Index to Volume 110 July–December 2005

Index to Volume 110 July–December 2005

index to volume 110 july–december 2005 ■ authors hobby Q&A, 4:112, 5:112, 6:116 Great Expectations, 1:48 Hubble’s Prospects Brighten, 2:25 Hole in One, 2:46 Abed, Abdulkader M., Science in Iraq, 1:13 Paradigm Shift, 2:8 On the Air, 4:46 Adler, Alan, Digicam Astrophotography, 5:114 Parallel Universes, 6:8 Skin Deep, 5:46 Aguirre, Edwin L., Amateur Team Finds 100 Planetary Plasticity, 5:8 Kwitter, Karen B., Swan Song in Aquarius, A, 5:30 Supernovae, 5:101 Vision Quest: Optimizing Your Eyes for Lederman, Russ, The Right Tools for the Job, 1:12 April’s Unique Solar Eclipse, 3:87 Astronomy, 3:28 Levy, David H., Crimson Ring, A, 2:107 Canadian Amateurs Access Big Hawaiian Scopes, Filippenko, Alexei V., Why Are Supernovae Important? Earth Strikes Back, 5:104 4:98 5:102 In Praise of Penumbral Eclipses, 3:113 Community News: America’s Young Astronomers Flanders, Tony, book review: Deep Sky Observer’s Introducing the Levy List, 6:80 Recognized, 2:102 Guide, Neil Bone, 4:90 Master Storyteller, A, 4:104 Comet Discoverers Recognized, 4:100 book review: Night Sky Atlas, Robin Scagell, 4:90 Seeing Einstein’s Gravity Lens, 1:108 Constellation Stamps to Be Issued, 4:100 book review: Stargazing with a Telescope, Robin Voyage to Remember, A, 6:114 S&T Executive Editor Honored, 4:100 Scagell, 4:90 Livingston, Andrew, Observing by Ear, 3:134 Universo Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary, 2:102 German Amateur’s Supernova in M51, 5:103 hobby Q&A, 2:110 L. R. J., see Johnston, Lisa R. Greenwich: Center of Space and Time, 2:99 French, Sue, Cygnus Sampler, A, 4:71 Lockhart, Forrest, Conversation with a Wizard, 4:134 hobby Q&A, 2:110 Cygnus Sampler — Part II, 5:75 Macrae, Bill, Brush with Success, A, 5:12 see also Naeye, Robert Island Universe, 6:77 MacRobert, Alan M., Amateur Sightings: Watching Allen, Bruce, Test Einstein at Home, 1:39 More Summer Planetaries, 2:77 History Happen, 4:38 Alsip, Mark, Science Lost, 4:12 Scuttling Around the Scorpion, 1:75 Auroras Aren’t Mirror Images, 1:19 Alves, Filipe, Capturing the Colors of the Moon, 1:120 Towering Eagle, The, 3:81 Christmas-Morning Spica Occultation, The, 6:67 A. M., see MacRobert, Alan M. Gefter, Amanda, Putting Einstein to the Test, 1:32 Fine Antares Occultation, A, 1:66 Ayiomamitis, Anthony, Celestial Growing Pains, 5:12 Gingerich, Owen, book review: Exploring Ancient Fine Year for a Perseid Watch, 2:65 Beatty, J. Kelly, book review: Infinite Worlds, Ray Skies, David H. Kelley and Eugene F. Milone, Gamma-Ray Re-Bursts, 3:20 Villard and Lynette R. Cook, 5:98 2:91 hobby Q&A, 1:118, 5:112, 6:116 Hayabusa Arrives at Asteroid Itokawa, 6:17 Gingerich, Owen, and Richard C. Henry, Planetary Hubble’s Anniversary Present, 3:44 hobby Q&A, 4:112 Pretzels, 5:81 Image-Stabilize Your Binoculars, 4:107 Beish, Jeffrey D., Mars Observing Forecast, A, 3:70 Goldman, Stuart J., Ancient Star Catalog Found, 1:22 Low-Mass Exoplanet, A, 3:19 Bobra, Monica, book review: Empire of the Stars, book review: Astronomy with a Home Computer, Meteors in the Telescope, 1:65 Arthur I. Miller, 3:103 Neale Monks, 6:104 October 3rd Annular Eclipse, The, 4:64 Brown, David, Taking a Stand, 2:12 book review: Jupiter, Fran Bagenal, Timothy October 17th Partial Lunar Eclipse, The, 4:66 Bruns, Donald, Resolution Realities, 6:118 Dowling, and William McKinnon, eds., 2:94 One Super Star Cluster, 1:20 Bryant, Greg, Contrasts in Capricornus, 4:55 book review: Meteorites, Robert Hutchison, 2:94 Perseids 2005: Right on Schedule, 6:84 Deep-Sea Nights, 6:55 Classic Book Reborn, A, 6:106 Short Gamma-Ray Burst Nailed at Last, 2:16 Migrating South, 5:55 Comet Grazing, 2:96 Shreds of a Swallowed Spiral, 2:17 Pointers to the Night’s Diversity, 1:55 Seeing the Big Pictures, 3:108 So You Want Giant Binoculars: RB-66 Reverse Sagittarius’s Stellar Playgrounds, 1:28 This Software Club Wants You, 1:106 Binoculars, 3:96 Shielded Arm, A, 2:55 Gordon, Rodger W., and William Sheehan, Solved: The Truly Ancient Relic Star, A, 1:19 Stellar Sights in Sagittarius, 3:55 Mars-Crater Mystery, 5:64 MacRobert, Alan M., and Daniel M. Troiani, Great Burdell, Ed, Discovered Treasure, 1:12 Grego, Peter, book review: Atlas of the Moon, Mars Apparition of 2005, The, 3:67 Capon, Robert, Automate Your Backyard Observatory, Antonín Rükl, 4:92 Madore, Barry F., and Armando Gil de Paz, Discovery 1:113 Guzman Sanz, Tomas, Importing Astronomy, 4:13 Among the Disks, 5:40 Castellano, Joseph A., “Ice” Breaker, 3:12 Heafner, Joe, book review: Mathematical Astronomy Magnuson, Bob, Shaky Ground, 4:12 Crisp, Richard, Narrowband Imaging in Color, 2:112 Morsels III, Jean Meeus, 2:93 Malin, Michael C., Hidden in Plain Sight: Finding Croswell, Ken, Dating the Milky Way, 4:22 Double Duty: Binary Maker 3.0, 4:82 Martian Landers, 1:42 Dalrymple, Les, Seven Messier Globulars of Henden, Arne A., And Science Too, 4:79 Marler, Larry P., Inappropriate, 1:12 Ophiuchus, The, 1:79 Henry, Richard C., see Gingerich, Owen Marsden, Brian G., see Hoffman, Tony Southern Binocular Highlight: Cluster in the Hoffman, Tony, and Brian G. Marsden, Booming McDowell, Jonathan, Astro-E2, 2:25 Wrong Spot, A, 5:53 Science of Sungrazing Comets, The, 2:32 Astro-F, 2:25 M75: The Loneliest Globular, 4:53 Horne, Johnny, Deep-Sky Imaging for Everyone: DSI Cosmos-1/Volna, 4:24 NGC 288 in Sculptor, 6:53 Color CCD Camera, 4:76 Hard Times for Space Science, 1:24 NGC 6124 in Scorpius, 2:53 Hostetter, Clyde, Seeking the Crescent of Venus, 6:66 Juno, 3:24 Southern Pointers, The, 1:53 Hynes, Steven J., Evolution in the Classroom, 5:12 Messenger, 6:26 Watching Kappa Pavonis, 3:53 Isles, John, book review: Observing Variable Stars, Solar-B, 2:25 DeCristofano, Carolyn, Taking a Stand, 2:12 Novae, and Supernovae, Gerald North, 3:105 Space Shuttle Return to Flight, 5:26 Deman, Chris, Sky Vision, 6:12 Johnston, Lisa R., book review: Evolving Cosmos, Spitzer Space Telescope, 4:24 Denton, Stephen, Discovered Treasure, 1:12 Govert Schilling, 6:101 Suzaku, 5:26 de Paz, Armando Gil, see Madore, Barry F. book review: Violent Universe, The, Kimberly Venus Express, 6:26 di Cicco, Dennis, book review: The Mount Wilson Weaver, 6:102 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, 3:24 Observatory, Allan Sandage, 1:105 Early Universe Shows Signs of Life, 5:24 Medkeff, Jeff, book review: The New Amateur hobby Q&A, 1:118 GALEX Sees Ultraviolet Explosion, 3:17 Astronomer, Martin Mobberley, 1:101 Doescher, Russell L., see Olson, Donald W., Milky Way’s Youngest Globular, The, 2:19 Meeus, Jean, Hybrid Eclipse, 1:13 D. T., see Tytell, David Johnston, Tom, Big Binos Bounce Back, 6:12 Miller, Mike, Sky Vision, 6:12 Dunham, David W., Planetary Occultations for Jones, Paul B., Thy Neighbor’s Scope, 1:142 Minami, Masatsugu, see Sheehan, William August–December, 2:68 J. R., see Roth, Joshua Mitte Honor Students, The, see Olson, Donald W. Dyer, Alan, Canon’s Astrocamera: The EOS 20Da, 5:84 Kalix, Eric, Showing the Way, 4:13 Morris, Steven, Taking a Stand, 2:13 Celestron’s Advanced Series “Go To” Mount, 2:82 Kammerer, Andreas, Naked-Eye Comets in 2004, 1:12 Nadis, Steve, Sizing Up Inflation, 5:32 Vixen’s Sphinx “Go To” Mount, 1:84 Kerste, Alexander, Solar Power, 3:12 Naeye, Robert, Bigger Andromeda Galaxy, A, 2:18 Fienberg, Richard Tresch, Einstein Forever? 1:8 Krajci, Tom, Sky Vision, 6:12 book review: Grand Tour, The, Ron Miller and E-Publish or Perish, 4:8 Krupp, E. C., Buttermilk Sky, 6:46 William K. Hartmann, 4:94 Eyesight Insight, 3:8 Generation Gap, 3:48 book and video review: Voyage to the Planets and © 2005 Sky Publishing Corp. 1 pindex to volume 110 Beyond, Tim Haines and Christopher Riley, 4:94 Mars in Full Glory, 5:56 Planetary Masters, 4:115 Chaos and Capture, 3:18 Mars Returns to the Stage, 1:56 Planetary Processing with RegiStax 3, 6:94 Dominatrix Planet, The, 5:20 Near Sky, The: The Countersun Revisited, 3:91 Wanjek, Christopher, LASIK Eye Surgery for the Europe’s Eye on Mars, 6:30 Pairings at Dusk and Dawn, 3:56 Amateur Astronomer, 3:36 Exo-Asteroid Belt, An, 2:22 Putting Taurus Together, 6:50 Werner, Michael, and B. Thomas Soifer, Spitzer Extrasolar Planets: Pictured at Last? 2:38 Really Big Story, A, 5:50 Response, 3:13 Extreme Pulsars, 6:20 Red Planet Rising, 2:56 Wilke, John, Taking a Stand, 2:13 Follow That Story: Big Bang Brew, 2:24 Starry Scorpion, The, 2:50 Wood, Charles A., Ancient Lunar Faults, 6:63 Follow That Story: Chandra Observes Supernova Starry Skies to Count On, 1:50 Basin Too Big to Believe, A, 3:63 1987A, 2:24 Tangle of Triangles, A, 3:50 Mysteries of the Eastern Limb, 5:62 Follow That Story: One-Sided Superflare, 2:24 Think Outside the Great Square, 4:50 Polar Pleasures, 1:62 Giant African Scope Sees First Light, 6:21 Venus Blooms as Mars’s Fire Fades, 6:56 Pyroclastics on the Moon, 2:62 M82 Has Spiral Arms, 4:20 Seronik, Gary, Low-Cost Starter Scopes, 6:86 Straight Story on Linear Rilles, The, 4:62 Meet the Milky Way’s Newfound Neighbors, 1:16 Northern Binocular Highlight: Andromeda’s ■ New Exoplanet Imaged? A, 1:18 Companions, 6:52 departments One Big Ball of Rock, 4:16 Globular Cluster Season, 1:52 Amateur Telescope Making — Planet-Disk Connection, The, 4:18 M27 in Vulpecula, 3:52 Automate Your Backyard Observatory, 1:113 Prospecting for Martian Ice, 4:18 M57 and Expectations, 2:52 Image-Stabilize Your Binoculars, 4:107 Red Planet Roundup, 5:18 Magnificent Mu Cephei, 4:52 Remote Collimation for a Big Dob, 5:107 Scattered Planet, 2:22 Two Lacerta Clusters, 5:52 Astronomy Online — Short GRBs Linked to Mergers, 6:21 Sharp, Christopher, Evolution in the Classroom, 5:13 Classic Book Reborn, A, 6:106 Supernova in the Whirlpool, 4:20 Sheehan, William, E.

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