Flood Management in Selected River Basins Sector Project (RRP INO 35182) Initial Environmental Examination: Ciujung Core Subproject Document Status: Final August 2016 Indonesia: Flood Management in Selected River Basins Sector Project Prepared by Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia for the Asian Development Bank. This is an revised version of the draft originally posted in May 2015 available on http://www.adb.org/projects/35182-043/main#project-documents. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 11 August 2016) Currency unit – rupiah (Rp) Rp1.00 = $0.000076 $1.00 = Rp13,129 ABBREVIATIONS 3 Cis – Cidanau-Ciujung-Cidurian ADB – Asian Development Bank AMDAL – Environmental Impacts Assessment, EIA AP – affected person ASEAN – Association of South East Asian Nations Bappeda – Local Development Planning Agency Bappenas – National Development Planning Agency BBWS – Major River Basin Organization BLH – District Environmental Management, established in Kabupaten Serang BPBD – Local Disaster Mitigation Agency BPDAS – Watershed Management Organization, under Ministry of Forestry BPLH – Local Provincial Environmental Agency, established in Banten Province BWS – River Basin Organization CPMU – Central Project Management Unit DED – detailed engineering design DGWR – Directorate General of Water Resources EA – executing agency EARF – Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EMP – Environmental Management Plan FIDIC – International Federation of Consulting Engineers FMSRB – Flood Management in Selected River Basins GERHAN – National Movement for Forest and Land Rehabilitation GOI – Government of Indonesia GR – government regulation IA – Implementing Agency IEE – Initial Environmental Examination IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature IWRM – Integrated Water Resource Management JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency KECC – Korea Engineering Consulting Corp LARAP – Land Acquisition and Resettlements Action Plan LG – Local Government MOA – Ministry of Agriculture MOE – Ministry of Environment MOF – Ministry of Forestry MOHA – Ministry of Home Affairs NGO – nongovernment organization O&M – operation and maintenance PMU – project management unit POLA – Indonesian full name then “Water Resource Strategic Plan”) PP – Government Regulation PPTA – Project preparatory technical assistance PU – public works REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment Rencana – Indonesian full name then “Water Resource Detail Plan”) RKL/RPL – Environmental Management & Monitoring Plan, complementary of AMDAL report RTRW – Regional Spatial Plan SKKLH – Decree on Environmental Feasibility SOP – standard operating procedure SPPL – Commitment Letter for Environmental Management and Monitoring SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement TKPSDA – Coordination Team for Water Resource Management TOR – terms of reference TOT – training of trainers UKL/UPL – Environmental Management & Monitoring Measure, substitute of AMDAL for moderate scale of projects UNESCO – United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Approach to and Data Sources for IEE Study 2 B. Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework 3 C. Purpose of the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) 7 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 8 A. Type and Need 8 B. Project Location 9 C. Description of the Subproject 10 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 12 A. Physical Resources 12 B. Ecological Resources 13 C. Social and Economic Resources 17 IV. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 17 A. Generic Environmental Impacts 17 B. Impacts and Mitigation Measures 18 C. Environmental Monitoring 22 V. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN 22 VI. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, PARTICIPATION AND GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 24 VII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 24 APPENDICES Appendix 1: FMSRB Project Components and Outputs Appendix 2: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist Appendix 3: Indonesia AMDAL Screening Criteria (Selected Sectors) Appendix 4: Environmental Management Plan Appendix 5: Environmental Monitoring Plan Appendix 6: Field Visits, Meetings and Public Consultation List of Tables Table 1 Screening Criteria for Water Resources Works (Permen PU No. 10/PRT/M/2008)4 Table 2 SABPs and Potential Location of Borrow Areas................................................... 9 Table 3 Summary of Civil WorksOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.11 Table 7 Type of Plants Commonly Found in Riparian Areas of Ciujung River 13 Table 5 Nuantities of .astewater Discharge into Ciujung River......................................17 Table 6 Seasonal Routine .ater Nuality Monitoring Results of Ciujung RiverOOOO. .15 Table 7 Activities Affecting .ater Nuality of Ciujung River ............................................. 15 Table 8 Summary of Social Economic (Demographic Resources .................................. 17 Table 9 Potential Environmental Impacts ....................................................................... 18 List of Figures Figure 1 Cross-Section of River Di/e Construction of Ciujung ........................................... 8 Figure 2 Project Location and Potential Other Borrow Areas ........................................... 10 Figure 3 Detail Description of River Di/e Construction (Typical Design .......................... 11 I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Project will support the implementation of an area slice of the sector development plan, the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan for .ater Resources (SP.R of the Ministry of Public .or/s and 0ousing (MP.0 . 1 The Cidanau9Ciujung9Cidurian (3 Cis in Banten Province, and the Ambon 9 Seram in Malu/u Province river basin territories (RBTs 2 9 respectively affected by the two main type of floods, the riverine and flash floods 9 have been selected to demonstrate the flood ris/ management (FRM approach. The investment will help the Covernment of Indonesia (the Covernment to accelerate the implementation of the river basin plans (Rencanas in those RBTs. In preparing comprehensive flood ris/ management plans (FRMPs 9 that will be the basis for ma/ing investment decision in the selected river basins 9 the Project will strengthen coordination between river basin management organizations (RBOs and basin sta/eholders. The Project will also ensure that FRMPs will be reflected in regional development plans, annual plans and spatial plans as the basis for issuing related regulations (land use, river corridor, solid waste management, spatial planning, and building code . Community based watershed management activities will be introduced in mid catchment areas where unsustainable farming practices are causing soil erosion. River and related infrastructure (floodway and retention area , will be built or upgraded where technically, socially, environmentally and economically justified. Communities in the flood plains will also implement small wor/s to improve flood resilience. .here structural interventions are not feasible or have limited effects, communities will be engaged in preparing emergency response planning, procedures, and evacuation plans. See Appendix 1 for details on project components and outputs. 2. The overall Project has four components. Project Component 2 is Iland management improved and flood infrastructure upgradedI. .ithin Project Component 2, (i sub-component 1, watershed management, is to be implemented by Ministry of 0ome Affairs in both Ambon and in the 3 Cis RBT, and by Ministry of Agriculture wor/ing only in CiujungP and (ii sub-component 2 focuses on major structural4 civil methods of flood control, to be implemented by the RBOs (Balai Besar .ilayah Sungai of 3 Cis rivers (hereinafter BB.S 3 Cis , and the RBO (Balai .ilayah Sungai or B.S of Malu/u river. A core priority subproject has been identified under sub-component 2, namely, construction of an approximate 11 /m of new di/es in Ciujung. Other major structural flood control sub-projects under this sector Project will be identified and fully investigated during implementation, following the procedures established in the environmental assessment and review framewor/.3 3. .ith assistance from the Asian Development Ban/ (ADB , the BB.S 3 Cis, in association with the Directorate Ceneral of .ater Resources (DC.R , MP.0 have prepared a strategic plan and program for managing floods in the Ciujung River Basin, which has been subject to multiple damaging floods, the most recent being late Danuary 2013. It identifies a comprehensive list of possible structural and non-structural interventions throughout the basin. A structural core sub-project is proposed for initial loan funding, i.e., new di/e construction along approximately 11 /m of the river immediately downstream of the Pamarayan .eir in Aabupaten Serang, complemented by spillways and a retention basin. 1 Ministry of Public .or/s and 0ousing, 2015. 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