Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 VVolumeolume 331,1, NNumberumber 2255 TThursday,hursday, JJulyuly 22,, 22015015 HHappyappy BBirthdayirthday AAMERICAMERICA THE Page 2 July 2, 2015 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 In Case Of Emergency, Dial e-mail: News/Articles - [email protected] email: Classifieds - [email protected] http://www.thebeacher.com/ PRINTED WITH Published and Printed by TM Trademark of American Soybean Association THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden 911 Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach. Veteran, Educator Named Long Beach Parade Marshal by Kayla Weiss Teacher. til 1981. Volunteer. “I just loved the challenge of teaching, matching Veteran. wits with the kids and seeing them grow,” Dry said. Jim Dry, 93, has devoted his life to his commu- “And all of the other jobs I didn’t mind working to nity and his country, which is why Long Beach Civic help pull in more money. I learned something from Association has named him grand marshal for this every single one of them, and that allowed my wife year’s Long Beach July 4th parade. to be able to stay at home for the children.” Originally from Northwest Indiana, Dry was One night, Dry recalls, some power lines went drafted during World War II into the U.S. Army Air down near their house. He and his wife jumped into Corps before he could earn his college degree. He action, grabbing white sheets to use as signals for served with the Air Corps until the war’s end, when unsuspecting drivers. When the Long Beach Fire he returned to the United States and his family. Department arrived on the scene, the fi re chief was “After the war, we ended up moving back to the impressed with how Dry handled the situation, tell- area to be close to my wife’s twin sister and the ing him he should come to the next meeting. rest of her family, which was fi ne. We needed fam- Since that night, Dry has continued to volunteer ily close by,” Dry said. “When we moved back to with the Long Beach Fire Department, now under the area and settled in Long Beach, I went back to the direction of Fire Chief Dave Albers. Dry’s son, school to get my degree as fast as possible so I could Tim, volunteers as well. start teaching the next generations.” Dry also has been active with the Long Beach Dry received training in many specialties. After park programs, through which he helped train base- graduating, he began working many jobs, including ball teams and organize other activities for children helping out at a family member’s car dealership, in the area. working for Michigan City police and teaching with Even after retiring from teaching, Dry couldn’t Michigan City Area Schools, where he remained un- stay away from education, returning as a substitute Jim Dry relaxes in his Long Beach home. THE July 2, 2015 Page 3 teacher for MCAS. He of- fered his time and expe- rience to the schools and students, continuing to sub up until about three years ago when he was 90. Now, he enjoys his lei- sure time and is an ex- perienced fl y-fi sher. He looks forward to being this year’s parade grand marshal. “I’m very honored, and Jim Dry during his service with the humbled to have been U.S. Army Air Corps. asked to be the grand marshal,” he said. “It’s always been a wonderful family affair in Long Beach, and I look forward to being a part of it.” More About the Long Beach Civic Association • 2015 — Helped fi nance the new fl oor in the Com- munity Center gym. • 2014 — Purchased beach “Ice Warning” signs for the Long Beach Volunteer Fire Department. • 2013 — Purchased Emergency Response Use and Riptide information signs for the beaches. • 2012-2013 — Purchased red and green light bulbs for holiday lighting on pillars. • 2012 — Restored historical pillars on Lake Shore Drive. • 2011 — Sponsored “Movie in the Park.” • 2010-2012 — Donated money to Duneland Beach for the Dunes Restoration Project. • 2010 — Refurbished “Stop” signs in Long Beach. • 2009 — Underwrote second ATV for the Long Beach Police Department to patrol beaches. • 2009 — Purchased fi re hydrant markers. • 2009 — Purchased playground equipment for Duneland Beach. • 2008 — Sponsored “Movie in the Park.” • 2008 — Donated money to Duneland Beach to up- grade park. • 2007 — Helped refi nish tennis courts, new fence, nets, poles and lights. • 2005-2006 — New playground equipment at the town center. • 2004 — Purchased the First Responders’ radios and Automated External Defi brillators. • 2001 — Purchased ATV for the Long Beach Police Department to patrol beaches. • 2001 — Purchased furniture for the Town Hall Chamber. • 1996 and 2000 — Purchased lake buoys and maintained them as needed. The Civic Association also has made 29 years of monetary contributions to the Long Beach Police and Volunteer Fire Department. THE Page 4 July 2, 2015 About the Cover Note from Editor Andrew Tallackson — Special thanks to my neighbors, Deanna and Mike French, for allowing The Beacher to shoot our cover photo at their home. Deanna coordinated the sumptuous table settings with my wife, Alice, with Beacher photographer Bob Wellinski taking the photos. THE July 2, 2015 Page 5 /DNH6KRUH'ULYH 6KHULGDQ%HDFK /$.()5217/,9,1* 9HU\VROLGO\EXLOW EHGURRPEDWKKRPH +DUGZRRGIORRUVVXQURRP +XJHRXWGRRU\DUGHDVLO\ SDUNVFDUVLQIURQW5HDG\ %URNHU$VVRFLDWH WRPRYHLQRUXSGDWHZLWK \RXURZQWRXFKHV5DUH RSSRUWXQLW\WRRZQODNH IURQWDWDJUHDWSULFH *UHDWLQYHVWPHQW RIDJHQW¶VSURFHHGVRQ HYHU\WUDQVDFWLRQZLOOEH 0,&.<*$//$6 GRQDWHGWRDORFDOFKDULW\ 3523(57,(6 THE Page 6 July 2, 2015 2:1 OEKH '5($0 J^[CYA[[<Wc_bo ƄBed]8[WY^Ƅ @ehZWd=WbbWi 8hea[h7iieY_Wj[ 90('/$.,'$),+/ 9WbbJ^[9eWY^ `ehZWd6c_Yao]WbbWifhef[hj_[i$Yec THE July 2, 2015 Page 7 0LFN\*DOODV3URSHUWLHV 0LFN\*DOODV $%5&5%&56 ZZZ0LFN\*DOODV3URSHUWLHVFRP H352*5,65(6 &HOO ŗŞśŖȱȱȱȱȊȱȱȱ řŖŗŝȱȱȱȊȱȱ ȱ ǞŚşśǰŖŖŖȱ ǞŚŗşǰşŖŖȱ EHGURRPVEDWKV*UHDWURRPLQFOXGHVKLJKFHLOLQJV EHGURRPVEDWKV/DUJHOLYLQJURRPZLWKILUHSODFH OLYLQJURRPZLWKILUHSODFHGLQLQJ EHDXWLIXONLWFKHQZLWK VOLGHUVOHDGLQJWRGHFN(QFORVHGSRUFKZDONRXWEDVHPHQW VWDLQOHVVDSSOLDQFHV:DONRXWORZHUOHYHOKDVUHFURRPWZR ZLWKIDPLO\URRP+RWZDWHUKHDWHGWZRFDUJDUDJH ORWVRI EHGURRPVODXQGU\ EDWK2XWGRRUEHDFKVKRZHU GHFN SDUNLQJ)UHVKO\SDLQWHGH[WHULRU6RFORVHWRWKHEHDFKZLWK ZLWKODNHYLHZ&RPSOHWHO\UHVWRUHGMXVWVWHSVWRWKHEHDFK IXOO\GHHGHGEHDFKULJKWVWR6KRUHODQG+LOOVSULYDWHEHDFK ŘŘŖŞȱȱȱ ŗřŜȱ ȱȱ ŘşŖşȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱǞŚŗşǰŖŖŖȱ ȱ ȱȱǞřŜşǰŖŖŖȱ ȱȱȱǞřśŚǰŖŖŖȱ řȱǰȱŗȬȱǭȱŘȬȱǯȱ śȱǰȱřȱǯȱȱȦ ȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱǭȱǰȱǰȱ ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱǯȱȱ ȱǯȱȬȱȱȱ ǯȱȱǰȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱ ȱǰȱ¢ȱȱȱ ȱǯȱ¢ȱȱ ǯȱȱȱȱȱǯȱ ȱǯȱ¢ȱȱǯȱ ȱ ȱȱ¢ȱȱǯȱ <RXU7UXH%HDFK&LW\DQG&RXQWU\&RQQHFWLRQ 6KLUO%DF]WXE*5, 6XVDQ.HOOH\&56 'DLYD0RFNDLWLV*5, -XGL'RQDOGVRQ*5, 7LQD.HOO\ /LQH0XOOLQV -DPLH)ROOPHU .DUHQ.PLHFLN3DY\*5, %DUE3LQNV -RUGDQ*DOODV 3DW7\P $%5&56*5,65(6 /LFHQVHGLQ,QGLDQDDQG0LFKLJDQ /LFHQVHGLQ,QGLDQDDQG,OOLQRLV THE Page 8 July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·W PLVVWKLVRSSRUWXQLW\WREXLOG\RXUGUHDPKRPHLQWKH KHDUWRI /RQJ%HDFK/RFDWHGMXVWVWHSVWR6WRSEHDFK 2IIHUHGIRU THE July 2, 2015 Page 9 0LFN\*DOODV3URSHUWLHV 0LFN\*DOODV $%5&5%&56 ZZZ0LFN\*DOODV3URSHUWLHVFRP H352*5,65(6 &HOO 1(:35,&( ŘŚŗŖȱȱȱȊȱȱȱ ŘřŖŘȱȱȱȊȱȱȱ ǞřŚşǰşŖŖȱ ǞřŗşǰŖŖŖȱ 9LQWDJHEHGURRPEDWKRQHRIDNLQGKRPHRYHUORRNLQJ EHGURRPVSOXVORIWEDWKV1HZLWHPVLQFOXGHIXUQDFH WKHWKKROHRI/RQJ%HDFK&RXQWU\&OXEJROIFRXUVH+LJK DFURRIZLQGRZVIORRULQJFDELQHWVEDWKSDLQWLQVLGHDQG FHLOLQJVZLQGRZVJDORUHWZRJUD\VWRQHZRRGEXUQLQJ RXW6WRQH EULFNGULYHZD\PLQLPDO\DUGPDLQWHQDQFHJROI ILUHSODFHVWKUHHVHDVRQURRP ILQLVKHGZDONRXWEDVHPHQW FDUWSDUNLQJ JDUDJH0RYHLQUHDG\IRUTXLFNRFFXSDQF\WR OHDGLQJWRUHDUSDWLR/RYHO\VWUROOWR/DNH0LFKLJDQ HQMR\\HWWKLVVXPPHU2SHQVW\OHKRPHYHU\FORVHWREHDFK ŗŝŖȬȱȱȱȱ Řŗřşȱȱȱ ŘŘşȱȱȱǯȱ ȱȱǞřŗşǰŖŖŖȱ ȱȱȱǞŘşşǰŖŖŖȱ ȱ¢ȱȱǞŘśşǰŖŖŖȱ řȱǰȱŘǯśȱǯȱȱǭȱ ŚȱǰȱŘȱȱǭȱŘȱȱǯȱ řȱǰȱŘȱǯȱȱǰȱ ȱȱǯȱȱȱ ǰȱ ȱǰȱȱǰȱ ȱȱǰȱ ȱȱ ȱǭȱ ȱǯȱȱ ǰȱȱ ȱȱ ȱ ǰȱȱȱǯȱ ȱǯȱȱȱȱǰȱ ȱǯȱȱȱȱ Ȭȱȱȱȱ ȱȱǭȱ ȱȱǯȱ ȱǭȱȱ ȱȱȱǯȱ ȱ Ȧȱ¢ȱ ȱȱǯȱ <RXU7UXH%HDFK&LW\DQG&RXQWU\&RQQHFWLRQ 6KLUO%DF]WXE*5, 6XVDQ.HOOH\&56 'DLYD0RFNDLWLV*5, -XGL'RQDOGVRQ*5, 7LQD.HOO\ /LQH0XOOLQV -DPLH)ROOPHU .DUHQ.PLHFLN3DY\*5, %DUE3LQNV -RUGDQ*DOODV 3DW7\P $%5&56*5,65(6 /LFHQVHGLQ,QGLDQDDQG0LFKLJDQ /LFHQVHGLQ,QGLDQDDQG,OOLQRLV THE Page 10 July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