St. John Neumann Church 157 Middleboro Road / P.O. Box 718 East Freetown, MA 02717 www.sjnfreetown.org 508-763-2240 (phone) 508-763-3040 (Fax) Rev. Gregory A. Mathias, Pastor Rev. Msgr. John J. Smith, (Assistant in Retirement) WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00A.M. Saturday Vigil: 5:00 P.M. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Thursday: 7:30 A.M. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00 – 4:30 P.M. or by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Mary, Mother of All Nations Chapel Weekdays: 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. Mondays (except civil holidays) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament PARISH OFFFICE / RECTORY 508-763-2240 YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE [email protected] NEUMANN HALL [email protected] Monday – Friday: 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. (Closed holidays) Lisa Johnson Youth Ministry Mrs. Diane Whelan Parish Secretary JoAnn Violette Jr. Youth Ministry OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION 508-763-8122 MUSIC MINISTRY NEUMANN HALL [email protected] Ms. Linda Johnston Director Mr. Philip Pereira Organist Mrs. Suzanne Medeiros Director Mrs. Anna Manny Coordinator for Confirmation MAINTENANCE AND FACILITIES Raymond Bedard SACRAMENTS AND CHURCH PROGRAMS PARISH ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES Please go the parish website www.sjnfreetown.org or contact the office for more complete information. BAPTISM: Celebrated Sunday after 11:00 Mass. WOMEN’S GUILD: 1st Mondays Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Baptism ST. VINCENT de PAUL: 1st Wednesdays Catechesis is required of all parents YOUTH MINISTRY: see website for events and times. MARRIAGE: Please contact the pastor at least 8 months Junior (Gr. 6 – 8): Every Tuesday prior to the intended date and prior to other plans. Senior (Gr. 9 – 12) Every Monday MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Please notify us if a homebound COUPLES’ CLUB: Once a Month or hospitalized family member would like a visit. ADULT CHOIR: Rehearsal on Thursdays 7:00 P.M. PRAYER LINE: Call the rectory to include your intention. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: 1st Saturday RCIA: We welcome adults who wish to complete their initiation TROOP 333: Every Saturday into the Catholic Church. Please contact the office. Welcome to St. John Neumann Parish. Thank You for joining us in worship today. We hope you will join us on the spiritual journey, in ministry to all God’s people. Please contact the parish office. Click on the QRC to connect to the parish website. 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Scratch Tickets Wanted! October 6, 2013 The Women’s Guild would appreciate any donation of scratch tickets for a raffle at our Christmas Ba- October 5: Vigil: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time zaar. All you need to do is drop the scratch tickets 5:00PM – Gloris Beaulieu by Dennis & Debra Dube into the collection basket or mail it to the rectory be- October 6: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM – Armand & Gertrude Charpentier by fore the end of October. Then on November 2nd, George & Pauline Manny you can come to the Christmas Bazaar and take a 9:30AM – Raymond & Noella Trahan by family chance on a basket full of scratch tickets. 11:00AM – Arthur Therrien by family 5:00PM – Youth Mass—People of the Parish October 7: Our Lady of the Rosary 7:30AM – Joseph James Argento by Dan Merline Celebrate the Beautiful Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary October 8: Weekday by praying with us on our Outdoor Rosary Walk! 7:30AM – Jacqueline Mathieu by Doris On Monday, Oct. 7, at 11:30 am gather with us at The October 9: Weekday, Saints Denis, Bishop and Com- Father Peyton Center to pray the Rosary. Mass follows at panions, Martiyrs; Saint John Leonardi, Priest noon. Located at 518 Washington St., N. Easton, 7:30AM – Joan Sowle by Roger & Claudette Lacasse MA 02356. For more info www.FamilyRosary.org/Events October 10: Weekday or call Holy Cross Family Ministries at 508-238-4095. 7:30AM – Victor & Claire Roy by Bob & Inez Roy October 12: Vigil: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time A World at Prayer is a World at Peace 5:00PM – Eleanor Dupont by Armand & family October 13: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Prayer Line – We have a Prayer line in our par- 8:00AM – Brigadier General, Albert Gramm by Al & Alberta Sequira ish. If you are interested in sharing your faith through 9:30AM – People of the Parish prayer for the sick of our parish and for other intentions 11:00AM – James Lopes by Regina Lopes please call Rachel Constant 508-995-4269. Thank You!! Your Offertory Trust Thank you for your Parish Support through your Offertory Trust. Following the Call of Christ BUDGET: $ 4671.00 CARDINAL MEDEIROS RESIDENCE: $ 1709.00 What makes one’s life successful? Money? Power? Second Collection: At all Masses this weekend Popularity? Happiness? Most philosophies of the well- October 5 – 6 is for the Parish Maintenance Fund. lived life are based on having something. But the Christian perspective is that it is better to be some- Thanking you in advance for your thing. The goal of the Christian life is to grow in loving continuing generosity. relationship to Christ, becoming more like Him through the immersion of our entire selves in His Church, the Body of Christ. But our transformation in Christ will not occur until we recognize Him as our ulti- Stop in Neumann Hall after the 8:00AM and 9:30AM Mass mate concern. and enjoy Coffee & Donuts!! th Hosted by the Boy Scout Troop 333. Join us starting on October 15 Tuesday Evenings for 6 weeks At 7pm St. John Neumann Catholic Parish Neumann Hall The next meeting of the SJN Book Club will take place on Monday, October 21st at 7:00pm in the church library. We will be discussing Tony Dungy’s memoir Quiet Attention All High School Students Strength. $10.00 Sr. Youth Group Ice Cream Social Tony Dungy is an unapologetic man of faith with a Superbowl Ring and a compelling set of "principles, Monday October 7, 2013 practices, and priorities that have kept him on track 6:30pm – 8:30pm despite overwhelming obstacles, including firings, Camp House (down by the water) stereotypings, and the tragic loss of a child." Attention All Middle School Students Twelve Songs For Christmas (grades 6, 7, & 8) Jr. Youth Group Ice Cream Social The SJN Choir will be joyously offering a Christmas Concert on Sunday, Tuesday October 8, 2013 December 8, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. 6:30pm – 8:00pm Camp House (down by the water) We are recruiting members for this event to join Stop by a special Youth Group Drop In and find out us in celebration during the season of Advent as what we have planned for this year we await the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Bring a friend or meet some new ones So if you can sing (and we know there’s a lot of you out there) and can give a commitment Adult Faith Formation Meeting of time for practice on Thursdays from 7:00 – 8:30 at night, we would love to have you. There will be an Adult Faith Formation Meeting on Tues- day, October 8th at 7 p.m. in the library. You can simply let Linda Johnston, SJN Music Ministry Director, or any one in the choir know of New members are always welcome. your interest. We look forward to your wonderful response!! The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses invites anyone that is interested to come to a presentation titled: CANCER TREATMENT AND CARE UPDATES. A comprehensive update in Diagnosis and The next women’s guild meeting will be held on Treatment of Cancer. It will be held at White’s of October 7th. Westport on Saturday, October 19th from 8:30 am All Women are welcome!!! to 3:00pm. Deadline for registering is October 12th. Morning refreshments and lunch are provided and Need Assistance ?? the presentation fee is $45.00. Five Nursing Contact Are you a parishioner in need of assistance? Hours will be awarded for this program. Fore regis- If so please contact the Saint Vincent DePaul Society by tration information, contact Betty at 508-678-2373. calling the rectory at 508-763-2240. The Watchman Whenever Gregory’s feast comes around, (Sept. 3rd), I am treated to one of the most sincere and heartfelt personal reflections by a pastor of the Church. It is an excerpt from Pope Gregory’s homily on the Book of Ezekiel which begins with a quote, “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel.” Gregory proceeds to reflect on this passage as if a directive the prophet was addressing to him personally. The fact I’m no “Gregory the Great,” but I can sure relate to the that “Gregory” means “watchman” or “guard” makes sentiment expressed in these words . the sense of this all the more poignant. He says the following: falling terribly short in respect to my calling . the ball- “Anyone appointed to be a watchman for the people and-chain of weakness which I drag with me wherever I must stand on a height for all his life to help them by his go . the sense of bewilderment in the face of so many foresight. How hard it is for me to say this, for by these issues, problems and challenges in the Church today. I words I denounce myself. I cannot preach with any wonder, “When will I ever get any traction to be able to competence, and yet insofar as I succeed, still I myself move things forward . to fill the church . to inspire do not live my life according to my own preaching.” the masses .
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