1905.1 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD-SENATE~ 5 SECRETABY OF COKMERCE AND LABOa have no doubt it is, it ought to be adopted at once, and without Victor H. Metcalf, of California. debate or objection. EXECUTIVE SESSION. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSIONER. Mr. FRYE. I renew my motion. Francis M. Cockrell, of MissourL The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Maine moves that DISTRICT JUDGE. the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business. The motion was agreed to ; and the Senate proceeded to the Joseph V. Quarles, of Wisconsin, for the eastern district of consideration of executive business. After one hour and five Wisconsin. minutes spent in executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 1 o'clock and 15 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until SENATE. to-morrow, Wednesday, March 8; 1905, at 12 o'clock meridian. TuEsDAY, March 7, 1905. NOMINATIONS. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EnwARD ID. HALE. EfCecuti·l.'e nominations receivea by the Senate March 7, 1905. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's proceedings. PROMOTIONS IN THE CONSUI.A.B SERVICE. Mr. PENROSID. I ask unanimous consent that the further William Phillips, of Massachusetts, to be second secretary of reading of the Journal be dispensed with. the legation of the United States at Peking, China, vice Henry Mr. BURROWS. The Journal is very brief. Let it be read. P. Fletcher, nominated to be secretary of the legation at Lisbon. Mr. PENROSE. I understand there is a message from the Thomas Ewrng Moore, of the District of Columbia, now con­ President of the United ·states in the Journal. I withdraw the sul at Weimar, to be secretary of legation and consul-general of request, however. the United States to Roillnania and Servia, to till an original The VICE-PRESIDENT. When there is objection, the Jour- vacancy. nal must be rea.d. · Henry P. Fletcher, of Pennsylvania, now second secretary of The Secretary resumed and concluded the reading of the the legation at Peking, to be secretary of the legation of the Journal; and it was approved. United States at Lisbon, Portugal, vice William Blumenthal, A message in writing was received from the President of the nominated to be third secretary of the embassy at Paris. · United States, by Mr. B. F. BARNES, one of his secretaries. Charles S. Wilson, of Maine, now secretary of legation to Mr. FRYE. I move that the Senate proceed to the considera­ Greece, Roumania, and Servia, to be secretary of the legation of tion of executive business. the United States to Greece and Montenegro and of the diplo­ Mr. HANSBROUGH. Will the Senator from Maine with­ matic agency in Bulgaria, with residence at Athens, to till an draw the motion for a moment? original vacancy. The VICE-PRESIDEKT. Does the Senator from Maine yield 'Yilliam Blumenthal, of New York, now secretary of the lega­ to the Senator from North Dakota.? tion at Lisbon, to be third secretary of the embassy of the Mr. FRYE. I will yield to the Senator. United States at Paris, France, vice Lewis Einstein, nominated The VICE-PRESIDENT. The motion is withdrawn. to be third secretary of the embassy at London. Lewis Einstein, of New York, now third secretary of the RULE FOB PRESENTATION OF ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS. embassy at Paris, to be third secretary of the embassy of the Mr. HANSBROUGH. Mr. President, I desire to gi\e notice United States at London, England, vice Craig W. Wadsworth, that, in accordance with the provision of Rule xr~, I propose to nominated to be second secretary of the embassy at London. move an amendment to the rules, which will modify Rule VII. Craig W. Wadsworth, of Ne-w York, now third secretary of For that purpose I submit the following resolution and ask that the embassy, to be second secretary of the embassy of the it be read, printed, and referred to the Committee on Rules. United States at London, England, vice John Ridgely Carter, The VICE-PRES·IDENT. The Senator from North Dakota nominated to be secretary of the embassy at that place. submits a resolution, which will be read. John Ridgely Carter, of Maryland, now second secretary of The Secretary read as follows : the embassy, to be secretary of the embassy of the United States at London, England, vice Henry White, nominated to be Resolved, That the rules of the Senate be amended by adding thereto the followng : ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Italy. " Senators having petitions or memorials or bills of a private nature to present may deliver them to the Secretary ot the Senate, indorsing UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE. upon them their name and the reference or disposition to be made Alston G. Dayton, of West Virginia, to be United States dis­ thereof; and said petltlons1 memorials, and bills of a private nature shall, with the approval or the Presiding Officer, be entered on the trict judge for the northern district ·of West Virginia, vice John Journal with the names of the Senators presenting them, and the Sec­ J. Jackson, whose resignati,on has been accepted to take etrect retary of the Senate shall furnish a transcript of such entries to the Official Reporter of Debates for publication ln the RECORD. Reports March 15, 1905. of private pension bills from the Committee on Pensions may be de­ TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES. llvered to the Secretary of the Senate and by him, with the apEroval of the Presiding Officer of the Senate, be placed upon the Ca endar Charles H. Treat, of New York, to be Treasurer of the United and entered on the Journal with the names of the Senators reporting States, to succeed Ellis H. Roberts, resigned. them, and the Secretary of the Senate shall furnish a transcript of such entries to the Official Reporter of Debates for publication in the COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE. RECORD." Charles W. Anderson, of New York, to be collector of internal The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will be referred to revenue for the second district of New York, to succeed Charles the Committee on Rules, and printed. H. Treat, resigned. Mr. BAILEY. If we could have unanimous consent for the REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE. present consideration of the resolution-- The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from North Dakota Jerome Martin, of New Mexico, to be register of tbe laud did not ask for unanimous consent office at Las Cruces, N. Mex., vice Nicholas Galles, resigned. Mr. BAILEY. But if it could be obta.ined-- APPOINTMENTS IN THE PORTO RICO PROVISIONAL REGIMENT OF Mr. LODGE. Under the rule, notice has to be given of an INFANTRY. amendment of the rules. To be secona lieutenants with rank from M aroh S, 1905. 1\Ir. BAILEY. Unanimous consent, of course, could suspend Henry C. Rexach, of Porto Rico. tbat in this, as in all other cases. Pedro Juan Parra. of Porto Rico. Mr. LODGE. Of course. Eduardo Iriarte, of Porto Rico. Mr. BAILEY. Having served in the other House, where the Teofilo Marx:uach, of Porto Rico. proposed rule prevails, I h~ve found it so satisfactory that I Eugenio Carlos de Hostos, of Porto Rico. hope to see it adopted by the Senate, still reserving to every Louis S. Emmanuelli, of Porto Rico. Senator the right to present memorials and petitions, and to Pascual Lopez, of Porto Rico. introduce bills according to the present practice whenever he desired to follow it. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. Mr. HANSBROUGH. This is merely permissive in its terms. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Samuel B. Thomas to be- a lieutenant Mr. BAILEY. Certainly. I venture to say that if that could in the Navy from the 1st day of-January, 1905, to fill a vacancy be made a part of our rules, within twelve months Senators created in that grade by the act of Congress approved March 3, would only take the .floor for the purpose of introducing im­ 1903. - portant matters. Lieut (Junior Grade) Clark H. Woodward to be a lieutenant Mr. H.!......"N'SBROUGH. Precisely. That is the purpose ot it. in the Navy from the 28th day of December, 1904, vice Lieut. Mr. BAILEY. If this amendment is carefully drawn, and I Glennie Tarbox, promoted. 6 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE. MARCH 8~ LIST OF OFFICES TO WHICH NOMINATIONS WERE ceed John K. Gladden, whose term of office bas expired by llml· MADE AND NOT CONFIRl\fED AND FILLED DURING tatlon. THE THIRD SESSION OF THE FIF'.l'Y-EIGHTH CON­ PROMOTION IN THE ARMY-cAVALRY ARM. GRESS, ENDING MARCH 4, 1905. First Lieut. Ward B. Pershing, Fourth Cavalry, to be cnptaln Oo-n.'~ul-general of the United States at Buenos Aires, Argen­ with rank from March 6, 1905, vice Livermore, Tenth Cavalry, tine RepubZic..-Person nominated, Daniel Mayer. retired from active service. OonsuZ of the United States at W·indsor, Ontario, Oanada.­ Person nominated, Roland· J. Hemmick. APPOINTMENT UPON THE RETIBED LIST Oll' THB DMY WITH TH. Judge of the district court of the district of Alaska.-Person RANK Oi' BRIGADIER-GENERAL. nominated, James Wickersham. Joseph R. Hawley, formerly a brigadier-general and brevet .-Un-ited States district judge for the e(tste-rn district of Wis­ major-ge_neral of volunteers during the civll war. consi-n.-Person nominated, Joseph V. Quarles. Peter Josef Osterhaus, formerly a major-general of volunteers - POSTMASTERS. during the civil war. At Fort Payne, Ala., Robert W. Frazier. At Brewton, Ala., George F. Schad. CONFIRMATIONS. At Mountain View, Cal., George S. Parkinson. Iil31ecutive nominations confirmed bv the Senate March 8, 1905. At Jefrerson, Ga., J. B. Dunagan. At Burnside, Ky., J. L. Grissom. APPOINTMENT IN THE ABMY.
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