Curriculum Vitae Corina Str¨oßner [email protected] +49 176 80120824 Area of Specialisation Formal Epistemology, Formal Semantics, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Cognitive Science Area of Competence History of Logic, Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, Language Acquisition, Philos- ophy of Medical Science Education Doctorate Saarland University 01/04/2008-31/12/2011 Thesis on normality statements, defended 20/12/12 (summa cum laude) Supervisor: Niko Strobach, Ulrich Nortmann Master University of Rostock 01/10/2004-30/09/2006 Philosophy and linguistics Thesis on paraconsistent logic Bachelor University of Rostock, 01/04/2002-30/09/2004 Philosophy and german philology Thesis on the law of excluded contradiction Academic Positions − since 01/01/2015 Heinrich Heine University of D¨usseldorf Postdoctoral Fellow at the DCLPS (Gerhard Schurz) − 12/10/2014 - 22/12/2014 University of Groningen Guest Fellow 1 − 01/04/2014 - 30/09/2014 University of Konstanz Lectureship − 01/10/2013 - 31/03/2014 University of Konstanz Postdoctoral Fellow at the chair for philosophy and philosophy of science (Wolfgang Spohn) − 01/01/2012 { 30/09/2013 University of Konstanz Postdoctoral Fellow at the Emmy Noether group `Formal Epistemology' lead by Franz Huber − 01/09/2011 - 31/12/2011 Saarland University Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science (Ifomis) − 01/04/2011 - 31/09/2011 University of Rostock Lectureship − 01/04/2008 - 31/08/2010 Saarland University Doctoral Fellow at the chair for analytical philosophy (Niko Strobach) − 01/10/2006 - 31/03/2007 University of Rostock Lectureship Publications − (2015) \Normality and Majority: Towards a Statistical Understanding of Normality Statements". Erkenntnis, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10670-014-9674-1 − (2014) Die Logik der Normalit¨at.Untersuchungen zur Semantik von Normalit¨ats- urteilen, LOGOS De Gruyter − (2013a) \Statistical and Non-Statistical Normality" In Hoeltje, M. / Spitzley, T. / Spohn, W. (eds.): Was d¨urfenwir glauben? Was sollen wir tun? - Sektionsbeitr¨age des achten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft f¨urAnalytische Philosophie e.V. DuEPublico − (2013b) \Fifth and Final Formal Epistemology Festival" The Reasoner 7/2013 − (2012a) \Veridications and their Square of Opposition" (with Niko Strobach). In B´eziauJ.-Y. and Payette G. (eds.), New perspectives on the square of opposition. Peter Lang Bern − (2012b) \List of domain quality-checked ontologies and initial release of HDOT and its glass box evaluation" (with Emilio Sanfilippo and Ulf Schwarz). p-medicine deliverable 4.1 2 Selected Presentations1 − \Default Inheritance" Workshop on reasoning in conceptual spaces, Amsterdam 28/06/2016 − \Prototypeframes: Theory and Experiment", Colloquium of the DCLPS D¨usseldorf 24/05/2016 − \Probabilities in Prototype Frames", Workshop on probabilities in frames, D¨ussel- dorf 23/05/16 − \Haessliche Einh¨ornerund Planet Pluto", Kaminabend of the ZLWWG, Rostock 07/01/16 − \Ugly Unicorns and Planet Pluto. The Logic of Predicate Change", Colloquium of the DCLPS D¨usseldorf20/10/2015 − *\The Rationality of Conceptual Change" (Poster), GAP.9 , Osnabr¨uck 14/09/15 - 18/09/15 − *\The Normativity of Probability and Logic; Or: The Difference Between Lotteries and Books", GAP.9 , Osnabr¨uck 14/09/15 - 18/09/15 − *\The Rationality of Conceptual Change" (Poster) Nature and Origins of Human Cognition, Berlin 18/06/15-19/06/15 − \Epistemology of Concepts", PCCP, Groningen 27/10/14 − *“Efficient Defaults", DGL `13, Stockholm 17/06/13 − *\Statistical and Non-Statistical Normality", GAP.8, Konstanz 17/09/12 − \Understanding Normality Statements", Workshop with Jeffrey A. Barrett, Kon- stanz 30/04/12 − \Majority and Ontological Typicality", WiP Seminar, Munich 20/10/11 − *\A Quantitative Logic of Normality", CLMPS 2011, Nancy 19/07/11 { 26/07/11 − \Evolution and the Ontology of Typicality", Bioprozesse II, Rostock 24/03/11 { 25/03/11 − *“Justification and Normality", Formal Epistemology Workshop 2010, Konstanz 02/09/10 { 04/09/10 − *\Many-Valued Logics and Some Variations of the Square", Second World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Corte 17/06/10 - 20/06/10 1*talks and posters selected by peer review. 3 − \Belief or Fact. On the Epistemic Status of Normality", Cultures of Knowledge, Toru´n26/05/10 - 29/05/10 − \Extensions of the Logical Square for Veridicators in Many-Valued Logic", NOT- Workshop on the Geometry of Logical Opposition, Leuven 23/01/10 − *\Most and Probably { Quantifiers and Statistical Reasoning", PROGIC 2009, Groningen 17/09/09 - 19/09/09 − \Lukasiewicz's Thought Style between Aristotelian Tradition and Modern Logic", Lukasiewicz et la histoire de la logique, Nancy 06/05/09 − \Normality Reasoning", Juniorworkshop `Konzepte des Folgerns', Saarbr¨ucken 26/03/09 - 29/03/09 − \Norm and Normality", Kolloquim of the department of philosophy, Saarbr¨ucken 03/12/08 − \The Meaning of Being Normal", Logic Tea, Amsterdam 10/11/08 − *\A Blanch´eStar for Truth-Functional Paraconsistent One-Place Operators", First World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Montreux 01/06/07-03/06/07 Teaching − University of Konstanz 2014 summer term Advanced seminar: Similarity − University of Konstanz 2013/14 winter term Seminar: On the Genealogy of Morality Advanced seminar: Concepts and Categorization − University of Rostock 2011 summer term Seminar: Foundations of Analytical Philosophy: Frege and Russel (with Tobias Breidenmoser) − Saarland University 2010 summer term Seminar: Probability Seminar: Philosophy in Kie´slowskis `Dekalog' − Saarland University 2009 summer term Advanced seminar: David Lewis - Language, Logic, Metaphysics − Saarland University 2008/09 winter term Seminar: Philosophy in Aphorisms: Nietzsche, Wittgenstein et. al. Substitute Lectures: Logic and Philosophy of Language 4 − Saarland University 2008 summer term Seminar:Lukasiewicz on the law of non-contradiction − University of Rostock 2006/07 winter term Advanced seminar: Logic and Pragmatics (with Niko Strobach) Tutorial: Logic − University of Rostock 2005 summer term Tutorial: Philosophy in the modern area − University of Rostock 2003 summer term Tutorial: Logic Other Academic Activities − Organization tasks at the GWP 2016 in D¨usseldorf − Two lectures on logic of communication for teachers at a grammar school in Konstanz 15/05/2015 − Two lectures for pupils, days of study University of Konstanz 11/03/2014 − Editorial and interview with Wolfgang Spohn (with Benjamin Bewersdorf). The Reasoner 7 2013 − Assistance to the organisation of the Fifth and Final Formal Epistemology Festival, Toronto 02/06/13 { 05/06/13 − Reviews and comment for LEMMing Graduate Conference, Cologne 29/11/12 { 01/12/12 − Reviews f¨urBeziau, J.-Y. / Jacquette, D.: Around and Beyond the Square of Oppositions, Birkh¨auser/Springer2012 − Two lectures for the public, Open day Saarland University 22/06/2010 − Cinema Show with introductory talks and discussion: Kie´slowskis `Dekalog', Saar- br¨ucken 27/04/10 { 29/06/10, organised by the chair for analytical philosophy and 1 Kino 8 2 (Co-Organiser, five introductory talks and moderation) − Organisation of a Juniorworkshop `Konzepte des Folgerns' Saarbr¨ucken 26/03/09 { 29/03/09, supported by the chair for analytical philosophy and the GAP − Founding member of the ZLWWG (Center for Logic, Philosophy and History of Science) in Rostock 30/11/2006 5 Fellowships, Grants and Awards − 2015: Honorary Scholarship of Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ( e 4.500) − 2014: Eduard-Martin-Preis for the best PhD theses of the Saar University (e 500) − 2014: Fellowship by equal opportunities office of the University of Konstanz (e 17.900) − 2010: Fellowship by graduate scholarship program (e 10.900) − 2010: Grant for a workshop by GAP with N. Strobach (e 1.000) − 2010: External Travel Grant for Cultures of Knowledge by DAAD (e 400) − 2007: External Travel Grant for First World Congress on the Square of Oppositon by the Friedrich-und-Irmgard-Harms Stiftung (e 400) References • Niko Strobach University of M¨unster Philosophisches Seminar Domplatz 23 D-48143 M¨unster Tel.: +49 251 832 4467 E-Mail: nstro [email protected] • Ulrich Nortmann Saarland University Institut f¨urPhilosophie Postfach 15 11 50 66041 Saarbr¨ucken Tel: +49 681 302 4169 E-mail: [email protected] • Franz Huber University of Toronto Department of Philosophy Jackman Humanities Building 170 St. George St. Toronto, ON, Canada M5R 2M8 E-mail: [email protected] • Wolfgang Spohn University of Konstanz Fachbereich Philosophie 6 78457 Konstanz Tel: +49 7531 88 2503 E-mail: [email protected] 7.
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