owan Servin£! The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established in 1863-Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press LeBSPd Wire aDd Photo Servi-:,-e Iowa City. Iowa. Wednesday. September H. I~ ut er enles• ams' arges.. ed· $50 N Rid 'bl T: e e D' e AHacks Aide's' Consl .erlng on- e un a e IUlt/on . eposlts Real Reasons Uncertain If SUI Parking For Resigning Plan Could Refutes Implication Of " Democratic Plot Include SUI Permits Now By]ACKBELL WASHINGTON (AP) - SPIRIT LAKE (AP) - Pres­ IDemocratic National Cha~Q idents of Iowa's private colleges Being Issued Paul M. Butler asserted Tues­ took steps Tuesday to deal with No 1957-58 Stickers day night that Shennan Adams a practice , under which high Honored After Sept. 30 resigned as a matter of political school graduates "shop around" expediency and not on moral IS for a college to attend and go Explanation of parking rules ~TOunds_ to the one that offers the best all Page 3 Adams, President Eisenhow­ "deal." er's top aide, told te nation in The plan would be to require the Parking permits for the 1957·58 a dramatic radio and TV broad­ prospective student to put up a cast Monday nlaht that althou&b tuition payment oC $50 as a part academic year are now bein g is- J sued to eligible SUI faculty mem­ .. he was bowlta, out he "dlel DO of the admisison procedure. If the wron," In acceptln, expensive student is accepted and then goes bers, according to R. J . Phillips, favors from Bernard Goldfine, a to another school the $50 would not superintendent of SUI's phySical Boston Industrialist. be refunded, plant division . An werln, AdI.ms in a seeond Will Recommend Plln No 1957-58 permits will be hon· nationwl~ broadcast T u e , day The presidents decided to rec· ored after Sept 30 and must be re­ night. Butler said in a prepared ommend the plan to their indivi· moved, Superintendent PbilJips , pooch that his wk wa, DOt • dual boards of trustces. They said said. The new permits will take pi asanl one beeaule "no Ameri­ it would end a practice of high effect Wedn esday, Oct. 1. and will can enjoys talking about impro­ school graduates applying for ad· expire Sept. 30, 1959. priety In public ornce." , mission to three or four schools. The action came during the an­ Priority System "No American relishes the dari nual workshop of the Association Deans or deparlment heads must end of a lon, career in pubUc life of Iowa Collegc Presidents. approve applications for all faculty whether It concel'tll a member o( parking permits, Phillips said. Per­ his own political party or a mem­ It was not determined whether mits are awarded on a priority ber of the opposlUon party," Bllt· similar tuition payments should basis, depending upon usc made of ler saId. be required at SUI, Iowa State tile automobile, distance of resi­ l College and Iowa Teachers College, G ....... Oft, 'ectl the three tax·supported institutions. dence from the campus and avail· The Democratic chief added, Virgil M. Hancher, SUI Registration Confinu~s ability of public transportation. Hail The Conquering Heroes however, that he wished to reply president and retiring president of Fees for facully parking permits to political accusatioJlll mAde by the association, said he would dis· arc $10 for "reserved" areas and FLOWER·GARL.ANDED CHINESE NdlonaU.t pilota of U.S.-built Sabre jet. rode in I.ep. throu,h Adams and detail "lOme of the cuss the matter with the State Today 'In, SUI Fieldhouse $6 Cor " restricted" areas. Identify- the ,trHts of Tlipei, Formol', 11ft weekend ., the city honored thom for th'lr victories OVIr Reel facts ,Iossed over without com­ Board of Regents but indicated it Ing decals must be placed pt rma- Chinele MIG. in reclnt encounter.. Six pilot, cr.dltwd with .hootln, down R.d planes were h",,­ ment by Mr. Adams." might require a ruling Cram the The big decisions of whether to nently On the inside lower center ored in the plr.de Ind at • civic reception.-AP Wirephoto. Ear II e r Republican National of the rear window , except on con- _______________________-:--_~~__,,___., >,.,,,,.,------::--- · , Iowa attorney general. have 7.1:30 a,m, or 2:30 p.m. classes Chairman Meade Alcorn had de· , . End Window Shopping vertiblcs, wllore it is to be- plae d picted Aaama as a ",1It1C11l man are more than two·thirds The question Cor the private col­ ov~r" ro~ on the inside lower left-hand cor­ who YoluntarIJy had become • .t' ~ " leges was brought up by Dr. J. President Hancher of the SUI students but there are ner of the windshield, martyr to unfair pollUcal .1lacU ;, '1 Chance To Des Moines Man Testifies • I :;,.. Richard Palmer, president of Mor­ still some who haven't gone Fine. for Vlolltion, made allalnst him. ~ Slates Open House ningside College. through registration this semester. Faculty members who park an J • CommenUn, On Butler', speech. "This would end multiple appli­ Students in the Colleges or Oom· unregistered car in a University Jot oln Alcorn said In a .t.tternent: cations," he said. "We are com· Today, Thursday wi! be liable to a $10 fine. Fines of "Mr. BuUer', IOUcitude for merce, Graduate and former stu­ Campus At Inquest For Slain Wife peting for students, and we should Tonight and Thursday night ap­ $10 will also be charged for failure Sherm.n Adams reveal. a new develop a clear and open policy on dents in Liberal Arts and Engin· to display the sticker or for fail­ technique In character usuaina­ proximatel~ 2,500 students will the matter." eering will finish registering today ure to display it according to regu­ DES MOINES t.4'I - Bernard J . Grandanette. 36 , partn r in a Des tion. have an opportunity to meet Pres· Palmer said, "It would eliminate according to the Collowing sched­ lations. Groups Today Moines suburban food store, tesllfied Tuesday night at an inque 1 into .. After plannlnll ancl executlnl ident and Mrs. Hancher at their these kids twisting our arm and ule: t:'ines f~r violating parkin~ regu- The majority of the organiza- the fatal shoollng of his wife that bUrglars broke Into lhe store three a political Iynchlna, he iRiiated 011 put us back in control again." He home at 102 East Church St. latIons Will be $1 Cor the fll'st of- tions on campus and the majority times in the last four years. (ree television Ume to be Hen In said he was willing to run the risk The annual President's Open fense, $4 for the second and $8 for I or the freshmen and new students the front row of the mourners." • t· of losing any students through the Wednesd.y Grandanette appeared as a vol· The two nit Ion a 1 chairmen House and a new Orientation [unc­ subseque~t offenses. Cars must be at SUI will mix today at "Herky's advance payment policy. parked m an orderly manner. Round-up" untary witness at the opening of spoke out as report. circulated ., tion-church night-will be alter­ Conant Denies Gaylord Couchman, pre s i- Time Lilt N,me Begins Phillips said, and cars backed into ' . the inquest to inquire into the Ulat President Ellenhower plans dent of the University of Dubuque, nated for all orientation groups. stalls will be subject to fine for Each campus orga~lzahon w~1l a speedy appointment to fUl the death of his wire. Rose Marie. 33 , Need For More was elected president to succeed Tonight groups 1·55 are scheduled 8a.m. Clot-Dem improper parking. have a booth set ~p m the M~m Whl~ HoUte void caUleCl by Lounge of the Umon to acquamt Pres. Hancher, who becomes a to go to President Hancher's home mother of three. Adams' decilion to retire under 8:30 a.m. Den-Ez new students with SUI extra-cur­ Science Education . member or the executive com­ between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. , and IOWAN KILLED Grandanetle previously had toll (ire . mittee: ricular activities, groups 56·100 are invited to attend 9 a.m. F-Gie SPIRIT LAKE fA'! - Cletus Mar· police that when he returned ATLANTIC CTTY, N. J . !.4'1 _ Adams contended Ita his leave- church night during the same vin Weber, 25, oC Estherville. was The open house will be held from Dr. James B. Conant said Tues. t.aklni statement be was the vic- 9:30 a.m. Gil-Hal 1 :30 to 4:30 p.l'lL home from the store about 10:20 hours. killed late Tuesday when his truck day night there is no need for tim or a "campal"n... of vtllflcaUoo" 10a,m. Ham-Hof WSUI will broadcast a special p.m. Sept. 14 three armed and stepped up programs in science by thoee who sUUelted untruth· Ask Legality Thursday night tbe groups will skidded on loose gravel and crash· program directly from its booth masked men accosted him in his d fully that be had uaed hII infIu- alternate schedules. 10:30 a.m. Hog-Jz ed into a power pole on a county in the Main Lounge, interviewing an malhematics in America's ence with rel\llatory a&eDcle. In Church night was started this road 3 ~ miles southeast of here. students and giving a running com· driveway and ordered him into the high schools. GolcUlne'. behaU. 11 a.m. K-Kz Of School year to give new students an op­ Weber, who was married and the mentary on the activities.
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