The wp~a,tn,er D 1998 FIJI, Page 16 MIT to Pay Victims $.1.85 on InFernald adiatio ettleme t 1940 and 1950 as part of an out of Red ox game. I DRA ATH EOGY-THE TECH court ettlement. Th stud nt were Fernald had been officiall de- Samara L. Firebaugh G throws a pot In the Student Art MIT and Qua er Oat o. f d breakfa t c real laced with ignated as a chool for retarded chil- Association's Intermediate Potter's Wheel class last night In agreed 1 t w ek to pay 1.85 mil- minut amount of radioactiv iron dren, although orne of the re idents W2G-431. lion to children at the Walter E. and caJcium tracer. hildren were at the time of the experiment were Fernald tate chool who were ub- encouraged to take part in the test- not retarded. jects of nutrition studie during the ing with promi e of gifts or trip to Following the decla ification of federal record on po t-war radia- tion experiment in 1993 a tate ta k force inve tigating po twar radiation exp rim nt throughout Once an lAP Tradition, Charm School Fades Away Ma achu ett found children at By Eric Sit organizer this year. Fernald were u ed in experiment STAFF REPORTER ; "Charm school was a without the informed con ent of The MlT community will need to search good idea," said Catherine parent . A cia action uit again t elsewhere to discover charm and grace, as M. Bamben kG. "They MIT and Quaker at wa filed by MIT's charm school drops off the list of activi- taught you things that you fonner tudents in December 1995. ties bein~ offered during this year's don't normally learn in a Independent Activities Period. cIa sroom," she said. IT to pa mo t in ettlement Charm School wa a fun and lighthearted Even harm School' A tatement i ued following the part of the January term. It provided a fun way national reputation failed to ttlement aid that the money will for students to ask some serious etiquette ques- earn it a backer. The event come primarily from MIT. tions, polish their social skill, and have a bit of was covered by news "I look on it a th tuition of 20 fun. Students could go from booth to booth and departments around the tudent " aid Vice Pre ident for earn a charm coupon for each Ie son completed world, said Maitreya J. Re earch and Dean for raduate - 6 subjects would yield a bachelor's degree, Dunham '99. once did ducation, 1. David Lit ter PhD 65, eight a master's, and twelve a PhD in charm. a egment covering the who inve tigated MIT involve- Former Dean for Undergraduate Academic event. ment in the Fernald e periment and Affairs Travi R. Merritt founded the school in pre ented his finding to the tate 1993 because be was tired of hearing the gener- Credit cour e encroach ta k force in 1994. The In titute is alization that MIT people can't function social- Even though Charm not in ured for uch a liability 0 the ly. Merritt has since retired and could not be chool may have disap- money for the ttlement will come reached for comment. peared momentarily, lAP directly from In titute fund , Lit ter has found a niche in the aid. Lack of re oarce kill activi MlT curriculum, and the The amount of money going to The closing of charm school can be traced MIT community seems to each indi idual ubject to the exper- at least in part to the many transitional prob- be happy with it, Hughes lems created by Reengineering at MIT said said. However, its reputa- Fernald, Page 15 Program Administrator of Undergraduate tion as a time for e plocing Academic Affairs Mar hall Hughe . The office of extracurricular activitie arshall Hughes which coordinates lAP bas been acutely affect- to round out a student's education may be Another ignificant admini trative d velop- ed a a result. "We've become so under- lowly fading. ment of this year was th lAP guide mo e t staffed," he said. ince its inception, there has been a teady the world wide web, Hughes aid. In thi form, Organizing charm school last year was an increase in the number of credit cour es it i mu h ea ier to earch for activities and overwhelming effort Hughes said. The under- offered during lAP. post updates. urrent lAP information can. be taffed IAP office and the lack of student orga- There has al 0 been concern about the found at http://web.mit.eduliap/www/iap9 '/. Jon appoin new nizers were main factors in the closing of increasing number of of required classe admissions dir tor. Charm choo], he said. offered only during I P. Both Mechanical d "If a student had stepped forward and vol- Engineering and Phy i require major to take Page 9 unteered to organize charm chool then there certain classe that are onJy offered during lAP. would be a chann choo] thi year," Mar haU Hughes agree with the e tudent concerns. • ovie said. The twelve unit credit limit prevents tudents . tad Page 6 from 0 erworking them el e during I ,he tuden mi harm cbool said. It al 0 erves to prev nt th faculty from Disappointed tudent were urprised to requiring too many credit course during IAP. • 10 Guthrie hear that there would be no charm school this "I ould have liked to have een more entertains at th Ho year. humanities cIa se offered,' arshan aid. of Biu . Page 6 any tudents complained that they did not Thi would better aid in rounding out an even know that charm school needed a student education, be said. mi Page 10 Page 2 THE WASHI GTO POST Republi an Party leader Tu day b g n full- Ie dri e to kill propo ed party re olution th t would prohibit giving finan i I upport By Paul Blu eln tion i becoming p rticularly wom- a u pen ion of I F a i tan e to any andidate who oppo e a ban on a controver i I lat -term nd andra Suga ra orne, but th y id th f ult Ii much mor likely, be au e Jakarta abortion pro edure th t opponent call "partial birth" bortion. THE WASHI GTO POST mainly ith the J kart regime- for w f: iling to fulfill promi e to run In a tatement ent to all 165 member of th Republic n tlon I The 43 biJlion international re - f: iling to follow through on pledge a budget urplu nd balking t Committee 10 d ys before the party i e pc ted to debate the propo - cue pI n for Indone ia' economy i to re tructure the nation' onomy cutting pending on politically pop- al at it inter meeting, R chairman Jim ichol on aid: 'The in danger of coming un tuck, gov- th t re mad in exch ng for the ular item that the IMF ie a que tion before u i whether we hould e tabli h a litmu te t. The ernment offici I and private ana- bailout. inefficient, uch a ga oline ub i- an w r to that que tion i no. It' a lippery lope that only rYe to Iy t am d Tue day, a the ian Clinton admini tr tion official, die. divide our great nation I party." nation' currency plunged to who have b en hea ily in 01 ed in I F nd ., official are anx- Three former R C chairmen, Richard . Bond, Haley B rbour record low and it government de igning the I F packages, hold iou to re tore tability in Indone i , and Frank 1. Fahrenkopf, lined up behind ichol on. I think thi nnounced a budget that failed to imilar view , although they refu ed partly b cause of the impact an eco- would be incredibly de tructive to the Republican Party hould it meet target et by cr ditor . to be quoted Tue day. nomic collap e there would have on pa ," Bond aid. Indone ia' trouble are the lat- We would like to ee the nior the economie of it neighbors and Tim Lamb rt, a Republican ational Committeeman from Texas, t ign that si' financial cri i i leader hip in Indone ia tand up and p rtly b au e the archipelago ha a ha propo ed the re olution that ppe r certain to dominate proceed- wor ening despite more than 100 be counted on the reform ," a enior hi tory of bloody conflict between ing at the R C meeting in Indian Well, Calif. and to revive the plit billion in international bailout that I F official aid. "I think the mar- the u lim majority and the mall between the con ervative populi t and country club wing that ha have been mu tered by the ket are a king them elve the que - ethnic Chinese minority that con- plagued the party for party for 20 year . International Monetary Fund for tion of ju t how much the enior trol the bulk of the wealth. Lambert would e tabli h aRC policy that no money or in-kind everal of the region' once-pro- Indone i n leader hip i committed 'lndone ia could move from a support could go to "any candidate or nominee of thi party who perou economie.
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