S1HM72 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE Biological Society of Washington VOLUME 55 1942 WASHINGTON PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS HERBERT FRIEDMANN, Chairman REMINGTON KELLOGG F. C. LINCOLN E. P. KILLIP J. S. WADE PUBLICATION NOTE By a change in the By-Laws of the Biological Society of Washington, effective March 27, 1926, the fiscal year now begins in May, and the offi- cers will henceforth hold office from May to May. This, however, will make no change in the volumes of the Proceedings, which will continue to coincide with the calendar year. In order to furnish desired informa- tion, the title page of the current volume and the fist of newly elected officers and committees will hereafter be published soon after the annual election in May. Press of H. L. & J. B. McQueen, Inc. Washington, D. C. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON (FOR 1942-1943) (ELECTED MAY 23, 1942) OFFICERS President H. B. HUMPHREY Vice-Presidents (In the order of election) J. E. SHILLINGER L. K. COUCH F. THONE J. S. WADE Recording Secretary S. F. BLAKE Corresponding Secretary ROBERT S. BRAY Treasurer F. C. LINCOLN COUNCIL Elected Members I. N. HOFFMAN F. W. POOS J. E. BENEDICT, JR. J. W. ALDRICH MALCOLM DAVIS Ex-Presidents PAUL BARTSCH L. O. HOWARD W. B. BELL H. H. T. JACKSON C. E. CHAMBLISS H. C. OBERHOLSER H. C. FULLER T. S. PALMER E. A. GOLDMAN S. A. ROHWER W. P. HAY L. STEJNEGER A. D. HOPKINS E. P. WALKER A. WETMORE STANDING COMMITTEES—1942-1943 Committee on Communications A M Day, Chairman F. C. Bishopp R. F. Griggs F. F. Smith C. COTTAM S. F. HlLDEBRAND F. Thone H. Friedmann D. E. McHenry Committee on Zoological Nomenclature Austin H. Clark, Chairman Paul Bartsch H. H. T. Jackson A. Wetmore C. F. W. Muesebeck Committee on Publications Herbert Friedmann, Chairman Remington Kellogg E. P. Killip F. C. Lincoln J. S. Wade Trustees of Permanent Funds H. C. Fuller (1941-1943), Chairman J. E. Graf (1941-1943) M. B. Waite (1941-1943) EX-PRESIDENTS OP THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Theodore N. Gill, 1881, 1882 *Chakles A. White, 1883, 1884 *G. Brown Goode, 1885, 1886 William H. Dall, 1887, 1888 Lester F. Ward, 1889, 1890 C. Hart Merriam, 1891, 1892 C. V. Riley, 1893, 1894 Geo. M. Sternberg, 1895, 1896 L. O. Howard, 1897, 1898 Frederick V. Coville, 1899, 1900 F. A. Lucas, 1901, 1902 B. W. Evermann, 1903, 1904 F. H. Knowlton, 1905, 1906 L..STEJNEGER, 1907, 1908 T. S. Palmer, 1909, 1910 David White, 1911 E. W. Nelson, 1912, 1913 Paul Bartsch, 1914, 1915 W. P. Hat, 1916, 1917 *J. N. Rose, 1918 Hugh M. Smith, 1919 A. D. Hopkins, 1920 N. Hollister, 1921 Vernon Bailey, 1922 *A. S. Hitchcock, 1923 J. W. Gidley, 1924 S. A. Rohwer, 1925 H. C. Oberholser, 1926-1927 E. A. Goldman, 1927-1929 Alexander Wetmore, 1929-1931 H. H. T. Jackson, 1931-1933 C. E. Chambliss, 1933-1936 H. C. Fuller, 1936-1938 W. B. Bell, 1938-1940 E. P. Walker, 1940-1942 Deceased. (iv) 7froL72 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Officers and Committees for 1942.. iii-iv Proceedings for 1942 v Notes on Fishes in the Zoological Museum of Stanford University IX. A New Species of Salarias, with a Key to the Philippine Species by Albert W. C. T. Herre 1-8 Preliminary Comment on Some Pacific Coast Petrels, by A. J. van Rossem 9-12 A New Red Squirrel from North Dakota, by Arthur H. Howell.... 13-14 Description of a New Arizona Race of the Grasshopper Spar- row, by Harry C. Oberholser 15-16 On Ten New Centipeds from Mexico and Venezuela, by Ralph V. Chamberlin 17-24 The Subgeneric Position of the Lepus californicus group of Hares, by H. Harold Shamel 25-26 A Synopsis of the Philippine Land Mollusks of the Genus Hemi- trichia, by Paul Bartsch 27-44 Notes on Pipilo fuscus of Mexico and Description of a New Form, by Robert T. Moore 45-48 A New Frog from the Anamallai Hills, with Notes on Other Frogs and Some Snakes from South India, by George S. Myers 49-56 New Millipeds from Michoacan, by Ralph V. Chamberlin 57-62 A New Subspecies of Mexican Coral Snake, by Bryce C. Brown and Hobart M. Smity 63-66 New Bobwhite from Northeastern Mexico, by John W. Aldrich.. 67-70 A New Frog of the Genus Micrixalus from Travancore, by George S. Myers 71-74 Three New Rodents from Southern Utah, by E. A. Goldman 75-78 Notes on the Coatis of the Mexican Mainland, by E. A. Gold- man 79-82 A New Species of Sphaceloma on Poinsettia, by Anna E. Jenkins and George D. Ruehle 83-84 A New Tanager from Venezuela, by Herbert Friedmann 85-86 Three New Rodents from Southern Utah, by Ross Hardy 87-92 Two New Grasses from Florida and Texas, by Jason R. Swallen.. 93-94 Three New Pocket Gophers (Genus Thomomys) from Western Washington, By Walter W. Dalquest and Victor B. Scheffer.. 95-98 The Genus Batocarpus Karst (Moraceae), by F. R. Fosberg 99-102 A New Myotis from Manchuria, by H. Harold Shamel 103-104 Description of Three Additional Birds from Southern Veracruz, by Alexander Wetmore 105-108 (v) vi Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Nomenclatorial changes in Glossopetalon (Celastraceae), by Harold St. John... .^ 109-112 Five New Asteraceae from Oxaca Collected by W. H. Camp, by S. F. Blake „ 113-120 Some Notes on the Taxonomy of Grain Mites. (Acarina: Acar- idae, Formerly Tyroglyphidae), by H. E. Ewing and Herbert H.S.Nesbitt 121-124 On a New Family in the Notostigma A., by Ralph V. Chamber- lin and Stanley Mulaik 125-132 Studies of the Rat Snake, Elaphe laeta, with Description of A New Subspecies, by Angus M. Woodbury and Dixon M. Woodbury 133-142 Comments on the Undulata group of Ameiva (Sauria), by L. C. Stuart 143-150 Notes on Some Frogs from Peru and Ecuador, by George S. Myers 151-156 A New White-footed Mouse from Mexico, by E. A. Goldman.... 157-158 Additional Notes on Mexican Snakes of the Genus Pliocercus, by Hobart M. Smith 159-164 New Subspecies of Kangaroo Rats of the Dipodomys ordii Group from Montana and Wyoming, by Donald F. Hoff- meister 165-168 The Species Eurystomus orientalis, by S. Dillon Ripley.... 169-176 A New Tropidodipsas (Ophidia) from Alta Verapaz, Guate- mala, by L. C. Stuart 177-180 The Chalchalaca of Interior Chiapas, by Pierce Brodkorb 181-182 A New Subspecies of Trogon citreolus, by Pierce Brodkorb 183-184 Descriptions of New Species and Subspecies of Mexican Snakes of the Genus Rhadinaea, by Hobart M. Smith 185-192 LIST OF PLATES. 1. Neocarus texanus, details 130 2. Neocarus texanus, details 131 3. New Mexican Snakes of Genus Rhadinaea 192 Vol. 55, pp. ix-x PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON PROCEEDINGS. The Society meets from October to May, on Alternate Saturdays, at 8 P. M. All meetings during 1942 were held in the new lecture hall of the Cosmos Club. January 10, 1942—918th Meeting. President Walker in the chair; 32 persons present. New member elected: Ross Hardy. Informal communications: Frank Thone, Exhibition of new books; M. B. Waite, Note on scarcity of rabbits. Formal communications: F. C. Lincoln, Review of 1941 North American waterfowl situation; Father A. Dutilly, Arctic flora. January 24, 1942—919th Meeting. President Walker in the chair; 32 persons present. New members elected: A. J. Duvall, Charles Oehler, I. R. Watts. Informal communication: J. S. Wade, Exhibition of new books; Formal communication: N. J. Pyle, Commercial produc- tion of biological and pharmaceutical products. February 7, 1942—920th Meeting. Vice-president Thone in the chair; 35 persons present. Informal communication: Frank Thone, Exhibition of new books. Formal communications: W. E. Dove, Dogfly control; C. C. Presnall, Indian salmon fishing in the Pacific North- west. (vii) viii Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. February 21, 1942—921st Meeting. President Walker in the chair; 15 persons present. Formal communications: E. P. Walker, Air raid precau- tions taken at National Zoological Park; W. B. Bell, Quest of the Alaska seal skin. March 7, 1942—922d Meeting. President Walker in the chair; 70 persons present. New member elected: Richard Loomis. Informal communications: Frank Thone, Exhibition of new books; P. B. Johnson, Notes on birds and other animals seen in Maine in the winter. Formal communication: W. F. Kubichek, Glimpses of bird life in color. March 21, 1942—923d Meeting. President Walker in the chair; 55 persons present. New member elected: E. L. Little, Jr. The death of C. Hart Merriam was announced. Formal communication: Alexander Wetmore, A naturalist explores the Guajira Peninsula. April 4, 1942—924th Meeting. President Walker in the chair; 40 persons present. Informal communication: Frank Thone, Exhibition of new books. Formal communications: John and Frank Craighead, Know your hawks; H. L. Shantz, Trends in wildlife populations on the National Forests. April 18, 1942—925th Meeting. Vice-president Humphrey in the chair; 30 persons present. New member elected; L. W. Swift. Informal communication: J. E. Shillinger, Account of the 7th North American Wildlife Conference. Formal communications: (Symposium in memory of C. Hart Merriam:) T. S. Palmer, Dr. Merriam's life as a scientist; W. C. Henderson, Comparison between the Bio- logical Survey of Dr. Merriam's time and the present; H. H. T. Jackson, His publications; L. K. Couch, As a photographer Proceedings. ix May 2, 1942—926th Meeting. SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING. President Walker in the chair; 14 persons present. New members elected: Katherine Owen, J.
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