. 51 Financial Implications ................................................................................................. 52 Workforce Impact ....................................................................................................... 52 Pay Policy .................................................................................................................. 53 Members’ Allowances ................................................................................................ 53 Equality Impact........................................................................................................... 54 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 79 Page 108 Page 1 List of Appendices Reference Section Detail Page Number Appendix 1 Portfolio Pressures 83-84 Appendix 2 Portfolio Budget Implementation Plans 2a: CYPF 85 - 138 2b: Communities 139 - 176 2c: Place 177 - 208 2d: Policy Performance & Communications 209 - 216 2e: Resources 217 - 244 Appendix 3 Summary Budget for 2016/17 245-246 Appendix 4 Reserves Strategy 247-254 Appendix 5 Risk Register 255-264 Appendix 6 Council Tax determinations TBC Appendix 7 Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy, including The Prudential Code and Prudential Indicators 265 -298 Appendix 8 Pay Policy for 2016/17 299-306 Appendix 9 Equality Impact Assessments 307-350 Appendix 10 Glossary of Terms 351-354 Page 109 Page 2 2016/17 REVENUE BUDGET REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, RESOURCES Purpose of the Report 1. The purpose of this report is to: approve the City Council’s revenue budget for 2016/17, including the position on reserves and balances; approve a 2016/17 Council Tax for the City Council; and note the levies and precepts made on the City Council by other authorities. Budget Consultation 2. As part of the development of options for the 2016/17 budget, the Council ran a budget conversation between November and January that included a range of consultation activity with local people and partner organisations. This has helped us to ensure that the proposals that we are putting forward have been shaped by people who may be affected by decisions taken as part of the budget, and to ensure that they have had an opportunity to put forward other ideas for consideration. 3. In line with our values as an organisation, we have used consultation to inform people about our proposals, provide the opportunity to give feedback, make suggestions and let people know how their feedback has helped to influence our thinking. In this way we have attempted to ensure that our consultation activity is meaningful and appropriate at all times. Our budget consultation activity has had two main strands this year: Two large corporate budget conversation events in the Town Hall, supplemented by additional activity, including a survey Consultation on particular topics and specific proposals, including meetings with the Voluntary, Community and Faith sectors and Business representatives, that includes informing longer term thinking and Equality Impact Assessments Corporate Consultation 4. Budget priorities have also been heavily shaped by consultation activity undertaken over recent years that has consistently confirmed public support for Page 110 Page 3 protecting services for the most vulnerable. This year public feedback on our guiding principles has supported our approach to: operate efficiently as an organisation develop solutions for the longer term take early preventative action focus on people with the greatest need work with our communities to deliver services in a different way Other significant areas that people wanted the Council to concentrate on protecting, now and in the future, included Parks, Housing, Transport & Roads, Education, Employment, and Libraries. 5. These findings have been developed through both budget and non-budget related activity. This includes consultation that informed proposals in last year’s budget, particularly where implementation is being phased over two years in areas such as assessments in Adult Social Care. The first of this year’s large budget conversation events in the Town Hall was held in November 2015 and gave an opportunity for the Council to explain the scale of reductions we are facing to members of the public and our partners, to set out our approach to making the reductions, and to invite initial feedback on our approach. The open event was attended by over 60
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