CruDivTwo Returns -2nd Gray Lady Clas Bootstrap 2nd Term Begins April 15; Gtrno Hospitality To Convene Monday 1st Semester Winds Up Yesterday Cruiser Division Two Command- The second class of Gtmo Gray ------------------------------------- I er RADM W. D. Irvin, whose flag Ladies will begin Monday, April 22. flies aboard the USS NEWPORT Any interested lady aboard the NEWS (CA 148), last week, re- Base may submit an application turned Guantanamo Bay's noted to the Red Cross office. However, hospitality by inviting Commander if you intend to file you are urged Naval Base RADM Robert B. Ellis to apply soon. The class will be and other Base top-ranking naval limited in number. officers to a shipboard dinner and dance. The series of classes in connec- Included among the guests were tion with the Gray Lady training Mrs. Robert B. Ellis, Miss Eliz- will be administered by various abeth Ellis, CAPT and Mrs. G. L. doctors from the Hospital, includ- Kohr, CAPT and Mrs. Jack B. ing CAPT L. A. Newton, Com- Williams, CAPT and Mrs. B. P. manding Officer, the Chief nurse, Field, Jr., CDR and Mrs. B. R. CDR D. Dorothy Bogdon, NC, Miss Manser and a host of others. Ruth Frederick, Red Cross Field Director, and Mrs. B. R. Manser, Hours before the shipboard par- chairman of the local Gray Lady ty, RADM Irvin was entertained chapter. by the Ellis family at a cocktail held at the ComNavBase quarters. It is stressed that Gray Lady - The party was held at the near- training will not only be valuable foesle starboard side weather deck here in Gtmo, but will be of bene- of the NEWPORT NEWS. Com- fit wherever you are located . mander Cruiser Division Two dance either in a civilian or military orchestra furnished the music. hospital. INDIAN Photo During the past week, one of the Math classes of the Bootstrap Program here on the Base was invaded by an INDIAN photographer. LT D. T. Ousterhout, the instructor, is the foreground. At the black- board, students Baker and Yates tackle an algebra problem. The second eight-week term of Florida State University's college level courses will begin April 15. First term classes ended yesterday. Registration for the second term is now in progress at the Information and Education Office in Bay Hill Barracks Number Four. Planned courses for the coming COVERS GTMO LIKE THE SUNSHINE term are Spanish 101, English 102, U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Speech 105, History 181 and Mathe- '57 Cruise Plans Set Volume VIII, No. 14 Saturday, 6 April 1957 matics 105. Also offered are Busi- ness Law 321, Mathematics 117 For Acad. Middies and Psychology 205. Gtmo Bay Swimming Pools Outline Qualified military or civilian Initial plans have been com- personnel may enroll in the pro- pleted for the 1957 summer train- gram by filling out the necessary ing cruise for midshipmen of the forms and completing the GED Summer Natatorial Operations Sked Naval Academy and Naval Reserve tests before or during the term. Training Units from colleges all by Indian Poolcomber To be eligible for the courses military personnel and civilians across the United States. starts to gain foothold in our midst, must have either a transcript As the summer season A total of 5,935 academy mid- omnipresent Cuban sun begins to throw its scorching from another college or univer- the shipmen and NROTC midship- might to ourselves wherever we may be. Its heat-innuendo sity, or a transcript showing graduation from high school. men will take part in three cruises, is becoming unbearable, especially to those of us who love Also eligible are persons with a namely, Alfa, Bravo and the soothing effect of a winter atmosphere. (Continued on Page Seven) Charlie. These cruises are de- For one thing it is a force of signed to give the middies an opportunity to learn, firsthand, nature, and it's real mighty hard from 0900-2100, daily. However, on Service Strength Up the jobs they are training for to go against it. However, through Monday mornings from 0900-1200, the instinct of self-preservation, in their future careers as naval and on Thursday nights from 1800- and as a palliative, man's ingenuity 7,356 In January officers. has thought of excavating the 2100, the pool is open for the ex- The Armed Forces' total strength The three cruises will involve 44 earth, cement its bottom and sides, clusive use of Base enlisted family at the end of January was ships. Cruise Alfa will be compris- and fill it with fresh water. And groups only. The MARINE POOL 2,788,079, an increase of 7,356 since ed of a squadron of 18 ships, Bravo what happens next? A swimming is open from 1130 to sunset daily, the previous month, the Depart- 12 and Charlie 14. pool is born!-a man-made haven. and from 0900 to sunset on Sun- ment of Defense has announced. Sometime in June, Cruise Alfa, In Guantanamo Bay there are Recruiting and inductions were days and holidays. Authorized after concluding its South Amer- four swimming pools. These pools estimated at 78,818, an increase of users of the pool are Marines, de- ican cruise, will make a two-day are located at the Naval Air Sta- 20,567 from December 1956. This stopover in Guantanamo Bay, tion, Naval Station, Officers' Club pendents of Marines and the visit- included 17,822 inductees, 31,241 before returning to Annapolis. and at the Marine Site. ing fleet personnel. new recruits, 20,513 re-enlistments Likewise, Cruise Bravo, after a As a public service feature the and 9,242 reservists entering active five-day layover in INDIAN has compiled their re- The "0" CLUB POOL, like the the Canal duty. Zone, will anchor out in the spective summer hours and days NAS', promulgates no family The breakdown by services was: harbor before proceeding to of operations for the guidance group schedule. Nevertheless, it is Navy, 16,236 for a total strength Puerto Rico for gunnery exer- of prospective users. open only to Base officers and their of 676,883; Marine Corps, 7,754 for cises. The NAVAL AIR STATION families, American civilians who a total of 199,853; Air Force, POOL is open. from 0930 - 2100, rate "0" club privileges and their 17,645 for a strength of 917,900, Cruise Charlie is tentatively Monday through Sunday. The NA- dependents and, to the officers of and Army, 37,183 for a total of scheduled to visit Canada. This VAL STATION POOL operates the visiting fleet. 993,393. cruise does not include Gtmo Bay. Page two THE INDIAN Saturday, 6 April 1957 'a The INDIAN The Chaplain's Corner That Nasty Person The INDIAN'S mission-to inform and entertain all hands; to serve as a positive factor in promoting the efficiency, welfare and Our Blessed Lord was very fond of nasty people. contentment of personnel. He told so many stories about them. One of the charges the enemies made against Him was that He ate RADM Robert B. Ellis, Commander, Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, with nasty people and with sinners. Cuba One of the greatest of all the Apostles came to Our Blessed Lord CAPT J. B. Williams, Chief of Staff through hate. EDITORIAL STAFF The lost sheep was put upon the shoulders of the Good Shepherd, and LCDR Kenneth S. Dick ------------------------ Officer-Adviser the ninety-nine were left in the field. Editor Gene L. Henderson, JOC ------------------------------- The lost coin was found and made an occasion for rejoicing, but there Ely U. Orias, J02------- --------------- Managing Editor was never any party of celebration for the other nine. Don D. Hinton, J03---------------------------- Staff Reporter The Saviour turns out the buyers and sellers from the Temple and The INDIAN is published weekly at the Naval Base in accord- then takes a child upon His knees and says that he will enter the ance with NavExos P35, Revised Nov. 1945, and financed with Kingdom of Heaven before the wise university professors. non-appropriated funds. Materials marked AFPS may be used by news media provided The announcement of His Incarnation was made to a Virgin; but the announcement credit is given. Features marked "copyright" may not be used. All of His Resurrection from the dead was made to a converted sinner. materials originated by the INDIAN may be used in whole or in part or without credit. Because Our Blessed Lord preferred the nasty people to the nice people, it is very likely that if we could look up into Heaven we should see some sights that would scandalize us. We should say, "Well, how did that woman get there?" or "How did When The Post Office Stood Still! he get in? I knew him when . " Last week, for six days, the Fleet Post Office stood still. Consequently There will be many in Heaven whom we never expected to see there. Base residents and the Fleet became frantic about the mail situation. The surprises will be numerous. During the impasse the post office telephone rang almost constantly. But the greatest surprise of all will be to find that we are there Some 3,000 calls, some inquiring about and the rest demanding for mail ourselves. distribution, were made. Chaplain Arthur P. Finan The Fleet Post Office personnel were standing by. In fact they themselves became frantic when the day's scheduled incoming mail Episcopal Bishop To Altar - Rosary Society failed to meet the expected hour. As usual outgoing mail was sorted out. Incoming mail, on the other Give Communion To Provide Education hand, became all the more the subject of speculation.
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