LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 3..016. 093 Un3i cop. 3 Rare Book & Special Collections Library INCUNABULA IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN To ROBERT BINGHAM DOWNS Director of the University Library Dean of Library Administration 1943-1971 In appreciation of his interest and perseverance in building the university's collection of incunabula INCUNABULA IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN compiled by Marian Harman Robert B. Downs Publication Fund No. 5 The University of Illinois Library and The Graduate School of Library Science Distributed by the UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS Urbana Chicago London Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Illinois. University at Urbana-Champaign. Library. Incunabula in the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. (Robert B. Downs Publication Fund ; no. 5) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Incunabula Bibliography Catalogs. 2. Illinois. University at Urbana-Champaign. Library Catalogs. I. Harman, Marian, 1899- II. Title. III. Series: Robert B. Downs Publication Fund series ; no. 5. Z2 1+0. 135 1979 016.093 79-17355 ISBN 0-252-00789-1 uiucr 5v./ This publication has been made possible through the generosity of the University of Illinois Library Friends at Urbana-Champaign, and in particular, of MRS. WILLIAM E. KAPPAUF >n CONTENTS Introduction iii List of Abbreviations v Symbols v Incunabula in the University of Illinois Library 1 Indexes : 1) Titles 192 2) Printers, Publishers, and Places 205 3) Printing by Country, City, and Printer 211 U) Chronological Index by Printing Date 236 Concordances: 1) Goff 2U2 2) Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke 2hh 3) Hain 2h$ U) Proctor 21*8 5) Copinger 250 6) Reichling 2l INTRODUCTION In 19l*9, the late Christopher U. Faye published a list of the incunabula owned by the Univer- sity of Illinois Library and the Museum, under the title: Fifteenth Century Printed Books at the University of Illinois (Urbana, HI., University of Illinois Press). He listed 131 boolcs- not a large collection, to be sure, but a significant one. Since that time, chiefly as a result of the interest and encouragement of Dr. Robert B. Downs, Dean of the University of Illinois Library and Library School, 191*3-1971, the number of books published before 1501 acquired by this Library has more than doubled. Indeed, in 1961*, according to F. R. Goff 's Incunabula in American Libraries (New York, 1961*, p.xvii), this collection, credited with 890 volumes, was ranked ninth among all American libraries in its holdings of 15th-century books. Since then, 193 volumes have been added, making a total of 1083. It seems appropriate, therefore, to bring Mr. Faye's list up to date and to provide the Rare Book Room of the Library with a complete catalogue, with adequate indexes, of all the incunabula in its possession. In order to avoid any misrepresentation, it must be pointed out that the figure 1083 does not quite accurately represent the extent of the collection. There are forty-two fragmentary copies of only one, or a very few, leaves. These titles are indicated by an asterix (*) preceding the entry. But since a single leaf may sometimes prove helpful in the study of fifteenth-century printing, it seemed advisable to include them, while warning the user of the catalogue of their fragmentary condition. There have been included also 16 titles which are customarily counted as incunabula, but which are now known, or believed to have been printed in the 16th century. These books have been designated by + preceding the entry. An analysis of the collection reveals a fairly large number of titles (103) otherwise unre- corded in North American collections, according to F. R. Goff 'a Third Census (1961*), Supplement (1972) and Annotated Third Census (1973). These titles are indicated by M o" preceding the en- try. Eight of the 103 do not even appear in the catalogues of the chief European collections. These apparently unique items are designated by V" preceding the entry. A few famous names appear in the list of former owners of some of the titles in this catalogue. Among these are: Jacopo Filippo Forest! (ll*3l*-l520), the author of the first universal chron- icle of the Renaissance, whose autograph appears in Koberger's 11*83 edition of Vincent de Beau- vais, Speculum historlale (no.l06l); the Basel printer, Johann Froben (d.l527)> who stamped an impression of his signet ring and signed his name in the copy of Giovanni Tortelli, Ortho- gnathia. Venice, 19 Dec. 11*95 (no. 1021); Paolo Giovio (11*83-1552), Bishop of Nocera and celebrat- ed historian, who annotated the copy of Lactantius, Opera . Venice, 11*90 (no. 577); Philipp Melanch- thon (11*97-1560), scholarly leader of the Reformation, who scribbled interlinear glosses and occasional marginal notes in Plautus, Comoediae . Venice, 11*99 (no. 771*); John Ker, 3d duke of Roxburghe (17UO-180U), during the sale of whose library in 1812 the Roxburghe Club was founded, whose arms are stamped on the covers of Aristophanes, Comoediae . Venice, ll*98 (no.l*l); Harvard professor, Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908), whose bookplate appears in the famous 11*99 Aldine edition of Francesco Colonna, Hypnerotomachia Poliphill (no. 283); the bibliographer, Gilbert R. Redgrave (b. 181*1*), who penned extensive notes in Petrus Comestor, Historla scholastlca . cAugsburgi 1U73 (no. 71*9) and in Jacopo Publicio, Artes orandi. Venice, 11*82 (no. 803); Edward Gordon Duff (1863-1921* ), the authority on English printing, whose autograph ex libris appears in Ausonius, Opera . Parma, ll99 (no. 86) and in Domizio Calderino, Commentarii in Juvenalea . Venice, ca. 11*76-77 (no. 195); and George Sarton (188U-1956), author of the definitive history of science, whose bookplate and autograph are found in a 11*86 Venetian edition of Imltatlo Christ! (no.506). It is amusing to find, in the second volume of the l*-volume Latin Bible print- ed by GrUninger in Nuremberg, 3 Nov.H*92 (no. 11*1) the following note: From the ship's library of the Santa Maria. 11*91. Azores.' The arrangement of this catalogue differs from that of 19U9, which followed the Proctor or- der, providing a sort of history of printing by country, city, and printer. For books not seen by Proctor and for those now assigned to printers other than those chosen by him, Mr. Faye found It necessary to invent new numbers in order to place the books under their proper printers, and to make numerous cross references from the original numbers. Such a system is even more awk- ward today than it was then, because of the fuller knowledge of printing since the publication of Proctor's Index , 1898-1903. That order has, therefore, been rejected in favor of an alpha- betical list by author or other entry word. The Proctor number, when available, has been in- cluded in the list of authorities for each title, but in the absence of such a number, no An Index attempt has been made to invent one. by Country , City , and Printer has been provided, but it also has been arranged alphabetically by country, rather than chronologically by the date of the introduction of printing in each country. The Index of Titles , which has been appended, may appear to be an aberration, but it has been found helpful in identifying fragments and imperfect copies, and in giving a general view of the scope and concentration of the collection. I want to express my sincere gratitude to N. Frederick Nash, Rare Book Room Librarian, and to the other members of the Rare Book Room staff, Mrs. Mary Ceibert and Miss Louise Fitton, for their generous cooperation and assistance in the conduct of this project, and to Mr. Allan Eckel for typing the manuscript. Urbana, Illinois Marian Harman 28 February 1978 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BMC Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum. Lithographic reprint. London, 1962-63. C Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorlum blbliographlcum , Pt.II. London, 1898 4 1902. Campbell Campbell, M.-F.-A.-G. Annales de la typographic neerlandaise au XV* siecle. La Haye, 187U. CR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad _ Copingeri Repertorlum bibliographicum . Addi- tiones et emendationes. 6 vols. & index. Munich, 1905-11" (Supplement, MUnster, 19H) Duff Duff, E. Oordon. Fifteenth century English books. (Illustrated monographs issued by the Bibliographical Society, no. XVIII). Oxford, 1917. Goff. Third Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries; a third census. New York, 196U. census (Supplement, New York, 1972) GW Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke . Vols. 1-8, pt.l. Leipzig, 1925-1*0. GW(Einbl) Einblattdrucke des XV. Jahrhunderts. Ein bibliographisches Verzeichnis, hrsg. von der Kommission fUr den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Halle, 191U. (Ins Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. H. 35-36) OW(Nachtr) Nachtraige zu Hain's Repertorium blbliographlcum und seinen Fortsetzungen. Als Probe des Oesamtkatalogs der Wiegendrucke, hrsg. von der Kommission ftir den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Leipzig, 1910. H Hain, Ludwig. Repertorium bibliographicum in quo libri omnes ab arte typographic* inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi ordine alphebetico vel simpliciter enume- rantur vel adcuratius recensentur. 2 vols. Stuttgart & Paris, 1826-38. HC Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorlum bibliographicum , Pt. I. London, 1895. HC(Add) Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium blbliographlcum , Addenda to Pt.l. (In: Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium _ Pt.II, v.l. London, 1902, p.235-291) HCR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorlum bibliographicum _ Emendationes. 6 vols. 4 index. Munich, 1905-11. (Supplement, MUnster, 1911*) HR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii _ Repertorium bibliographicum - Emenda- tiones. 6 vols. & index. Munich, 1905-11. Supplement, Munich, 191U. IGI Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d' Italia.
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