US 20070178061A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2007/0178061 A1 Venturi et a]. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 2, 2007 (54) THERAPEUTIC BLENDED OIL (52) US. Cl. .......................... .. 424/74; 424/735; 424/757; COMPOSITION AND METHOD 424/766; 424/769 (76) Inventors: Marco Venturi, Lake BluiT, IL (US); Tara Venturi-Jackson, Lake BluiT, IL (Us) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: GERRY FISCHER 954 ARNOLD COURT . DES PLAINES, IL 60016 (Us) A therapeut1c blended oil compos1t1on 1s provided that~1s useful as a topical applicatlon to be absorbed into skin, (21) Appl. No.: 11/346,033 protect the skin from sun Without inducing acne, reduce skin _ Wrinkles lines and dryness. The therapeutic oil composition (22) F1led: Feb. 2, 2006 is. created by m1x1ng. grape seed o1l,. soy bean o1l,. sWeet Publication Classi?cation almond oil, sea buckthom seed oil and essential oils. The volume of each constituent added can be modi?ed according (51) Int‘ C1‘ to the desired treatment. The composition may be applied A61K 8/97 (200601) to icall to absorb into the skin to aid skin tone tannin A61K 36/87 (2006.01) P_ X ’ _ _ g’ A 61K 36/48 (200601) moisturizing, eczema, and burn symptoms. The compos1t1on A61]; 36/736 (200601) is light oil that does not leave the skin feeling oily and is an A61K 36/72 (2006.01) effective and safe makeup remover. US 2007/0178061 A1 Aug. 2, 2007 THERAPEUTIC BLENDED OIL COMPOSITION nutrients contained in grape seed oil. The temperature is kept AND METHOD loW to preserve the valuable nutrients of the grape seed oil. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0008] It has been carrier oil used by massage therapists because of its light and satin like ?nish. Grape seed oil has FIELD OF INVENTION high levels of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid and is considered more potent an antioxidant than Vitamins C & E. [0001] The present invention relates to a therapeutic oil Grape seed oil is golden yelloW With a hearty green tone, has composition and method that is a pleasant smelling topical astringent qualities and is useful on oily or acne prone skin. application to be absorbed into skin, protect the skin from Grape seed oil is odorless and is one of the lightest carrier sun Without inducing acne, enhance epidermal healing, oils, easily absorbed into the skin. These properties make it reduce skin Wrinkles, lines and dryness. The therapeutic a preferred choice for use in massage therapy, cosmetic blended oil composition is created by mixing grape seed oil, manufacturing, and aromatherapy. soy bean oil, sWeet almond oil, sea buckthom seed oil and essential oil. The botanical names of these oils are vitis [0009] Grape seed oil is a preferred cosmetic ingredient vinifera, soja hispida, prunus dulcis, hippophae rhamnoides, for damaged and stressed tissues. Its regenerative and and essential oil, respectively. The volume of each constitu restructuring virtues alloW control of skin moisturizing. ent added can be modi?ed according to the desired treat Grape seed oil may help skin retain the normal structure of ment. The composition may be applied topically to absorb epithelium cells and nerve cells by supporting the cell membranes. It may be especially effective for repair of the into the skin to aid skin tone, tanning, moisturizing, eczema, and bum symptoms. The composition is a light oil that does skin around the eyes. When used as a skin moisturizer, grape seed oil reduces the look of stretch marks. Expectant moth not leave the skin feeling oily and is an effective and safe makeup remover. ers using a grape seed oil based skin moisturizer may have little to no skin damage and stretch marks. [0002] Accordingly, there is a need for a therapeutic blended oil composition Which can be used for therapy in [0010] Grape seed oil is the byproduct of Wine production. treating the skin. The present invention ful?lls this need and It is made from grape seeds of various varieties of Vitis provides other related advantages. Vinifera grapes, Which are contained in pomace. Pomace is the solid leftover after the juice has been extracted or SUMMARY OF INVENTION expressed from the grapes during Wine production. Extract ing grape seed oil is more di?icult than other oils because the [0003] The invention is a therapeutic blended oil compo grape seed itself is small, has a hard shell, and contains only sition and its method of production using the oils of vitis a small amount of oil. Because the Grape seed has such a vinifera, soja hispida, prunus dulcis, hippophae rhamnoides, hard shell, the natural oil and nutrients are Well protected and essential oil or grape seed oil, soy bean oil, sWeet against chemicals such as agricultural sprays and/or addi almond oil, sea buckthorn seed oil and essential oil respec tives, thus providing naturally pure oil. Grape seed oil may tively. be synergistically blended With oils to create a poWerful antiinkle, dermal enhancing, therapeutic serum that is [0004] The foregoing and other features and advantages of readily metabolized by your skin. the invention are apparent from the folloWing detailed description of the exemplary embodiments. Although sev [0011] Grape seed oil is rich in antioxidants and its ben eral embodiments have been described in detail for purposes e?ts include, but are not limited to enhancing the absorption of illustration, various modi?cations may be made Without of other oils, reducing free radical damage With regular use, departing from the scope of the invention. Accordingly, the metabolizing rapidly by the skin, leaving no greasy residue, detailed description is merely illustrative of the invention diminishing the suns damaging effects on skin, soothing and rather than limiting, the scope of the invention being de?ned healing of the skin, having astringent qualities that help to by the appended daims and equivalents thereof. tighten and tone the skin and may help the skin retain the normal structure of epithelium cells and nerve cells via DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE supporting the cell membranes. INVENTION [0012] Several uses for grape seed oil include massage oil, [0005] The folloWing includes a description of the indi body hygiene cream, hand cream, lip balm, sunburn repair vidual component oils, the preferred extraction method, and lotion, hair products, marinade, deep frying, ?avored oil, the advantageous properties based on past use and history. baking and salad dressing. [0006] Grape seed oil, having the botanical name of vitis [0013] Soybean oil, having the botanical name of soja vinifera may be used as base oil for creams and lotions. The hispida is the natural oil extracted from Whole soybeans. A preferred method of extracting the grape seed oil from the preferred method of extraction is expeller pressed, partially seed is a cold press, non-solvent extraction. re?ned. [0007] After the pressing of the grapes for Wine produc [0014] Soybean oil that is expeller pressed and partially or tion, the pomade consisting of the grape skins, stems and physically re?ned is processed Without the use of chemicals. seeds is collected and the seeds are separated. The grape The oil has stability similar to partially hydrogenated oils seeds are dried before the oil is pressed from them and the Without the trans or saturated fats. This method of extraction oil is bottled. The process used to extract the oil from the produces soybean oil that is liquid at room temperature. seed is a cold-press, no solvent extraction method. During Liquid expeller pressed and partially re?ned soybean oils are this process, the seeds are dried before the oil is pressed from preferred for commercial blending. Expeller pressed and them and temperatures are kept loW to preserve the valuable partial re?ned soybean oil extraction does not remove any of US 2007/0178061 Al Aug. 2, 2007 the naturally occurring antioxidants of the oil. These anti [0022] Sea buckthom oil is bene?cial in skin care. The oil oxidants may provide oil stability While the process may has antioxidants and essential fatty acids that may help stabilize the antioxidants of the soybean oil. Further, expel reverse damaging effects of sun radiation, block UV ray ler pressed and partially re?ned soybean oil does not use damage, promote the skin’s natural restorative processes, chemical solvents or re?ning caustics, rather, the extraction reduce in?ammation and minimize long term effects of sun uses heat and steam during the extrusion stage to strip free exposure such as pigmentation spots, Wrinkles and dryness. fatty acids. Sea buckthom oil helps combat acute sunburns and provides long term anti-in?ammatory, revitaliZing and restoring [0015] Soybean oil is high in natural source lecitihin, action. sterolins, and vitamin E. TWo of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in soybean oil include tWo essential fatty acids, Which [0023] Sea buckthom oil bene?ts include, but are not are not produced in the body, linoleic and linolenic. Linoleic limited to being properly absorbed and quickly assimilated and linolenic acids foster the body’s absorption of vital into the skin, containing vitamin C that is essential for nutrients required for human health. These properties make reestablishing neW collagen groWth, containing ?avonoids it a preferred choice for products Which are being created for With antioxidant properties, is Well tolerated by most skin outer epidermal healing. Soybean oil is readily absorbed into types, combats acute sunbums, providing long-term anti the skin, leaving the skin With a smooth sensation. in?ammatory, restorative, and revitaliZing action, reversing [0016] Soybean oil bene?ts include, but are not limited to negative effects of intense sun radiation, preventing the that it is rich in antioxidants, abundant in soy lipids bene? development of acute sunburn and providing protection cial for regeneration of skin cell, it improves skin texture and against oxidative and free radical damage.
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