Volume.19 2011 ISSN 1739-5089 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE TOURISM PROMOTION ORGANIZATION FOR ASIA PACIFIC CITIES Volume.19 2011 2011 Volume.19 CHINA | Sanya KOREA | Gwangju INDONESIA | Jakarta KOREA | Incheon Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone, Sanya Tourism Promotion Organization for Asia Pacific Cities TPO is a network of Asia Pacific cities and a growing international organization in the field of Tourism. It serves as a centre of marketing, information and communication for its member cities. Its membership includes 64 city governments and 31 non government members representing the private sector, educational institutions and other tourism authorities. TPO is committed to common prosperity of Asia Pacific cities geared toward sustainable tourism development. TREND & ANALYSIS 50 Research in the Significance and Potentials for ISSN 1739-5089 Development of LOHAS Tour $VLD3DFL¿F&LWLHV &+,1$_6KDQJKDL 54 7KH2I¿FLDO0DJD]LQH2I7KH7RXULVP3URPRWLRQ2UJDQL]DWLRQ)RU New Trend of the Exhibition Industry 2011 5866,$_9ODGLYRVWRN 9ROXPH .25($_6RNFKR and Tourism 19 0$/$<6,$_*HRUJHWRZQ &+,1$_6+$1*+$, TPO NEWS 58 ,QGXVWU\1HZV 62 2UJDQL]DWLRQ1HZV 7KH2IILFLDO0DJD]LQH 64 %HVW7RXULVP3URGXFW RIWKH7RXULVP 3URPRWLRQ DIRECTORY SCOPE 2UJDQL]DWLRQIRU$VLD 70 7322EMHFWLYHV 0HPEHUV 3DFLILF&LWLHV PUBLISHED BY 7326HFUHWDULDW 9ROXPH *HRMH'RQJ<HRQMH*X Contents %XVDQ.RUHD TEL :a)D[ WEBSITE :ZZZDSWSRRUJ E-MAIL :VHFUHWDULDW@DSWSRRUJ TPO FOCUS DESTINATION GUIDE PUBLISHER+ZDQ0\XQJ-RR 06 CULTURE 18 SPECIAL A CITY WHERE THE SKY MEETS LAND DIRECTOR OF PLANNING/DXQ\&KRL Urumqi, China EDITOR IN CHIEF0\XQJ+\R&KXQJ EDITORIAL DIRECTOR-LQ-RR6KLQ 07 TRAVEL Sanya EDITOR6L:RQ.LP6X-LQ.LP6HRQDH<X CLASSIC AND NEW TRAVEL IDEAS SPECIALITY OF SANYA INTERN(X-LQ2K Pohang, Korea 6DQ\DKDVGUDZQJUHDWDWWHQWLRQIURPWKHZRUOG$ERXWDGHFDGH PHOTOGRAPHER&KRRQJ.HXQ2K DJRLWZDVMXVWDVPDOOILVKLQJYLOODJHORFDWHGDWWKHVRXWKHUQPRVW 08 INTERVIEW WLSRI+DLQDQ,VODQG1RZLWLVDGUHDPRIWRXULVWGHVWLQDWLRQFDOOHG ART DIRECTOR7HDN.HXQ3DUN µ&KLQD¶V+DZDLL¶WKDQNVWRZDUPZHDWKHUWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDUORQJ SENIOR DESIGNER6HRQ<RXQJ3DUN EHDFKKRWVSULQJURPDQWLFKRWHOVDQGUHVRUWV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ Zainal Bin Abu, Melaka DESIGNERS-LQPL/HH%RUD/HH DFFRPPRGDWLRQV VKRSSLQJVWUHHWDQGGHSDUWPHQWVWRUHV6DQ\DLV Atty. Solfia Arboladura, Manila RQHRIWKHIDVWHVWJURZLQJWRXULVWFLWLHV0DQ\UHVRUWVDQG EDITED BY$%52$'&R/WG VN\VFUDSHUVDUHXQGHUFRQVWUXFWLRQDURXQGWKHFLW\ 7KHUHIRUH6DQ\DZLOOKDYHDEHWWHUORRNLQWKHIXWXUH &KDQJZRQ%'I6HRQJEXNGRQJ TOURISM INVESTMENT 10 ,QWHUPVRIUHFUHDWLRQDQGWUDYHO6DQ\DLVDSHUIHFWVSRWIRUDOO 6HRQJEXNJX6HRXO.RUHD WRXULVWV+HUHOHW¶VWDNHDORRNDWWKHPXVWYLVLWGHVWLQDWLRQVLQ TEL : Exploitation and Development 6DQ\DUHFRPPHQGHGE\7RXULVP6FRSH )D[ Strategy of UNESCO World WEBSITE :ZZZDEURDGFRNU Heritage Tourism 28 CITY TOUR 1 Gwangju, Korea 12 FESTIVAL CALENDAR 7RXULVP6FRSHYRO CITY TOUR 2 36 5HJLVWHUHG-DQXDU\ 16 PEOPLE 5HJLVWHUHG1R%XVDQ6D DIRECTOR GENERAL OF URUMQI Jakarta, Indonesia 3XEOLVKHG0DUFK 3XEOLVKHGE\7326HFUHWDULDW TOURISM BUREAU 7HOa 44 CITY TOUR 3 )D[ Shawkat Turdi Incheon, Korea &RS\ULJKW7RXULVP6FRSH$OOULJKWUHVHUYHG TPO FOCUS CLUTURE TPO FOCUS TRAVEL A CITY WHERE THE SKY MEETS LAND THE SILK ROAD – THE OLDEST TRADE ROUTE IN THE WORLD CLASSIC AND NEW TRAVEL IDEAS including the Alpine Botanical Gar- The Silk Road was named by the German geographer F. Richthofen in den and the Iris Garden, offer a 1877, after he found out that the main item traded through the route was place to relax and experience nature silk. Besides silk, items like china, gunpowder, compass, spices and glass and are often used by students. crafts were traded through the Silk Road as well. The Silk Road caravans Location Buk-gu Jukjang-myeon Sangok-ri Korea Tel 82-54-262-6110 Operating Hour 10:00~17:00 did not merely tranport the items, but also the history, religion and art of (from November to February closed at 16:00) Urumqi, Asia and Europe. This contributed to form a unique culture of the Silk Pohang, Road. Though the cravans no longer exist, the exotic culture and ancient OEOSA heritages remain on the Silk Road, attracting curious travelers to visit the Oeosa, a Buddhist temple built region. Traveling the Silk Road can be divided into two main parts – the during the Shilla Dynasty, is locat- China southern and northern part. Xian will be the starting point of trip for one Korea ed in Unjesan(Mt. Unje), south- who starts off from the east, and Urumqi for one from the west. west of Pohang city. Along with Oeoji, a large reservoire, it has URUMQI, THE GATE TO THE SILK ROAD beautiful scenery harmonized with Xian, Dunhang, Turfan, When you meet the Uygurs whose large eyes are distinctively different 110km north of Busan nature. The temple has Dae- Taklamakan Desert and from the Chinese, observe the unique style of mosque, and street filled and 360km south east of woongjeon (the main building of a temple), Gyeongbuk cultural asset Urumqi. These names are with smell of lamb meats, you will easily experience the ambience of the Seoul, Pohang attracts 88, Beomjong, the national treasure #1280, and traditional cylindrical familiar to those who dream ancient Silk Road in this city of diverse culture and ethinicity. visitors with technological Korean hat of Wonhyo and other relics. of the Silk Road. The 7000-km Urumqi, located in the northern part of Tianshan, is surrounded by wonder and coastal charm. Location Hangsa-ri, Ocheon-eup Nam-gu, Pohang city, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea Tel 82-54-292-2083 trade route that used to mountains and rivers. The city itself boasts vast meadows. The name From the gigantic steel connect China and Europe Urumqi represents this geographical feature, which means ‘Beautiful mills to wildflowers, JAPANESE HOUSE STREET IN GURYONGPO via Central Asia in the ancient Pasture’ in Mongolian. Currenlty, it is the state capital and the politi- from art pieces to Guryongpo is one of the places that still have Japanese houses where times has been reborn cal and cultural center of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The historical buildings, Japanese lived about 100 years ago. Even if many houses are old and as a tourist attraction for city is a favorable starting point of Silk Road trip, equipped with Pohang’s got more than empty, on the backstreets in Guryongpo-eup, which used to be the resi- curious travelers. diverse tourist attractions like the Heavenly Pond on Tianshan and your expectation. dences of Japanese under Japanese occupation, you will feel as if you are Nanshan Ranch and tourism infrastructure. Also, the unique culture watching the everyday lives of Japanese in Korea in the early 1900s. that blends the cultures of Uygur that counts for a half of total popu- Location Guryongpo-ri, Guryongpo-eup, Nam-gu lation and ten other minor ethinicities also appeals to TRAVEL IDEAS travelers. tt High Technology Based Industry Tour Mosques with round domes POSCO and busy bazaar that sells POSCO, the only national furnace agricultural products and daily enterprise in Korea, is one of the goods are worth visiting in main reasons people visit Pohang downtown. A traveler can get city. POSCO was selected by a birds-eye view of Urumqi on Forbes as the world’s best corpo- the peak of Hongshan, whose ration for the year 2002 and was rocks are said to gleam in red nominated as the world’s best when the sun sets. People’s steel producer by WSD (World Steel Dynamics), the world-renowned Park, located in the mountains steel industry evaluation agency. The Pohang Steel Mill with the size of of Zhenlong Tower constructed 1.03 million ton which has 4 furnaces will provide a special experience in 1778, is a suitable place for to watch the dramatic scenes of producing hot rolling, cold strip, steel taking a rest. One can witness WHERE TO VISIT plate, wire rod and blooms. Tour program for personal visitors to POSCO 3800-year-mummy of Loulan HOMIGOT SUNRISE PLAZA Pohang Steel Mill is operated on Saturdays departing at 10:00 and and ancient heritages from Homigot is located in the easternmost area of the Korean Peninsula. Choi 14:00 at the visitor’s center, taking the Posco Bus. The POSCO Museum, Niya Kingdom and Dandan- Nam-Seon, the well-known historian and a poet, selected this place as not far from the POSCO Pohang Steel Mill, chronicles the short but illus- uilik in Xinjiang Uygur Museum, which was constructed using the one of the top ten views in Korea because of its beautiful sunrise scenery. trious history of Korea's first and foremost integrated steelmaker. traditional style of Uygur. Being the earliest sunrise in the Korean Peninsula, a national millennium The Posco Museum Address 1 Goedong-dong Nam-gu, Pohang-city, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea Tel 82-54-220- 7720 Operating Hour Mon-Fri 09:00~18:00, Sat 10:00~17:00(Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays) Tianshan Mountains, a grand natural wall that penetrates Taklamkan event, the Homigot National Sunrise Festival, was held from December 31, Website museum.posco.co.kr Desert, are the important water source for Urumqi and major cities on 1999 to January 1, 2000 in this area. You can find the sculptures here sig- the Silk Road. There are two major tourist attractions around Tianshan nifying the New Year’s Homigot sunrise, entitled ‘Hands of Harmony’. tt5BTUJOH(VBNFHJ Mountains – One is the Heavenly Pond that is made of water from per- Location Nam-gu Homigot-myeon Daebo-ri Korea Tel 82-54-280-0656 Website http://sunrise.ipohang.org To local people, winter is the season for Guamegi, the local specialties of manent snow, and the other is Nanshan Ranch located in the northern Pohang city region. The Korean half-dried mackerel is widely popular as part of Tianshan. A traveler can experience the traditional culture of GYEONGSANGBUK-DO ARBORETUM a winter delicacy and reputed to prevent high blood pressure. In the Kazakh, watch the reindeers on coach or horse at Nanshan Ranch. A Gyeongsangbuk-do Arboretum is 3,222ha-large, making it the largest arbo- middle of December, Guamegi Festival presents folk games, traditional traveler can also have dynamic experiences at the Heavenly Pond, where retum in Asia and the 2nd largest in the world. This arboretum has 179,226 Korean music performances, specialty product competitions, free sam- one can pass through the Pond on furnicular or ferry.
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