i H i m ,■■ ■• y': - ■ L^~;~-.'/i/^' -X-L'-r- 3 m tt C a t h o l i i : I i!^ ■' . ii SUNDAY, JUNE TENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX Commemorating the Siluer Episcopal Jubilee of ARCHBISHOP URBAN J.VEHR a//(f the Dcdicatm of the J^ew St. Zhorns Semimty Mldings f A \vi % f'r % \\\ % f Am e e ie ryc/fy \\\ % \\\ \\\ % \\\ t e \w \\S \\\ \\\ \w 7 \\\ Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J.Vehr \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ 0 \\\ \\\ \\\ < \\\ I rjii'm ’i ^ fih ecfia \\\ \\\ \\\ % \\\ % % \\\ % \\\ \\\ NVv % \\\ % Congratulations . % \\\ % \\\ On your noble work well done . on the % \\\ a / i numerous building projects planned WN \\\ \\\ \\\ and completed during your episcopate. » \N\ % \W % >N\ % % \\\ S\s % \w \\\ Congratulations . \\s \\{ % \Vv On your personal accomplishments \SNI through the years . on your democratic \\\ \i spirit and leadership manifested in % \\\ I % many ways since coming to Denver. % %I % \\\ \\\ % \\\ Otf'i veiif lf)i if fit ft eonfftitiff/ ffofif/ /tea IfIt a n d m a n if \\\ \\\ \\\ WN N\\ \\\ ■‘if I r ic e in i / n ' tA'ifJif/ifirei<> NNs 1 \<N \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ W \\\ THE AMERICAN \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ NV) NATIONAL BANK s\v \\N OF DENVER • 17TH AND LAWRENCE «t \W \\S \\\ % % % i\\ % r Thursday, June 7, 1956 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Section Two—Page Thursday, June 7, 1956 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Section Two— Page One 227 New Buildings Blessed By Archbishop in 25 Years 9 2 ,1 3 2 Confirm ed; 2 0 ,0 0 0 Miles Yearly On Church Business A countless series of official engagements brought Arclihishop Urban J. Vehr to every corner of the Archdiocese of Denver during the' past quarter of a century. Apart from the normal routine of spiritual and temporal administration, there were meetings and interviews without end, reviewing building plans, locating and selecting- new building sites, dedication ceremonies, jubilees of every kind, Communion Masses and breakfasts, oi-dinations at the Cathedral and St. Thomas’ Seminary, Confirmations in every parish and mis­ sion, and sundry other church and civic functions without number. The Archbishop ordinarily trav­ eled by auto 20,000miles each year on churcb busi­ ness and church functions within the archdiocese. 156 Ordained Priests During the past 25 years the Archbishop con­ ferred sacred orders at St. Thomas’ Seminary on 0,706 candidates in 007 .sejuirate ceremonies. He has ordained 156 young Icvites to the sacred prie.st- hood, of Avhoni 110 wei-e ordained for the Arch­ diocese of Denver. Pi-actically all the priests now serving in the archdiocese and ordained since 1932 were raised to the priesthood by tbe Archbishop. AVithin the past quarter of a centmy since his coming to Denver, the Archl)ishop has conducted 876 separate Confirmation ceremonies in every church and chapel of the archdiocese. He has ad­ ministered the sacrament of Confirmation to 92,- Archbishop Urbon J. Vehr of Denver 102 adults and childi'en and has delivered a ser­ Consecrofed June 10, 1931 mon at each Confirmation ceremonv. Ilccior of Sem inarv N am ed fo H ierarchy f 32 New Parishes Established During the past 25 years the Ai‘chl)ishop has Work as Educator Prepared Way establi.shed 02 now ])arishes, has solemnly blessed 80 new cbiirches, 08 new schools or additions. 02 new priests’ rectories. 00 new convents or addi­ For Brillianf Career in Hierarchy tions, and 41 other religions institut«)n.s, making On April 23, 1931, the Most Rev­ tution, in Cincinnati. His philosophical a grand total of 227 newly constructed buildings erend Pietro Fumasoni-Biondi, D.D., and theological studies w'ere completed for religious purpo.ses witbin tbe arcbdiocese. Apostolic Delegate to the United State.s, at Mt. St. Mary of the West Seminary, During the past 10 years, the parishes of the announced that the Rt. Rev. Urban J. and he was ordained on May 29, Vehr, Rector of Mt. St. Mary of the 1915, by Archbishop Henry Moeller of archdiocese have e.xpended more tlian $7,000,000 West Seminary, Norwood, 0., had been Cincinnati. In the following month, ha in the erection of grade and high school facilities appointed by the Holy Father, Pope Pius was named assistant pastor of Holy and sisters’ convents and have ])rovided 245 addi­ XI, successor to Bishop J. Henry Tihen. Trinity Parish, Middletown, 0., and in tional classrooms for the Catholic education of our For the third time in the 44-year hi.s- 1921, chaplain of the mother-house of children. This amount does not include the cost of tory of the Diocese of Denver, the State the Sisters of Charity at Mt. St. Joseph on the Ohio, near Cincinnati. church buildings or institutions. of Ohio was linked in a spiritual way with the State of Colorado. The Rt. Rev. Superintendent Over 50 Building Sites Acquired Joseph P. Machebeuf, the first Bishop Oi Schools of Denver, labored as a priest for many In 1922, he became assistant super­ > Principally through the funds supjdied by years throughout the northern part of intendent of schools in the Archdiocese the Seminary-Missions campaign, the Archbishop Ohio, and received Episcopal consecra­ of Cincinnati, and in 1923, after earning tion in the city of Cincinnati. The Rt. has ])ersonally supervised the purchase of more a master of arts degree at the Catholic Rev. Nicholas C. Matz, the second University of America, Washington, than 50 building sites for the present and future Bishop of Denver, made his studies for D.C., he was named superintendent of development of the Chui-ch in all areas of the the priesthood in the same seminary of schools in the archdiocese. He held that archdiocese. These sites are a minim^im of five which Bishop-Elect Vehr was an alum­ position until 1926, when he was named acres each and allow for sufficient ground for nus and rector. rector of St. Gregory’s Preparatory parish and school development. Some of these The newly elected Bishop was a na-' Seminary, an institution that housed the tive of Cincinnati, as he was born in high school, college, and philosophy de­ have actually been converted to parish use^. About suburban Price Hill on May 30, 1891, partments for the training of candidates 06 such building sites await future development in the son of Anthony and Catherine Ha- for the priesthood. the respective areas and a growing number of mann Vehr. Within several blocks of his The following year. Father Vehr was priests to service them. home were born and reared three other elevated to the monsignorial rank when members of the American Hierarchy, he was named a Domestic Prelate by Business men have proclaimed this advance Archbishop Francis J. Beckman, for­ Pope Pius XI. He went to Rome for purcha.se of parish property a far-sighted policy merly of Dubuque, who died in 1948; study at the Collegio Angelico and was in this fast developing era and area and the Catho­ Bishop George A. Rehring of Toledo, awarded a licentiate in canon law. Upon lic people are hap]>y and proud that each iiew and Bishop Henry J. Grimmelsman of his return to Cincinnati, he was named parish developed in the future will have sufficient Evansville, Ind. rector of Mt. St. Mary of the West Semi­ The new Ordinary of Denver at­ nary, where he was also a professor of land to meet its needs. tended St. Gregorv’s Preparatory Semi­ theology and canon law. During these (List of Builciiiigg Dedicated Beging on Page 27.) nary and Xavier College, a Jesuit insti­ (Turn to Page i — Column J) I Page Two— Section Two THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, June 7, 1956 ' 1 To The Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr ( On your Silver Episcopal Anni­ versary Jubilee, June 10, 1956. It is with pride and admiration that we rejoice with you on this memorable occasion. May your distinguished leadership continue for many more years. Our Sincere Greetings and Best Wishes from the officers and staff of Empire Savings eUlLOING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 1654 CALIFORNIA ST. Re.onrc.i Over $38 Millioa -■ /.relv. r. J Thursday, June 7, 1956 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER SecHon Two— Page Three Room for 90 Seminarians In New St. Pius X Addition m&ii This aerial view of Si. dormitory building at left cbapel extending at right top center is the “ old red is the auditorium-gym« Thomas’ Seminary, Den­ and library at extreme angles from the tower. brick,” ibe original St. nasium. The convent is ver, shows the new Si. right. The administration Tlie refectory, with Thomas’ Seminary build­ hidden in the clump o f Pius X Addition al lower building is al left, adjoin­ kitchen attached, adjoins ing on the site, erected in trees to the right o f the right, with the classroom- ing the lower, with the the chapel buildhig. At 1907. Al the upper right “old red brick.” Library Building, Classrooms Included Two lai’ge new buildings form the for the faculty. An office for the dean of An electric dumbwaiter from the St. Pius Tenth addition to St. Tliomas’ studies and a record room for students’ first to the second story of the stack sec­ Seminary, Denver, to be dedicated Sun­ statistics are at the northeast end. There tion facilitates the libfarians’ work of day, June 10, at 3:.30 p.ni. They are a are also restrooms for men and women moving books from one floor to the dormitory-classroom building and a li­ visitors. other. brary. The seminary now has facilities On the .second floor are 26 students’ A new garage is located just east of for about 250 students. rooms on the south side, two faculty the new dormitory-classroom building.
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