November 27, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 33729 a.tives to postpone for one day the final vote H. Res. 445. October 12, 1979. Rules. Estab­ H. Res. 453. October 18, 1979 . .&ppropria­ on any blll or resolution which was a.mended lishes in the House of Representatives an Ad tions. Disapproves the deferral of budget au­ in the Committee of the Whole. Hoc Committee on Water Resources. thority for fiscal year 1980 for prompting and H. Res. 435. September 27, 1979. Rules. H. Res. 446. October 16, 1979. Rules. developing fishery products (Deferra.l Num­ Amends the Rules of the House of Repre­ Amends the Rules of the House of Repre­ bered D 80-7). senta.tives to require that a. portion of the sentatives to restrict provisions of and H. Res. 454. October 18, 1979. Sets forth time provided for general debate on any bill amendments to appropriation bllls. the rule for the consideration of H.R. 2727. or resolution when the House is meeting in H. Res. 447. October 16, 1979. House Ad­ H. Res. 455. October 18, 1979. Sets forth the the Committee of the Whole shall be re­ ministration. Limits the use of the section of rule for the consideration of H.R. 3948. served and ma.de available exclusively for the Oongressiona.l Record entitled "Exten­ H. Res. 456. October 18, 1979. Sets forth the a final period of general debate on the bill sions of Remarks" by Members of the House rule for the consideration of H.R. 2313. or resolution in its final form. of Representatives. H. Res. 457. October 18, 1979. Waives cer­ H. Res. 436. September 27, 1979. Rules. H. Res. 448. October 16, 1979. Merchant tain points of order in the consideration of Amends the Rules of the House of Repre­ Marine and Fisheries. Directs the Depart­ the conference report on S. 1030. senta.ti ves to require that a.t lea.st 500 copies ment of the Interior to rename the Big Stone H. Res. 458. October 18, 1979. Sets forth the of any proposed fioor amendment be made National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota., to be rule for the consideration of H.R. 2335. available in the Hall of the House of Repre­ known a.s the Lem Kaercher Na.tiona.l Wild­ H. Res. 459. October 18, 1979. House Ad­ sentatives for the use of other Members life Refuge. ministration. Prohibits the use of official prior to the offering of such amendment. H. Res. 449. October 16, 1979. Foreign Af­ funds for expenses of foreign travel by a H. Res. 437. September 27, 1979. Sets forth fairs. Expresses the sense of the House of specified Member of the House of Represent­ the rule for the consideration of H.R . 1885. Representatives with respect to the failure atives. H. Res. 438. September 27, 1979. Sets forth of Chile to extradite certain individuals to H. Res. 460. October 18, 1979. House Ad­ the rule for the consideration of H.R . 3580. the United States. ministration. Authorizes funds for the fur­ H. Res. 439. September 27, 1979. Sets forth Urges the President to take certain actions ther expenses of the investigations and stud­ the rule for the consideration of H.J. Res. 341. with respect to Chile. ies to be conducted by the House Committee H. Res. 440. September 27, 1979. Waives on Small Business. certain points of order in the consideration H. Res. 450. October 17, 1979. House Ad­ of the conference report on H.J. Res. 404. ministration. Authorizes the printing a.s a H. Res. 461. October 19, 1979. Standards of H. Res. 441. October 9, 1979. Sets forth the House document of an anthology of Csoptive Official Conduct. Amends the Rules of the rule for the consideration of H.J. 412. Nations Week proclamations, addresses, and House of Representatives to prohibit foreign H. Res. 442. October 9, 1979. Sets forth other relevant material. travel by Members convicted of a. felony. the rule for the consideration of H.J. 413. H. Res. 451. October 17, 1979. Foreign Af­ H. Res. 462. OCt.ober 22, 1979. Authortzres H. Res. 443. October 9, 1979. Post Office a,.nd fairs. Condemns the use of poison gas in the printing a.s a. House of Representatives Civil Service. Proclaims the week of October Laos. document of the transcript or· the proceed­ 14 through October 20, 1979, a.s "National H. Res. 452. October 18, 1979. House Ad­ ings of the Workshop on Congressional Over­ Mobile Home/ Manufactured Housing Week." ministration. Authorizes expenditures for sight. H. Res. 444. October 11, 1979. Waives certain the further expenses of investigations and H. Res. 463. October 23, 1979. Elects a points of order against the consideration of studies conducted by the House Permanent named Member to the House of Represent­ the conference report on H.J. 412. Select Committee on Intelligence. a. tives Committee on Ways and Mea.ns. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS H-BUMS BY HARRY ma.tic personnel. If it succeeds we can ex­ sight of foreigners, here in the U.S. by the pect to be faced with the same situation grace of our generosity, acting like they own a.gain and a.gain. We simply cannot afford to this country and can dictate our course of allow a foreign mob to dictate United States action. We should certainly establish the HON. IKE SKELTON policy in any ·respect. principle that this 1s our country and any­ OF MISSOURI We may be forced to bide our time until one who is visiting here is doing so because IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our people a.re safely released and returned we have allowed them to come, not because home, but it seems to me that we are dealing of any inherent right for them to be here. Monday, November 26, 1979 with fanatical, irrational people and we may Ninety days should be sufficient to deport • Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, Harry ha.ve to bite our tongues for a period of those Iranians now here and if it takes new Dumford, who writes for the Lexington weeks or months until the situation is re­ legislation from the Congress to get this Advertiser-News, of Lexington, Mo., re­ solved. In my opinion, we should then an­ accomplished, so be it. cently wrote an article about Americans' nounce certain principles in our further Pearl Harbor pulled the United States to­ dealings with Iran or any other country gether in a bond of unity which lasted until attitudes regarding the Irainian crisis. I which acts in like manner. after the victory was won. Current events wish to show it to the other Members We will not continue to feed the faces have age.in united us age.inst the enemies of of the body, as it reflects the thinking that curse America.. We will not send our our country in Iran. We should establish of many in western Missouri. grain to those who vilify our country and principles for dealing with such situations, The article follows: shout for the death of our president. We will and then we should follow the advice of H-BUMS BY HARRY embargo every shipment of foodstuffs to Thomas Jefferson to stand llke a rock.e them and will continue such embargo untll It seems to me that not since December 7, they respond in friendly ways to our past 1941 have the American people been so united a.s they have been in the pa.st week. generosity. The dastardly attempt to blackmail our Further, we will not furnish technology of AFGHAN APPEAL TO UNITED country through the actions of a mob in any kind to such a country; we will not allow NATIONS Tehran, Iran has been the moral equivalent oil drilling or refining equipment to be sent of another Pearl Harbor. It is my opinion from Houston; we will not allow airplane that the United States should enunciate a parts to be airlifted to them when their HON. EDWARD J'. DERWINSKI planes sit on the tarmac and cannot take clear set of principles to meet the situation. OF ILLINOIS While it is obvious that at the present off without spare parts; we will furnish no moment there is little we can do to free the computers, no telephone equipment, no IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 60 Americans held in the embassy except training, nothing to aid them in any manner Tuesday, November 27, 1979 play a waiting game in the hopes that they until they have made amends to our country will soon be freed, nevertheless, we should in word and deed. We should make this clear • Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, many be prepared eventually to announce to the and stick with It. Members have become experts in re­ world a course of action which will serve no­ We should not only break otr all diploma.tic cent weeks on I.slam as a result of the tice that we no longer will be pa.tsys to the contacts, but we should act as if their coun­ tragic developments in Iran, Pakistan, whims of the rest of the world. try does not even exist. They will, of course, and Saudi Arabia. A principle to which we already appear to cut otr our oll supply but we should make 1t be committed is that we will not bow to clear that somehow' or other we'll get by However, a positive development in­ blackmail. The kidnapping at our embassy without it. volving Islamic leaders must be noted personnel-and that is what it a.mounts to-- There has been nothing that has riled in Afghanistan where inspiration for re­ ts a threat to the future safety of all diplo- ·Americans m'Ore in the past week than the sistance against the Soviet-imposed gov- • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor.
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