March 11, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S1799 Tibet at the March 16 meeting of the to school each morning. During his ad- rently, Mr. Jones serves as Deputy for United Nations Commission on Human olescent years, he entertained us the Orient for Michigan. In addition, he Rights in Geneva. through the new medium of television, serves as Deputy for Michigan for the As the Dalai Lama has said, ``Brute performing regularly on our favorite United Supreme Council and is active force, no matter how strongly applied, variety shows. Americans quickly dis- in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish can never subdue the basic human de- covered Wayne's irresistible stage pres- Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Af- sire for freedom and dignity. It is not ence, enchanting voice, and charming filiation, Northern Jurisdiction and enough, as communist systems have smile. USA Inc. Mr. Jones should be com- assumed, merely to provide people with While still a teenager, he headlined a mended for his community activism as food, shelter and clothing. The deeper Las Vegas show and became one of the well. He serves as an active member of human nature needs to breathe the pre- area's most popular attractions. In- his church, treasurer of the Grand Rap- cious air of liberty.'' It is time the gov- deed, over the years, millions of tour- ids Urban League Board of Directors ernment of China paid heed to his wise ists flocked to the Silver State to and Chair of the Minority Business words.· enjoy the sunny climate, scrumptious Committee of the Grand Rapids Cham- f buffets, spectacular lights, magnificent ber of Commerce. His activity extends resorts, and, to be sure, the singular even beyond these organizations. Mr. CLAWSON CHAMBER OF COM- magic of Wayne Newton. Wayne's nick- Jones, an engineer and businessman is MERCE ``BUSINESS PERSON OF name, Mr. Las Vegas, is richly de- a father of six and grandfather of eight. THE YEAR'' served, and, as his career has grown It is quite apparent that Mr. Jones self- · Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise and met with amazing success, so has lessly and freely gives of his time. today to acknowledge Tamara Van that great city. I am pleased to recognize the good Wormer Tazzia, winner of the Clawson, At the age of 21, his single ``Danke work of Wesley A. Jones. He has been Michigan Chamber of Commerce ``Busi- Schoen'' made music history. Many of rightfully honored by the Michigan ness Person of the Year'' Award. Ms. his songs have topped the charts, and Council of Deliberation Scholarship Tazzia is the owner and manager of the there are too many to mention here, Foundation.· Tri-Centre Business Complex in Claw- but some of my favorites include f son and has been very active in the ``Heart,'' ``Summer Wind,'' and ``Red RESTORING DIPLOMATIC Clawson Chamber of Commerce, serv- Roses for a Blue Lady.'' ing as a board member, for the past Wayne Newton's gifts extend well be- READINESS five years. This month she will take yond his extraordinary showmanship · Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, in the over as president of the Chamber. and musical talent. For example, he coming weeks, the Committee on the In addition to her involvement in the has distinguished himself as a skilled Budget will begin consideration of the Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Tazzia has actor, having been featured in ten concurrent budget resolution for Fiscal an impressive list of accomplishments. films, and countless television and Year 1999. I would like to take a few Ms. Tazzia has over ten years experi- cable programs. minutes today to discuss the continu- ence in property management and Many Americans are aware that ing need for our government to provide eighteen years of entrepreneurial busi- Wayne Newton has earned a star on the sufficient resources for international ness experience. She is a past vice- Hollywood Walk of Fame, but how affairs. Since becoming the ranking president of the National Association many know that he has been awarded Democrat on the Committee on For- of Women Business Owners and past the Medal for Distinguished Public eign Relations, I have focused special president of both the Troy Toast- Service, Founder's Award of St Jude's attention on this question, because I masters and Bloomfield Hills Optimist hospital, the VFW's Hall of Fame believe that adequate funding for these Club. Award, the American Legion's Excep- programs is essential to our national Ms. Tazzia will be honored at the tional Citizen Award and the Humani- interest. Clawson Chamber of Commerce Annual tarian Award of the American Cancer With the collapse of communism and Awards Dinner Saturday, March 21, Society's Research CenterÐjust to the dissolution of the Soviet empire, 1998. I congratulate Ms. Tazzia on her name a few? After fifty years before the United States has emerged as the award and commend her for her in- the public eye, Wayne Newton has be- world's sole remaining superpower. volvement in her community.· come one of the world's most prolific With that position comes a responsibil- f entertainers, but he has always found ity to take a leading role in inter- time and energy to devote to scores of national affairs. Around the globe, TRIBUTE TO WAYNE NEWTON worthy causes. American leadership is essential to · Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today Wayne Newton's career is the stuff of preserving stability and security, and to pay tribute to a dear friend and per- legend. I am confident there will be advancing prosperity and economic op- haps the most recognizable Nevadan many more years in which visitors to portunity. the world-over, Wayne Newton, for Las Vegas will be mesmerized by this The United States cannot remain an reaching his incredible fiftieth year in amazing performer. It is hard to imag- effective world leader without devoting show business. ine anyone reaching greater heights of sufficient resources to diplomatic read- Wayne Newton has reached amazing success, but certainly, if anyone could, iness. Just as we need to maintain and goals in an industry in which success it's Mr. Las Vegas. However, to me the train robust military forces in order to can be short lived. Before most Ameri- greatest attribute of Wayne Newton is protect our security, we need a well- cans had heard of Elvis Presley or the the quality of his friendship. He is trained and well-equipped diplomatic Beatles, Wayne Newton released a best- above all my good friend.· corps to advance our nation's numer- selling record, sung for the President of f ous international interests. Indeed, the United States, and toured with the with the reductions in our military Grand Old Opry road show. MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF DELIBERA- presence overseas in the last decade, it In a half-century, Wayne Newton has TION SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION is all the more important that we performed live for an astonishing fif- HONOREE maintain a robust diplomatic presence teen million people and that number · Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise around the globe, and that our dip- continues to grow each year. Tens of before you today to recognize Wesley lomats, who work on the front line of millions around the world have also en- A. Jones, of Grand Rapids, Michigan. our national defense, have the re- joyed his talents through the radio, Mr. Jones, has been honored by the sources necessary to do their jobs. television, and movies. Michigan Council of Deliberation It is sometimes said that, in the mod- Wayne's musical genius was recog- Scholarship Foundation, an organiza- ern information age, embassies and the nized early in life. At the age of six, tion of which he is a member. diplomats who staff them are no longer the precocious youngster was already Mr. Jones is being honored as an out- relevant. The assertion is, in my view, dazzling audiences as the star of a standing individual for his many busi- absurd. While modern technology has radio show, which aired before he went ness and civic contributions. Cur- eased communications and travel.
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