Lifc'NV., h’ I O p in io n / Ed it o r ia l A rts & Leisure N ew s Morgan comments on FTX Jammin' with ’’Once Hush’* CIG meets with Soccer picp^.^. top execs; cadets for competition in leave for FTX Europe C a iitt $ 1 . 0 0 V O L U M E x e Fridayj 03 April 1998 Nuitiber 22 The Internet In Barracks: A Reality In 1998-99 Sfcs News Briefs Alumni Generals Visit VMI Internet, E-mail Hookup National Underway in Cadets' Rooms ••••••••••••••( nm Hough tute.” The holes are going to house the Woman, dog survive Guest Writer conduit for the wires, which will be run flooded elevator You have four new mail messages.” through a column and into the connec­ This is what cadets will likely see when tion. NEW YORK - Like a using their computers in barracks next year. But, rising First Classman An-1 scene from a horror movie, Suzana The Virginia Military Institute plans on thony Espinoza said “1 feel positively to­ Piamenta nearly drowned Tuesday catching up with the growing use of com­ ward the Internet, and I feel it will benefit when she stepped into her apartment puters by college students by networking cadets, because they will not have to go buildingelevator and pushed the but­ barracks so that cadets may access the out and wait for a computer. VMI said ton for the 18th floor, only to have Intemet and e-mail accounts. The plan that they lived without girls, and- times are the car drop down into a flooded should be completed by the next academic changing. They will just have to deal with’ ■ basement. The 22-year-old had just year comes as a result of VMI being the it. finishedwalking her dog when “wa­ only four year public college in the Com­ According to Information Sys­ ter began gushing in the sides and monwealth that does not provide a wire tems at VMI the addition of twelve-hun­ the door,” reaching her shoulders connection for students in their rooms. dred new network hook-ups will not af­ within minutes. Fortunately, The 2.4 million dollar'project fect the speed ofthe computers located in Piamenta’s husband heard her was approved three weeks ago by the Vir­ labs around post. Barracks will be wired screams through the elevator shaft. ginia General Assembly. The project was by a separate telecommunication com­ With the dog on her shoulders, approved as a 9D bond, otherwise known pany to install the link to worid beyond workers were able to reach Piamenta as revenue bond issue, which are usually limits gates. through a trap door in the elevator reserved for projects that require a user fee. Networidngbarrackswillaflfect car’s roof VMI Generals review cadets during parade on Friday, March 27th For example, there is a User fee to use bar­ the way in which messages are received -photo courtesy o f Andre Studio liic,- racks tliat falls under room and board. An as well. “We have a computer at the Visi­ Judge: Black cop was annual debt service or user fee will be cov­ tors Center in Lejeune hall. The concept illegally pulled over Military, Naval, and Aerospace Sci­ aren’t much different from thei ered by the Alumni Foundation, but the ca­ was to do both, e-mail it (the message) • Steve Nichols and ence. Topics covered at these brief­ grandfathers.” There has been a fo dets will be chained an operational, or main­ and send a stat,” said Colonel John L: ORLANDO, Fla. - A judge Clark Twiddy ings included assimilation and future cus within the Corps this week to bi tenance, fee that could range from S175.00 Rowe, Jr., Business Executive and head ruled Wednesday that a black Mi- plans for VMI. Among other high­ in top form for the weekend. Amon{ to $190.00. of the plan to network barracks. ami-Dade police major on trial for Mews Writers lights of the weekend was a cocktail the attending generals, two have son Although many cadets approve, This will be the first opportu-' battering sheriff’s deputies and re­ More than half of the Virginia reception at the Superintendent’s currently attending the Institute some question its elTcct on VMl’s traditions. nity in VMl’s one-hundred and fifty-eight sisting arrest during a traffic stop Military Institute’s living alumni quarters followed by a formal dinner while many others have sons who an With a freslily drilled hole in his ceiling. year histoiy that cadets will have to com­ was pulled over illegally. generals and flag officers were in in Moody Hall on Friday night. past graduates. First Classman Jon Hamilton commented, municate from inside their room. “Once' • AaronCampbell has claimed he was Lexington this past weekend for a Among some of the more Bissell also commentec “I think it’s a disgrace to the Spartan atmo­ you get the computer online you can e- stopped because he fit a racial pro­ leadership conference sponsored by notable generals who were in atten­ that,” it was a wonderful success sphere which we purport to have, and will mail the world, you can communicate with' 4 file deputies use to .stop motorists VMI. This is the first time a confer­ dance this weekend were two full They were totally impressed with th be a detriment to future classes at the Insti­ the world.” said Rowe. and search them for drugs. Orange ence of this caliber has been held at generals, Air Force General John P. cadet detail assigned to the protoco County Circuit Judge Thomas the Institute. Jumper ’66 and Army General J.H.B. office, the parade ushers, and the ap Mihok also threw out two of the According to N. Michael Peay. Also, senior alumni were pearance of the cadet corps itself” OGA Set for 1998-99 charges pending against Campbell, Bissell of the protocol office, the present; the senior most being Rear O f the original 84 fiag of who still faces four counts includ­ purpose of brining such a large Admiral Joseph Yon, ’34. Experi­ ficers invited, 42 attended the even ing battery and resisting arrest. group of flag officers to VMI was to ences in every confiict since WWIl - some with their wives who had ai bring them up on the state ofthe In- were represented, from Pearl Harbor itinerary all their own. Cadet Cap Young girl debunl^s stitt.ite as well as harness their sup­ to Desert Storm. Admiral Yon said tain Stefan Barr, who works witl therapeutic touch port for the upcoming years. Not of the conference that “he was just Bissell, was excited about the week >«v only that, but according to Bissell, grateful to be included...it means a end, saying “it provided an opportu CHICAGO - Some practitio­ the officers could give their insight lot to an old man”. nity for cadets seeking a commissioi ners say therapeutic touch can cure on certain aspects of the school and In honor of the conference, to socialize with men who have beer numerous ailments by touching the help determine which direction VMI the Corps of Cadets had a parade with truly dedicated to our country.” emanations from a person’s energy should be headed into the future. a 21-gun salute by the cadet battery. Cadet Corporal Cerell field. Nine-year-old Emily Rosa, Beginning Friday morning, Bissell, who was the director of last commented, “ for a school our size tt suspicious of the treatment, con­ 42 generals and flag officers and weekend’s events, hoped this was an have produced a record like this i ducted a study for a school science their wives took part in briefings by opportunity for cadets to intermingle truly amazing. It is a testament ti President, Mike Purdy Vice President, Conor Powell x project showing the practice was in­ the Superintendent, the Dean, the with'some distinguished alumni, “as VMI as a whole.” ministration. effective - and her findings have Paul Brown, and John Wright. Commandant, and the Professors of well as see that these individuals Next year’s OGA is also going ^*® found their way into this week’s Next Year’s OGA will continue to reliquish its counseling services to the Journal of the American Medical to cany out its original function as the in­ Jeremy Obenchain vestigative arm ofboth the GC and EC, but new S-5 Counseling Staff, which will b e ^ ^ Association. Rosa asked 21 practi­ Third Classmen May headedupbyConorPowell. ConorPowell tioners to put their hands through a plans to focus on the eradication of prob­ News Editor stated, ‘The OGA will no longer be coun- „ cardboard screen and asked them to lems encountered by this year’s OGA. The As tlie second class ascends into selors, and will not encroach the counsel­ identify which of their hands was Live By Companies main focus will be on hazing. Purdy stated, the top leadership positions ofthe corps, the ing staff.” The OGA will also have the near one of hers. They chosethe cor­ “hazing will not be tolerated next year. The Officer of tlie Guard Association will play job of ensuring the future of the ratline. , rect hand only 44% of the time. OGA will suggest an extremely stiff pen­ Next Year classes may become more impor­ a vital role in the upcoming year. Next year’s alty consisting of a minimum two semester When asked about the OGA’s role in the ■ tant than the Brother Rat, which in OGA was voted on in March and the fol­ suspension.” Purdy also plans to take cer­ ratline, Purdy stated, “next year’s ratline is World Tabitha Stump effect would hurt the class sys­ lowing cadets were selected as the top three: tain measures beginning this spring to en­ going to be a judicious, hard ratline and,' News Writer tem,” says Joyner.
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