MEMIIMM& Vokv., sal 1. , pOCOSEIT RUM* ED 05 273 IR -009 520 , , : -. 'AUTHOR - Oranzberge:Mart,'Ed.: Steinbring, Jack,:Ed. TITLE -.Television and the Canadian Indian: Impact 'and , Meaninrambng Algonkians of Central Canada, . INSTITUTION' W%nnipeg Univ. tHanitobal. PUB DATE : 00. 1 k 'NOTE. 535g.- -' . EDRS PRICE . td_ MF034iC25 fslusA:4stag,"9-:. , DESCRIPTORS *American Indians :' *Cdeada Vatives: Cross Cultural. Studies: Econ04; Research: Ethnography: Foreign Countries: Longitudinal Psychological.- Studies:Questionnaires:Tablei'-(Datal: Television .4) Surveys: eolelevision'Viewing . .%. .. ABSTRACT This study is a controlled longitudinal analysis of the impact and meaning of televOion Among Algonkian Indians of central Canada which incorporates eight-yeams of extensive . participant observation fieldwork.and..objective social and psychological testing in the pre- and post-television periods. The impact of television is discussrd -in terms .of stress- and modernization, and it is rued that positive and negative television inputs in these areas are heavily conditioned by meanings .derived '. from analogies-between television and certain-cultural traditions, which promoted ..exaggerated copying, identification, and trust in TV characters on the part of naive viewer's. A report of .the Ohnographic findings'resulting frdm long term field' work in three AlgOkian communities reviews the impact-and meaning of television it these . 'communities as revealed in field observations and'iweervieve. y Findings based on psychological and sociological tests, %canonic sales records, video tape experimentation, and 9.4itiondaire opinion .surveys are also reported, and, tht final section7-promides a 'review oi the itbrk and its implications, clarifyipg some-Otthe issues in telecomannicstion policy fbr developing areas :and making some, / receemenditions. A study of the relationship between music associated' with a TV show "end its agpeals.to an Ojfbica. audience is appended. -OCNC) ;I _0 I s a " . 4!******************,**,,****Ii*********p********** 44**4**************** *:,- Reproductions eupplAed by EDRS.tre.the.best t at can be made * * . 0. from original document.- 4!******14,*******************.*******************i*********************, 4 :. t s. 0.0 S oEPARTINENTOF HEALTH. EDUCATION* WELFARE NATIONAL ZISTITNTE OF . SOU VON , . 1 ) THIS DOCUMENT /HAS BEEN REPRO. OUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS Ay4Ew 04 opuNioN$ STATED 00p.OTECESSAReLy pEpRE SENTOFFeCIAL N TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION FOS ION OR POLICY . ,TELEV.ISION fAND .THE CANADIAN. INDIAN.. 1 . : impact andMeaning among. Algonkians \ ** t 4. f Central Canada 1 I Edited by ' Gary ariAberg -)" University :Of Winnipeg ' c . Jack $teinbring -4. University ofWinnipea . , s ' niversitS? of Winnipeg . : ..- nipeg, Manitoba', Canada .. town Copyrigbts Areserved k , -"Canadan ,Department of Commvnications . Reiulation 103" 'PERMISSION TO:REPRODUCE 'THIS _ . MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY airy arstrfObarg - TO THI EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC).' ft .k I mss . or ..144.1.r....41 HUDSON BAY A . 1. aloe Cyrelor: 1 [ :,...."*"", I"".- 1. from Map by A.P. Buchner 5. ; -! i tss, 7. , ` . , ' Acknowledgements especiallytiesand NorthernResearch1 would ran Development, Council',:.ond:the_Departraentlike Iron tp le,,thank theAllan-Simpson the CBC, Department the Social and of ofShelagh indianCommunications,Sciences MIGonigle, Affairs and. Humani-' or andSteinbringthankJohntheir structuring support Hamer for and hours forof good,advice. thehis of project,fearwise sightedcounsel IA amdranks contributionespeciallyand IrtendshiptoChris grateful: in. Hanks'and the flash foundingtofor Jackhisto acidattractiv'egoodtance. patieoCe.workA andspecial statistical supportI wouldbow andto likework Janetto andNene),to Cameron ackdowledgefor Hankshours for for'her'o'f herthe Volunteered fine-honedbeautifully skillful assis- skills andorga- 0.'studynotesnized statistical,ofcompiled ethnic bystereotyping, Timwork Forrest.of loinsl and WoodsI theweir pagetwhichto.tharik ofhelped 'highly Cecil, so muchsensitivePereira ini thefor ofhisIto greatly Winnipeg, thankwell organized Gilappreciate especliallyBead and:analysis,of the Kay Herbfull Stone McMullinsupport the for sociological many; xeceivedend hisfine staff fromsuggestions.matertal. inthe_Univerfity the comprI wishAnd fettkindQueskekapow.ftrolling thanks'understandirt4. office.*I td or the his wouldNorway hoursYinally,. like Houseof to,patient I peoplewdeldpay'specisl, teaching, Tikefor theirto tribute thankand forbearance issue_my towife, Nathaniel a heart- andMarykin; for'her concern, for her suggestions. ond for her generous lonation . of time and . , . .! l April,CaryGra4zirerg,- 1980 0 fd. N 40, / I J 41. .Nf .44 -rx4 Table of (kinto nts Forward By John Hamer j .... vi Preface By Gary Granzberg ... -tsS4 Part I Summary of the Project by Gary Granzberg C Chapter 1 Summary of the Literature on Television in Developing Areas - Derivation of Basic Thesis and Goals of the Project of . by Gary Granzberg 2 Chapter 2 , The Meanings and Uses ofTelevision Among Algonkians by Gary Granzberg ,22' Chapter 3 The Impact of Television Among Algonkians of Central Canada by Gary Granzberg 38 Chapter 4 Explanation of ImpactandMeling.ofTele- 14 vision Among ALgonkians by Gary Granzberg 54 , Chapter5 Gbnclusions, Implications and Recommendations by Gary Granzberg.,. 66 Part II Presentation of Ethnographic, Participant . Observation Data by Gary Granzberg, Jack Steinbring and Christopher Hanks Chapter 6 The IntroduCtiou ofJelevision into Northern Manitoba Cree,Gommunity: C - A Study of Meaningq, Uses and Effects by Gary Granzberg 07 Chapter 7 Television on'the Jackhead'indian Reserve: 1969-1980 . by Jack Steinbring k . 182 Chapter 8 Television.and the Impact of the EUro- Canadian Eccinomy *and 'Technology upou Cree Enculturation by Christopher Han se 4 261 chapter 9 television Among. the Oxford House Cree by Christopher Hanks 296 . s J.' . 1 .... -.) . 1 Table of Contentt -- Olge2 .0. Part III. Presentation of Questionnaire Data . by Cary Cianzberg,-Cecil Pereira, Christopher 'Hsnks and Nancy. eanks. Chapter 10 The Psychological Impact of Television Among Algonkians of Central Canada by Gary Grantberg 321 Chapter 41 When Television Avades Remote Northern Communities $ by Cecil Pereira 360 . 'e . L Chapter 12 Use of Video Tape in Cross - Cultural Television Regearch: Phase II "The Muppete'' e ,by Christopher Hanks and CAry Cianzberg 407 Chapter 13 An Economic Analysis.of the Effect of Tele-1 vision Upon Consumer Buying Trends in the Northern,Native Communitilp lby Nancy Hanks k Chapter 14 Telecommuni6ation.and.Changes Among Cree 1 Students . by Cecil Pereira....... .. 512 1 ' . , - Part IV Conilusions'and Recommendations 4 1 i by Jack.Steinbring Chapter 15 Conclusions and Recommendations A by Jack Steinbring:" 574 I Appendix'. Saateaux Ethnomusicology and the Background Music of T.V. Soap Operas: A Cognitive Study of T.V. Adoption in a Manitoba Reserve' by Sally Davidson ' 585. ti I . :4 I :vi O This study concerns theFORWARD' eifects of television on -three ofAlgonkian the few speakinglongitudinal communities studies inof'respOnse northern Manitoba:to innovationIt is in one,I at.theich pheauthors-were Iime of installation/or able..... to studyshortly the aft effects'of r, and observe television the - (whconsequencesIn recent over years;a- periodthereofhave' seueral"year been a number. of questions. , '' 4.. raised about the negative impact of television on audiences in ' Illmisleadswith'audiencethe partsmedia the of.as theviewing manipulation.a technologicalworld. audiende.Generally, First,deviceBut totheretheseso filmdistorts ismisgivings events the realityproblem and hive peopl that.that dealt, itas spatethey arein theis likelymedia happenings.to bore the viewersThe alternative who are unable has been to_par to it-epk ', 'throughcreateto hold Secondly,and attentionvarious maintain theaudio by audiencecontent making and photographic ofsituationsinterest programming £hrough manipulations.and haspeople emphadis been more contrived onthan t eat, to . st: onlychange.unusual to Inenliveningin Northbutton Americaexistence, a program, this such maniputptionbut asto sex,violence,perpetuating has been theand directed dominantince ant.not. ..s ..0 wardvaluts andWith of the consumerismthese authors shortdomings began though in commercialinthe mind fell the o advertising. writer1972 to-ptan of snis_../ and:organ7, . for-i . onlyonseveralice Cree arecentay program andreserves. Saultaux beenof research Whatinstalled,6mmunities. would for bestudying °ewes theWe kntwimpactabout the that impact.ofofto thisbeinstilledthe device inirusitelevi ionnadn on . avoidaculturesstyle great violence,of deal_whosesouthern of andpeoplesreticence consumerisiaN:Where,traditiOhally Where have sexuality in been interpersonal\relations relativgly was mentionable remote fnfrpm,ththere did.soas h stoider- lifebeen , tain piescribeSrelations of sociallteraotion? . -toissues, theseWhat asquest'i'on, follows the result provides in ofjevinaddition interesting yearsto raising oparticiPant-obee0ation,snit neweplightening and import. , htswers ttufforitoOsycholOgiZiTinterviewing, and analyzingAnthropology voluminous, as data.well IsThe'woik tethqthees ycontrip of . ,. tenet,socio-culturai peoplepeoplethi4, researchand change. vatioup endeavor -Moreover, levels should of and the' provide perhaps Canadian a ofpraptical Goverpmentgreater/ guideim inor- to. 4 making
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