The New Citizen April 2004 Page 1 THE NEW CITIZEN ® Official Publication of the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia Web: http://www.cecaust.com.au Email: [email protected] Vol 5 No 5 April 2004 $5.00 (inc GST) Print Post: 30601/00002 On the eve of the Crash: Defeat the Synarchy— Fight for a National Bank he world is now on the and Mussolini, and fostering Tverge of a financial crash the wars of aggression that far greater than that of the led into World War II. In the 1930s Depression. When it United States, President hits, there will be only one Franklin Delano Roosevelt question on the table: who fought the financiers, whom will eat the hundreds of tril- he called the “economist lions of dollars of bad debt? royalists”. He rallied the Will it be the general popu- people and institutions of lation, through unimagina- the U.S. to put the Common ble cuts in their living stand- Good above the interests of ards, health care and educa- the financiers, and to build tion, or will it be the global their way out of the Depres- financial oligarchy, whose sion; he directed credit into policies have caused this huge infrastructure projects crash? Living standards like the Tennessee Valley Au- have already been slashed thority (TVA) and so created through “IMF conditionali- millions of jobs. ties”, economic rationalism Roosevelt’s policies did and globalisation; far, far not go unchallenged. He was worse is still to come if the almost assassinated before oligarchy succeeds. he even took office, and the In the 1920s and 1930s Synarchists of Wall St., such collapse, City of London and as the Morgans, the Mellons Wall St. financiers, known in and the DuPonts attempted the files of U.S. and other in- a military coup against him. telligence agencies since that In Germany, the Synarchists era as the Synarchy (pro- of Wall St. and London fi- nounced SIN–ar–kee), at- nanced Hitler to overthrow Left: Portrait of King O’Malley, founder of the Commonwealth Bank. Right: Eric Campbell, founder of the fascist New Guard. Now, as tempted to maintain their the Chancellor, Gen. Kurt in the 1930s, the choice is either sovereign national banking, or financier-sponsored fascism. The pretext for fascism then, was to power by sponsoring the rise Schleicher, who had proposed “fight the Reds”; today, it is to “fight terrorism”. of fascist leaders like Hitler Continued Page 3 Fate of U.S.A., World Hangs on LaRouche Contents s of late March 2004, the paign from its major media has not yet shown the quali- Aall-important race for and the notorious computer- ties to be anything more than SPECIAL REPORT who shall get the U.S. Dem- controlled vote fraud that is an “office boy” for the La- Defeat the Synarchists— ocratic Party nomination to rampant throughout this zard Freres and other bank- run against incumbent Democratic Party Presiden- ers who intend to run a Dem- Fight for a National Bank pp.17-66 George W. Bush for the Pres- tial primary (pre-selection) ocratic Presidency, as they do ident of the United States in race, and has been used to with Bush and Cheney now. Book Review: November 2004, had boiled suppress LaRouche’s vote In dozens of speeches to Treason in High Places— down to just two serious con- totals. (See p. 9) . The Demo- audiences all over the U.S., The Brisbane Line p. 6 tenders: economist Lyndon cratic nomination to run LaRouche has explained H. LaRouche, Jr., and U.S. against Bush will only be that, contrary to the media’s Film Review: Senator John Kerry. The two decided at the July 2004 portrayal that Kerry has the each have wide bases of sup- Democratic Party convention race “locked up”, that race Mel Gibson’s “The Passion port: Kerry leads LaRouche in Boston. U.S. 2004 Democratic Party has only just begun. What of the Christ” p. 7 in terms of his recorded vote Presidential candidate Lyndon must happen now is a great totals, while LaRouche is LaRouche Feared by H. LaRouche, Jr. is rallying debate between these two LaRouche: Americans to dump Cheney and ahead of Kerry in one deci- Financial Oligarchy major candidates on the na- The Night They Came to sive indicator—the number There is another crucial Bush and their war-and-de- pression policies. ture of the financial crisis, Kill Me p. 8 of “itemized individual con- difference between the two and how to face it with the tributions” to his campaign Democratic candidates, as what to do, and has the guts quality of leadership Frank- (those totalling $200 for a LaRouche explained in a to stand up to them. Though lin Roosevelt brought for- Economic Rationalism: given contributor, which are speech to 240 enthusiastic John Kerry is a fine man, La- ward in the 1930s, to prepare The New Name for Schachtian tracked by the U.S. Federal supporters in Salt Lake City, Rouche has recently empha- the Democratic Party, the Economics p.11 Elections Commission). Utah on Feb. 24. LaRouche sised, and would no doubt be country—and Kerry himself, Such contributions are a par- is the figure most feared by a good President under nor- should he become the Dem- Special Lift-out Feature ticularly important indicator the financier oligarchy at mal times, Kerry has no com- ocratic nominee—for the CEC Candidates, of popular support, given the this moment of impending prehension of the nature of harrowing days ahead. The Australian LaRouche Youth Movement Establishment’s attempt to doom of the global monetary the crisis, nor what to do global financial crisis is black out LaRouche’s cam- system, because he knows about it. Most important, he Continued Page 8 Feature: The Pro-Hitler, Fascist Origins of the Liberal Party See Page 29 Page 2 The New Citizen April 2004 The New Citizen Editorial You Must Take Responsibility! Published & printed by: p until the Whitlam gov- stroyed this country can not knows both the nature of the Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd Uernment was dumped by be disputed; it is just a plain crisis, and exactly what to do 595 Sydney Rd Coburg Vic 3058 the Queen in 1975, it used to fact, as obvious as the nose on about it. That is the Citizens P O Box 376 Coburg Vic 3058 be that Australians had a your face. Nor, particularly af- Electoral Council. One imme- ACN: 010 904 757 meaningful choice at the polls, ter reading this issue of the diate way in which you can Tel: 03 93540544 Fax: 03 93540166 between a nationalist, pro-de- New Citizen, can anyone with help, is to get copies of this Editor velopment ALP and a Money the slightest intelligence extraordinary issue of the New Craig Isherwood Power-run Liberal Party. Since maintain that both parties are Citizen out far and wide. Staff Writers the Hawke/Keating adoption not committed to a fascist po- So, it is up to you. Stick Jeremy Beck, Robert Barwick of economic rationalism and lice state in Australia as soon with the “major” parties, or an Noelene Isherwood, Gabrielle Peut globalisation, however, the as they can get away with it. Establishment-created and USA Bureau differences between the par- The issue now becomes, approved populist alternative Allen Douglas what do you, personally, do Craig Isherwood ties have narrowed till they (the Greens, a re-warmed Han- CEC National Secretary are now almost non-existent. about it? sonism, or other impotent in- The New Citizen newspaper is the Indeed, the only difference We have an election com- dependents), and, very soon, official publication for Special & between the two at present, ing up this year, in which you you will get a police state and tralians who came before us, Feature reports for the federally seems to be which one of them have two choices: You can utter misery. Or, join the CEC such as Frank Anstey, Jack registered political party, can first implement the full- choose to deny the economic and we will together, in con- Lang, John Curtin, Ben Chif- Citizens Electoral Council of Australia. blown police state to which crisis and the major parties’ cert with Lyndon LaRouche’s ley, Rex Connor and Jim Copies of this and past editions can they are both so obviously plans for a police state, and noble efforts in the United Cairns. They fought for na- be purchased as single copies by committed. therefore continue to vote for States, bring Australia tional sovereignty, for the telephoning 1-800-636-432, Mon - Fri The commitment of both them. Or, you can choose to through this crisis. In so do- Common Good, and for gen- 9.30 - 5.00 pm “major” parties to economic organise and vote for the only ing, we will bring a smile to erations of Australians yet un- or writing to Citizens Media Group Pty policies which have de- party in the country which the faces of those great Aus- born. What about you? Ltd at the above postal address. In Memoriam: The Hon. Jim Cairns by Robert Barwick not agree with Jim in this dia demanded to know why mortem attack penned about his issue of the New Cit- area, which became a topic Jim, the most prominent en- Cairns by Mont Pelerin So- Tizen is dedicated to the of conversation when he dorser (and usually quite re- ciety hack Padraic P. memory of the Hon. Jim shared some of his philo- clusive on account of his McGuinness in the October Cairns, the former Deputy sophical ideas with me in age), associated with the 14, 2003 Sydney Morning Prime Minister, Treasurer 2002.
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