Page 1 of 13 FREE OF CHARGE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PUBLIC SERVICE ONLY Free to download at SupremeMasterTV.com/veg-restaurants Planning your next dine-out? Ready to try some delicious vegan cuisine? Or maybe you’re traveling soon. Here are some wonderful veg restaurants waiting for you to visit! Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants – Africa logbaba Route de Japoma AMA Compound, High St, Benin 3c.660, Ndokoti, Douala Accra Tel: +237-6-5191-8945 Tel: +233-27-781-6017 Facebook: VeganGrillNdokoti Facebook: Asaase Pa Le Regal Vegetal Natural Food and Products Rue 964, Haie Vive, Cotonou Tel: +229-6190-0343 Cape Verde Baobab House Facebook: LeRegalVegetal Commercial Street near the Tambake Castle, Cape Coast Loving Hut Rua Santo Antão, 31 Tel: +233-540-436-130 07BP675 Cotonou Palmarejo, Praia Tel: +229-96681228 Tel: +238 3560027 Saarnak Vegetarian Food www.LovingHut.com/bj and Health Shop Downtown Kumasi (at Peace Food Congo, Rep. of Stewart Ave, Old Station Rd) 1, Route de Lomé, Cotonou Loving Hut Congo Tel: +233-261839223 Tel: +229-95857274 2E RTE Novotel 1RD 2GP, Avenue Ngouedi, Pointe- Roots Yard Loving Hut Noire PO Box 86, Peki, Volta Kpogbomin, Carrefour Adjovi Tel: +242-5-665-6321 Region, Peki derrière le marché Ouando, www.LovingHut.com/cg Tel: +233-549747047 Porto Novo Tel: +229 61392991 www.LovingHut.com/bj Democratic Republic Egypt of Congo Burkina Faso Earth Deli Zamalek Market, Cairo Loving Hut Kinshasa Tel: +20-1155006688 Nasa 67, Avenue de la Justice, Rue 8.19 (at Gounghin, Commune de la GOMBE, Koshary Hend & El Za3eem direction Kaiser), Kinshasa 5 El Thawra Street, Korba, Ouagadougou Tel: +243-844-641-600 Heliopolis, Cairo Tel: +22678343520 LovingHut.com/cd Tel: +20-1099920373 Cameroon Ghana Marine Garden Camp Lighthouse, Dahab, S. Sinai Vegan Grill Ndokoti Assase Pa–The Earth is 46617 Good Tel: +20-1002733883 Page 2 of 13 Facebook: 68 Adelaide Tambo Dr, Ethiopia HuaiDeVegetarianSnack Durban Tel: +27-63-172-2531 Loving Hut Addis Ababa Morocco www.ohmysoulcafe.com Bole Medhanialem, around Edne mall roundabout, next Shyadma's Vegan Food The Fussy Vegan to redwan bld, 1000, Addis 20, Rue Laalouj - Place El 89 Jan Smuts Av, Ababa Khayma, Essaouira Blairgowrie, Randburg (at Tel: +251 116 670 595 Tel: +212 615-287208 Caltex Waterfall Petrol Station), Johannesburg Facebook: Tel: +27-60-716-6029 LovingHut.addisababa.ethiop Nigeria ia Facebook: The Fussy Vegan Thrive Ivory Coast The Greenside Café Del’s Place, 18 Emma 34 Gleneagles Road, Abimbola Cole St, Lekki Greenside, Johannesburg Inner Tasted Foods Phase 1, Lagos Tel: +27-11-646-3444 Yopougon Bel Air, Centre Tel: +23-48029692554 www.thegreensidecafe.co.za Commercial Agoumant, Abidjan VeggieVictory Flourish Bistro Tel: +225-77353996 Freedom Park, 1 Hospital 403 Albert Rd, Woodstock, Facebook: InnerTastedFoods Rd, Lagos Cape Town Tel: +234-8089750576 Tel: +27-614019479 Kenya veggievictory.com Instagram: Flourish Bistro Chowpaty Pure Vegetarian Réunion The Kind Kitchen Restaurant Shop 1, 252 Albert Rd, Crossroads Plaza (formerly Woodstock, Cape Town Vegan Hope Shimmers Plaza), Tel: +27-615261358 34 bis Avenue Leconte de Westlands Road, Nairobi www.thekindkitchen.co.za Tel: +254-0736-613000 / Lisle, Sainte-Clotilde, Saint- 0733-999254 denis, Reunion Togo www.chowpatyrestaurants.com Tel: +33-692208942 Facebook: vegan.hope974 Noble Veg Mauritius Rue de L'Ocam (at Avenue South Africa Augustino de Souza), Lome Eat With Fingers Vegan Tel: +228-22-5448-10 Restaurant Plant Vingt Pieds Rd, Grand Baie 8 Buiten St, cnr. Loop Street, Zimbabwe Tel: +230-5813-5449 Cape Town Facebook: eatwithfingers Tel: +27-21-422-2737-521- V-Delights Restaurant 9252 17 Phillips Road, Belgravia, Huai De Vegetarian Snack www.plantcafe.co.za Harare 16, Rue St Denis, Port Louis Tel: +263-8644111339 Tel: +230-208-3156 Oh My Soul Café www.veganfriendly.co.zw Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants – Middle East Bahrain Shop 7, Hamala Hills, Facebook: PlantCafeBahrain Building 896, Rd 7914, Block 579, Al Janabiyah Anais Cafe Plant Café Tel: +973 1700 1677 Page 3 of 13 Hala Plaza, Shop 141, Bldg Dosa Bar Falafel de Sahyoun 423, Rd 3009, Bu Ghazal, 188 Ben Yehuda St, Tel Aviv Damascus Avenue, Beirut Manama Tel: +972-3-659-1961 Tel: +961-1-633-488 Tel: +973-17663068 Facebook: DOSABAR Facebook: Falafel.Sahyoun Annapurna Vegetarian Jordan Falafel Abou Rami Restaurant 1016 Saïda, Al Janub, Sidon Al Mohammediya Building, Hashem Tel: +961-7721907 308 Municpality Ave, Al-Amir Mohammed St Manama Downtown, Amman Palestine Tel: +973-17214048 Tel: +962 6 463 6440 Facebook: Humus Acrmavi Iran Hashem.Restaurant.Amman 2 Haneviim St, East Jerusalem Javaneh Vegan Sandwich Falafel W Bas Tel: +972 2-626-1658 Alborz Province, Moalem Al-saada Street, 77110, SQ, Mehrvila, Karaj Aqaba Tel: +98-2632751001 Tel: +962 7 9920 4006 Qatar www.javanehvegan.com Evergreen Organics Kuwait Qanat Quartier, The Pearl, 210000, Doha Ginger Restaurant Tel: +974 4472 0437 Zamin Jahra Street, Al-Muthana www.evergreenorganics.qa Pardisan Apt. Buliding, Sima- Complex, Ground Floor, ye-Iran Street, Shahrak-e- entrance 4 & 5 (at opposite Gharb, Tehran JW Marriot Hotel), Kuwait Saudi Arabia Tel: +98 21-88580555 City Tel:+965-22495097 Moon Shell Israel www.gingerrest.com Al Imam Malik, Jeddah Tel: +966-590006969 AchAlMa'le Table Eleven Instagram: moonshell_sa 48 HaShayish, Haifa Crumbs Murouj, Kuwait City Tel: +972-545616269 Tel:+965-99646911 Turkey Instagram: table11kw Alf Jaffu 44 (at Jaffu Bankin), BE Cafe Veganka Haifa Rimal Hotel & Resort, Al Tunus Cad. No: 49. Tel: +972-50-7501324 Tawan St, Salmiya Çankaya, Ankara Tel:+965-25710929 Tel: +90 312 969 83 08 Mitz Marak Facebook: vegankaveganka 4th Hillel St, Jerusalem Juna’s Tel: +972-1700703704 Galleria 2000, Salem Al Vegan Istanbul Mubarak St, Abdulwahab Iruzaga Mahallesi Turkgucu Nagila Complex (Galleria 2000), Caddesi No 51/A, Beyoglu Mashiach Borochof 5 (at Salmiya Cihangir, Istanbul Aggripas), Jerusalem Tel: +964-25710196 Tel: +90-212-249-0008 Tel: +972-26223331 www.junas.co www.veganistanbul34.com www.nagila.co.il Lebanon YUZU by LiT Anastasia Bankalar Caddesi No:17 54 Frishman, Tel Aviv Coara Vegan Cuisine Karakoy, Istanbul Tel: +972-3-5290095 Dune Center, Verdun, Beirut Tel: +905419741512 Facebook: cafeanastasia Tel: +961-1800718 www.litkarakoy.com Page 4 of 13 United Arab Emirates Simple Café Airport Rd, Tennis Complex - Zayed Sports City, Abu Dhabi Tel: +971-25833612 www.simplecafe.ae Life'n One Jumeirah Beach Rd, 27B St, Villa 5/1B Jumeirah 1, Dubai Tel: +971-565342899 www.lifenone.com Super Natural Kitchen Financial Centre Rd, Gallery Lafayette, Dubai Mall, Dubai Tel: +971-4441-6407 Facebook: BeSuperNatural The Vegetarian's Restaurant and Sweets Muntaiser Road (near Nakheel Hotel), Ras Al Khaimah Tel: +971-7228-8809 Page 5 of 13 Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants – Oceania Australia 3/237 Canley Heights Road, Tel: +61-08-8431-9668 Canley Heights, NSW 2166 vspotpizzabar.com.au Australian Capital Tel: +61-2- 9727-0356 Territory Tasmania Loving Hut Bankstown Shop 6, 18-20 Greenfield Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary Âu Lạc Dickson Parade, Bankstown NSW Kiosk and Shop 4/35-39 Woolley St, Dickson 2200 593 Briggs Rd, Brighton, TAS ACT 2602 Tel: +61-2- 9709-4396 7030 Tel: +61 2 6262 8922 Tel: +61 3 6268 1184 www.aulac- Loving Hut Vegan Cuisine bonorong.com.au restaurant.com.au Fairfield G47/54 Smart St, Fairfield Kingsland Healthy Vegan Victoria NSW 2165 Restaurant Tel: +61 2 8764 8547 Loving Hut Richmond 5/28 Challis St Dickson, Facebook: Loving Hut Shop 10/242 Victoria St, Canberra ACT 2602 Fairfield Richmond, Melbourne, VIC Tel: +61-2-6262-9350 3121 kingslandvegan.com.au Northern Territory Tel: +61-3-9427-8916 New South Eat At Martin’s Red Sparrow Pizza Wales 6 Caryota Ct, Coconut 406 Smith St, Collingwood, Grove, Darwin, NT 0810 Melbourne, VIC 3071 Alibi Tel: +61 411 515 963 Tel: +61-3-9417-1454 6 cowper wharf roadway, Facebook: Eat At Martins redsparrowpizza.com Woolloomooloo, Sydney, NSW 2011 Sister of Soul Tel: +61 2 9331 9088 Queensland 73 Acland Street, St Kilda, alibibar.com.au Melbourne, VIC 3182 Full of Life Organics 1/476 Ruthven St, Tel: +61-3-9593 8550 Bodhi in the Park www.sisterofsoul.com.au 2-4 College Street, Sydney Toowoomba City QLD 4350 Tel: +61-04-2144-5424 2000 Union Kiosk Tel: +61-2-9360-2523 fulloflifeorganics.com.au Shop 2, Causeway Lane, bodhirestaurant.com.au Melbourne Loving Hut Brisbane Shop 2, 1420 Logan Road, Tel: +61-4-1340-2331 Gigi Pizzeria unionkiosk.com.au 379 King St, Newtown, NSW Mount Gravatt QLD 4122 Tel: +61-7-3219-4118 2042 Western Australia Tel: +61-2-95572224 lovinghutbrisbane.com.au gigipizzeria.com.au Chic Pea Vegan Café Vege Rama 74 South Terrace, Fremantle, Loving Hut Cabramatta 241 Adelaide St (at ANZAC WA 6160 227 Cabramatta Road West, Sq), Brisbane QLD Tel: +61-4-2721-1133 Cabramatta, NSW 2166 Tel: +61-7-3255-3388 Facebook: Tel: +61-2-9755-4410 vegerama.com.au ChicPeaVeganCafe www.lovinghutcabramatta.co m.au South Australia Lord of the Fries Williams Street CBD Loving Hut Canley Heights V Spot Pizza Bar 385 Magill Rd, St Morris SA 110 Williams St, 5068, Adelaide Perth, WA 6000 Page 6 of 13 Tel: +61-1300-667-552 Tel: +64-39700575 lordofthefries.com.au Facebook: Eaststeats Loving Hut Cafe Loving Hut Nelson Vegan Shop 19, 366 Albany Food Cart Highway, Victoria Park, WA Nelson Mobile Saturday 6100 Market, Montgomery Square Tel: +61-8-9470-3969 Tel: +64-03-5391313 lovinghutperth.com Facebook: Loving Hut, Nelson, New Zealand. Fiji New Plymouth Highland Natural Lemonwood Eatery 8 Victoria Parade, Suva 1131 South Rd, Oakura, New Tel: +679 310 0733 Plymouth Facebook: highland Tel: +64 67527303 Facebook: lemonwoodeatery Guam Loving Hut New Plymouth Heavenly Veggies 178 Devon Street East, New 160 N Marine Corps Dr, Plymouth Tamuning (at Airport Plaza) Tel: +64 7 7590447 Tel: +1 671-647-0334 Facebook: Loving Hut New heavenlyveggies.com Plymouth NZ New Zealand Wellington Auckland Aunty Mena's 167 Cuba St, Wellington Green Time Tel: +64-04-3828288 28 Fort St (at downtown), Facebook: Aunty Mena Auckland Vegetarian Cafe Tel: +64-93792048 greentimenz.com Sweet Release Cakes and Treats Lord of the Fries 134 Willis St, Wellington 1 Shop 2, St Kevins Arcade, Tel: +64 21 132 0700 183 Karangahape Rd, sweetreleasecakesandtreats.
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