------t I 2 RESOLUTION NO. O8-7 J -A A RESOLUTION OF THE ALBANY CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNITY MEDIA ACCESS COMMITTEE 5 6 WHEREAS, the Albany City Council approvedthe conceptof creatinga Community l Media AccessCommittee fiom the ad hoc CableTelevision Committee on Februarv4. 8 2008;and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Community Media AccessCommittee will focuson Public Education 11 Government(PEG) cabletelevision access in Albanv: and I2 1a l-l NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albany City Council hereby I4 establishesa CommunityMedia AccessCommittee to advisethe City Councilon cable l5 televisionrelated issues. l6 t7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 18 19 1. The Community Media AccessCommittee shall be composedof five 20 members,one eachappointed by Council members,with termsof two years, 2l effectiveJanuary, 2009. Until January2009, the membersof the ad-hocCable 22 TelevisionCommittee shall serveas the membersof the Community Media L) AccessCommittee. 24 25 Z. The chargeto the Committeeshall be to: 26 A. Preparefive-year operation plans for KALB 2l B. Advise City on changesto the CableTV accesspolicy 28 C. Evaluatecurrent goals, create new goals,and suggesttimelines for all goals 29 D. Overseefunds that are spenton cable-relatedactivities 'll E. Encouragealternative funding sourcesfor equipmentand staff residents 2 ll F. Provide video productiontraining opportunities for Albany il G. CreateAlbany-based programming for the channel and 3 ll post KALB programmingschedules in cabletelevision guide channels tl H. 4ll in other media I in cable-relatedactivities -l L Coordinateand recruit volunteersto participate 1% PEG J. Recommendthe allocationof fundsfrom the new statefranchise tlol suPPortfee KALB 7l K. Promoteand Publicize 8lI or I creatingthe committee, it is not the intent of the council to duplicate ol'l 3. In I overlapsthe functions,duties, or responsibilitiesassigned to any other 10 I I commission,or board' 11 committee, | ,at, I l shall review the needfor continuationof the Community 13 +. The City Council t4 five-year intervals thereaft 15 and at no less than 16 l7 TIS.LIEBER 18 MAYOR 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 - 1OOO SAN PABLOAVENUE ALBANYCALI FORNIA 947 06-2295 CITYADMINISTMTOR PH.(510) 528-s7r0 RESOLUTIONNO. OB-7 FM (s10) 528-5797 CITYATTOBNEY PASSED PH (510)s24-520s AND APPROVEDBY TFIITCO{JNCIL OF THE CITY oF ALBANY. FM (510)526-9190 3]"d I'4arch CITYCLERX t5is da-v.,; 2008 . br,thelbllorving vores: PH. (s10)s28-5720 FAX(s10) 528-s79/ CITYCOUNCIL Pr1 (510)528-5720 AYES: ClouncilMembersAtkinson, Javaridel, Okawachi, ir/ile t FM (s10)528-s797 Mayor Lieber COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT & ETIVIRONMEHTALRESOURCES . Building NOES: None . Engineering . EnvironmentalResources . Maintenance . planning PH.(510) 528-5760 ABSENT: lrlone FM (510)524-9353 FINANCE& ADMITIISTRATIVE SERVICES CITYTREASURER WITNESSMY HAND AND TIIE SEAL PH.(510) 528-5730 oF THEcrry oF ALBANy. ttiis 4th FM (510) 528-2743 FIRE& EMERGENCYMEDICAL da1' ol' l"larch 2008 SERVICES PH. (510)528-5771 FAX(510) s28-5774 PERSONIIEL PH.(510) s2B-5714 FM (510) 528-5797 UCHOLZ. POLICE PH.(510) 52s-7300 FM (510)525-1360 RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES '1249 MarinAvenue PH. (510)s24-9283 FM (510)528-8914 . FriendshipClub/ ChildcareProgram PH.(510) 524-013s . SeniorCenter PH (510)s24-9122 FM (510)524-8940 . TeenCenter PH.(510) 525-0576 TheCity of Albanyis dedicatedto maintainingits smalltown ambience, responding to the needsof thecommunity, andproviding a safe,healthy environment now and in thefuture. PRINTEDON RECYCLED PAPER .
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