HYDERABAD THURSDAY 29 JUNE 2017 TELANGANA 5 GST BLUES CT Dept gropes in dark PATAN AFZAL BABU /#cials also raised serious Officials are not in the know of their doubts on the continuation of the Hyderabad: Even as the single senior level posts like 0dditional tax regime GST is scheduled to duties as the State government has Commissioner, e!uty Commis" come into force from July 1, the not released a job chart under which sioner and 0ssistant commis" State Commercial Taxes e!art" sioner in the de!artment as their ment o#cials are gro!ing in dar$ each official is entrusted with certain role would be reduced in the tax over their duties as the State gov" collection from July 1. ernment has not yet released a responsibilities in the new tax regime Around 300 o�cials called on job chart under which each o�- 1rinci!al Chief Secretary to cial is entrusted certain respon- ing taxes from the agencies &hich State government &as yet to de" Commercial Taxes Somesh 4u" sibilities in the ne& tax collection have an annual turnover of more marcate the duties of the o#cials mar and Commissioner Anil 4u- system. than Rs 1.50 crore. from junior assistant to Deputy mar and brought all the !roblems (t is mandatory that the gov" Telangana Commercial Taxes Commissioner rank. the o�cials are set to face in the TPCC President N Uttam Kumar Reddy along with Leader of Opposition K Jana Reddy and Mohd ernment creates a %ob chart for Ga.etted /#cers 0ssociation The total number of registered new tax regime. Shabbir Ali, AICC General Secretary Digvijay Singh, former MP V Hanumanth Rao and others at a every em!loyee &or$ing in the leader 1rabhakar said the audit- dealers was around *.50 lakh in Responding to their demands, media conference in Delhi on Wednesday. CPI State Council Secretary Chada Venkat Reddy is also seen de!artment before the uniform ing of the collected tax money by the State, of &hich -+,+++ dealers the to! o#cials informed the del" tax system comes into force' the central agencies, Excise and &ould come under the !urvie& egation that all the issues raised )early *,+++ em!loyees are Services taxes, is being done by of central tax collecting agencies by the em!loyees &ould be working in the revenue generat- an o#cial in the ran$ of 0ssistant directly and the remaining t&o sorted out in a month’s time. As ‘TRS tacit pact with BJP exposed’ ing de!artment of Telangana' Commissioner &here as in Telan" la$h dealers &ould be covered by the department is already facing The o#cials also raised serious gana, the responsibility was en- State Commercial Taxes e!art" sta� crunch, employees associa- BJP-led NDA government’s refusal to order CBI probe into doubts on the existence of some trusted to e!uty Commissioner ment' 2ut, the State government tion demanded that the vacan" $ey !osts in the de!artment, in ran$ o#cial in the !resent tax did not s!ecify the role of the cies be 7lled and the circles be in" Miyapur land scam is the ample proof that the two the &ake of delegation of powers system. State and Central o�cials in the creased from the !resent 81 to to the central agencies, in collect" /#cials !ointed out that the auditing. 150 to reduce work pressure. parties are in cahoots with each other, the party says OUR BUREAU :inister 4 Chandrashe$ar ,ao many requests of the Congress a Aruna seeks GST was in collusion with the fraud- C2( inBuiry &as not being or" Medak textile merchants New Delhi: Congress leaders led sters and !ermitting huge scams dered, they added. exemption on handloom by Telangana Pradesh Congress in the State. They said 4C, turned the ignorant of GST rules Committee (TPCC) President ) The C2( should have been whole State into his personal es" OUR BUREAU Uttam 4umar ,eddy, Leader of asked to probe the Miyapur land tate and his family members OUR BUREAU Textile shop owners in Medak /!!osition 4 Jana ,eddy, and scam long bac$, but due to a tacit were looting the State recklessly Hyderabad: 9ormer :inister 4 0runa urged Town are in the dark about the :ohd Shabbir 0li met the party understanding &ith the State and allowing their cronies too to the State government to exert !ressure on the :eda$: Textile sho!s remained o!ened in"charge igvi%ay Singh here on government, the Centre &as make their own cut everywhere. Centre to exem!t GST on handloom sector even in :eda$ to&n during the three"day impact of GST implementation ;ednesday to coordinate a mas" turning a blind eye to it, the lead" The Union Minister for Home as the handloom traders in the State are on a stri$e being observed across the coun" on their businesses. Some of sive !rotest against the Telan" ers said. It was well kno&n that ,a%nath Singh5s refusal to give an three"day !rotest against the ne& tax' She ex" try' The busy mar$et on J) ,oad in them have divergent views on gana ,ashtra Samithi <T,S= gov" the BJP, &hich is not sure of its appointment in this regard was !ressed concern that the 2J1"led ) 0 regime5s :eda$ to&n &as brimming &ith cus" GST. The owners keep open ernment for its alleged 1residential candidateDs &in in proof behind the hidden agenda decision to levy tax through GST on the handloom tomers as most of the sho!s $e!t involvement in scams' the elections, had colluded with of 2J1"T,S combine, they said sector &hich is already in doldrums' 0long &ith o!ened, des!ite the nation"&ide their shops during their strike S!ea$ing to the media later, the T,S for its su!!ort in the see$ing a C2( inBuiry into the some traders of handloom, she met 9inance :in" !rotest call given by their associations the Congress leaders said Chief elections. Hence, des!ite the scam. ister Eatala ,a%ender on ;ednesday at the State against the im!act of GST' busy schedule &e &or$ in,A said Sai Secretariat here' /ne of the main reasons for the 4rishna, the o&ner of a small textile 0runa urged that the State government should businesses not ta$ing !art in the stri$e sho! at J) ,oad' mount !ressure on the Centre to exem!t Goods is that the association of the textile 0nother concern of the textile busi" and Services Tax <GST= on handloom sector' business o&ners in the to&n has not nessmen is that maintaining records Naidu meets T TDP leader! >ater, tal$ing to media !ersons, the former :in" been registered and is not active' 0n" for every transaction &ould mean dig" ister said the handloom &or$ers and &eavers &ere other reason is the indifferent attitude italisation of their outlets' OUR BUREAU the strategy to be im!lemented to facing almost ?life"and"death5 !roblem in the State of the local re!uted businessmen to" @9or big cloth sho& rooms it is easy, regain the con7dence of the !eo!le' due to the !olicies of the government' Since GST &ards the !roblems of their business but small sho!s can5t afford to main" 0maravati: The Telugu esam Senior member of the !arty :oth" regime &as to have its adverse im!act on the !ro" community' :any of the textile busi" tain com!uter records' (nitially the 1arty national !resident and Chief $u!alli )arasimhulu, &ho is re!ort" duction and sale of handloom clothes, the gov" nessmen didn5t even $no& ho& GST burden &ill be u!on us' ;e &ould be :inister of 0ndhra 1radesh ) edly as!iring to become the Gover" ernment should not try to levy tax on it, she said' &ould im!act them and had no idea com!elled to hire someone &ith Chandrababu )aidu held a meet" nor for the !ast fe& years, !ut She further opposed the GST plan as it would about &hat GST is' $no&ledge of the soft&are and &e also ing &ith the Telangana T 1 lead" TDP national president N for&ard his ambition before )aidu ham!er the interests of the handloom traders, Even those &ho $no& about the im" have to buy com!uters,A said )agara%u, ers at his Gundavalli residence on Chandrababu Naidu holding a again' 0ccording to informed &eavers and &or$ers' 0runa felt that there &as !act have diverse o!inions about it' o&ner of a textile sho&room' ;ednesday and discussed the meeting with T TDP leader in sources, )aidu has assured him of no need of such tax on handloom !roducts' GST, @(t is a good thing that there &ill be a @There are many sho!s &hich are not strategies to strengthen the !arty Amaravati on Wednesday TT trust board membershi!, to be e6ective from July 1, &ould add to the &oes uniform tax across the country' Costs registered their sho!s' They run their in Telangana' &hich he re%ected out rightly' TT 1 of traders and &or$ers in the handloom sector, &ill shoot u! for us, but &e can in" businesses &henever they &ant to and TT 1 leaders including !arty discussed the selection of ne& !arty &or$ing !resident 0 ,evanth she said' 0runa extended su!!ort to the handloom crease our !rofit margin and that &ay close their businesses as they li$e' State !resident > ,amana, !arty !resident for Telangana and :>C ,eddyJs absence from the meeting traders, &ho are on three day !rotest' The Centre &e can balance the loss, but maintain" There &on5t be accounting reBuire" senior leaders :oth$u!alli )ar" nominations under governor also raised many eyebro&s' should focus on resolving the issue and hel! hand" ing 1++ !er cent accounts and submit" ment for those sho!s but there &ill be simhulu, 0ravind 4umar Goud, for" Buota' 0ccording loom &or$ers and traders should get relaxed from ting them to accountants once in burden on sho!s &hich are doing reg" mer :1 )ama )agesh&ar ,ao, to !arty sources, the ne& GST regime, she added' every 1+ days is a tedious tas$ for the ular business legally,A he added' Chandrase$har and others met the the meeting elab" !arty su!remo' (t is learnt that they orately discussed Politicos of all hues
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