ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE Lumberback First Annual Jamboree Is College Rodeo Saturday Eve Starts May 10 Square Dancing Over 50 Entries To Be Big Event In Two-Day Show By JERRY FITZPATRICK Saturday and Sunday A.S.C. will present the first intercollegiate All you Lumberjacks, Lumber- RODEO rodeo in its history at 2 p. m. in jills and townspeople don your the city park. Entries have been duds f‘*r the best time of your Saturday and Sunday, May 10-11received from six schools, and the lives. The Lumberjack Jamboree, number of contestants will be close sponsored this year by the Hiking to 50. Bill Whipple, rodeo boss, and Ski Clubs, is scheduled for told a reporter today that entrance Saturday, May 10, at 8:00 p. m. a^ forms were coming in fast and the Armory. Pioneer, lumberjack furious from all over the south­ and gay nineties costumes are in west. mode. This is to be a revival of Arena director for this gala an old time logging camp hoedown. event will be Bob Hansel, a veteran There will be both old time and rodeo performer and promotor for square dances, as well as popular over 25 years, who expressed much dances. confidence in the show. The Ski-Jills will sponsor a pie Judges for the rodeo will be and ice cream social. Bruce Brockett, well known Ari- For the students there will be ---------------------------------------; zona cattleman, Haydcc Lane, old- prizes for the best boy and the Vol. 35— Nu#5er 30 ASSOCIATED STUDENT^ OF ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE AT FLAGSTAFF Wednesday, M ay 7. 1947; resident and rancher and best girl novelty pioneer outfit ! Paul Carney. Tommy Knoles of and also the best gay nineties cos­ I Flagstaff will be timer. Judging tumes. Rodeo Queen the girls events will be Cherrie Os- A turkey calling contest is fea­ Alumna Judges I borne Blair. tured for the off-campus people. | Mary Wolfers, well known model Judges for this are Vance White will reign as rodeo queen at this and Judge J. C. Maxwell. Boot, Cigar revival of old western splendor. F. R. McElroy, a former Lum­ She will be outfitted in a smart berjack and formerly a First western riding habit, boots and Sergeant of Company I of the A ri­ western hat all donated by Babbitt zona National Guard, will judge Race At Rodeo Bros. Trading Co. She will also sell the log sawing and log chopping tickets this week in the booth next contest. The timers will be picked Cowgirl Champ to the Bank of-Arizona, which has from local lumber camp workers. been set up by JJttf rodeo commit­ Will Be Here > tee for the sale of reserved seats. The master of ceremonies for Among her other duties, Mary with the shindig will be Rens Jennings, Cherrie Osborn Blair, World's Bob Hansel and Sheriff Perry who calls the square dances at Champion Amateur Cowgirl of Frapcis will lead the parade, start­ the Westward Ho Hotel in Phoe­ ing at 12:15 Saturday and Sunday.*- nix. He will also act as guest 1940, has consented to be judge in The grand entrance will start caller at the Jamboree dances. • charge of women’s events for the at 2 p. m., and will immediately Those in charge of arrangements forthcoming Inter-collegiate Rodeo be followed by the 1st section of are Buck Clark, president o f the to be held May 10th and 11th at bareback bronc riding. Other thrill­ Ski Club, and Jim Jackson, pres­ the Flagstaff Rodeo grounds at ing events scheduled are calf rop­ ident of the Hiking Club. Roberta City Park. ing, Brahma bull riding, team ty­ . Allen is chairman of the decora­ Mrs. Blair started roping in ing, girls quarter mile cow pony tions committee; Virginia Lovett, 1937, doing exhibitions in team ty­ publicity; and Floyd Sampson, race, girls boot and cigar race, ing at the Prescott Frontier Days girls potato race, sheriffs roping booths and concessions.'' and Tucson’s I .a Fiesda Rodeo in contest, bulldogging and wild Cow 1938. milking. In 19^0 shearoped at the World’s Student tickets are on- sale in Gem Studded Championship Rodeo at Phoenix, Russ Jacks^ps office, and in the winning the Clarence Bdddington booth by thfe bank. Ticket prices Ke'land trophy for girl’s calf-rop­ are general admission $1.10, re ­ ing. served seats $1.76, bo* wats"$2.00. Boots Shown She was presented the Porter trophy for all-around champion cowgirl at the Inter-Collegiate ro­ In Display deo at Tucson in 19-10. She also attended rodeos in Boston and New Sheriffs To ; A $5,000 pair o f gem studded, York in 1940, winning the steer- gold and silver inlaid cowboy boots cutting contest at both rodeos. It '•ill be on display in Flagstaff was there that she was judged Compete At 1 this week in connection with the Trim Mary Wolfers is queen of ASC’s Intercollegiate rodeo, May 10th and 11th. Her riding World'B Champion Amateur. Cow- Intercollegiate Rodew"6fehig staged habit and accessories were donated by Babbitt Bros. Trading Co. ___ giri '.f 1940. " by students of Arizona State Col­ Mrs. Blair has not participated College Rodeo lege at Flagstaff on May 10 and 1 in any contests since 1940 and is 11 at Flags^jff City Park. I now making her home on her fath- PIONEER FIRM DONATES County sheriffs of Arizona will The boots have been obtained J ec’s ranch near Williams, stage a special -event during from the maker, Tony Lama of El j She will judge the Girl’s Boot A. S. C.’s intercollegiate rodeo " Paso, TeX., by W.' P. Carlock, boot QUEEN’S LAVISH APPAREL | and Cigar Race, Girl’s Potato and shoe department manager of Race, and Quarter Mile 'Girl’s Cow- Saturday May -10, Perry Francis, By MYRON SUTTON ♦ ------- t Babbitt Trading Company, and is pony Race at thfc A.S.C. rodeo. Coconino County Sheriff, said to­ ^being i^sed in a special todeo win- Contestants in the Girl’s Boot day. When Miss Wolfers steps i" “ > ^ 0 1 3 D j r C C t O f IS ! /'dow display at Babbits’. „ y.ur w q u e e n ™ Seventeen Entries and Cigar Race will start from Three counties have accepted, ^ Eight perfect blue-white dia- designated line and retrieve own and more are expected Sheriff r monds, totaling five karets, and boots from boot pile, mount horse intercollegiate rodeo this weekend From The College Francis stated. Those officers who eight emeralds and 16 rubies, all Encouraged With and race to designated line, where ~ perfect stones, are set in the boot will dismount, hold own horse, will attend are Sheriff Cal Boise, t tops. The designs o f the tops are “ HH^'ProspectsFor Show Turn Out For Rodeo g cigar, light it; mount and and two deputies o f Maricopa; , inlaid with silver and gold. Mount- To call together the elaborate com- ^ g c haj| a very good ride blback to starting line. Cigars Sheriff O. D. Bobaith with posse- must be lit at the finish of the £ ings for the gems are of platinum. ponents of this magnificent outfit | “ Yep, the stock is in fine shape, turnout for the forthcoming rodeo men Jess Walker and C «org« R eiff This is the first time the boots would hive run into far more trou- j aluj them Brahma bulla have about j both ?ron) tts 0^.n ranks and from , of Yavapai County; Sheriff Cecil L hav» been on display, except for ble than any ornery cntter ,n the , ^ ^ # tcmper as any rve ever I seven • other southwest colleges. .! " McC^rmic with deputies of Navajo a three day showing at El Paso old corral ever caused if— I seon .. XhcM. are the words of Bob From this college the tentative * '*> ** '* *1 and T b u ck et at f two weeks ago.* If it hadn’t been for Babbitts. HanMl arena director for the in- list of entrants is aa follows: J ig g *, A #-!» county; Deputy Sheriff Pete Cobb It took over a year to make the Babbitt Brothers Trading Co. has „ jatc rodeo t0 be held here Hart, Max Sadler, Ray Donkersly, |he eml. A spear n e of Ashfork, in Yavapai county, and . ■ * -i _______i..............in 1 r . i u i . __j n ti. in ____ n ._________ » p Williams ,onK consisting oi a suck witn a 1 boots. Master jewelers took 30 been the economic byword |n this week end May 10th and 11th.! Emmett Bow the deputy sheriff at the Grand ’ • T om jn *!! in the end is used. Each con- ; days to make the platinum mount­ Northern Arizona since its origin I .. 0, , , ^ ^ to be an I Joe Reynolds, Joe Hunter, *” m I lino to Canyon, Frank Bradney. ings for the 32 precious stones. in 1888. six years after Flagstaff | B” b d “ ™ bUn a rodeo ! Cantrell. Jack Holland. Dave R og -, ^ u i s s ^ a ^ a 2 * ^ it Possemen Walker and R eiff have emerged from the era of the sheep-1 ^^formcr^ himself for over 25 ers. Bill Whipple, George ,Haley. | P°.t*t°. challenged two of Sheriff Francis’s herder’s dugout. Through 59 years ..j cfln>t remcmber the j Dan Hicks' return8 for other potato. Potatoes men to a contest the winner of Nat'l Bronc Judges the Babbitt Brothers have spread; show I went to,” says Bob,! Dixie Leverton, Shirley | must not be touched by the hands. which will enjoy a steak dinner at across this country one of the big- j j ,jo a bronc' b y ! and “ Dutch” Van Sant, the expense of the losers.
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