October 24, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28593 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS UNITED NATIONS DAY 1991 Now, if this so-called new world order is to the production of chemical and biological work, it must be designed to avoid future wars weapons. These horrible devices of mass de­ HON. WAYNE OWENS and mediate conflict where it exists today. My struction have no place in the world currently OF UTAH idea of a new world order is one wherer. freed emerging. As the superpowers use their im­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the shackles of having to respond in what­ proved relations to begin the long process of Thursday, October 24, 1991 ever fashion to what was deemed to be anti­ scaling down their nuclear arsenals, they must communist, we can organize the nations to also use these relations to create strong Mr. OWENS of Utah. Mr. Speaker, today we oppose illegal military actions like Iraq's inva­ agreements which stop the further proliferation observe United Nations Day. This occasion sion of Kuwait by economic and political isola­ of nuclear weapons. should be used to both remember the tremen­ tiorr-rather than immediately resorting to a With each passing day, we are finding that dous accomplishments of this organization military response. guns and bombs do not constitute the only se­ since its founding, and look forward to its par­ For this reason, the United Nations will as­ rious threats to human life. The world's ex­ ticipation in the new world we now see emerg­ sume unprecedented importance in the com­ ploding population rate has overburdened nat­ ing. ing decades. In addition to security issues, the ural resources. Man-made waste clouds our With the cold war behind us, the United Na­ United Nations will play a vital part in such oceans, seeps into our ground water, and pol­ tions will assume unprecedented importance areas of mutual interest as the global environ­ lutes our air. Rain forests-which literally com­ as a meeting place for East and West. In this ment, nutrition, and the betterment of the pose most of the Earth's respiratory system­ atmosphere of greater global cooperation, the human condition. It is no exaggeration to say are being destroyed at an astonishing and United Nations will hopefully be an effective that a new world order will only work if its sep­ devastating rate. We've all been made aware tool for peacefully resolving regional disputes arate parts are joined together by the stabiliz­ of these and other environmental concerns by and continuing to strive for the betterment of ing bonds of the United Nations. activists and the media. But it is obviously not the human condition. Hunger and disease, still prevalent in so The end of the cold war and the accom­ enough to pay lip service to something that many areas of the world, are attacked by U.N. panying warming of relations between the su­ seriously threatens the world our children will relief efforts. U.N. teams are relentlessly in­ perpowers have given the United Nations be forced to live in. vestigating human rights violations wherever more freedom to accomplish its goals. While There is perhaps no better symbol for the they occur. Peacekeeping forces are bringing East and West once took strategic sides in kind of integrated world the United Nations stability to troubled regions, and creating a cli­ any regional conflict, they can now join to­ evisions than the global ecosystem itself. With mate for negotiations. A major U.N. con­ gether in order to find peaceful resolutions. acid rain originating in one nation and falling ference to be held in the coming year will ad­ Today, the only meaningful meeting place for on another, interational boundaries become ir­ dress the urgent environmental crisis the world these former enemies is in the United Nations. relevant. Indeed, every nation is equally now faces and discuss international solutions. The United Nations will have to make sig­ threatened by a damaged atmosphere and As actors in this new world which is coming nificant changes within its own structure in polluted oceans. The time is overdue for an together piece by piece, we should always order to adjust to its new position of increased international agenda to avoid environmental keep in mind the noble aims of the United Na­ importance on the world stage. The United catastrophe, and I believe the creation of this tions. Nations has been weak, intimidated at times. agenda is one of the primary responsibi!ities of Four days ago I had the distinct pleasure of We need a strong Secretary General when the United Nations today. The growing inter­ sending a message to Israeli Prime Minister Perez de Cuellar leaves-one who will seize national cooperation we are witnessing must Yitzhak Shamir. I congratulated him on making the U.N.'s opportunities and lead in restraining be harnessed for this urgent purpose. final arrangements for the historic Mideast the neighborhood bullies of the world. A need­ The U.N. Environment Program, which was peace conference which will begin next week ed change, particularly in the area of inter­ created in 1972, is scheduled to hold a major in Madrid. At the same time, I expressed my national security, is a shift from reacting to re­ conference on the environment in Rio de Ja­ sincere hope that these talks will result in sig­ gional conflicts on an ad hoc basis to full-time neiro, Brazil, in 1992. I would like to see Con­ nificant progress toward lasting peace in the mediating. I agree with others who suggest gress create an advisory commission from most dangerous and troubled region of the the creation of permanent, regional U.N. of­ U.S. science, industry, and environmental world. fices staffed with knowledgeable, full-time me­ groups to prepare for this important con­ This wasn't an empty gesture on my part. diators. Such offices could be preventive med­ ference. I would also like to hear from any of After more than 15 serious study visits to the icine for international conflict. you who would offer advice, possible through Middle East in the last 3112 years, including The key to the effectiveness of this or any citizen panels. And, when the time comes for Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Ku­ U.N. program, however, is cooperation. Coun­ the meeting, delegates from our Government wait, and other gulf countries, I believe that a tries of diverse traditions and beliefs on every must work aggressively with delegates from lasting peace is in fact possible in the Middle continent must learn to see the United Nations other nations to produce new instruments of East. as more than something they will tolerate only international law and set up adequate environ­ These are days when a person can dare to as long as it furthers their own interests. For mental funding. believe in the triumph of peace and freedom. these governments, the United Nations must These are indeed times which offer great Not too long ago, who would have imagined become a trusted, impartial arbitrator. opportunities for international cooperation and democracy, even limited, being won by the Enhanced cooperation will hopefully avoid the creation of agreements which will be for people of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, future sacrifices by courageous U.N. peace­ the good of all mankind. But, as we forge this and Nicaragua? Today the previously impos­ keeping forces. The signs are good. Less than new order, we must remember that alongside sible seems possible. a week ago, members of the U.N. Security the much-celebrated democratization of East­ Out of this swirling geopolitical map, Presi­ Council agreed to share information with one ern Europe and Latin America are dark areas dent Bush has called for the forging of a new another about sales of tanks, artillery, military of extreme need. Gross human rights viola­ world order. Significantly, the President intro­ aircraft, ships, and missile systems to coun­ tions persist from Cambodia to Guatemala. duced this term into common usage when this tries in the Middle East. It goes without saying Hunger plagues much of the world. We cannot Nation was on the brink of war. But new world that a few years ago, such cooperation could consider any new geopolitical alignment-any order must be more than a rallying cry to gath­ have halted Saddam Hussein's deadly military new world order-successful unless it ad­ er an international posse and discipline an buildup. Members of the Security Council must dresses these problems. The United Nations Iraqi dictator. join with all other U.N. members in banning must draw developing countries into the new • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 28594 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 24, 1991 order by stimulating their participation in the TRIBUTE TO DAVID EDWARDS; The skeptics point out that liberation left world economy. In this age of cooperation WATER CONSERVATIONIST OF Kuwait a chaos of blazing oil wells and back­ among developed nations, it will be possible to THE YEAR ward politics. This misses the point: that Kuwait is no longer enslaved. The Iraqis' coordinate multilateral assistance in financial campaign of rape and plunder was inter­ and technical areas. HON. CLAUDE HARRIS rupted. The vandals were expelled, their The United Nations, which have been de­ OF ALABAMA army destroyed. scribed here, is a powerful player in the devel­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Not just Kuwait but the entire Middle East is better off for Saddam Hussein's defeat.
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