8 36 Contents Autumn 2012 30 2 AnnoUnCeMents FRoM tHe BRIDGe 32 stAte HAPPenInGs The good, the bad and the indifferent 4 VIeWPoInt Shipowners neither cash cows nor tax collectors 34 daff - BIoseCURItY AQIS changes its name 6 PRoFILe Maurice James, Qube Logistics 36 CRUIsInG 8 olympic DAM AnD tHe ARCHIPeLAGo 40 eDUCAtIon AnD tRAInInG OF DReAMs SAL launches new e-learning course 8 The mine 42 THe sCene 12 What makes a remote mining township tick? 16 Here’s what it will take to build a dream 44 sIGnAL 20 RetRosPeCtIVe new president for APSA 26 agricultURAL CoMMoDItIes Falling prices and heightened volatility expected 28 accident PReVentIon 46 annUAL ReVIeW 2011 28 OHS performance in our shipping industry 30 Container weighing gains support 144 adveRtIseRs’ LIst tHe oFFICIAL JoURnAL oF shipping Australia Ltd Level 1, 101 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA 1. the olympic Dam pit-head PO Box Q388 Sydney NSW 1230 P: 02 9266 9911 F: 02 9279 1471 2. Maurice James W: www.shippingaustralia.com.au Qube Logistics PUBLIsHeD FoR sHIPPInG AUstRALIA LtD BY showcase Publications Pty Ltd 3. Brett Jardine C5, 99 Jones Street (Dalgety Square), Ultimo NSW 2007 1 International Cruise Council Australasia PO Box 665, Broadway NSW 2007 P: 02 9211 7422 F: 02 9211 9061 W: www.showcasepublications.com.au 4. Bill Boehm 2 3 4 Administrator of Roxby Downs editorial executive editor: Llew Russell Feature writer: Archie Bayvel Advertising Co-ordinator For advertising in the next issue contact Steve Moxey P: 02 9211 7422 e: [email protected] Graphic designer Sarah Abrahams e: [email protected] Autumn 2012 I Shipping Australia Limited 1 • Togetherness • Consistency • Productivity improvements It is essential that all stakeholders become involved in tackling supply chain problems and obstacles to ensure that costs and other inefficiencies are not simply being passed down the chain rather than being addressed head on. In the past, this has definitely been the case with a number of issues including proposals to increase the efficiency and productivity of the operation of empty container parks and other issues associated with the sea land interface. It also impacts on infrastructure issues such as the building of weigh-in-motion systems in container terminals for weighing import containers. SAL this year will increase its efforts to foster and encourage a greater collective approach to dealing with these issues. A mantra of SAL members is the adoption of international standards on a national basis or, at the very least, the adoption by state and territory jurisdictions of national standards. there are a number of areas that will continue to be addressed this year such as biofouling of hulls, dealing with the on-board treatment of ballast water, more broadly the regulatory activities of our border agencies, which should all be applied on a more nationally consistent basis. SAL continues to work with government departments and government agencies to achieve that result. there was a lot of debate at the beginning of this year in the media regarding the review of the Fair Work Act and the fact that productivity was not specifically included in the terms of reference for that review. Furthermore, in recent industrial disputation on the waterfront the question of productivity improvements to offset some of the increases in wages and conditions was a bone of contention between the union and the employer. Workplace relations are only part of the productivity continuum, albeit an important part, and a more holistic approach is required involving investment, infrastructure and development generally, even extending to training and education in terms of Announcements raising the overall productivity platform in Australia. this is essential if we are to become more internationally competitive and if we are to achieve the economic from the Bridge development in this country that is necessary to raise our standards of living. In this edition, we include our annual review and whilst, as mentioned above, it y the time you receive this magazine, we will be almost was a very difficult and challenging year, through the first quarter of 2012. I would hope for all our a number of important achievements readers that 2012 is turning out better than 2011 which can be identified. We completed B the intermodal terminal study in the was a very difficult year for our members in many respects. We metropolitan areas of Sydney and propose this year to be more proactive in pursuing three themes: melbourne which was undertaken by 2 Shipping Australia Limited I Autumn 2012 a masters graduate from the Institute the end of last year. As a result of the involved in the container stevedoring of transport and Logistics Studies at study, SAL is hopeful that taskforces industry. they are on the expansion Sydney university. Copies of that report can be established in both Sydney and and acquisition trail. We are grateful for were circulated at the end of January. melbourne to work out a strategy on how maurice James’ agreement to speak to the major message in that study, is that to make these intermodal terminals work us on those plans. simply adopting the “build it and they will to optimal capacity. come” approach is not going to optimise Last year, the International Association of the utilisation of the inland port concept In other achievements, in 2011 Shipping Ports and Harbors joined with the World in achieving greater freight carriage on Australia was pleased to have hosted Shipping Council, International Chamber rail compared to road. An increase in an international conference in October of Shipping and BImCO in an effort to the carriage of freight on rail is being of 82 delegates from 28 countries, all encourage the International maritime promoted by the new South Wales and members of the Federation of national Organisation to amend the Safety Of Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents Victorian Governments. Life At Sea Convention to require, as a and the week-long meeting had a very condition for stowing a loaded container the Enfield Intermodal Logistics Centre extensive agenda and there was also a on-board a ship, that the ship and the is currently being built and Infrastructure comprehensive social programme. nSW is pushing the federal government port facility have verified the actual to transfer defence land to facilitate the It is pleasing to report that Young weight of the container. In September building of an intermodal terminal at Shipping Australia is very active in both 2012, the ImO’s Dangerous Goods, Solid moorebank as soon as practicable. One nSW and Victoria. We were also able to Cargoes and Containers Sub-Committee reason is that the terminal would help progress the more advanced e-learning will consider this requirement. SAL is maximise the price when Port Botany course entitled Fundamentals of the strongly supportive of this development is privatised (on the basis of a 99-year Maritime Industry. this will complement and is seeking to assist the World lease) in mid 2013. our current e-learning course Shipping Council in providing case SAL is highly supportive of the benefits Introduction to Shipping. studies of overloaded containers and that these intermodal terminals in our In December last year, the Victorian mis-declared weights in containers which major metropolitan centres can bring to Government introduced into their can also impose problems in the supply bear on reducing the serious congestion parliament a Bill that provides for a port chain by affecting safety on-board ships, as our container terminals struggle to licence fee for the Port of melbourne safety in the handling of containers in meet forecast demand in the future. Corporation to raise $75 million in the ports and safety on our roads. financial year 2012/13 with the objective A great deal of work needs to be With the introduction into Parliament of of raising $1 billion over a 10 year period. undertaken to optimise their utilisation, legislation for Australia last year to ratify particularly in terms of the pricing and the Port of melbourne Corporation the maritime Labour Convention which efficiency of rail vs road, at least as far in January requested stakeholders is expected to enter into force this year, as Sydney is concerned. A fully utilised to consider their proposals to meet Enfield should be able to take 120,000 this objective and SAL remains totally there is increased focus on the welfare truck trips off the roads and there are opposed to the concept of taxing the of crew and this includes safety aspects media reports that moorebank could supply chain and to spreading the and how to avoid injuries at sea or take up to 1 million trucks a year off the burden across all users of the port. this working cargo on land and the Seacare m5 motorway. is the subject of our Viewpoint article. Authority addresses these issues in an article in this edition. Infrastructure nSW has not consulted BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam mine goes the shipping industry on how all far beyond the export of uranium and our In the Scene we cover the new South stakeholders can work together to feature writer, Archie Bayvel, visited the Wales State Committee Christmas commercially promote the use of these region and called it the Archipelago of luncheon at the end of november last inland ports in Sydney and melbourne, Dreams. year as well as the SAL golf day which and eventually Fremantle, to achieve was held on 7 march this year. their potential. Brisbane at its Fisherman At the end of last year, the Adelaide Islands facilities does not have the same to Darwin rail link was washed out at Clearly, 2012 is going to be not only problems as other capital cities regarding Edith River, just north of Katherine, and challenging but also present many this issue and it will be some time before Archie followed up on the effect of the opportunities for the industry to advance Adelaide needs to address this issue.
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