Published online 29 December 2017 Historia naturalis bulgarica • ISSN 0205-3640 (print) | ISSN 2603-3186 (online) • http://www.nmnhs.com/historia-naturalis-bulgarica/ Historia naturalis bulgarica, 24: 131-154, 2017 Acarorum Catalogus I – First supplement (2008–2016) Petar Beron Abstract. The monograph of Beron (2008) is completed with the data in 166 papers published between 2008 and 2016 (some of them in 2017), or omitted. Many new taxa have been published, other taxa have been synonymized or altered, mostly by specialists from Germany, Poland, Iran, Spain, Montenegro, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and other countries. Now (by Au- gust 2017) are recognized (some of them gen. or sp. inquir.) one genus and nine recent sp.of Calyptostomatidae, 10 genera and 56 sp. of Smarididae and 57 genera and more than 850 sp. of Erythraeidae. Key words: Catalogus, supplements, Calyptostomatoidea, Calyptostomatidae, Erythraeoidea, Erythraeidae, Smarididae Introduction Neomomorangia Fain et Santiago-Blay – full ge- After the publication of the first volume of the neric status series Acarorum Catalogus (Beron, 2008), many Madinahustium Kamran et Alatawi, 2016 new papers have been published by R. Haitlinger, Marantelophus Haitlinger, 2011 P. Beron, J. Mąkol, G. Gabryś, M. Kamran, J. Monteustium Haitlinger et Šundić, 2015 Łaydanowicz, A. Wohltmann, J.G. Mayoral, P. Nagoricanella Haitlinger, 2009 Barranco, M. Šundić, A. Khaustov and especially Pukakia Clark, 2014 by the very active Iranian group of researchers (A. Pararainbowia Dunlop, 2010 Saboori, S. Ahmadi, H. Hajiqanbar, M. Khanjani, Synonymized genera (partly as a result of rear- M. Akrami, M. Bagheri, M. Hakimitabar and oth- ing of larvae): ers). New genera and species have been described Zhangiella Saboori, Cobanoglu et Bayram, 2007, (almost all based on larvae, mostly from Iran, syn. f Curteria Southcott, 1961 Montenegro and Spain), several other taxonomic Abalakeus Southcott, 1994 = Eatoniana changes took place and new synonymes were cre- Cambridge, 1898 ated. A few papers have been omitted from the Hauptmannia Oudemans, 1910 = Abrolophus Bibliography. This situation requires an updating of Berlese, 1891 my Catalogue. Meanwhile has been published the Clipeosoma Southcott, 1948 = Hirstiosoma Checklist of terrestrial Parasitengonae of Mąkol & Womersley, 1934 Wohltmann (2012, 2013). Pilosoma Southcott, 1961 = Fessonia von The author is very grateful to Prof. Joanna Heyden, 1826 Mąkol for the reading and correcting the MS of this Guatustium Haitlinger, 2000 = Balaustium von supplement. Heyden, 1826 New genera (valid), described since 2008, or al- Palenqustium Haitlinger, 2000 = Balaustium von tered: Heyden, 1826 Collemboerythraeus Noei, Saboori et As a result of the recent contributions, the num- Hakimitabar, 2017 ber of genera and species in Calyptostomatoidea and Makolia Saboori, Khaustov et Hakimitabar, Erythraeoidea (some of them uncertain status) is up- 2009 dated as follows: Iraniella Karimi- Iravanlou, Kamali et Talebi, Calyptostomatidae – one genus, nine sp. 2002 Smarididae – 10 genera, 56 sp. 132 Petar Beron Erythraeidae – 57 genera, more than 850 sp. Hirstiosoma amfilohijei Haitlinger et Šundić (larval) New contributions to the Catalogue: Hirstiosoma amfilohijei Haitlinger & Šundiċ, Fam. Calyptostomatidae 2017: 1411 Calyptostoma giuliae Haitlinger et Šundić (larval) Type locality: Korita Kučka (1200 m) Calyptostoma giuliae Haitlinger & Šundić, Distribution: Montenegro 2015: 920 Hirstiosoma Womersley, 1934 is the adult stage Type locality: Cambodia of Clipeosoma Southcott, 1948; Pilosoma Southcott, Distribution: Cambodia 1961 is the larval form of Fessonia von Heyden, 1826 Host: from herbaceous plants (Wohltmann, 2010) Calyptostoma gorganica Saboori et Fessonia papillosa (Hermann, 1804) – Iran Soukhtsaraii, in Saboori, Soukhtsaraii, (Noei, Saboori, etc., 2013); China (Li & Fan, 1997) Yazdanian, Golpayegani (2012)(larval) Fessonia torshizica Salarzehi et Hajiqanbar Calyptostoma gorganica Saboori et Soukhtsaraii, Fessonia torshizica Salarzehi & Hajiqanbar, in Saboori, Soukhtsaraii, Yazdanian & 2012: 18 Golpayegani, 2012: 37 Type locality: Torshiz, Khorasan Razavi prov- Type locality: Shast Kalateh forest, Gorgan City, ince, 1215 m a.s.l. Golestan prov. Distribution: Iran Distribution: Iran Host: Limonia caucasica (Diptera: Tipulidae) Sphaerotarsus baenai Mayoral et Barranco (lar- val) Calyptostoma marantica Haitlinger et Šundić Sphaerotarsus baenai Mayoral & Barranco, (larval) 2017: 623 Calyptostoma marantica Haitlinger & Šundić, Type locality: Vereda de los Labrados, Villa 2015: 923 Manrique Type locality: Sulawesi Distribution: Spain Distribution: Indonesia Host: on soil Host: from herbaceous plants Calyptostoma latiseta (Shiba, 1976) – New Fam. Erythraeidae Caledonia, Tasmania (Mąkol & Wohltmann, 2013) Erythraeinae Calyptostoma velutinum (Müller, 1776) – Genus Collemboerythraeus Noei, Saboori et Montenegro (Šundiċ & Haitlinger, 2015: 188); Hakimitabar Serbia, Sicily (Haitlinger & Šundiċ, 2015) Collemboerythraeus Noei, Saboori & Species inquirendae (see Mąkol & Hakimitabar, 2017: Wohltmann, 2013): Type species: Collemboerythraeus vosoughae Calyptostoma exculpta (Berlese, 1916) Noei, Saboori et Hakimitabar, 2017 Calyptostoma neoguineana (Canestrini, 1897) Collemboerythraeus vosoughae Noei, Saboori Fam. Smarididae et Hakimitabar Smaridinae Collemboerythraeus vosoughae Noei, Saboori & Smaris maraghehiensis Saboori et Bagheri (ad.) Hakimitabar, 2017: Smaris maraghehiensis Saboori & Bagheri, Type locality: Jahrom City, Fars Province 2011: 105 Distribution: Iran Type locality: Maragheh, 1450 m, East Host: undet. Collembola, Sminthuridae Azarbaijan Province Distribution: Iran Eatoniana gonabadensis (Ahmadi, Hajiqanbar et Saboori) (larval) Hirstiosomatinae Abalakeus gonabadensis Ahmadi, Hajiqanbar Hirstiosoma latreillei (Grandjean, 1947) & Saboori, 2012: 170 (syn. Clipeosoma jupiter Southcott, 1948) – Finland Type locality: Gonabad, Khorasan Razavi prov. (Gabryś, Roland, Mąkol & Lehtinen, 2009); Iran Distribution: Iran (Noei, Saboori, etc., 2013) Hosts: Aphis craccivora (Homoptera: Aphididae); Acarorum Catalogus I – First supplement (2008–2016) 133 Dociostaurus cf. tartarus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Erythraeus (Erythraeus) ankaraicus Saboori, Çobanoğlu et Bayram, 2004 – Montenegro (Saboori, Eatoniana plumipes (L. Koch, 1856) Pešić & Hakimitabar, 2008) Abalakeus jahromiensis Sedghi, Saboori Erythraeus (Erythraeus) aphidivorous Šundić, & Hakimitabar, 2010: 432 (synonymized with Haitlinger, Michaud et Colares (larval) Eatoniana plumipes by Mąkol & Sevsay, 2015) Erythraeus (Erythraeus) aphidivorous Šundić, Type locality: Jahrom Haitlinger, Michaud & Colares, 2015: 43 Distribution: Iran (for A. jahromiensis); Dumlu, Type locality: Hays, Kansas Erzurum prov. (Turkey, for E. plumipes) Distribution: USA (Kansas) Host: undet. nymph of Pentatomidae Host: Melanaphis sacchari (Hemiptera: (Heteroptera) and on soil (for A. jahromiensis) Aphididae) Erythraeus (Erythraeus) capeverdensis Curteria episcopalis (C.L. Koch, 1837) – Haitlinger (larval) Finland (Gabryś et al., 2009) Erythraeus (Erythraeus) capeverdensis The genus Zhangiella Saboori, Cobanoglu Haitlinger, 2009a: 1154 et Bayram, 2007 was synonymized with Curteria Type locality: Sal Island, three km north of Southcott, 1961 by Saboori, Khaustov, Espargos (16o47’N, 22o57’) Hakimitabar & Hajiqanbar (2009: 29). Distribution: Cape Verde Abalakeus Southcott, 1994 became junior syn- Host: Unknown; collected from herbaceous onym of Eatoniana Cambridge, 1898 (Mąkol & plants Sevsay, 2015). A female of Eatoniana plumipes (L. Koch, 1856) was selected as neotype. Erythraeus (Erythraeus) cinereus (Dugès) = E. Abalakeus jahromiensis Sedghi, Saboori et similis (Canestrini) Hakimitabar, 2010 syn. of Eatoniana plumipes Erythraeus (Erythraeus) chrysoperlae Abalakeus bambusae Zhang, Zhang et Lin, Khanjani, Mirmoayedi, Fayaz et Sharifian (larval) 2000 becomes Eatoniana bambusae (Zhang, Zhang Erythraeus (Erythraeus) chrysoperlae Khanjani, et Lin) Mirmoayedi, Fayaz & Sharifian, 2012: 63 Abalakeus chekei Southcott, 1994 becomes Type locality: Shahanjarin, Razan, Hamedan Eatoniana chekei (Southcott) Province Abalakeus lorestanicus Saboori et Lachinani, Distribution: Iran 2003 becomes Eatoniana lorestanica (Saboori et Host: Chrysoperla kolthoffi (Neuroptera: Lachinani) Chrysopidae) Abalakeus gonabadensis Ahmadi, Hajiqanbar et Saboori, 2012 becomes Eatoniana gonabadensis Erythraeus (Erythraeus) elmalicus Haitlinger (Ahmadi, Hajiqanbar et Saboori) (larval) All these species were transferred to Eatoniana Erythraeus (Erythraeus) elmalicus Haitlinger, at synonymization (note of J. Mąkol) 2010: 53 Type locality: Elmali, 1200 m Erythraeus (Erythraeus) adanaensis Saboori et Distribution: Turkey Cobanoglu (larval) Host: from herbaceous plants Erythraeus (Erythraeus) adanaensis Saboori & Cobanoglu, 2010: 250; Azimi, Saboori & Shirdel, Erythraeus (Erythraeus) etnaensis Heitlinger 2011: 51 Erythraeus (Erythraeus) etnaensis Heitlinger, Type locality: Adana 2011: 291 Distribution: Iran, Turkey Type locality: Etna Host: unknown Distribution: Sicily Erythraeus (Erythraeus) albanicus Haitlinger (larval) Erythraeus (Erythraeus) gertrudae Haitlinger, Erythraeus (Erythraeus) albanicus Haitlinger, 1987 – Austria (Haitlinger, 2009a). Syn. of E. rega- 2012: 340; Haitlinger & Šundić, 2015: 40 lis (C.L. Koch), acc. to Stålstedt et al., 2016. Type locality: Shënavasi nr. Sarandë Distribution: Albania Erythraeus (Erythraeus ) gorcensis Gabryś Host: herbaceous plant Erythraeus (Erythraeus ) gorcensis Gabryś,
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