2nd Class Postage Pending at Delmar, N.Y. and additional mailing offices November 29, 1989 ColoNiE Vol. I, No. 29 ·The weekly newspaper SpoTliGitT serving the Town of Colonie Airport lobbying goes to· Washington Coyne pushes Lockheed plan ~ By Patricia Dumas attempting to put their best face cards forward. County Executive james], Coyne this week is trying to convince the Federal Two weeks ago the Capital District Aviation Authority (FM) that the federal Transportation Authority appeared to government in the long run would profit hold the winning hand, having gained the from privatization of the Albany County support of a powerful county official. But AirPort. last week it was time for a counter thrust from British American/Lockheed and Meeting with federal officials in Wash· their ally, the county executive. ington, Coyne plans to try to convince Coyne outlined the plan to FM offi· them that a percentage of the $30 million · cials prior to Thanksgiving Day, he said which British American/Lockheed is in an interview Monday, and made ar· offering as a first lease payment for the rangements to meet with the officials to airport can be used to replace federal tax go over the details. (He.and County Attor· dollars invested in the airport. ney William]. Conboy II were scheduled to meet Tuesday with the FM officials). So began 31,1other week of high-stakes airport poker-weeks in which first one "Up till now there was an unanswered airport bidder and then the other have question-how the federal government seemed to have the upper hand. Because would have an incentive to approve priva­ tization, or any type of transfer, of the the negotiations take place behind closed doors, only the players know what cards airport," Coyne said. they really hold. But both sides are clearly (Turn to Page 6) Project Team builds optimistic approach prevention program they have brought to By Sal Prividera Jr. the district. When Gary F1annagan asked 25 par· Five "teams" from four district schools ents at lisha Kill School recently to give spent eight days away from home to re­ him whattheythoughtwere the causes of ceive Project Team training. The training substance abuse, the group came up with is designed to develop action plans, which a list of 48 items, including peer pressure, involve the entire community in planning. low self-esteem, poor grades, escape, and implementing substance abuse pre­ depression and boredom. vention programs. He then told the parents about a list of The district received training for teams causes he had discovered during the train· from the high school, Sand Creek, lisha ing he had just completed for Project Kill , and Roessleville under a training Team. The list of 35 causes of substance grant from the U. S. Department of abuse, which was compiled by" experts in Education's Drug Free Schools and the field," closely paralleled the group's Communities Program, said Assistant list. · Superintendent joseph Prenoveau .. The "This says to me you gnys are on the district purchased a training spot for a money," Flannagan said. second team from the high school be­ At community meetings at Lisha Kill cause of its large student population. The and other South Colonie schools, parents actual training sites were in New Jersey were clearly aware of the the dangers of and Massachusetts and the training was substance abuse and understood its conducted .under the auspices of the causes. They were there to find out what Northeast Regional Training Center, one ' they could do about it of five centers nationally that administer Flannagan's exercise accomplished its the grants. goal of showing people they had knowl­ Prenoveau, who is the district's team edge abo.ut substance abuse and there­ coordinator and a member of the lisha fore could help solve the problem. Kill team, said under the grant South By drawing people into the team, par· Colonie will also get three years of techni· ents, administrators, and teachers in the cal support. That support is provided by district are becoming enthusiastic and members of teams from other school energized over the new substance abuse (Turn to Page 3) Citizens speak their minds at budget hearing By Patricia Dumas more opportunity to serve on citi- planning which this (airport sale suggested "down the line the zen committees. revenue) item represents. It is county should look for successor Citizen comment at the evening hearing on County Executive Albany County John.Doroski of South Colonie -gambl!ng at its wor~t because i_t \s agencies and expand management James J. Coyne's proposed 1990 suggested that the county should gambli'lf ~o~~h~wtth~ep~bh~ ~ to include development of the port "stop spending money until they Ghne~h.u 'Yd epu tc s us ' of Albany and of highways. budget ranged from a farmer's 1 admonition you don't buy a tractor Coyne's budget proposal is bal­ can get the budgets straightened an sat · . "Bringinpeoplewithexpertise" when you can't afford it to a pro­ anced by counting on revenues otit.Don'tteachyourchildrenthat JamesStewart,prestdentofthe W tt "d ' posal for some type of regional from an anticipated lease/ sale the government owes them aliv· Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber estc~ sat: authority to manage the airport, arrangement of the county airport ing, stop giving handouts and of- of C~mn:!erce, said the_ proposed Dons Davts ~om Delmar sug­ -an arrangement not yet author­ fer citizens the opportunity for budg~t reflects the mevttable gested that. COI?tes ?f the budget the seaport, and land transporta­ referendums." negative fallout on local govern- should be m librartes and tion routes. ized and mired in confusion over to~ M"t h 11 G · ld t · f Lath ment of declining state revenues halls so the people could look tt whether or not the revenue use 1 0 There were 15 speakers last would be legal. .d c e d b~ . s em amid and increasing state mandates." over before the annual budget 'week in the legislative chambers sat a goo usmess man wou h "d • . hearing at the county court house. For two Speakers at the hearing ex­ notacceptthecounty budget form. But, e sat , Immedtate reve- · . .. andahalfhoursthepublic offered pressed confusion over use of the He suggested a citizen board of nu": needs. c:mnot be allowed to· That would gtve ct~ns_ more criticism, counsel, and concern revenues as a means of balancing reviewshouldbeorganizedtolook denve dectswns about the eco- ofachancetolookatthelinettems, about the county;s future and the the county budget. over future budgets nomicwell-beingofthecountyand she said but "just looking at that . Gh dh" · . the region." massive text would not provide way its business is run. Spectators Their questions over the effect Cec ilia an 1, representing . answers " sitting in the back of the room and of Coyne's budget on the county theShakerRidge-VIyRoadNeigh- The regwnal Chamber of . · standing against the walls ap­ tax rate went unanswered, though, borhood Association in Colonie Commercesupportstransferofthe Davts and others sugg~sted plauded from time to time. as Legislature Chairman Charles . near the airport repeated ihat airporttotheCapitalDistrictTrans- citizens would be he!ped if the The budget they had been asked Cahill reminded the speakers they association's earlier-voiced posi- portation Committee. coun~ budget ~ontau~ed . more to comment on is before the were there to state their views, not tion that the county should retain Robert Westcott from Rensse- narrabve to explam the line ttems. legislature's finance committee to question legislators. ownership of the airport and hire a laerville said a regional authority Harry Garry ofHillcrestFarms, and is slated for adoption by Dec. A common thread ran through management firm to run it. istheonlywaytoproperlymanage a family-operated Holstein dairy 21. But it already is being revised those citizen views-they want to "We deeply resent the arrogant the airport. He favors the CDTAas in East Berne told the legislators by budget technicians because be better informed and they want disregard of responsible firtancial the agency to operate it now but they must cu~ the bud~et enough to prevent an mcrease m property taxes. "This is not the time to burden farmers with a heavy tax load,"Garry said. "You've been riding high on the hog for years. There must be ways you can cut down. I ean't tell you exactly how to do it, but I know that I have an old tractor on my farm that's riding on only two gears but I wouldn't dare to look for another one at today's costs." - Noone puts Susan McDonald from Bethle­ hem displayed a colorful chart of statistics on how county spending has grown. She called for a top to as much value bottomreviewofcountyexpenses, a one or two year freeze on county spending, and a citizen review in your home as your board. The Colonie Spotlight is sold at CVS in the Northway Mall and Home Town Bank. -- Colonie Center. MEDIFAST" ~ Look at the advantages of a Trustco Home Equity Credit Line, NutriCare announces certification to offer the even if you have your mortgage someplace else. MEDIFAS"f'M PROGRAM A physician. supervised Prime + 0% for the first three months weight loss program Comprehensive medical • trealment including: No points. No Appraisal Fees. • Clinical evaluation • Rapid weight reduction • • Nulrition counseling No Attorney's Fees. No Application Fees. • Physician supervision • For more information catr·_ No Origination Fees. No Closing Costs (not even $99). 434-3169 No Recording Fees.• No Title Insurance. Come to any of our 25 home town locations. Find out how we're making more people feel right at home than any other bank.
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