CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR ss. This is to certify that the undersigned Jay Tebbe is the president and publisher of the NEWS-DEMOCRAT a public and English secular newspaper of general circulation, which has been regularly published daily in the City of Belleville, County of St. Clair and State of lllinois, fo r at least one year prior to the first publication of the noti ce hereinafkr memi oned, and that a notice of whi ch the annexed is a true printed copy. has been pub! ishcd in said newspaper ONCE, the publication thereof having been made in the issue of said newspaper, published on August ll, 2013. JAY TEBBE Il yS~\~ !lis Authorized Agent Pub lis her's fcc: $61.95 ACCOUNT 10 : 7335600 AD NUMBER: L-P1218480 State of Illinois, } SS. County of Fulton. The Daily Ledger, a corporation, existing and doing business under the laws of the State of Illinois, by its duly authorized agent, hereby certifies that it is the publisher of The Daily Ledger; that said The Daily Ledger is a secular newspaper, printed and published each weekday in the city of Canton, County of Fulton and State of Illinois, that the annexed advertisement Was printed and published in the regular issues of said newspaper each \p~~< for__,/'----­ successive ~~~!s the date of the first paper containing the same being the issue dated the /.3 day oftlr: 20&, Numberdb.:l, of VolumelQJ_, and the date of the last paper cont~ining the same being the ./3 day of~20 /8 , Numberd bl, Volume /0 I ; that sa~ily Ledger has been regularly printed and m J huson i published for more than six months prior to the first • ecutiv Dk ctor i publication of said annexed advertisement; that the person ct.i45970 making this certificate for and in behalf of said The Dailx Ledger is fully empowered to make same for and in behalf of said The Dailr ledger is fully empowered to make same for and in behal of said corporation. THE DAILY LEDGER ·:.: : ... ~ ·. .... CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION MT. VERNON REGISTER-NEWS STATE OF ILLINOIS l ss JEFFERSON COUNTY J I, Robert Dennis, do hereby certify that I am Publisher of the Mt. Vernon Register-news, and that said Mt. Vernon Register-News is an incorporated company, having its principal office in the City of Mt. Vernon, and County of Jefferson aforesaid. I further certify that Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. is the owner and publisher of the Mt. Vernon Register-News. I further certify that the said Mt. Vernon Register-News is a secular newspaper of general circulation, which is now and for more than twelve months prior to the first publication here certified to has been printed and published regularly in the City, County and State foresaid. I further certify that said newspaper has been printed and published as aforesaid as a Daily paper, and that as such Daily it has been regularly issued during such time on each secular day of each week. I further certify that as Publisher as aforesaid I have been and am authorized and directed by the Board of Directors of the said Mt. Vernon Register-News to sign and execute certificates of publication for and in its behalf, and to make an execute this certificate as aforesaid. I further certify that a notice of which a true copy is herein attached, has been published One (1) time in said Daily edition of said newspaper, following day publication thereof having been made AUGUST 10.2013 Given under my hand this lOTH day of AUGUST 2013, A.D. Printer's Fee: $35.25 Document: Robert Dennis, Publisher ILLINOIS POLLUTION CONTROL Mt. Vernon Register-News BOARD NOTICE OF HEARING Notice Size: 1x5 .18 Saturday, August 10, 2013 ML Vernon Register-Hews ....,.,. l? eg i.~ I C I'-NC ICS ----------------- CLAS IFIEDS ·- totltt ~ . i'lU';E iOlJlt \\.1\l' tLASSlfEDS y ln !Mcomlort.Ofyour youM.wclltler? l'lomeanci~ )Q¥ ..::1 fum yout c:lutt« ....CO cul'll 1lvougt! Your Ad YOlD Way. -... o!d-& , J d~)l.< . ff!:!£Et dtodaykit d«alla. www"'. ~~..oom ..2-42..()111 ~Clicilonthe ~ hy A ct..a.ln.d Adtab \ ', ~~~:~ To place an ad, please call 618-242.0113 Fax: 618-242-8286 ~ : .Jl!tt':iii:.c ~ i Monday-Friday 8am-5pm l'•...tll••l \nnuUIJli,"jQCI\1 .. ,... \ ..... .. .... ...,.. ...... ,_~~ ..... ,...... ... T he WJynelHamlllo n C<• unty lle • l! h lk p.Ul.ITient it e u n~ ntf y ~· ek in t ~ fuU li me In f'enon <.: o ~ lar . Tho: ~ u......: t~ ful ,.~ will as ~ ~u di ,;ib ! ~ indivitlu.oh IU"ld imall ...: mploye r ~ wtlb eruo!ln1eor in t tu all li ~ l h ~ • llh plan•. Mo.: dic.. id. a.nJ A!l Kidi rll!ioo r, · Ch ildi en·~ He J IIh Ctshier, Shift Manager~ hmmtm·c Pro~ r;.m ) Uua u11h lh<- ltli nllls Manager Trainee H co l ltb lojuu n u M uk e ~p lace . The canJidale m.uu pNt"B & tr <JI.ld n nnpolct Slt.~r · $19.0Mlr and <:.-..1f!lm uni.: ltlioo ~ k.i ! k .tn4l IlK J.b il iry ....... ~W;I, ........ ....,. ro W(>f k inJep.:ndently. Thi.l. r-:>> ilirm ~klurdlyll!dinly t t qu i r~ a1 lctul ol/1 a.~ • o..: i a~.<' ' Jc_r rcc in Jo! t>"l o - ~ I<"'A~ S,.....-,.· ~ ·o d.rv. ....., h ~irn: u . fi n .u~rt , be Aith . pub!i.; heal th or II!Wflw<l r blli11cn ~ ef"V ice'i 31W.l ;llleJ.~ I tl.r« y«nuf kl" om ¥l '"'-.l ~~=~·~"":'~:: =~:~ C'.\.j)('nffi<.' o: lil an dit•t>ilil ydctcrtn in.liO.}o ·•h "';!ct N~ . ~)-<d!#~ ll'< • .,., ~"t · t,..--.JU • :!>'<f ( '!\II ~ NI O I<t' , U r,!l.< ~ - , ,. Ai_ {)l and OO~e fi u coroltm..·tlt. h.:.a.h.JJ promorio:lfl, '--"· Alo gullltll y,·,~ .. <CJ 1 th:v> 1D>Of lft"' 'M ~ - ""I'Ot "ommUfll lY health c du ~·S!i nn , pub!i ~· ·--·U......,. · ~-.~""2IH'I rt· ......- y..e .. w """<J :r>t"' ~ health 01 lwmM ~ i«~ f'l'\.'g ram "'"'~ '~'"'"" IOC' ' d. """' -'--ftla< ~id~llll .• ...,.. To apply r~ thh podlion., plt::e..e rulwnh , ,__,""' v; .,..~o~.;~.....-....w_..~ aldur ar upplk::&tion atooa.-tth rot~ Mt.V....l.ll!IM andthroe rdiWftl.fll ttr. \kt ~OII!yC. II: ;::t:;:::.-:::;:: :.~.,- fl t:.z.44..11 -r _....., ... MM ~~~ .. -u_....,_... u,.,.. 11-;'-t< W"*"o ~~ K':r-<o ~ of',Atl ,M ............ WIIJ......... Mll~~ .:.O l .G ><><• Mu:.t"~ "' .. ' " ·~ - oa<·W> !l p"f> ... , ..... .... ... ~~ .; .., ,. ""'. ~ .u ........~ - ~ ol • • • ..-) 3......,.• .....: ....... """' -fl.~ · ~· -- ~ ..,w . ; m. ~ ·O."'H I. ............-- :&r"' P>·t ~ t><tt,.. "!>< H:I-('t "'41 U .,o..,-.u 0111 1>1 4•• (•-.'~ (~ ~/I'WIO··Az..- IWNOIS POUlJTlON CONTROL BOARD PUBLISHER'S CERTIFICATE NOTICE OF HEARING Public Notice is hereby ~ that Pollullon I Control Board Will hold I, Kathleen Lewis, publisher of the Robinson Daily News, do a public hearhg; l.lllnois ; , Power Hold ngs. UC, hereby certify that I am the publisher of the Robinson Daily • AmerenEnergy Medna News, a daily secular newspaper of general circulation VIJ/Jey Cogen, U.C, and Ameren Energy Re­ regularly published in the City of Robinson, County of Crawford sources, LLC as Co­ Petitlonef V. EPA, PCB and State of Illinois; and I further certify that the notice, a copy 14-10. The hearing of which is attached here to; in the matter of: be held on SeptenV:Iet 17, 2013, al 9:00 a.m. In the lllnols Environ­ Notice of Hearing mental Protecticn .... cy, Sangamo Room, 1021 Nonh Grand Av­ enue East, NOf1h En­ was published once each week for 1 consecutive days in said trance, Springfield, newspaper, the first insertion being on the 13 day of August llinoil. The hearing Ia . subject to cancellation A.D. 2013, and the last insertion being on the 13 day of August wllhout notice and rrey A.D. 2013, and I further certify that the said Robinson Daily be confirmecl by callng the Olflce of the Cledt News was regularly published continuously for more than one at 312-814-3461 . Thomas Johnlon year in the City of Robinson in said county, next preceding the Executive Director first publication of said notice, and that I am duly authorized to make proof of matters published in the said Robinson Daily News. Given under my hand at Robinson, Illinois, this 19 day of A~~ CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF ILLINOIS } County of Jo Daviess, ss. Public Notice We do hereby certify that we are the publishers of The Gazette a secular weekly newspaper regularly published in the City of Galena, County of Jo Daviess and State of Illinois, for more than six months prior to the first publication of attached notice, and of general circulation in said county of Jo Daviess, State of Illinois, that the affixed ,cz__b(r;. J)o&& i has been published for On-e successive week/s in Thomas Johnson. said newspaper, the first insertion being on the /q/t- day of ExecuiMI Director ---·------. " '• ,__._,_ ""'''"'"'' ..... Ar;uJI= , 2013 , and the last on the !_t;/-- da), of ~4~,..,_,£. , 2013 , for which we charge $ 7k ~ Case#: {tf3 J(;- /0 ch ~Zt(/.1~_ 7 B~sirrl~s Manager Ad #: 4372856 Certificate of Publication STATE OF ILLINOIS, ss County of Peoria . The Peoria Journal Star, Inc. (which is incorporated and doing business under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Illinois) HEREBY CERTIFIES that it is the printer and publisher of the Journal Star, which is a public secular newspaper of general circulation printed and published daily in the City of Peoria, County of Peoria and State of Illinois, and that said newspaper has been regularly published in said City for at least one ( 1) year prior to the first publication of the notice hereto attached.
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