THE ROYAL ENGINEERS I JOURNAL Vol LXXXI MARCH 1967 No 1 CONTENTS 38 Engineer Regiment's Silver Centrepiece . Gold Medal and Trench Gascoigne Prize Essay-1965 . Survey Work by RE Officers in Canada During the Past Century Major-General R. C. A. Edge 12 Commanding a Territorial Army Field Squadron . Major E. T. Boddye 27 The Vanishing Castle . Major B. C. R. Pollard 32 Introduction to a Corps Field Park Squadron . .Major N. R. Sturt 35 Aberfan . Lieut-ColonelR. M. Merrell S8 A Study of Cavities in the Ground Lieutenant G. R. Oxley and Lieutenant M. D. P. Young 42 Arctic Search Party . Lieut-Colonel R. S. Hawkins 47 - Combined Services Expedition to South Georgia . Captain P. F. Fagan 56 - Correspondence, Memoirs, Book Reviews, Technical Notes . 72 PUBLI- - RS . INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY AGE IO RfMnvl . UJnn I VnT±V 1.I. \I ' :·,r Building & Civil Engineering Contractors to i ( :i The Ministry of Public Building and Works a The Greater London Council County Councils and Borough Councils I:! 1 J. M. HILL & SONS LTD. Heather Park Drive Wembley, Middleaex -4 IWEMbley 7781 1_ i,i· -i i S _·c-..-·., i' i s :i i ADVERTISEMENTS i Give water supplies the protection of flexible Viking Johnson couplings These proven couplings allow both angular and axial displacements caused by misalignment of supports, and natural ground movements and settlements. They are equally suitable for use on gas, oil and sewage installations, guarding against pipe fracture. Viking Johnson couplings are available in sizes from 1 ' to 144' for plain-ended pipes. Maximum deflection of the 144" coupling is 1" in any plane, increasing through the range to 6° for the 1 ' size. Relative expansions and contrac- tions of the pipes due to temperature changes are also accommodated. When sizes up to 12' diameter are needed, costs can be reduced by taking advantage of Viking 'Quick-Fit' couplings. These are the same as the normal couplings, but supplied pre-assembled, saving up to 50 per cent laying time. VICTMWU VICTAULIC Makers of Victaulic Joints and Viking Johnson Couplings KIN THE VICTAULIC COMPANY LIMITED, PARK HOUSE, PARK STREET LONDON W1 Telephone: Mayfair 6416 Telex: 24608 Telegrams: Victaulic London WI ii ADVERTISEMENTS 51 ADVERTISEMENTS BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, GOLDSMITHS AND CROWN JEWELLERS, GARRARD AND CO. LTD Silver Trophies... byGARRARD The reputation which Garrard have achieved for silver trophies is built upon long experience and craftsmanship of the highest order. Our prize-winning designer Mr. A. G. Styles, is familiar with research into local tradition, enabling him to produce designs which are heraldically accurate and of high artistic merit. Designs and estimates are submitted without charge and experienced advice is freely available at your request. GARRARD The Crown Jewellers 112 REGENT STREET W1 · REGENT 7020 The Massey Ferguson National Award for Services to United Kingdom Agriculture. A growig plalt between two cupped hands. BY APPOINTMENTTO HER MAJESTY THE QUEER HATTERS Tradition in the modern manner v H.J. are well known to all regi- V Ji caps,ments but as notmakers eeryone of fine aService OFF PARADE thatwe also offer a range of quality v F soft felt hats. In fact, we are very v proud of our "softs", and for many V years they have been the choice of discerning gentlemen who like to V feel as correctly-yet comfort- v ably-dressed off parade as on. We V supply hats to suit every occasion i and taste. Why not call and see the V full range? Or write for an illus- > Dual-purpose hat, in rown,6 trated brochure green or grey. Style 6153 REGIMENTAL CAPMAKERS t , v TO: v oli THETHNE Civil and Military, ., Hatters v ENGINEERS 2fi 400 LONDON RD., CAMBERLEY 387 N(Wednesday afternoons only) 38 NEW BOND ST., LONDON, W.l. Tel: MAYfair 7177 ADVERTISEMENTS iii ADVERTISEMENTS iii NUK I HelHLU give you reliability where and when you need it! Exceptionally reliable with an impressive service record under the toughest conditions, the F9 has proved itself again and again. It is a 96/120 HP, 12-13 ton capacity, 9 cu. yard machine with a turning circle of only 19'6'- less than the length of the vehicle. Top speed is 28 mph; lubrication points are easily accessible for fast maintenance on site. The unladen weight of 13,500 lb combined with its dimensions makes the F9 suitable for Beverleys parachuting on two MSP's from Here is another fast mover from Northfield, or Hercules. the F12. This 12 yarder is one of the finest machines available, moving massive loads cheaply and quickly across the toughest terrain. Write for full details under ref RE9 Northfield Industrial Fabrications Ltd. PARK WORKS, OSSETT, YORKSHIRE. TELEPHONE 625/6/7 TELEX 55280 (NF.9 THE COUNCIL OF THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS (Established 1895, Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1923) Patron-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN President Major-General T. H. F. Foulkes, CB, OBE, MA, MICE ...... ... ... 1965 Vice-Presidents Major-General J. H. S. Bowring, OBE, MC, MA, MICE ... ... ... ... 1965 Brigadier H. W. Kitson, CBE, MA ........ ... ... ... ... ... 1965 Elected Members Brigadier R. A. Lindsell, MC, MA, MIMechE, FIEE .. .. 1964 Brigadier R. W. C. Smales, MA, AMICE .. ..... 1964 Colonel G. W. Shepherd, OBE, BA .......... 1964 Brigadier D. J. Willison, OBE, MC .. .. ..... 1964 Colonel R. F. N. Anderson, OBE, MC .. ..... 1964 Lieut-Colonel B. H. Holloway, OBE, TD, DL, RE (AER) .. .. 1964 Colonel J. L. Osborne MBE, TD, FRIBA (TA) .. .. .. 1964 Captain P. D. Plant, AMIPlantE .. ....... 1964 Colonel B. A. E. Maude, MBE, MA .. ........ 1965 Captain M. J. Parsons, BSc(Eng), AMICE .. ..... 1965 Colonel R. Bellingham-Smith, MBE, BSc .. .. .. .. 1966 Brigadier J. Constant, MA, MICE, AMIMechE, MIEE .. .. 1966 Lieut-Colonel B. J. Coombe, GM, BSc . 1966 Ex-Officio Memb ers Brigadier J. C. Woollett, CBE, MC, MA ... ... ... ... D/E-in-C (A) Colonel G. R. M. H. More, MC* ... AAG RE Brigadier I. H. Lyall Grant, MC, MA, MBIM ... ... ... Comd RSME Brigadier B. St. G. Irwin, MA, ARICS.. ... ...... ... D Survey Colonel G. T. E. Westbrook, OBE ... ....D/Comd, RSME ... Brigadier L. Scott-Bowden, DSO, OBE, MC * ... ... Comd, Trg Bde, RE Brigadier D. C. Cameron, CBE, ADC, BA ...... ... Brig. Eng Plans Corresponding Members Lieut-Colonel K. C. Fenton, BE (Civ.), MNZIE New Zealand Military Forces . .. ... .12 May 1964 Colonel C. Linsell, OBE, MC, Union Defence Force, South Africa ... I February 1956 Brigadier E. Logan, Australian Military Forces ... ... ... ... 16 November 1963 Lieut-Colonel N. Sadlier-Brown, CD, RCE, Canadian Armed Forces ... 26 January 1965 Secretary and Editor RE Journal Brigadier J. H. S. Lacey, CBE, BA ... ... ... ... 15 December 1958 Bankers - Lloyds Bank, Ltd, Cox's and King's Branch, 6 Pall Mall, SWI 4,000 1.3.67 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL Authors alone are responsiblefor the statements made and the opinions expressed in their papers VOL. LXXXI CONTENTS MARCH, 1967 PAGE I. 38 ENGINEER REGIMENT'S SILVER CENTREPIECE (With Photographs) 3 2. GOLD MEDAL AND TRENCH GASCOIGNE PRIZE ESSAY--965 3 3. SURVEY WORK BY RE OFFICERS IN CANADA DURING THE PAST CENTURY. BY MAJOR-GENERAL R. C. A. EDGE, MBE, BA, FRICS. ( With Photographs and Plate) 12 4. COMMANDING A TERRITORIAL ARMY FIELD SQUADRON. BY MAJOR E. T. BODDYE, TD, MA, AIM, RE(T) 27 5. THE VANISHING CASTLE. BY MAJOR B. C. R. POLLARD, RE (TA) 32 6. INTRODUCTION TO A CORPS FIELD PARK SQUADRON. BY MAJOR N. R. STURT, RE, MA, AMICE . 35 7. ABERFAN. BY LIEUT-COLONEL R. M. MERRELL, MBE, RE. CRE 53 (WELSH) DIVISION TA, WALES DISTRICT 8. A STUDY OF CAVITIES IN TIIE GROUND. BY LIEUTENANT G. R. OXLEY, RE AND LIEUTENANT M. D. P. YOUNG, RE, BSC, BD SQUADRON RE. (With Sketches) 42 9. ARCTIC SEARCH PARTY. BY LIEUT-COLONEL R. S. HAWKINS, MA, AMIMECHE, RE (RET'D). (With Plate) . 47 10. COMBINED SERVICES EXPEDITION TO SOUTir GEORGIA 1964-65. BY CAPTAIN P. F. FAGAN, MBE, RE. (With Photographs and AMap) . 56 1I. CORRESPONDENCE 72 12. MEMOIRS . 76 LIEUT-GENERAL SIR CIIARLES KING, KBE, CB, MICE, COLONEL COMMANDANT RE (RTD) (With Photograph) MAJOR-GENERAL R. P. PAKENHAM-WALSII, CB, MC. (With Photograph) BRIGADIER A. MACG. STEWART. (With Photograph) LIEUT-COLONEL J. CHATTERTON, MC (LATE OF TIIE DUKE OF WELLINGTON'S REGIMENT). (With Photograph) 13. BOOK REVIEWS . 91 TIlE MEDITERRANEAN AND MIDDLE EAST, VOL IV . B.T.W. ENGINEERING AT CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY 1783-1965 MILITARY DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS IN TIIE COLLECTION OF HER MAJESTY TIIE QUEEN TIIE PIRATE COAST . B.T.W. ELECTRONIC AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES . F.T.S. APPLIED MIECIIANICS FOR ENGINEERS VOLUME I . F.T.S. STRENGTII OF MATERIALS . F.T.S. BASIC TIIEORY OF STRUCTURES . F.T.S. SIx FIGURE TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES: CI. SIX FIGURE LOGARITIIMIC TABLES: C . F.T.S. 14. TECIINICAL NOTES 98 CIVIL ENGINEERING THE MILITARY ENGINEER 38 Engineer Regiment's Silver Centrepiece 1 38 Engineer Regiment's Silver Centrepiece 2 Gold Medal and Trench Gascoigne Prize Essay-1965 The 1965 Gold Medal and Trench Gascoigne Prize was awarded to Major- General W. G. F. Jackson, OBE, MC. His prize-winning essay was pub- lished in the November 1965 issue of the RUSI Journal, and it is reprinted here by permission of the Council of the Royal United Service Institution. "China has now exploded a nuclear device. Francehad already done so and is producing a nuclear weapon delivery system that may be operationalby the end of the '60s. India and a number of other medium powers have, or will shortly have, the potentiality to produce nuclear weapons." Discuss the significance of thisfor the GreatPowers. PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AT first sight the proliferation of nuclear weapons seems as inevitable as war itself.
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