^m^mm ^^^^^^S^^^^^^^'^'f^^^^S^! j&gsiiis^^^ iaasa-saaa' ,*A".*J «wi:,-a~?A'---' •>.•«•- -»t >£. 1, NO. 20. ROCHESTER, NYY., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1890. RICE, 3 CUNTS, •fi«* iNCYCLICAL LETTER. trary to truth and to-the law of God, that all the duties of religion proceed CARQINAL PECCI. DIOCESAN NEWS. and no true good which does not ac- from and are to be derive^Lfrom it 3^t.'^^!?.t0.^.F*^^-5r^.t*)l;6Ca^.5ri& Jhe-.highest imperishajble . 1mm. this-4t kdtowsrthirt nothing- Death of the SrenSef of Pope t.eo Xftt. What is Going on in the Parishes outside Holy E^lbet ^eod,~or which*leads"astray the will has been taught us is divine; that Sketch of His Life. Rochester. ^ojfjnanj^^^ jo^diejAce^anno^ Phe-^e^g.nt-EnGjtGlieaLLejy^t^riom- * "Frf^ay""of "ISsfweel^Cardinal Gius­ iaris hold public authority as sacred, The Devotion of the Forty pours, |pe" Leo XIII to the faithful is an el- of Christian morality or the Church-; eppe JPecci, brother of the- Holy and acknowledge therein a likeness that she-has no "power and no right opens a week from next Sunday at ient one and should be read by Father, died at Rome. The following and image of the majesty of God, Scott8ville; also at the church of the jry^Oatholic. •' Its salient points to make laws, nay, even there can be sketch is repgcducjgd from Saturday's even when>'powe ffoly Family, Auburn. " low. In opening-, the Holy Fathex Post^JSizpress: . -\ hands They rerider just and due monwealth. With all their might John-Overslaugh and Miss Lina- iks of the necessity of Christian Cardinal Giuseppe Pecci was the ojbedience to law. not perforce or they struggle to put themselves at Boyse were married at St. Francis rfection as.fallow's: elder brother of Pope Leo XIII". He through dread of chastisement, but the head of civii affairs in order that church, Phelps, Wednesday afternoon, 'Day by day it appears more man- was born in Carpineto, a village of from a" consciousness of duty; rion they may more easily propagate these by Rev. J. F. Nelligan. 3t that the precepts of Christian central Italy, on December 13, 1807, enim dedit nobis Deus. sptritum, tomor- doctrines and fashion the public laws sdora ought to be recalled and that and was the offspring of an old and "John Cavinaw and Miss Mary::„ is: " For God hath not given us the and morals. Everywhere the Catholic TRehj^ were united. tem*rr^^jt_^ life, the morals^ and the institn- iioin^ltoiry^^^ : of nations oaght to. be -alto- spirit.of tear." (-$£ Tim., j,-?^- - Jiut li­ religion is ei#er--openry-a*ta(;kel3 w St. Ann%church^lB Pauiryra," Wednes- - - the laws of the state are "openly at Louis Pecci, who served at one time [her conformed to them. For when secretly assailed; and by the great in the French army as colonel. Hisda y afternoon, by Rev. Wm. Casey. [se precepts are disregarded, so variance with the law of God—if license**permitted in theso perverse The funeral of Miss Kate Costiganj, they inflict injury upon the Church—-. mother was Anna Prosperi, a daugh­ Ut is the power of evil that has errors the public profession of Christ­ ter of a noble of Cori. Joachim Pec­ whoie death occurred Sunday last at lowed that no wise man can look if they clash with the dictates of re­ ianity is often hindered by many di£= her sister's re8id^c£_^_Rochester - ligion, or set at naught the authority ci, the present head of the Roman T its presence without anxiety, nor Acuities." Catholic Church, was born March 2, was held in Broekport, - from the on to the hereafter without fear. of Jesus Christ which is vested in In so evil a state of affairs it is the chureh of the Ajsjnmption, B. Y^-M^« the Supreme Pontiff, then indeed, it 1810. There Were six children in the Then the fact " that life has more first duty of everyone to reflect and family, four boys and two girls. Two on Tuesday, at-l^-a: nr "." greater duties for Catholics than becomes a duty to resist them, a sin be on his guard»-that he-ma^v-by^vigi— T5f^hirlJoy8,~Glu8eppe and Joachim, The congregation of St, John's thoier-nv-hr7^hold--Tio1rthe"Cathl)lie" -to-render—«bedieneer-and~a~-^ong+iinT^al^PWurely defend the faith studied for the priesthood. The two churclLJ^Uyde^-ave-a-very-pleasatttr [h al all or entertain wrong- ideas done to the fetate; because every .which^he^has-receivedr-b^-guarding- i$mm made happy, marriages. The reception at the town hall on Wednes* \j^ wrong done to religion is aTsonfiToF jriifignt;^is solemnly impressed against dangers and by being always paiace jn which the children spent their day evening. Every arrangement |>n-the faithful. Catholics and the^ fense against the State. armed against the fallacies and so- youth was not a very imposing one, but was made for the comfort of guests, ild at large are reminded that the Hence it appears h</w unjust is the phisms of the day. To give stead- itisstulpn^bjeclrothistoriojniej^atjn and_a-^leasa«t-iwiou^irjoy5D"le even- charge of rebellion; for due obedience [•natural love of the Chureh And fastmjsstovhtu^^ ^hotisaTids-wha^raveT in Italy. The ing^s sociability was guaranteed to is not refused to the chief and to the -natural-love of HGountry—are -ffin- ^ mostrTiB^Oaai_8u_itable in_these_, mother, Countess Anna, was^a-wom all who .attended. Hpr^ig's fiiU^ta&L. jles having the same eternal source, makers "of "the laws, but only to those times' to study diligently . Christian an of deep religious feelings-aad-de^ ter orcheslJa* furnished the music. cojamands---which they have ao-pewerj-^ottrine, according to each one's cap- -Himself-being—the authoT and voted careful attention to, the educa Geneseo News. to make, because clashing with the acityand opportunity, and to imbtte Ise of both. Hence it follows that tion of her boys and girls. She was Mrg, Jas-. L Kelly, visited her_pa- ! one duty can never be opposed to law of God they are unjust, and any­ theumind, as far -as possible, with thing but laws. •------" punctual in her attendance at the ronts at Avon for a few days this week. I other. It is In our power, and"we these things of religion which can be meetings held in the Monastery chapel Mrs. J. Neil,, of Rochester, was a bound to fulfill both dutiesj to You know-,-venerabIe brethren, that obtained by human reason. And for the purposes of devotion^and char- guest of Mrs. T. O'Meara, Sunday." • ourselves, to bear good wiil to this is the very doctrine of St. Paul since our faith must not only be pure, ity jmd_Joved-tM>rlag hep ehadren the Apostle, who, jwhen he_Jold Titua. Miss Mary Biggins, visited her sis*. neighbor, to cherish the common and imcorrupted -in our niiiidg, but|witn. her. Thus, from their earliest thai iSmsHans—were to be ' adinbn- also increase constantly day by day, tert Mrs. T. finrran, of Avon, this week, kith -and^the-^uthori^' that rules years, they wure f^milinr. with-the **>=r^^ jr it; and at the same tune to look ished, " FrincipUms et potestatibus sub- the humble petition--of the Apostles" Miss Fannie McGinty ofHochester dtius esse, dicto obedire," "To be sub­ brown habit and sandalled feet of the IraThirCnurch as ou*r mother, and to must be often repeated : Adauge no- is home yjsiting^her,,parjentaJmur ject to princesjwid powers, to obey at sons of St. Francis oj^'Asslsi^ and. God' with the utmost love of t^jMsm^J^lX^i. iaerjea8&-»£mr-faith^ heafd^" repeatedly^ froin their mother's village.. jich, w.e. are.capable^ —Nevertheless,- a wor.d,'-T and .he-adds,- -" ad°omn&-opu8" Luke, xvii, 5.) Misses Annie and Katie and Jas- bonum pdratos esse," " to be ready to 4ips the wonderful story of the life.of se duties are sometimes set aside, CONTINUED NEXT W*EK- this gentle saint. Joachim and Gius O'Donald, of Farmington, N. Y., vis. her-through stress of the. times or every good work " (Acts, iv, 19-20), ited with their sister, Mrs. Wm. Crys­ which would show that, if the laws eppe Pecci were educated at the Ro­ |the wickedness of men. Not un- The mission entrusted to the spir­ man college and the Aeademy of Ec* tal, last week. juently it happens that one way of of men should make • any enactment against the eternal law of God, it itual direction of the Rt. Rev. Mgr. clesiastical Nobles and then entered A finely executed portrait of Rev, fng seems to be required by the Osouf, Vicar-Apostolic of Northern the priesthood. Giuseppe joined the Father f ieddy, of Warsaw, was on ex­ and another by religion for the would not be right to obey them. In like, manner the Prince of the Apostles Japan, includes the whole northern Society of Jesus, and became profes­ hibition at the post office in this vil- Bon that the rulers of the common- portion of the Japanese Jlmpire^hav- sor of philosonhyat^jfee> Ronranjccfc idth either despise or. would sub- Courageously made answer to those who^refused him permission to preach ing a population_of;l9,OOO^Qu1)..,infi­ Jege. In n^&^^^rT^SicirTSe^^ecu- Mrs Maf^4flL:Q!fittaflar, iied at.— to themselves .the. sacred power dels and i 1,552 CatboJicK fiishop pied until 1851, he made a high repu: the home of her son, John O'Connor, the Church.
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