M i n i t - E d The !H rgy. CnnCh Sh0Uld 80 a lon« i" forcing a new look at our transportation pro Me ms New Je r­ sey has collected many millions in fuel taxes Nfest h” SPent °n general government costa A little has gone into highway construction r * * " ‘ years ve ry little gone into m w (Eom m ercial transportation It should be instructive to the presi­ dent. If, Indeed, the drastic tax measures on fuel are to be carried out, much of the money should be spent on improving train and bus service The dish­ and SO UTH -BERGEN REVIEW eartening part of the president s program is that in- stead of pegging the new income for mass trans­ portation he is talking about financing his social pro­ grams If the public can't move the need for more 1 S C e n t* p e r co p y social problems will multiply - and fast. Vol. 56. No. 39 THURSDAY. MAY 5, 1977 of ?SI *,dg» Rd irndNxst S*0"d Cl«W po\'a<p pod o' l u>h«>4ord SU»<r^«n U SO Pubi.stod w**kly 16 Candidates F a c e V o t e r s Can the independents shenff Peter Curoo, cam­ Checki Answers: Says He score heavily enough for paign manager for TNT. Carucci, B reslin, victory — or will they hurt Curcio has been blasted the two major team candi­ by the "A ll" team for inter­ Bogle, Russo dates so that one side or fering in the local election Cites Facts, Not Fiction- the other can attribute de­ w hile holding the $22 000 feat to their presence’ post as undersheriff at the Finance Director Angelo before I took office. Dennis S. Sluka and C. Rob­ This was the question as eoisity jail. , A n d R o w e Checki Jr today answered ert Schaal would like some TOWNSHIP BUILDINGS: Lyndhurst’s every-four- However, the "TN T'’ critics in the commission answers. Where is the loyalty The Public Works and years election goes to the team has not been silent campaign with the following of the opposition ticket? W ill Once again The Commercial Leader stands out as Parks facility cost the tax­ wire nect Tuesday At a rally last week statem ent: C a ru c c i g ive up h is $10,000 the chief and only real township medium for news p ayers a net of $290,000 not The bracketed candidates speakers blasted The Com­ The members of The New about our local government. $500,000 I had the O rdinance part-time Freeholder job and include the “TNT” team of mercial Leader for favor­ Team and I are positive that If ever a situation clarioned that the local weekly published in the Commercial $6,000 County car and ex­ Commissioners Walter Ja­ itism and blamed Guy Sav­ the residents of the Township Leader which shows the total penses if elected? W ill Russo is more needed and more important in these trying nowski and Angelo Checki ino. president of Leader of Lyndhurst. are intelligent, and Bogle stop fighting for cost of building against Jr., Dennis Sluka. School Newspapers Inc. for what times it has been the current Board of Commission­ knowledgeable voters They the same State Assembly which $95,500 of insurance Board President Anthsny was termed “biased and ers election. will not and cannot be lied seat long enough to realize has not applied. Bonelli and Fire Chief Rob­ unfair reporting Week after week The Commercial Leader has to. that prim ary concern should WATER IMPROVEMENT ert Schaal and the "A ll” Checki. who has voted printed as much material about the campaign as it I am an Engineer and deal not be for their own selfish PR O G R A M team of Commisioner Jo­ against issuing municipal in facts not fiction and the could find. Only space limitations prevented more. I f the 30 y e a r bonding plan interests but loyalty to the seph Carucci, James A. consent for cable television facts are these residents of the Township of Yet it is possible to say with pride that every can­ suggested by the "Financial Breslin Jr., Ronald A. in Lyndhurst to Meadow­ Experts" on the All Ticket Lyndhurst? Will Hawk Rowe didate was given his chance to speak out. The REASSESSMENT Bogle, former Commission­ lands Communiciations Sys­ were allowed to happen the resign from the Board of townspeople have had a chance to read, to weigh, to Your property taxes will er Peter J. Russo and Wal­ tems Inc . said he has been Township will lose an op­ Education if elected to elim i­ evaluate the statements of the candidates not "double or trip le ” . I ter “Hawk" Rowe, a mem­ made the target o f the portunity to receive 4H mil­ nate the conflict of interest In this, our last issue before the election, we once stake my professional repu­ ber of the Board of Educa­ newspaper’s abuse because lion dollars of a federal grant on passing the school budg­ again print the statements from the candidates. tation on the fact that if Lyn­ tion 12 years, during which of that applied for under the new et? dhurst is forced to revalue he was president twice. Guy Savino is president At the same time the newspaper has decided to public works bill just passed Angelo D. Checki, Jr. has residential property taxes Big interest, however, is also of the Meadowlands publish its own preferences in the election by the U S Senate resigned his post as a mem­ will essentially remain the manifested in the prospects Communications Systems The Leader recommends the election of Public Af­ I welcome anyone who ber of the H M DC. Anthony same of the “Now" team of In c. fairs Director Joseph Carucci, James A. Breslin Jr., A- B o n e lli w ill resign as TAXES: Angelo Checki Jr. wishes to examine the docu­ Township Environmentalist Checki. who issued his Ronald Bogle, former Commissioner Peter J. Russo mented proof to meet me at President of the Board of Eileen Becker and Mrs first statement of the cam­ and our own sports director, Walter “ Hawk1' Rowe A home valued at $40,000 _ - the Tax Office in the Town Education when elected Evelyn Pezzoia, presiden paign to the Commercial increased *248 in four years CAPITAL DEBT: The recommendation is purely a personal one It Hall on Saturday May 7, Walter Janowskl, Dennis S. tot the Youth Center, and of Leader this week, said he does not reflect upon the abilities or the perform­ into "2892" as stated by the ^ caP,tal *•* 35 stated 1977, sta rtin g at 8 A M My Sluka and C Robert Schaal Robert Guida. high school voted against Meadowlands writers for the All Ticket ^ the A11 was "about ances of the other 11 candidates in the field. home num ber is 939-8590 are committed only to the teacher running alone because Savino already had More than half of that actual 1500 000 " 1 *“ »« a notarized Bring our opponents, ex­ service of Lyndhurst There are three other can­ too much media power and Indeed, in the independent candidacies of Mrs E i­ increase occurred the first caP*lal debt statement for amine the documented proof Vote for The New Team didates, all independents — that he used it urfairty.' leen Becker, Mrs. Evelyn Pezzolla and James Guida year of our team in office ** 331.3J* 52 signed by the and make up yow mind as to They have the loyalty, dedi­ Raymond Wilson, of the thare mm much of merit nfcat is U e t a r i what ta He cation capability ta serve A last minSL* iasut wm towiuMp ptanttng family; tossed into the campal» However, it is our belief that the affairs of the - -. ,'rsssvs non. the residents of the Township M«b Edna Poretta vice Mayor Carucci s personal nutted to the State Division today when the "TNT” township in the next four years, which may be the The members of the New of Lyndhurst and only the president of the statewide ticket look a full page ad­ most difficult in recent history, the steady lead­ a u d it o r 's f i s c a l m is - ° f >-ocal Governm ent se rv ic e Team, Walter Janowskl. An­ residents of the Township of Anti-Tax League and Mrs vertisement in The Com­ management in March of 1973 two months gelo Checki, Anthony Bonelli. Lyn d h urst. Patricia Morreale. Lincoln ership of men like Carucci, Breslin, Bogle. Russo m e rcia l School mother Leader containing and Rowe can best be counted upon an ordinance request by Ca­ Carucci, who has already served 12 years is Every independent is go­ ru cci ing to drain off some votes known for his fair, conscientious administrations. He The ordinance was to ‘All’ Attacks Checki, Janowski But how many and who will says that this will be his last term and that he hopes have created a job for Do­ the sufferers be? that in the next four years the future course of Lyn­ Looking over the records rucci, Jim Breslin Jr., Ron homeowners while all of do you think will pay the ex minick Notte. present town­ dhurst will be chartered clear and sure. compiled by Angelo Checki Bogle. Pete Russo, and Wal- those income producing com- tra toll?’’ In the “ All” team camp ship consumer advocate, as and Walter Janowski during ter "Hawk” Rowe, asserted mercial properties will ba­ there was the charge that administrative assistant to Turning to Janowski.
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