Murray State's Digital Commons Marshall Courier Newspapers 7-30-1953 The aM rshall Courier, July 30, 1953 The aM rshall Courier Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/mc Recommended Citation The aM rshall Courier, "The aM rshall Courier, July 30, 1953" (1953). Marshall Courier. 199. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/mc/199 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marshall Courier by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Benton, The Best • Town in Ky. • Build Marshall By A Dam Site County And It aper — Benton and Marshall County's Home Newspaper Will Build 1 ou Henton, Ky. July 30, 1953 *'<>«< In Circulation, First In Advertising * First In The Home, First In Reader Interest Number 10 Two society horse sli • wi i Between 700 anil 800 persons king and queen, rural youngsters feature the Marshall County Fa • ! attended the annual picnic of who had done outstanding work FARM BUREAU QUEEN AND KING — Her, are the king and this year, Earl Osborm ,ai • the-Marshall County Farm Bu- in their community. ager, announced this we. k Fa • queen of the Marshall County Farm Bureau They are Janice reau, held here last Saturday at •Janice Cole, daughter of Mr. dates are Sept. 2 through Sept . Cole of Brewers and Dennis Henson of near Briensburg They the Fairgrounds, and Mrs. Earl Cole of Brewers, Horse shows will be !..hi at were crowned by Frances Creason. 1952 queen, at the Farm Highlight of the program was was the queen Dennis Henson, o'clock on Thursday niglr, Se| Bureau picnic last Saturday. the crowning of the Bureau's son of Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Hen- 3 and at 7 o'clock on Friday nlyi son of near Briensburg, was the Sept. 4. king. The royal pair were crown- Osborne also announ a i tin ed by Miss Frances Creason ,la.st this year's racing program al th • year's queen. fair will be the fine : ever hel The day-long program started The Fair Association ivii in the morning with E. T Inman, away $90 J In purses everv nay president of the Marshall County 'h-> rac ng proeram, in addlti Farm Bureau, presiding. The in- to trophies and blanket And tl vocation was given by Rev. J best harness horses in W. i ICoi Frank Young. VICE PRESIDENT — Pont Nel- sot , above Benton druggist, was tucky, West Tennessee and Rot , Dr. Ralph Wood, president of elected vice president of the Ken- them Illinois will race lu-re Murray State College, was the tucky Pharmaceutical Associa- Opening day, Sept. 2, of tl- • principal speaker of the day. tion at th • group's annual con- fair will be School Daw ar ' At noon, the large crowd en- all school children will be at: joyed a picnic lunch of barbecued vention held last week in Lex- ington. I • i mltted free The day's pm^rai i mutton and all the trmmings probably will include the 1 u In the afternoon, the crowd parade of school children bal witnessed the crowning of the programs and other activitlf king and queen and listened to On the night of Sept 2. t! • singing by the Brewers and Maple Funeral for annual Beauty Contest will 1 • Springs quartets. The directors held. This alwavs Is one of tl • pnm.vr •• of Qilhcr-^svill. of the Farm Bureau gathered in highlights of the fair. tronc supporter if some a body and sang one number. Harness races will start th • traditions, was among the Short talks also were made by Mrs. Jones afternoon of Sept 3. Tiiat nigl ' w entertained the PARTICIPANTS IN CONTEST — These are the participants County Agent Homer Miller, from 7 to 8 o'clock, the pet sho ' hrh'flv bv linkltis many in the Farm Bureau's queen and king contest. Left to right: Home Demonstration Agent Sun- and parade will be held. At I cal events. Janice Cole, queen; Carol Tynes, Freda Blakeney, Edna Joyce, shine Colley and Farm Bureau o'clock, the society hor.-.,• sho r President Elbert Inman. Held Here I Vi< klei s now living in Dennis Henson. king. Jonda Greenfield. Martha Schmidt and will be held. i11 i tavi much of "his Nancy Henson. Funeral services for Mrs. Edith On Sept 4, harness races wi'l i i li •• to making th Jo ties, 73.1 long-time Benton re- be held In the afternoon, ar I i , i- tifill one and it was Riley Store sident, wqrc helfl here Sunday that nt?ht another big Socle r Ii h cherished memory afternoon at Filbeck - Cann Horse Show will be held • up'' many friends Chapel. Mrs Jont s died last Fri- On Sept 5, harness races w I rivwfullt pointed oul Sailor Drowns Mere Names day afternoon alter a long ill- be held In the afternoon ar I 7 of niir kind had passed that night the grand finale nn - ,,tlvf world since TV A gram will be held This progra> i New Manager will be a comedy and music. 1 featuring stars of the Grand O'» In Kentucky Lake Greene O. Wilson of Murray Or-rv radio show from Nashvill . has been named manager of Osborne advised merchants wh i Gene Alexander, 23, a Navy sank Irom sight. She said he Riley Furniture & Appliance Co , want booths at the fair to contac* submarine crewman on his was not struggling. branch store in Benton. Mr. Harold Holland, Raymond Po- honeymoon, drowned Sunday The Monson lung is a helmet- Wilson succeeds LOman Dotson, well or Dorsey Hill These booth - afternoon in Kentucky Lake like device used by crewmen to who will enter business for him- always are a popular attraction near Moore's Place. escape from disabled submar- self. at the fair. The sailor was demonstrating; ines, The chest part of the de- Mr. Wilson has been employed Box seats In the grandstand to his bride of a week and his vice contains a chemical which in Murray by the Riley Com- at the fair will be sold thi« aunt, Mrs. Tom Anderson,, how absorbs carbon dioxide and pany for several years and has Saturday, Aug. 1, at 1 p.m at a submarine escape lung works makes possible enough oxygen had wide experience in both the Hutchen's Style Mart Store in citron He rented a boat at 4 p.m Sun- to survive under water for about furniture and appliance fields. Benton. All persons wishing bo- day at Big Bear Fishing Camp, 20 minutes. If the apparatus He attended Kelvinator V.I S. seats are urged to get then. leaks and water reaches the AN F.DITOKI \ where he was honeymooning and factory training school and is Saturday as they are expected ti where he had invited his family chemical, the lung is no longer - b Democr.i tic Primary eli well versed in what appliances sell fast Those who come oarlv to gather and meet his bride effective. will get the best seats Saturday, \u are best suited to each family's 1 At a point where Big Bear Anderson, an expert swimmer, needs. county official' l.-i Private Creek enters the lake he donned brought the lung home with Mr Wilson Joined the Riley tamtic nomination in II: the Monson lung anjj tried It him on a 30-day leave from his firm after 20 years of service , SdHMtitly. the election ' out for two minutes under water base at Key West. Fla He hid with the City Of Detroit. He said Sharpe Church |lf*r »cocnty officials to: " while holding to the boat. He been in the Navy 28 months. •that he and Mrs. Wilson, who vtl * ditto is elected «.,t::nl then surfaced and told his wife The body was recovered at will assist him, are anxious tc Of Christ Picks ^ 'otine is important 1 the lung was working and that 4:10 a.m. Tuesday morning by serve the people of Benton and he was going under water for Sheriff Volney Brien and Game Madge Lvnne Jones 5in race s Marshal! County and will mako nnll! ® "' awhile. Warden Burnett Holland a sincere effort to please each New Minister Funeral services were held Is Honored With »«ny registered voter -ho" He had been under about five customer. Lavern Stewart of Grove, Okla , minutes when his wife saw his Wednesday afternoon at Roth ivir and Mrs Wilson and their '' *»T of getting a true .r'ept Party On Birthday has been named minister of the face at the surface before he Funeral Chapel in Paducah and son, Fred, are members of Mur- Sharpe Church of Christ to suc- fcggner s rerry u' W< It you stay home and Madge jynn J mes entertained burial was in Maplelawn Ceme- ray First Baptist Church. ceed Paul Waller Mr Waller 1 pipe about the outcome »' tery. a numbir of friends with a birthday party 1 "riday afternoon has accepted a church In Mich- r State Park 'or decision Your next Sam H. Farmer He was the son of Victor An- igan. them to be. It's your dut derson, tire dealer of Paducah, July 24 in thi home of her •parents. Mr a id Mrs. Edwin Mr. Stewart will take over tha Saturday and vote Poll- i And Paducah Girl and Mrs Wilma McWaters Sharpe pulpit Sunday. Auk 2. Arensberg of Pittsburgh, Pa. He BIRTHS Jones She was six years of age.
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