78 24 Iyar 5775 // May 13, 2015 COMMUNITY Hatzolah of Boro Park Auction Event Mark it down on your calendar To Bring Out Thousands in Its Support to come and check out our great rates and services. It’s Our Call! YITZCHOK SHTEIERMAN www.berkbank.com In mere days, the much-anticipat- ed Hatzolah of Boro Park auction will Branches located in Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, & Hudson Valley take place. This is an annual three- day event that consistently brings out MEMBER the majority of the neighborhood in support of this organization. Hatzolah saves hundreds of lives each year with- COMMUNITY CALENDAR in Boro Park and beyond, and assists thousands of others in incidents large To List Your Organizational Event: and small. Fax 718.689.1372 / Email [email protected] This father of all chessed organiza- tions and the first call when anything 21 | Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic 5 Towns Parlor Meeting May 2015 goes wrong, relies exclusively on the support of the community that it serves 13 | Bnos Melachim Worldwide Women’s Event 31 | A TIME National Medical Conference with such dedication. Hatzolah’s coordinators and admin- 45 professional dispatchers who man 13 | Yeshiva of Spring Valley 72nd Annual Dinner 31 | Loshon Tov Club BYBP 1:00 istration now spend most of their days the Hatzolah call center on a 24-hour — and some their nights — tending to rotation, including Rosh Hashanah and the office duties at the administrative Yom Kippur, because the work of sav- 13 | Yeshiva Ohr Shraga/Veretzky Annual Dinner June 2015 offices at Hatzolah. ing lives never takes a break! They explain, “This evening has been Another demonstration of the 14 | OHEL Community Conference: Social 7 | Agudath Israel of Illinois Unity Dinner one of, if not the most, well-attended appreciation that the Boro Park com- Thinking® and Social Challenges event to take place in Boro Park, year munity feels toward the organization in and year out. The reason for that is that lives within its midst, and is com- 7 | SHUVU Lawrence/Far Rockaway Breakfas twofold: Hatzolah spends months plan- prised of its neighbors and relatives, 16 | Hatzolah of BP – Men’s Gala Melaveh Malkah ning this multi-day event to ensure that is the participation of vendors and 10 | Yeshiva Gedolah of Monroe NJ Annual Dinner it will be riveting and entertaining and, establishments from Boro Park. They 17 | Bnos Chaim Seminary Dinner more importantly, it is a poignant rep- do their part to support Hatzolah by 14 | Dirshu Chazara Chodshi #96 resentation of what Hatzolah means to consistently donating substantial priz- 17 | Dirshu Chazara Chodshi #95 this community. The community has es to this auction. These beautiful and always responded so overwhelmingly, expensive prizes have always been 14 | Yeshiva Livnas Hasapir/Chush Breakfast 17 | Hatzolah of BP – All Day Family Event baruch Hashem. major attractions and it means that “But there is another reason, Hatzolah does not have to incur the 15 | N’shei C.A.R.E.S. Birthing Center Tours perhaps just as important, for the overhead expenses from this aspect of 17 | Rabbi Jacob Joseph Yeshiva Annual Dinner resounding chorus that the hordes of the auction. 21 | Dirshu KinyanTorah 30 Blatt Test #35 & men and women who come (on Mot- Gazing at the listing of the men’s 17| Yeshiva Bais Binyomin, Stamford, CT Dinner zoei Shabbos and Sunday respective- and women’s events, one can grow Daf Hayomi B’Halacha Test #3 ly) have expressed: A sense of grat- dizzy at the array of programming that 17 | Yeshiva Bais Moshe – Scranton Yovel Dinner itude toward the selfless, dedicated, Hatzolah has put together to inspire and professional Hatzolah volunteers. and entertain those who are coming July 2015 This moral support is not lost on these out in their support. The men’s event 17 | Yeshiva Derech Chaim 40th Annual Dinner heroes. on Motzoei Shabbos, May 15, at Ateres 13 | N’shei C.A.R.E.S. Birthing Center Tours “By coming out and supporting Golda Ballroom, will feature Rabbi 17 | Yeshiva Kesser Torah of Queens Breakfast Hatzolah financially, giving us the Gabi Sassoon, the epitome of kabbalas 13 | SHUVU Annual Summer Dinner Reception basic ‘tools of our trade,’ the medica- yissurim b’ahavah. 17 | Yeshiva Medrash Chaim 5th Annual Dinner tions, equipment, upgrades to existing The women’s events, throughout 19 | Dirshu Chazara Chodshi #97 life-saving machines, gas, communica- Sunday and Monday, May 17-18, will 17 | Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temima 56th tion equipment, oxygen, and so many also feature Rabbi Sassoon, as well as other expenses of our daily operation Mrs. Ruchie Weisz, the heroic wife of Annual Dinner 23 | Dirshu KinyanTorah 30 Blatt Test #36 & — which comes to over $1,700,000 a an ALS husband who has already com- Daf Hayomi B’Halacha Test # 4 year(!) — that is the greatest show of pleted Shas despite his illness, largely 18| Hatzolah of BP – Evening of Inspiration appreciation that one can give our vol- due to her support, and so many more unteers whose only desire is to contin- items too long to list. (See program 31-Aug 2 | Arachim Shabbos Nachamu Weekend Retreat 18 | Shuvu Young Leadership Reception ue their vital work of saving lives,” says invitational in this section). a Hatzolah spokesman. The Hatzolah staff is exhausted While the community cannot pos- after weeks of almost no sleep lead- 18 | Yeshivas Novominsk Kol Yehuda 31st Dinner August 2015 sibly grasp the extent of the sacrifices ing up to the auction, and the weighty that these members make on its behalf, responsibilities that come with working 2 | Dirshu Kinyan Torah 120 Blatt Test #9 18 | Yeshivas Vyelipol 21st Annual Dinner some figures indicate just how much here. Said one staffer, “For 365 days a professional manpower this complete- year, 24/7, we, Hatzolah take the call. 19 | Toras Chaim/Denver Alumni Annual Dinner 10 | N’shei C.A.R.E.S. Birthing Center Tours ly volunteer force has within it. No matter what time of day, no mat- There are 189 volunteers, includ- ter what we are in the middle of doing, 20 | Yeshiva Zichron Meilech Annual Dinner 16 | Dirshu Chazara Chodshi #98 ing paramedics (who incur the cost and no matter how exhausted or tired of extensive training themselves) we are; we take the call. There are two and doctors. Each paramedic car- days a year when we call out to the 21 | Dirshu KinyanTorah 30 Blatt Test #34 & 23 | Dirshu KinyanTorah 30 Blatt Test #37 & ries $40,000 worth of equipment on community to support us — because Daf Hayomi B’Halacha Test #2 Daf Hayomi B’Halacha Test #5 every call (not a dime sponsored by we cannot continue without them. any government agency). There are “Will you take the call?”.
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