Saint Joseph Cathedral ! The Cathedral of the Diocese of Manchester ! The Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci ! Tenth Bishop of Manchester ! Pastoral Staff ! !! Very Reverend Jason Y. Jalbert ! June 9, 2019 ! Rector and Pastor ! !! Pentecost ! Reverend Jeffrey Paveglio ! Parochial Vicar ! !! Reverend Deacon ! ! Karl Cooper ! Permanent Deacon ! Sunday Mass ! ! ! Cathedral Church Reverend Deacon ! Robert R. Potvin ! Saturday 4:00 p.m. Permanent Deacon ! Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., ! !! Reverend Deacon ! ! 6:00 p.m. ! Ryan Amazeen ! !! Transitional Deacon ! !! ! Colleen B. Lang ! Weekday Mass ! Faith Formation ! ! !! Blessed Sacrament Chapel Eric J. Bermani ! Monday Friday 7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. ! Director of Music ! ! Saturday 8:00 a.m. ! Office Staff ! ! ! Holy Days as announced Louise A. Welsch ! !! Administrative Assistant ! !! ! Pamela Grant ! Confessions ! Office Assistant ! ! Monday Saturday 7:30 8:00 a.m. ! Sharon Riggs ! Chapel ! Parish Receptionist ! !! !! ! ! ! ! Saturday 2:30 3:30 p.m. Karol Carroll ! Bookkeeper ! Chapel !! In Residence: ! !! Most Reverend ! Francis J. Christian ! 145 Lowell Street ! Bishop Emeritus ! ! Manchester, New Hampshire 03104 ! Most Reverend ! John B. McCormack ! www.stjosephcathedralnh.org ! Bishop Emeritus ! ! ! Telephone: 603 622 6404 !Reverend Eric T. Delisle ! ! ! Rectory Office Hours: Monsignor Anthony Frontiero ! Monday Thursday 9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. ! ! Reverend Jeff Statz ! Follow us on Facebook: ! Pastor, Saint Francis of Assisi, Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Manchester, New Hampshire ! Litchfield ! SǂNJǏǕ JǐǔdžǑlj CǂǕljdžDžǓǂǍ, MǂǏDŽljdžǔǕdžǓ, NH !! From The Desk of Deacon Ryan ! Once again, I am extremely excited to come to know as a Dear friends, ! Deacon. Please know of my prayers for all of you, and I ask Greetings to all of you in the name of the Lord! I that you please keep me in your prayers as together we strive to grow in holiness! May our Lady and her most chaste consider it a great honor to have been assigned to Saint ! Joseph Cathedral Parish for the summer months. As you spouse, Saint Joseph, pray for us. Sincerely in Christ, ! know, your parish houses the “cathedra,” or chair, of the ! Bishop of Manchester, and it is an honor to be assigned to this Deacon Ryan Amazeen mother church of the Diocese of Manchester, and to serve the Bishop in this church as a deacon. It is also an honor to be Welcome assigned to this church because of the wonderful priests at If you are new to the area, we look forward to meeting you this parish from whom I will learn so many things during this personally. We pray that through our worship, you may last year before I am ordained to the priesthood. I have known experience the depth of God's love for us. To become a your pastor, Father Jason, for many, many years, and he has parishioner, please visit www.stjosephcathedralnh.org been a great friend and mentor; I am excited to learn (click on the newcomers tab and select "register"). We everything that I can from him. Lastly, but certainly not least, hope that you find a home here among friends who pray I am honored to be assigned to this parish because of the together, work together and play together. ! wonderful parishioners that worship here at the Cathedral. I ! have visited this parish quite frequently in the past, and so I If you have not been active in the practice of the Catholic already know many parishioners and families that worship Faith, we encourage you to return. If you would like to God in this parish, and they are absolutely wonderful people speak with someone on the parish staff, please do not devoted to their faith! I am looking forward to meeting so hesitate to contact any one of us. ! ! many more. Please introduce yourself to me after Mass, or If a previous marriage has kept you from receiving the wherever you may see me around the parish or the Sacraments, we invite you to contact one of the priests. In ! neighborhood. many cases we can work with you toward a favorable I grew up in the town of Auburn , “right next door” to solution so you can again receive the Sacraments in the this city. My parents, Stephen and Elaine, raised me and my Catholic Church. ! younger brother Dylan in that town, where I attended the public school there for 8 years. I then attended Manchester Please call the rectory for the following: ! Memorial High School for 4 years, where among other New Parishioners Welcome and please register. ! activities, I played the trumpet in the high school band and ! Baptisms We welcome all children to be part of our was a drum major in the marching band for 3 years. family. Please contact us for arrangements. ! Ever since I was a young child, I felt a call from God to the priesthood; the way of life attracted me from an early Marriages Arrangements should be made with one of the priests at least six months in advance. ! age. I really believe God spoke to me through the example of ! so many good and holy priests that I was blessed to have Communion Calls for the Homebound ! assigned to my home parish, Saint Pius X, here in Saint Joseph Cathedral Parish Outreach Manchester. Two of these priests became your pastors several Saint Joseph Cemetery Rick Welsch 622 9522 ! years later (Monsignor Anthony Frontiero and Father Jason Pastoral Council ! Jalbert)! I was actively involved in my home parish, where I served as an altar server for many years, taught religious ! education, and participated in the youth group (where I met Did you know that the some of my best friends). As the day of my graduation from Cathedral Event Team hosts ! high school approached, Father Jason pulled me aside at an coffee & donuts and so much more? ! event with the Bishop, and he asked me if I would consider !! going to college seminary right out of high school. This ! question caught me off guard; I had never heard of “college Do you enjoy helping at social events? seminary!” So, after praying about my answer and discussing Do you like to volunteer on occasion? ! it with my parents, I decided to enter Our Lady of Providence Do you enjoy hospitality? ! Seminary, where I received formation for the priesthood !! while taking classes at Providence College. After finishing If you answered “y es ” to any of these questions, then four years there and graduating with a degree in Philosophy, be part of the group who help bring friends and the Bishop assigned me to Saint John’s Seminary in Brighton, ! MA to receive more formation and to study theology. I just parishioners together at Cathedral Events! completed my third year there. As you may know, I was just Call the Rectory office to leave your contact ordained two weeks ago to the transitional diaconate. This information (603) 622 6404 ! means that I have one year left before, please God, I am ordained to the priesthood. I will return to Saint John’s during Do not neglect hospitality, for through it the school year to finish my studies, but on the weekends, I will be travelling here to the Cathedral for weekend Masses some have unknowingly entertained angels . and activities. ! Hebrews 13: 2 ! PdžǏǕdžDŽǐǔǕ SǖǏDžǂǚ ! It’s Pentecost! ! Share your joy and faith! ! 10 Ways to Share Your Faith ! 1. Pray: Let others know that you’re praying for them. Then make sure you actually ! do pray! Or better yet, stop right there and pray together for a moment. Commit ! to spending more time in prayer each day; it deepens your relationship with ! Christ. ! 2. Invite a friend to Mass: A personal invitation is always welcoming. Make it a morning and attend coffee and donuts in Bradley Hall after Mass! ! 3. Be a joyful, generous and forgiving person: Look for opportunities to exercise mercy and kindness. “This is how all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another .” John 13:35 ! 4. Share the Good News of the Gospel: Emphasize the joy in the here and now of living the Gospel. "Faith is a flame that grows stronger the more it is shared and passed on.” Pope Francis ! 5. Read Scripture: Read and reflect on the scripture readings of the day. Read and reflect on the Gospel before going to Mass on Sunday. Let the living Word of God be part of your daily life. The readings of the day can be found at www.usccb.org. ! 6. Live a Sacramental Life: Catholic prayer reaches its fullest communal expression in the sacraments. The sacraments are encounters with the risen Lord and unite us with one another. Participation in a deep sacra- mental life is both personal prayer and public witness. ! 7. Share your personal story : What do you love about your faith? Who are your favorite saints and why? What are the joys you experience through your faith? These stories can all be easily shared. “A story can sing the truth and not just tell it.” Bishop Robert Barron ! 8. Introduce yourself to someone new at Mass : Maybe it’s someone you see each week or maybe just a visitor, but say “Hello” and introduce yourself. It’s a great way to get to know your church “family.” ! ! 9. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit : When you're unsure about whether or not to say something about your faith, say a prayer and check in with God. You will be offered the right direction and words to say (Mark 13:11). ! 10. Pray : Yes, pray some more! Make it a daily habit to pray as you drive to work, as you walk into the office or even as you cook a meal.
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