E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2018 No. 20 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was meet regularly with their mentors are programs across this great country of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- 46 percent less likely to use illegal ours. You are making a difference. pore (Mr. SIMPSON). drugs. Young people who are at risk for HONORING THERESA DIMAGGIO f dropping out of high school but who Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today had mentors are 55 percent more likely to recognize Ms. Theresa DiMaggio as DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER to enroll in college and 78 percent more the Heroine of the Month for Califor- PRO TEMPORE likely to begin volunteering regularly nia’s 16th Congressional District. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- in their own communities. Theresa is a fierce advocate for vet- fore the House the following commu- We have great mentoring programs erans. She has dedicated her career to nication from the Speaker: in our San Joaquin Valley that I have ensuring that veterans receive only the best care and treatment. WASHINGTON, DC, the honor and privilege to represent January 30, 2018. filled with individuals dedicated to pro- Why? She is a veteran herself. For I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL K. viding support and guidance to youth. over 11 years she has worked in the SIMPSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on Some of the critical programs include, United States Department of Veterans this day. but are not limited to, Big Brothers Affairs, including the VA medical facil- PAUL D. RYAN, Big Sisters of Central California, Focus ity in Fresno, California, which serves Speaker of the House of Representatives. Forward, and Care Fresno. veterans in my district, an important f When I was a senior at Fresno State, hospital. Here, I had the pleasure to work with Theresa to make sure that MORNING-HOUR DEBATE just a few years ago, I was a mentor in the Big Brother program. And let me our San Joaquin Valley veterans and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tell you, my little brother, Phillip their families received the high-quality ant to the order of the House of Janu- Yancey, I still remember to this day. I care and service they deserve. Theresa will continue to serve our ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- thought I was doing a good thing by veterans in the Veterans Administra- nize Members from lists submitted by giving some of my time, but I will tell tion San Diego Healthcare System. We the majority and minority leaders for you that I gained much more in appre- morning-hour debate. will miss her in our valley. ciation for the challenges that this Stephen Bauman, the director of the The Chair will alternate recognition young man had. For the 18 months I between the parties. All time shall be Fresno VA hospital, described Theresa was his mentor, I hope I made a dif- in this way: equally allocated between the parties, ference; but, clearly, I know that Phil- and in no event shall debate continue In my 40 years in working with the Federal lip made a difference in my life. So, it Government, I have rarely worked with beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other is a two-way street. Mentoring is not someone that is so focused on supporting our than the majority and minority leaders just helping those young people in our fellow veterans. Theresa’s dedication and her and the minority whip, shall be limited communities, but, I will tell you, it is commitment to our Nation’s heroes is unpar- to 5 minutes. a rewarding experience. alleled. She works tirelessly to ensure each Sadly, still, there are an estimated 9 veteran is provided the best support possible f and has truly been an inspiration to me. She million young people throughout the THE VITAL ROLE OF MENTORS will be missed by all of us who worked with United States who do not have mentors her. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The or positive adult role models as a part Theresa is a veteran herself. She Chair recognizes the gentleman from of their lives outside of their home. proudly served, as I said, this country California (Mr. COSTA) for 5 minutes. That is why I join with many of my in the United States Army. Altogether, Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today colleagues in cosponsoring the resolu- she has been serving our Nation honor- to speak about the vital role that men- tion to make January National Men- ably for 19 years, an incredible record. tors play in the lives of young people toring Month. We need to raise aware- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to every day. Mentors provide our young ness of the significant roles that men- join me in recognizing the outstanding people with guidance and support at a tors play in the lives of young people service of Theresa DiMaggio, her time when they begin to make impor- across the United States, and we need strong commitment to supporting our tant decisions that will affect their to promote the creation and expansion veterans, and the example that she has lives forever. of quality mentoring programs. set for all of us. We cannot thank her Mentoring programs have dem- Lastly, I want to take a moment to enough for her service to our country. onstrated positive impacts on youth thank out there all who have partici- Congratulations on a job well done, across the country. Young people who pated in various types of mentoring and God bless. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H683 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:14 Jan 31, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JA7.000 H30JAPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H684 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 30, 2018 LOOKING FORWARD TO THE Fulton Financial in Lancaster raised sonally attest that he worked miracles, STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS its base wage to $12 per hour, awarded large and small, every day in Phoenix The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bonuses for its 3,700 employees, and is and in Arizona. He touched more lives Chair recognizes the gentleman from increasing charitable contributions by than we will ever know. And though we Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 $2 million. are devastated by his loss, we know minutes. Kish Bancorp in Belleville awarded that his legacy of service and love will Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. $500 bonuses to part-time employees, live forever in our community. Mr. Speaker, I rise today just hours be- $1,000 bonuses to full-time employees, f is adding $10 million to capital expend- fore our 45th President, Donald Trump, PAYING TRIBUTE TO LYLE WELLS will deliver his first State of the Union itures over the next 3 years, and will Address. raise their base wage. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Members of Congress and guests will This is just a fraction of what is hap- Chair recognizes the gentleman from fill this Chamber tonight to hear the pening in the Commonwealth and in New York (Mr. ZELDIN) for 5 minutes. President speak about a host of issues States across the Nation. The benefits Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, today I impacting America, from economic of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are just rise to pay tribute to two leaders, one growth to trade deals and infrastruc- beginning to be seen, and I have great from the First Congressional District ture investments, to immigration re- faith that the benefits will just con- of New York, from the North Fork. form. I look forward to hearing the tinue to grow for the American people. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to President speak about the administra- Mr. Speaker, tonight I know the Lyle Wells, whose family farm is over tion’s successes to date and the plans President will be talking about his 350 years old. Lyle was taken from our for the future. record-setting accomplishments in his community too soon. He was a leader, The President and the First Lady, first year, how the policies of his ad- a former president of the Long Island Melania Trump, have invited 15 guests ministration are lifting all Americans Farm Bureau, and a one-time member to attend the speech tonight, including and setting a foundation for building a of the Riverhead Town Planning Board. veterans, law enforcement officers, safe, strong, and proud America. From He positively led and left a great im- first responders, and families who have jobs and the economy to his $1 trillion pact and legacy on the next generation lost loved ones in the fight against the plan for rebuilding our depleted infra- of farmers who really do need to be bet- MS–13 street gang. All the guests in structure, to important immigration ter cultivated to give that opportunity this Chamber tonight, invited by Mem- reforms, I know that he will cover a lot to be able to thrive. bers of both parties, represent a wide of ground tonight and will speak from Long Island Farm Bureau Adminis- cross section of America, and I know the heart.
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