U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Certification of Position Approval for Retirement Under 5 USC§ 8336(c) and§ 8412(d) [ X] Approved under the Civil Service Retirement System, 5 USC § 8336(c) [ X ] Approved under the Federal Employees Retirement System, 5 USC § 8412(d) Category of Coverage: Primar •/Ri orous (Firefi hter) Bureau: An DOI Bureau ma use this Standard PD and must use the Standard PD Number ClassificationTitle: Forestr Technician Organization Title: Forestry Technician (Fire) Standard Position Number: FDl207B/A Series and Grade: -------GS-0462-06/07 --------- RECOMMENDATION FOR COVERAGE: Primary/Rigorous Firefighter coverage is recommended under both CSRS and FERS ' The position sen·es as a senior technician located on a wildland fire module or crew within the fire management organization. The purpose of the position is to provide leadership and oversight of wild land fire suppression/management/control, as a seasoned, experienced firefighter on an engine, helitack, prescribed fire, .., or wildland fire module, or on a hand crew. Primary duties arc directly connected with the control and extinguishment of firesand/or maintaining and using firefighter apparatus and equipment. The duties of this position are so rigorous that employment is limited to young and physically vigorous individuals who must meet established age and physical qualificationrequirements. Olg tally 1lgned by WILLIAM SIZEMORE DN c, US. o=U.S Govetnment, ou=Depanment of the Interior. ou=Offlceof the Secretaryof the Interior, cn=WllLIAM SIZEMORE. 0 9.2342 19200300 100.1 I= 14001000976882 WI LL I AM S I Z EMORE Date:20t8.10.23 11.38.26 06'00' Date Fire and Aviation, NPS --=,,,.__ - � Fire Management (Acting), BIA \ It>/2,1 /;<;; ILCOX, Chief, Branch of Fire Management, FWS 'Date' APPROVAL: The position described above is approved for coverage under Firefighter or Law Enforcement (FF/LEO) Retirement retroactive to classification date. Approval is by DOI Secretary's Designee: For: Deputy Assistant Secretary, Human Capital and Diversity Date POSITION DESCRIPTION (Please Read Instructions on the Back) 1. Agency Position No. FDl207B 2. Reason for Submission 13'Service 4. Employing OfficeLocation 5. Duty Station 6. OPM Certification No. 0 Redescription □ New □Hdqtrs [gjFleld 0 Reestablishment [gJ Other 7. Fair Labor Standards Act 8. Financial Statements Required 9. Subject to IA Action ExecutivePersonnel Emplo ment and n Exempt 0 Nonexempt 0 O � Explanation (Show any positions replacad) FlnencialDlscf01ura Flnancal Interest f'xlYes nNo New DOI Fire Standard PD 10. Position Status 11. Position Is 12. Sensitivity 13. Competitive Level Code Osupervlsory 1-Non- O3-Crltlcal Replaces legacy SPD# D0I107 [&lc ompetitive 0 Sensitive OExcepted (SpecifyIn Remarks) OManagerlal 14. Agency Use 2-Noncrltlcal 4-Speclal □SES (Gen.) □ SES(CR) nNelthar D Sensitive O Senaltlve 15. Classified/Gradedby OfficialTitle of Position Pav Plan Occuoatlonal Code Grade Initials Date a. Office of Personnel Management b. Department, Agency or Establishment Forestry Technician GS 0462 6 rl 10/1912018 c. Second Level Review d. First Level Review e. Recommended by Supervisor or Initiating Office 16. Organizational litieof Position (ifdifferent from official title) 17. Name of Employee (if vacant, specify) Forestry Technician (Fire) 18. Department, Agency, or Establishment c. Third Subdivision Department of the Interior a. First Subdivision d. Fourth Subdivision b. Second Subdivision e. Fifth Subdivision Signature of Employee (optional) 19. Employee Review-Thisis an accurate description of the major duties and responsibilities of my position. 20. Supervisory Certification. / certify that this Is an accurate this Information is to be used for statutory purposes relating to stalement or the major duties and responsibilities of this position appointment and payment of public funds, ancfthat false or misleaaing and its organizational relationships, and that the position is statements may constitute violations of such statutes or the,r necessary to car,y out Government functions for which I am implementing regulations. responsible. This certification is made with theknowledge that a. Typed Name and litie of Immediate Supervisor b. Typed Name and Trtle of Higher-Level Supervisor or Manager (optional) ------------------------------------------- --------- Signature i Date Signature------------------------- ---------------------------r------------- I I, Date I I I I I I I I I 21. Classlflcatlon/JobGrading Certification. / cert17ethat thls&_osi- 22. Position Classification Standards Used in Classifying/Grading Position tion has been classffledlgraaed as re�uiredby Tite 5, U.S. ode, In conformance with standards pub ished oy the U.S. Office of Flysheet for ForestryTechnician, GS-0462, TS-111 Dec 1991, Personnel Management or, if no published standards a ly direct- � Aid & Technical Work in the Biological Sciences Series, _____ Jy, consistentlywith the most applicable published stan _ arrls.____ _____ - - Typed Name and liUa of OfficialTaking Action GS 0400, TS 111 Dec . 1991. Renae Lockwood, Information for Em loyees. The standards, and Information on their Classification Program Manager � ---------------------------------------------------,------------ application, are availa le In the personnel office. The classification of the Signature DigitAllY signed by ,I Da te position may be reviewed and corrected by the agencY. or the U.S. Office RENAE RENAE LOCKWOOD I of Personnel Management. Information on classrficatlon/job grading Date: 2018,10.19 I appeals, and com laInts on exem ion from FLSA, Is availat:ile from the ft � LOCKWOOD 11:38:04 -04'00' l 10/19/2018 personnel office or he U.S. Office of ersonnel Management. 23. Position Review Initials I Date Initials Data Initials I Date Initials , Date Initials I Date I I I I I I I I a. Employee (optional) I I : I I I I I b. Supervisor I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Classifier I I I I 24. Remarks The FPL is GS-7. Code 4/supervisory. 25. Description of Major Duties and Responsibilities (See Attached) OF 8 (Rev. 1-85) NSN 7540-00-634-4265 Previous Edition Usable 5008-106 U.S. Office of Personnel Management FPM Chapter 295 Optional Form 8 (BACK) (Revi sed 1/85) Instructions for Completing Optional Form 8 POSITION DESCRIPTION In order to comply with the requirements of FPM Chapter 295 , 13. Enter competitive level code for use in reduction-in-force actions. subchapter 3, and other provisions of the FPM , agencies must See FPM Chapter 351 . complete the items marked by an asterisk. Agencies may determine what other items are to be used. 14. Agencies may use th is block for any add itional cod ing requirement. *1 . Enter position number used by the agency for control purposes. *15. Enter classification/job grading action. See FPM Chapter 312 , Subchapter 3. • For "Officia l Title of Position," see the applicable classification *2. Check one. or job grading standard . For pos itions not covered by a published standard, see the General Introduction to "Position • "Redescription" means the duties and/or responsibilities of an Classification Standards," Section Ill, for GS positions, or FPM existing position are being changed. Supplement 512-1 , "Job Grading System for Trades and Labor • "New" means the position has not previously existed . Occupations ," Part 1, Section Ill. • "Reestablishment" means the position previously existed, but had been cancelled . • For "Pay Plan code , see FPM Supplement 292 -1, "Personnel • "Other" covers such things as change in title or occupational Data Standards," Book Ill. series without a change in duties or responsibilities. • The "Explanation" section should be used to show the reason if For "Occupational Code," see the applicable standard; or, "Other" is checked, as well as any position(s) replaced by position where no standard has been published , see the "Handbook of number, title, pay plan, occupational code, and grade. Occupational Groups and Series of Classes" for GS pos itions, or FPM Supplement 512-1, Part 3, for trades and labor positions. For all positions in scientific and engineering 3. Check one. occupations, enter the two-digit functional classification code in parentheses immediately following the *4. Enter geographical location by city and State (or if position is in a occupational code, e.g., "GS-1310(14)." The codes are foreign country, by city and country) . listed and discussed in the General Introduction to "Position Classification Standards," Section VI. *5. Enter geographical location if different from that of #4. 16. Enter the organizational, functional, or working title if it differs 6. To be completed by OPM when certifying positions. (See Item 15 from the official title. for date of OPM certification.) For SES and GS-16/18 positions and equivalent, show the position number used on 17. Ente r the name of the incumbent. If there is no incumbent, enter OPM Form 1390 (e.g ., DAES0012). "va can cy." *7 . Check one to show whether the incumbent is exempt or *18. Enter the organ izational location of the position , starting with the nonexempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of name of the department or agency and worki ng down from there . the Fair Labor Standards Act. See FPM Chapter 551 . 19. If the position is occupied, have the in cumbent read the attached 8. Check box if statement is requ ired. See FPM Chapter 734 for description of duties and responsibil ities. The employee's the Executive Personnel Financial Disclosure Report, SF 278. sig nature is optiona l. See FPM Chapter 735, Subchapter 4, for the Employment and Financial Interests Statement. *20 . Th is statement normally sh ould be certified by the immed iate supervisor of the position . At its option , an agency may also 9. Check one to show whether Identical Additional positions are have a higher-level supervisor or ma nager certify the statement. permitted. See FPM Chapter 312 , Subchapter 4. Agencies may show the number of such positions authorized and/or established *21 . This statement shou ld be certified by the agency official who after the "Yes" block. makes the classification/job grading decision . Depending on 10.
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