24 4&os I LWSN JUPDATE Emotional cycle of deployment Information for civilian counselors about the military family m BY ANGELA KENNEDY is what scares theni the most. STAFF WRITER In an effort to suppress that Written and complied by fear and alleviate worrying on Scott Barstow, Dara Alpert and If they say it takes a village to the war front, the military L9d~er Cafbl2l i, raise a child, then it must take a counsels its members and their MH community, family to defend a nation. - dependents on the stages of With current world conflicts, deployment, and the emotional ACA gear up for the pressure is on the family ramifications of each stage. unit to support their military With the help of family support June 10 parity rally members in order for that sol- centers and family advocacy The American Counseling dier, airman, seaman or Marine offices, every branch of the mil- Association and other mental to carry out the missions at itary offers counseling, support health advocacy groups are ral- hand. The military has made and advice to family members lying to call attention to the great strides toward taking care of deployed personnel. need for passage of comprehen- if its own - physically, men- Though mental health ser- sive mental health parity legis- tally and spiritually - here and lation before Congress adjourns at the forward deployed loca- vices are provided on bases and in late summer. Mental health tion. With mobilization troops installations, military members parity legislation (S. 486/H.R. "doing more with less" the and their families are a growing 953) is long overdue and has demands, stress and danger special population within the overwhelming bipartisan sup- associated with deployment can counseling field. Civilian coun- port in both chambers of Con- be great. However, for many selors are seeing more and grpss. However, opposition by service members, the idea of more military dependents walk leaders in the House of Repre- leaving their spouse or children Continued on page 12 Col. David Fenell (far right) and family sentatives has prevented the, "Paul Wellstone Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act" from passing either chamber. ACA fighting for fair testing rights in Indiana On Thursday, June 10 at noon, the mental health com- COMPILED BY chology Board has developed a and others involved in the Fair state psychology board's web- munity will hold a rally in sup- COUNSELING TODAY list of 235 different tests and Access Coalition on Testing, in site at www.in.gov/hpblboards/ port of mental health parity assessments, the use of which fighting the adoption of the ispb/finaLrule.pdf. legislation outside of the U.S. After years of private consid- would be restricted to psychol- restricted test list in Indiana. In effort to raise awareness Continued on page 20 eration, the Indiana State Psy- ogists. Counselors, social The proposed restricted test and push for action, ACA sent workers and marriage and fam- list is being reviewed by the out a mass e-mail to Indiana PERIODICALS MAIL-NEWSPAPER HANDLING ily therapists would be prohib- state's attorney general, which Counseling Association mem- ited from using any of the tests at presstime was expected to bers encouraging them to con- and assessments on the list. rule on May 20 on whether the tact their state legislature and The American Counseling restricted test list was devel- governor's office and express Association joined the Indiana oped following appropriate their opposition to the current Counseling Association and a procedures. If the restricted test list of tests. host of state and national orga- list passes this hurdle, it will The Indiana State Psycholo- nizations, including the Ameri- then be sent to Indiana Gov. gy Board was tasked with can Mental Health Counselors Frank O'Bannon for his developing a list of tests and Association, the National approval. A copy of the restrict- assessments restricted for use Board for Certified Counselors ed test list is available on the Continued on page 27 A THE ARTHUR COURSE - NCE EXAM PREPARATION GUIDE: "I you were going to use only one study guide, to-understand information outlining this is the one. And it's too importanta test to risk of clear, concise, easy- Overthe key500 concepts,pages theories, terminology, not preparing properly. Gary Arthur's material ethics, and developmental aspects of coun- zeros in on what you need to know, then teaches seling necessary to pass the exam. it to you through clear explanationsand plenty of practice questions. It was a great help to me." , Divided into 8 sections-the same 8 sections David R. Tillis that make up the NCE exam. Licensed * Professional Orientation ProfessionalCounselor * NationalCertified Counselor Lifestyle and Career Development Master Addictions Counselor * Appraisal of the Individual Owner, Medlock Bridge Counseling Center,LLC o Research and Evaluation * Helping Relationships * Group Dynamics and Process "I also used anotherstudy guide, but Dr.Arthur's was without a doubt the most helpful." * Human Growth and Development 'Without Dr. Arthur's * Social Growth and Development material I would not "The best preparation have known the scope or level of detailof what to course offered...If you want study. I directly attribute my obtaining a LPC * Counselor Work Behaviors license to Dr.Arthur and his material." (New Material) * To put a fence aroundwhat you need to know * 7b work with the essential materials-not be over- Terry L. 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GARY ARTHUR, THE FIRST COMPREHENSIVE, TARGETED STUDY GUIDE FOR THE NATIONAL CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH The NCE exam you are going to sit for is EXAMINATION/DSMIV-TR BASED among the most important tests you will EXAMINATiONS ever take. If you are successful, it will serve as the final hurdle to establishing yourself as "Well organized and vitally important a professional in the rewarding field of coun- as a contribution to the ClinicalMental The same proven, highly successful Health Examination. seling. If you should fail, your career will be Comprehensive, .*S.i........ methodology, sample tests, etc., put on hold for an indeterminate amount of balancedin perspective, with the schol- that has made the Gary Arthur time. You have worked very hard to this arly content every counselor needs to NCE Exam Study Guide the leader point. Do not miss this opportunity to take understand. 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Signiture 2 NEWS BRIEFS THIS ISSUE'S FEATURE ARTICLE SHORTS, BREAKING NEWS AND OUR CARTOON OF THE MONTH Counseling offers extended benefits HEADL NiS for Alzheimers caregivers SAMHSA, FDA, AoA celebrate Older Americans' Month The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra- Caring for a loved one with Alzheimers disease. home or other residential facili- the Food and Drug Administration and the Administration Alzheimer's disease is among ty and leading to improved tion, * Counseling and ongoing on Aging, agencies under the U.S. Department of Health and the most difficult of all life's well-being and less depression support for the care partner and Human Services are educating older Americans of the dangers demands. It's no surprise, then, among caregivers. family. of mixing certain prescription drugs or prescription medications of the five million or that many N Improving social support After a year, fewer than 30 and alcohol. who care for so Americans and reducing family conflict to percent of the caregivers "As You Age" education materials are geared to help draw or someone with Alzheimer's help the caregiver withstand the receiving enhanced treatment attention to the need to manage prescription medication intake as of dementia feel another form hardships of care giving and to had symptoms of depression, well as the dangers of mixing some medications with alcohol.
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